duskandawnnn · 5 months
this but it’s remus after sirius was sentenced to azkaban
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duskandawnnn · 8 months
sophie and keefe’s window sleepovers are my roman empire
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duskandawnnn · 8 months
one thing you'll never catch me doing is hating on sophie for the way she acted towards oralie. this girl is quite literally the most patient character I've ever seen. it took her like, 8 books to finally snap for a GOOD reason. she had to live for years in the lost cities without knowing who's her biological parents and when she did find out? turns out the person was right infront of her face the whole time.
and now, it's not like she can go around telling people that oralie is her mother because oralie is a councillor and with this news hitting the council and the elven world, it'll cause mayhem- mayhem that's perfect for the neverseen to just swoop in and take everything. oralie's reputation will be ruined. sophie HAS to stay unmatchable for the rest of her life and forkle has the AUDACITY to tell her to wait for a few more hundred years.
nahhhh sophie is incredibly patient. if I was her, I would've already lost my mind after the events in everblaze. my sanity would've been held together by spit and gum just like keefe in neverseen fr
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duskandawnnn · 11 months
me about to read the entirety of kotlc for the fifth time
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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(in peak irony, this meme is an image of 12yo me receiving my copy of neverseen at the launch party)
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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when ur dumbass boyfriend loses yet another bet to his babysitter bodyguard so now he has to wear one of ur dresses for a week
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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flying back home
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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Their widow sleepovers live rent free in my mind. ☺️
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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Click for better quality (low key, this is a MESS but don’t worry bout it)
I feel like we as a fandom skimmed over the whole melting Keefe and Sophie’s skin off thing. And…the reveal that Keefe spin had the ogre tracking stuff. So, I drew it, cause that whole situation was terrifying!!!!! Omg my baby girl, he’s already ruined.
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
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The leaves fluttered down and the forest was fading. It was autumn, forests fade in the autumn. They turn to yellow, then orange, then brown, and they flutter down and smell like a soft rotting smell of mud and chlorophyl that no longer has any use.
They're walking, hand in hand, through the sunlit orange and yellow woods, shuffling through the dusting of leaves, their eyes looking out towards the blue sky and the last warm days of the year.
"It's almost winter," Sophie said. "I don't think I'm looking forward to winter, this year."
"No?" Keefe asked. "Why not?"
"It's cold," she said, then. "It's dark. I've been in too many dark and cold places in my life," she said, looking out towards the leaves in the trees. "Winter sucks."
"You prefer summer?"
She shook her head. "I like fall," she said.
"We call it fall because the leaf fall down," Keefe said, then, as though remembering something written on a bathroom wall at school.
Sophie sniggered. "Yeah," she said, "Leaf do."
Keefe grinned. "No, really though, Foster. Why do you like fall?"
Sophie shrugged, and skipped a bit, spinning around in the leaves scattered across the path, kicking them up. "It's beautiful," she said, lightly.
Keefe grinned at her, her hair fluttering around her, windblown and beautiful. She looked like firelight, like a cool autumn wind, like a hope of forever--
"It's slow, perfect, beautiful decay," she continued, jerking Keefe out of his reverie. "It's dark, romantic, soft and light," she said, "All at once. It's wonderful. I love fall."
"I love you," he said, brightly.
She giggled, turning around to look him in the eyes. His eyes were bright too.
She held up a leaf, yellow and patterned like sunshine and leaned forwards, and set it on his head. "It's a hat," she said. "It looks good on you." She grinned at him.
She looked lovely. And she was so cute.
So, he thought, there's only one logical thing to do.
He swooped forward, and kissed her. The world was soft and safe with her. The sunlight burned into his skin like the stars were pressing into his skin and the heat shifted and splashed under every inch of his skin. It always did. She was safety. She was comfort. She was sunlight.
