drbasilshomeo · 2 months
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How Homoeopathy can help people from weight gaining?
Weight gain is something of a complex issue troubling many people who struggle with it at various points in their lives. It affects various aspects of an individual’s life like physical health, mental health, confidence, and quality of life. Many are considering weight gain as a simple cosmetic issue. A great misunderstanding among people about weight gain is that some common factors are leading people to become obese. And they are following some common instructions regardless of the causes of their weight gain. Weight gain should be dealt with individually. A customized treatment is necessary for the proper management of weight gain. Homeopathy treatment for weight gain considers each patient as a unique one and makes a detailed study regarding the cause of weight gain. According to the individualized peculiarities, the doctor will prescribe medicines and suggest suitable diet and exercises according to the nature of weight gain.  Homeopathy treatment for weight gain is completely free of side effects and available at affordable costs.
What is overweight?
Overweight is a condition having excess body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Specifically, being overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9.
BMI is a calculation that uses a person’s height and weight to estimate their body fat. It’s determined by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
A BMI in the overweight range shows that a person’s weight is more than what is typically considered healthy for their his height. This extra weight can come from body fat, muscle, bone density or other factors.
It’s important to note that BMI is just only a screening tool and doesn’t directly measure body fat percentage or take into account factors like muscle mass. Some people, like athletes, may have a high BMI but not excessive body fat.
Factors causing weight gain
There are several factors causing weight gain. Here are some of the main factors:
1. Calorie imbalance: Having more calories than your body utilizes through daily activities and exercise leads to weight gain over time. This is often due to a combination of overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.
2. Poor diet: A diet having more processed foods, sugary drinks, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and make it harder to feel full and satisfied.
3. Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight more easily due to factors like a slower metabolism or higher levels of hunger hormones.
4. Medical conditions: Somet health issues like hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing’s syndrome, and some medications can lead to weight gain or make it harder to lose weight.
5. Lack of sleep: Not getting enough quality sleep has been linked to increased hunger hormones and weight gain over time.
6. Stress: High levels of stress can lead to overeating and cravings for unhealthy comfort food
7 . Sedentary lifestyle: A person who is engaged in work needs prolonged sitting without any physical activity leading to weight gain easily.
8. Environment: Social, cultural, and environmental factors like the availability of high-calorie foods and limited access to affordable healthy options can influence eating habits.
Health risks from being overweight?
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing several serious health risks. Here are some of the major health risks associated with weight gain:
👉🏻Type 2 diabetes
👉🏻Heart disease
👉🏻Certain cancers, including breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, and liver cancers.
👉🏻Sleep apnea
👉🏻Fatty liver disease
👉🏻Reproductive issues
👉🏻Mental health issues
👉🏻Reduced quality of life
Homeopathy treatment for weight gain 
Homeopathy treatment is one of the best treatments for weight gain without any complications. During the initial stage of treatment, the doctor will collect all the symptoms regarding the patient including physical symptoms and mental symptoms. Homeopathy medicines for each patient vary according to the totality of Symptoms. In homeopathy treatment for weight gain, for each patient, the doctor does a detailed case study to find the underlying causes. Homeopathy treatment for weight gain is safe for all age groups and even for pregnant ladies. It also can be taken by patients having any other health issues and taking any other medicines. Effective homeopathy treatment for 
Weight gain including customized diet and exercises succeeds in weight gain in a natural way.
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drbasilshomeo · 2 months
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Manage uric acid the homeopathic way.
Most of the patients having a high uric acid level reach hospitals with joint pain. Many are aware of high uric acid levels when doing a blood test while having severe joint pain. Uric acid not only causes joint pain but also kidney stones and hypertension. The reason for high uric acid levels is impaired metabolism. Uric acid is a by-product that results from the metabolism of purine-containing food. Due to the unhealthy diet and lifestyle patients having high uric acid levels are increasing day by day. Homeopathy treatment for uric acid can cure metabolic errors causing high serum uric acid levels. Moreover, homeopathy medicines for uric acid are free of any complications and side effects. 
What is uric acid? And how is it formed?
Uric acid is a waste product that results from the breakdown of purines, which are chemical compounds found naturally in our bodies and certain foods.
Purines are present in many of the body’s cells and RNA and DNA, the molecules carrying genetic information. When purines are broken down, they produce uric acid.
Normally, uric acid dissolves in the blood, passes through the kidneys, and is excreted from the body in urine. However, if there is too much uric acid produced or if the kidneys cannot effectively remove it from the body, it can build up and crystallize in the joints or form kidney stones.
Most of the uric acid in our bodies comes from the natural breakdown of purines in cell nuclei. But levels can also increase from eating a diet high in purine-rich foods such as:
▶️Red meat
▶️Organ meats
▶️Alcoholic beverages
So in moderation, uric acid is a normal byproduct. Excessive amounts accumulating in the body lead to medical issues like gout, and kidney stones, and potentially contribute to conditions like hypertension and cardiovascular disease over time.
Maintaining healthy uric acid levels depends on limiting dietary purines and ensuring the kidneys can effectively eliminate excess uric acid.
Causes for high serum uric acid level?
👉Diet high in purines: Eating a diet rich in purine-containing foods like red meat, organ meats, seafood, and alcohol leads to increased production of uric acid.
👉Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases uric acid levels, likely due to increased purine turnover and decreased uric acid excretion.
👉Genetics: Some people inherit a genetic predisposition that causes them to either overproduce uric acid or have difficulties excreting it properly through the kidneys.
👉Medical conditions: Certain diseases and disorders like psoriasis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and renal disease can disrupt uric acid production or excretion.
👉Medications: Diuretics, immunosuppressants, niacin, aspirin and some chemotherapies can raise uric acid levels.
👉High purine cell turnover: Conditions with rapid cell turnover like cancer, psoriasis or starvation increase purine breakdown and uric acid production.
👉Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids decreases the body’s ability to flush out uric acid effectively.
👉Gender: Men tend to have higher baseline uric acid levels than women.
👉The kidneys normally filter out uric acid from the bloodstream. But factors like diet, obesity, genetics or kidney dysfunction can overload or impair this process, allowing uric acid to accumulate.
Symptoms of high serum uric acid level
• Acute gout attacks – Sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, swelling and tenderness in joints, often affecting the big toe. Gout flares are triggered by uric acid crystal buildup in the joints.
• Joint stiffness and reduced mobility – Chronic gout can lead to joint deformity and lack of flexibility from uric acid crystal deposits.
• Tophi – Chalk-like lumps under the skin around joints formed from uric acid crystal buildup over time. Common on fingers, hands, feet, elbows and ears.
• Kidney stones – High uric acid levels increase the risk of developing painful kidney stones when uric acid crystallizes in the urinary tract.  
• Fatigue and malaise – General feelings of tiredness, sluggishness or lack of energy from uric acid’s inflammatory effects.
• Cognitive issues – Some research links high uric acid to poorer cognitive performance and risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease over time.
• Hypertension – Excessive uric acid may contribute to the development of high blood pressure in some individuals.
The frequency, duration and severity of symptoms can vary greatly between those with moderately elevated uric acid versus long standing, poorly controlled hyperuricemia. Many people are being cured of the sufferings of uric acid with Homeopathy treatment. The number of people who choose Homoeopathy treatment for uric acid is increasing day by day.
Homeopathy treatment for uric acid
Homeopathy treatment for 
Uric acid manages patience with simple medicines, having natural origin without any complicated procedures. Call me medicines for Eure acid are prepared from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals. Safety and completely free of any side effects are the speciality of homeopathic medicines for uric acid. There are a good number of homeopathic medicines for uric acid, which are selected for eight patients based on symptom totality. Symptom totality is a group of individual symptoms of a patient which are selected from collective data obtained from case-taking. During the case-taking procedure, a homeopathic doctor inquires about the history, family history, physical and mental characteristics, moral and social values of the patient, etc…
Home medicines for uric acid are very effective and safe for all age groups even during pregnancy. Moreover, this Homeopathy treatment for your acid can be taken safely by any patient, who has any other health issues and is taking other medicines.
Some of the  important homeopathy medicines for uric acids are,
1. Bryonia alba: One of the top remedies for acute gout attacks with intense tearing pain, and red and inflamed joints that feel worse with the slightest motion. Also used for arthritis pain.