Her eyes fluttered shut, and her hands threaded softly through his hair. He kissed her like the world was falling apart, he always did, she thought it was the war that had taught him to kiss her like that. The feeling of ending always in the distance. He treated every second he had her like it could be his last. She'd told him he didn't need to worry about losing her, but he'd said that it didn't matter. He loved her, he'd whispered, once, softly, in her ear, his breath whispering into her hair. He didn't care if he got to kiss her a million more times. He loved her too much and knew too much of the world to place any trust in tomorrow.
He also kissed her like she was the only thing that mattered. There was a determination, a promise in his kiss, there always was. She was the only thing that mattered to him. She was the only one in the world that mattered, when he kissed her. She leaned into him, slightly, and wondered if he knew she knew he smelled like sundried lavender and fresh air.
She pulled back, after a moment, her eyes sparkling brighter, his breath on her lips. She tried not to grin, biting her lips a little bit.
"What was that for?" she asked, brightness and warmth and soft fall sunshine.
Keefe shrugged. "You're wonderful," he said, "And I love you. Do I need another reason?"
Her heart skipped a beat, a happy beat, one that it always skipped whenever he said he loved her. She shook her head, sheer joy hitting her in the face like one of the leaves that would fall out of the trees. "Nope," she said, "No other reason necessary."
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
keefe is only 5’8…. i’m only two inches short than keefe???????
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
skater girl sophie. please. i want it so badly. just, just sophie, carrying her skateboard everywhere because it's a comfort object like ella, and learning to use it on all the different surfaces of the lost cities, and strictly wearing flannels and beanies, and skating around havenfield and atlantis, and when she's called for her 39488392th tribunal she just rolls up to the podium, flips the counsel off, and rolls back out, and keefe being an absolute menace and demands that she teach him how to do it, but he's awful at it and not nearly as cool as his girlfriend, but that's okay, he's settled for just making jazz hands every time she skates into a room
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
sokeefe gives off really strong two bi people in a straight passing relationship vibes
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
not to mention he’s an empath, so even if she couldn’t recognize her subconscious feelings for keefe, he knew that they were there. think about it, all the countless times where he jokes about how he wishes he could understand how she feels. how could he possibly move on when he knows that there is potential for them to one day be together ON TOP of all the physical affection. i know if i were him there’s no way i would ever get over her.
Everyone's always like "Keefe can't take a hint! Why is he still pining?" And "he should have moved on in flashback" and "why was he so broken hearted and weird about it?!"
Everyone forgot that Sophie's been hugging and hand holding and cheek kissing Keefe this whole time.
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
I just want to emphasize the difference in the way Fitz and Keefe view Sophie, because I feel like not enough people are talking about it. Fitz saw Sophie elevated on a pedestal, like some art piece, and saw her completely perfect. No flaws, no imperfections, basically with no character. Whereas Keefe views her with her little imperfections, not perfect. Because he’s the one to see these little aspects of Sophie that Fitz doesn’t. And it’s these that really show how beautiful he sees Sophie. This probably contributes to how Sophie feels around Fitz vs Keefe. When she’s around Fitz, she feels she has to keep up this perfect image, and he expects it. Sophie feels truly comfortable around Keefe, because he sees those small imperfections, and he loves her for it. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
I've been wondering this, but does Sokeefe give you more black cat and golden retriever vibes?? And if so, who is who?? Or are the two of them also both either the sun or moon?? Sorry if I worded this weird. But I'm trying to pinpoint their both their respective energies and how they affect and correlate the other.
Keefe's a Golden Retriever, Sophie's a black cat. He's fluffy and he's an idiot but he'll put his head in her lap and she'll pet his hair. She's emo and edgy. And also. She'll cut you if you look at her boyfriend wrong.
Also, Sophie is the sun, Keefe is the moon.
Why? The sun is bright but it's intimidating. It's so important that nothing would function without it. But the moon is just. Lonely. And it's constantly staring at the sun, shining because the sun blessed it. It's harder to look away from.
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duskandawnnn · 1 year
the only reason people like Stellarlune is because Sokeefe is canon in it change my mind.
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