2. Ledum palustre: Useful for treating red, hot, swollen joints from gout where the pain is improved by cold applications. Often indicated when the foot/ankle is affected.
3. Benzoic acid: Helps eliminate uric acid from the body. Indicated when uric acid deposits cause nodules or tophi formations.
4. Urtica urens: Aims to alkalinize the body and blood to prevent uric acid buildup. May provide relief from burning pains and stiffness.
5. Colchicum: A common anti-inflammatory remedy for gout flare-ups with intense pain and swelling, especially in the big toe joint.
6. Arnica montana: Relieves pain, inflammation and arthritis symptoms from uric acid crystals. Often used after an acute gout attack.
7. Berberis vulgaris: Helps treat kidney stones and gallbladder issues related to high uric acid levels.
8. Lycopodium: Indicated for arthritic pains and digestive issues that can contribute to elevated uric acid.
9. Sarsaparilla: Believed to help purify the blood and remove uric acid and toxins from the system.
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drbasilshomeo · 2 months
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Homeopathy gives a solution for your thyroid issues.
The thyroid is a small gland situated on the front of the neck. Even though the thyroid gland is a small gland and occupies a small area of the body, thyroid hormone is essential for the smooth functioning of almost the most important organs of our body and any disorder of the thyroid gland can badly affect the functioning of the whole body. This vital gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, development, and the function of nearly every cell in the body. When the thyroid produces too little or too many hormones, it can lead to an array of problems collectively known as thyroid disorders.
Thyroid disorders are more prevalent in women and tend to develop during middle age, though thyroid issues can arise at any time from birth through old age. The most common thyroid disorders include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules or thyroid cancer.
Symptoms of thyroid disorders vary depending on the specific condition but may include unexplained weight changes, fatigue, mood changes, hair loss, intolerance to heat or cold, constipation, muscle weakness, dry skin, brittle nails, and irregular menstrual cycles. Fortunately, most thyroid disorders can be managed with medications, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery. With proper treatment, those with thyroid disease can go on to live normal, active lives. 
A complete cure for thyroid disorders is possible with homeopathy treatment. Homeopathic treatment for the thyroid gland is with natural medicines from plants, animals and minerals in very diluted form.
What are the common thyroid disorders?
👉Hypothyroidism – This is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It is the most common thyroid disorder. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, depression, and muscle weakness. It is typically treated with synthetic thyroid hormone medication.
👉Hyperthyroidism – This is when the thyroid is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone. Symptoms include unexplained weight loss, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, sweating, anxiety, and diarrhea. Graves’ disease is the most common cause. It can be treated with antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine, or thyroid surgery.
👉Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – This is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks and damages the thyroid. It often leads to hypothyroidism. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, and thyroid enlargement. It is treated with thyroid hormone replacement medications.
👉Thyroid nodules – These are lumps or masses that develop in the thyroid. Most are benign but some can be cancerous. Small nodules may only require monitoring, while large or suspicious ones may need a biopsy.
👉Thyroid cancer – Cancer of the thyroid is relatively uncommon but can occur. The most common types are papillary and follicular cancer. Treatment may involve surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, thyroid hormone therapy, and chemotherapy.
👉Thyroiditis – This refers to thyroid inflammation. Symptoms can include pain, swelling, hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism. Causes include autoimmune problems, viruses, and postpartum thyroiditis.
All thyroid disorders are effectively managed by homeopathic treatment. There is no surgical management or any other complicated treatment procedures.
Homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders.
Homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders varies for patients based on their peculiarities. The physical symptoms, mental peculiarities, and moral and social values are very important for homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders. Homeopathy medicines for thyroid disorders are selected based on these characterizing symptoms. Thyroid disorders are very common during pregnancy, and it is very risky to take treatment during pregnancy due to the complications of medicines. Homeopathic  treatment for thyroid disorders is very safe during pregnancy. The medicine also can be taken by people having any other health issues and taking any other medicines.
Some important homeopathic medicines for thyroid disorders are Calcarea carbonica, Iodum, Lycopodium, Lapis albus, and Thyroidinum. The specific remedy, potency and dosage are chosen by a trained homeopath based on the individual’s symptoms and constitution. For more details about homeopathic treatment for thyroid disorders please contact us.
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drbasilshomeo · 2 months
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Ease depression naturally with homeopathy
Depression is a serious mental health condition that impacts millions of people worldwide. It is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch – clinical depression is a persistent low mood and loss of interest in activities that can significantly interfere with daily life. The feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and fatigue associated with depression can make even simple tasks seem insurmountable.
Despite being one of the most common mental disorders, depression is still widely misunderstood. Many people dismiss it as something that can be overcome through willpower alone or view it as a personal weakness rather than a legitimate medical issue. The truth is depression results from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological and social factors that alter brain function and chemistry.
While depression can be debilitating, it is also highly treatable in most cases. Homoeopathy can effectively treat depression. Since Homoeopathy treatment gives the most importance to mental symptoms, the complete symptoms of depression Homeopathic treatment can be cured. While considering the side effects in the treatment of depression, homeopathy treatment is the best. Homeopathy treats the condition naturally and helps the body regain all the inborn power to root out the condition naturally and completely.
What are the features of depression?
Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think, and behave, and can interfere with your ability to function in daily life.
Some key characteristics of depression include:
👉Persistent low mood or feeling sad, empty, or hopeless most of the time
👉Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
👉Significant changes in appetite or weight
👉Sleep disturbances like insomnia or oversleeping
👉Fatigue and lack of energy
👉Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
👉Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
👉Thoughts of death or suicide
Depression arises from a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. It can happen at any age but often begins in the teens or 20s. With proper treatment like therapy and/or medication, most people with depression can get better. To cover these features of depression Homeopathy treatment has medicines of natural origin. Homeopathy medicines for depression are made from plants, animals and minerals.
Causes for depression
There are many potential causes of depression. It is usually the result of a combination of factors rather than a single cause. Some of the major potential causes include:
1.Biological Factors:
👉🏻Genetics – Depression can run in families
👉🏻Brain Chemistry – Imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
👉🏻Hormonal Changes – Fluctuations in hormones from puberty, pregnancy, thyroid issues
2.Psychological Factors:
👉🏻Low Self-Esteem
👉🏻Pessimistic Personality
👉🏻Trauma or Abuse
3.Environmental Factors:
đź‘ŤDifficult Life Circumstances (unemployment, divorce, poverty)
👉🏻Lack of Social Support
👉🏻Major Life Changes
👉🏻Substance Abuse
👉🏻Seasonal Changes
4.Medical Causes:
👉🏻Certain Medications
👉🏻Chronic Illness
👉🏻Chronic Pain
👉🏻Sleep Disturbances
It’s important to note that depression is not a personal weakness or character flaw. A complex combination of factors can increase vulnerability. Major life stressors often act as triggers, but depression can also occur spontaneously without obvious external causes. Understanding the potential underlying causes is important for guiding effective treatment.
These causes of depression homeopathy treatment can eradicate completely from the suffering patients.
Depression, Homeopathy treatment is the best
There are a good number of homeopathic medicines, which cover a wide range of mental symptoms. Homoeopathy can correct the imbalanced state of mind to a balanced state with pure natural medicines without any side effects. The causes of mental disorders are very important during Homeopathic treatment. For treating depression, Homoeopathy treatment is the best, since it nearly does not control the symptoms, but it has the power to root out the disease to its whole extent. People of any age group can take Homeopathic medicine for depression for any long time without any complications. Even it is safe for pregnant ladies. People having any other health issues and taking any other medical treatments can also take homeopathy medicines for depression safely.
some of the Bodden homeopathy medicines for depression are,
1. Aurum metallicum – Claimed to help with depression accompanied by anxiety and obsessive thoughts
2. Natrum muriaticum – Claimed for depression with sensitivity and grief
3. Sepia – Claimed for depression in women with hormonal components
4. Ignatia – Claimed for depression after grief or emotional trauma
5. Pulsatilla – Claimed for mild depression with sensitivity and a changeable mood
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drbasilshomeo · 2 months
Best homeopathic treatment for back pain | homeo medicines
Back pain is one of the most common medical issues, affecting millions of people worldwide. It can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that makes it difficult to move. Back pain has many causes, including strained muscles, ruptured discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal stenosis. While back pain is very prevalent, its severity and duration can vary widely depending on the underlying cause.
The causes of back pain are complex and multilayered, with contributors including injury, poor posture, arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle strains, obesity, stress, and more. The back is composed of the spine, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, so damage or dysfunction to any of these components can manifest as pain. The spine’s delicate construction of bones, discs, and nerves makes it vulnerable to injury and degeneration over time.
Homeopathy treatment for back pain is one of the best solutions for back pain. Homeopathy treats back pain with natural medicines based on the natural principle similia similibus curentur.
What is back pain?
Back pain refers to pain felt in the back that can originate from muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. It is one of the most common medical problems, affecting up to 80% of people at some point in their lifetime. It can be acute (lasting less than 6 weeks) or chronic (lasting 3 months or longer). Acute back pain is often caused by trauma, muscle strains, or improper lifting. Chronic pain may be due to underlying conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, ruptured discs, scoliosis, or sciatica. The back is comprised of the spinal column (vertebrae, discs, spinal cord), muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels. Issues with any of these can manifest as back pain.
Common symptoms include muscle aches, stabbing/shooting pains, pain radiating down the leg, limited flexibility, and tingling/weakness in the legs depending on the cause. Diagnosing back pain involves taking a medical history, physical exam, and sometimes x-rays, MRIs or CT scans. Identifying the exact cause can be challenging. Homeopathy treatment for back pain along with heat/ice application, and exercise are very effective for back pain. Prevention through core strengthening exercises and proper lifting mechanics is key.
While acute back pain often improves within a few weeks, recurring or chronic pain may require extensive treatment to manage. Lifestyle changes like weight loss and stress management can also help.
Causes for back pain
👉Muscle or ligament strain – Strenuous activity, improper lifting, or sudden movements can overstretch muscles and cause strains and sprains. Lower back muscles are especially vulnerable.
👉Bulging or ruptured discs – Discs act as cushions between vertebrae. Excess pressure can cause discs to bulge or rupture, putting pressure on nerves.
👉Arthritis – Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can affect the spine, causing inflammation, bone spurs, and narrowing of space around nerves.
👉Skeletal irregularities – Scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, and other spinal curvatures can alter mechanics, leading to back pain.
👉Osteoporosis – Loss of bone density causes vertebrae to weaken and fracture easily. Compression fractures are common in the spine.
👉Spinal stenosis – Narrowing of the spinal canal puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Caused by arthritis, injury, or disc herniation.
👉Sciatica – Compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the legs. Caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.
👉Fibromyalgia – Chronic condition causing muscle pain and sensitivity to pressure. The lower back is often affected.
👉Cancer – Spinal tumours or metastases can infiltrate vertebrae and compress nerves.
👉Infection – Spinal infections like meningitis can cause inflammation, abscesses, and tissue damage.
👉Trauma – Car accidents, falls, and sports injuries can fracture vertebrae, strain muscles, and injure ligaments.
For each cause for back pain homeopathy treatment for back pain varies.
Homeopathy treatment for back pain.
Homeopathy treatment for back pain is not a simple relief for pain. It is the complete eradication of the cause of back pain and stopping the back pain forever. During homeopathic treatment for back pain, the doctor collects all the data regarding the patient including the history of the patient, physical symptoms, mental symptoms, social and moral values. The characterizing symptoms obtained from this data collection is very much important for the selection of homeopathic medicine for back pain. Cause and type of back pain also play a great role in the selection of remedies. Homeopathic medicines for the back. Pain is completely free of any side effects. It can be taken by any age group safely even during pregnancy. Any patient suffering from any other health issues and taking any other medicines can also take homeopathic medicines for back pain.
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for back pain are,
Arnica – Used for muscle soreness, stiffness, and bruising. Often given after injury or trauma.
Bryonia – Helpful for sharp, worsening pain with movement. A person may want to stay completely still.
Rhus Toxicodendron – Used for lower back pain better with heat and motion. Stiffness is worse in the morning.
Nux vomica – Useful if back pain is related to stress, spasms, or overuse. Pain may feel bruised.
Kali carbonicum – Indicated for lower back weakness, numbness, or stitching pains. Worse in the early morning.
Ruta graveolens – Prescribed for laminectomy or spinal fusion patients. Also sciatica and coccyx pain.
Bellis perennis – Benefits deep muscular pain that gets worse with motion. Pain may be throbbing.
Magnesia phosphorica – Alleviates spasms, cramps, and radiating nerve pain. Improves flexibility.
Calcarea fluorica – Used for spinal degeneration and arthritic pains. Stiffness and chronic inflammation.
Cimicifuga – Relieves pain and muscle tension caused by stressful conditions.
To know more about homeopathic treatment for back pain please contact us,
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
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drbasilshomeo · 5 months
homeopathic treatment for azoospermia | homeopathy treatment
Increase Sperm Count with Homeopathy: Treating Azoospermia Naturally
Many couples are suffering due to the difficulty in fulfilling their dream of having a child. Infertility is not only affecting the couple alone. The whole family will be worried about it. When they come to know that azoospermia is a reason for infertility they think their life is worthless. Here homeopathy is a hope for having a child from their blood. No need to worry by thinking about azoospermia treatment. Homeopathy medicines are 100 safe and have no side effects. There are no any kinds of complicated procedures in this azoospermia treatment.
 What is azoospermia?
Azoospermia is a disease condition of having no measurable level of sperm in the semen. Azoospermia is considered as one of  the leading causes of male infertility. For couples trying to conceive naturally, an azoospermia diagnosis can feel devastating. While options like sperm extraction and assisted reproductive technology exist, they are often invasive, expensive, and still may not work. This has led many men to explore natural and integrative approaches like homeopathy. Homeopathy works as a boon for such patients. Expense of homeopathy is much cheaper while considering other treatment methods. Homeopathy treatment for each case varies depending upon the cause responsible for azoospermia.
Causes for azoospermia
– Congenital factors – Genetic abnormalities or developmental problems in the testes can lead to impaired sperm production from birth. Examples include Klinefelter syndrome and Y chromosome microdeletions.
– Varicocele – Varicose veins in the scrotum can overheat the testes and damage sperm production. 
– Infections – Inflammation or blockage of the reproductive tract due to infections like epididymitis and orchitis can obstruct sperm transport. Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhoea can also impair sperm production if left untreated.
– Trauma/Injury – Physical trauma to the testes from events like testicular torsion, undescended testes surgery, or injury can damage sperm production.
– Medications/Toxins – Anabolic steroids, chemotherapy drugs, pesticides, and other toxins can impair sperm production.
– Antisperm antibodies – The immune system incorrectly identifies sperm cells as foreign and produces antibodies against them, damaging sperm.
– Testicular failure – Issues with the testes themselves, such as Klinefelter syndrome, radiation treatment, ageing, or idiopathic failure can disrupt sperm production.
– Ductal obstructions – Blockages or absence of the tubes carrying sperm (vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts) prohibit sperm transport. 
– Hormonal imbalances – Low testosterone, high prolactin, thyroid problems, etc can impair signals for sperm production.
– Idiopathic – In about 30-40% of cases, no specific cause is identified.
Azoospermia cases due to genetic abnormalities are difficult to cure. In other cases Homeopathic medicines for azoospermia treatment are effective.
 Scope of Homeopathy in azoospermia treatment 
Homeopathy treatment is a hope for patients having azoospermia. In many cases, patients having azoospermia could make their dream of having a child a reality.
In some cases of idiopathic azoospermia, where the cause is unknown, a homeopathy doctor gives constitutional treatment which may potentially help improverl sperm count by correcting the inner cause responsible for it. In varicoceles, homeopathic remedies for azoospermia like Pulsatilla and Lycopodium may provide some symptomatic relief from discomfort associated with varicocele veins. If post-surgical azoospermia occurs, homeopathy doctors suggest remedies like Staphysagria to help recover sperm production. In cases of hormonal imbalance leading to impaired sperm production, homeopathic remedies help balance hormones like testosterone and prolactin. Homeopathic treatment for azoospermia may also help provide relief in cases of inflammation or discomfort resulting from infections affecting the reproductive tract. Homeopathy treatment for azoospermia is completely safe and does not cause any kind of harm. Since homeopathy medicines are used in higher dilutions they can be used any long period. Along with the treatment the patient should pay attention to diet regimen like,
👉Avoid excess heat – Avoid prolonged hot baths, saunas, and tightly fitting underwear, as heat can impair sperm production.
👉Limit soy – Soy contains phytoestrogens that may disrupt hormonal balance. Moderate soy intake or avoid large amounts of soy-based foods.
👉Avoid excessive alcohol and tobacco – Both can damage sperm production and function. Quit smoking and limit alcohol.
👉Get key nutrients – Consume foods rich in antioxidants (vitamins C, E), amino acids (protein sources), and omega-3s for better sperm health.
👉Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of fluids like water and herbal teas to avoid dehydration.
👉Achieve healthy weight – Obesity and being underweight can influence hormones. Aim for a BMI in the normal range.
👉Reduce stress – Chronic stress can affect fertility. Practice relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, counseling, etc.
For more details regarding homeopathy treatment for azoospermia please contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
online consultant, Dr Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp -+ 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 5 months
homeopathic treatment for depression | homeopathy treatment
Homoeopathy can bring you back from the world of depression
Mental health also has equal importance or even more importance than physical health. If your mind is ill, it will affect your life as a whole and that of those surrounding you. Most of us are neglecting the health of the mind. Maybe the social stigma about mental disease is the reason for that. We have to realize the fact that it’s OK to be not OK and it is OK to talk about it. We should talk confidently about our mental uneasiness as we are talking about our physical health problems. The reason behind the rising number of suicide deaths day by day is hiding our mental issues within us. Nobody is ready to seek help from others. Even if it is bigger than a mountain, If we are seeking help from the proper authorities, it will fade away as the ice melts. There is no treatment system like homeopathy which gives much importance to mental symptoms. Homeopathy treats mental illness with simple homeopathic medicines along with necessary counselling. The person can get back to normal life completely without any side effects.
Depression is a mental disease, where the person is in a depressed mood or there is a loss of pleasure or interest in activities for a long period. It is one of the most common mental disorders. Depression is entirely different from the regular mood, changes and feelings about every day. it is not only affecting the person alone but also all the aspects of his life including relationships with family, friends, community, etc.. 
How can we realize depression?
Depression is a mental disorder that results from the complex interaction of social psychology and biological factors.
When a person is suffering from depression, he feels sad, irritable or an empty feeling. They’ve lost interest or pleasure in any activities, and this feeling will last at least for two weeks. This shows that depression is different from regular mood fluctuations. It also cause poor concentration, feelings of excessive guilt and low self-worth. He will feel hopeless about the future and always think about dying or suicide. The sleep will be disturbed. Remarkable changes in appetite and weight are also found in the case of depression. Sometimes the patient may feel very tired and low in energy.
What are the factors which contribute to developing depression?
Physical inactivity, harmful use of synthetic drugs, suffering from any chronic diseases, or any unexpected event that happened in life causing great sadness or loss. These are some factors that contribute to the development of depression. The cause of depression is different in patients. There are many homeopathic drugs for depression, which are prescribed based on different kinds of causes leading a patient to a depressive state. Since Homoeopathy is treating the root cause of depression and the state of body and mind which makes the patient surrender to depression, the cure is sure and complete. 
How can we prevent or manage depression?
👉🏻The first step in preventing depression is that we have to give equal or more importance to our mental health than our physical health.
👉🏻 We have to realize the fact that it’s quite a common thing to feel the uneasiness of mind. Each person is passing through such a tough situation in their life. And never hesitate to seek help when you are feeling mentally not OK.
👉🏻 Give more importance to things it’s make your mind and body healthy such as eating nutritious food getting enough sleep, doing exercise regularly, etc.
👉🏻 make a habit of doing meditation or yoga daily.
👉🏻 find time to spend with your loved ones
👉🏻 Arrange school-based programs for teenagers and their parents to reduce behavioural problems and depression
👉🏻 Find time in your hectic life to do the things that you love to do.
Homeopathic treatment for depression
Homeopathy is the best treatment system for natal diseases. It is very effective and free of any side effects. A homeopathic physician collects all the mental and physical peculiarities and family history of the patient. All these features are different in patients. The homeopathic medicines for depression are also selected based on these peculiarities. Which is an individualized medicine. Homeopathy medicines for depression are very deep-acting medicines which can act at the deeper level of the mind. Since homeopathy medicines are free of side effects, they can be taken by any age group, even during pregnancy safely for any long period. People suffering from any other physical illness also can take homeopathic medicines for depression along with other medicines. 
Some of the effective homeopathic medicines for depression are
1. Natrum mur
2. Sepia
3. Staphysagria
4. Phosphorus
5. Phosphoric acid
6. Antimonium crud
7. Cacaria phos
8. Ignatia
9. Pulsatilla
10. Thuja.
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. But it is one of the most dangerous ones, where the patient always thinks about death and suicide and the chances of committing suicide are more. This depression will ruin the family life, workspace and everything. If you are seeking proper treatment in the initial stage itself, it will be simple to bring you back from the world of depression. Also, the losses in your life due to depression will be less.  To know more about homeopathic treatment for depression please contact us…
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
WhatsApp – +96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 5 months
homeopathy treatment for cholesterol | homeopathic treatment
Cholesterol management with homeopathy medicines.
Cholesterol is a frightening word for all. While hearing the word cholesterol the things first come to mind are chest pain and heart attack. High cholesterol is mainly a lifestyle disorder, but it also can be due to genetic factors. High cholesterol as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle can be prevented and cured, while high cholesterol caused by genetic factors is very hard to treat. 
Avoiding oily food completely from our diet is the first step most of us take for controlling high cholesterol. We have to realize the fact that cholesterol is essential for the formation cells, hormones etc. It is only dangerous when we take cholesterol beyond the limit that our body needs. 
The other fact we have to keep in mind is that eating oil as such or oily food not only increases cholesterol but also having high starchy food like rice and high sugar also increases the cholesterol level in the blood. The number of patients coming in with high cholesterol levels are rising day by day. The main reason for this is the changed unhealthy lifestyle and sedentary work method.
Homeopathy is very effective in managing high cholesterol and its aftereffects. You can manage high cholesterol with homeopathic medicines that have no side effects.
Factors causing high cholesterol 
▶️  Eating more oily food and fatty food.( especially fats, and trans Fat. Saturated fats are more commonly seen in meat food items and full-fat dairy products. Trans fats are mainly seen in packaged desserts and snacks.
▶️ Obesity is a great risk for high cholesterol. A BMI over 30 is considered obese. 
▶ ️ Sedentary habits, and not doing exercise regularly are considered to cause high cholesterol.
▶️  Bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol are considered the main factors causing high cholesterol levels in the blood.
▶️  Aging is one of the factors for high cholesterol, especially after 40. After 40 the liver 
can not remove the bad cholesterol from the body as before. This points towards the importance of diet control after 40 years to regulate the level of cholesterol in the body.
▶️  Genetic factors. This is very risky and very hard to manage.
▶️  There are certain disease conditions like chronic kidney disease, lupus, hypothyroidism, diabetes, HIV, or aids, which cause high cholesterol levels in the body.
▶️  Intake of certain medicines may cause worsening of the cholesterol level in our body, such medicines to treat ailments like acne, cancer, high blood pressure, HIV or aids, irregular heart rhythm, organ transplants etc.
What is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol 
On checking the cholesterol level in our body we can see the values are written under different headings like HDL, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides.
Call Esther is carried in our blood by attaching to certain proteins called lipoproteins. Based on the rarity of lipoprotein on which cholesterol is a test, the cholesterol is divided into HDL, LDL, and VLDL. LDL and VLDL are considered bad cholesterol which has a higher risk for heart disease. HDL is considered good cholesterol, which takes excess cholesterol to the liver and helps to remove it from the body.
The risk factors due to high cholesterol level 
High cholesterol levels in the body for a long time will cause fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Gradually the thickness of the deposit will increase, and it will be difficult to flow the blood through these blood vessels.
This deposit will be at a great risk of breaking and forming clots which cause chest pain, heart attack and stroke.
Homeopathic treatment for cholesterol 
Homoeopathy can effectively manage cholesterol levels in our body. The homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are well proved and efficient. They are purely natural medicines prepared from sources like plants, animals and minerals. Homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are completely free of side effects. From infants to aged people, anyone can take homeopathic medicine for cholesterol safely. During pregnancy, it is risky to take any medicines due to the complications but you can trust Homeopathy medicines which are one hundred percent safe to take during pregnancy. With high cholesterol levels, you may need to take medicines for a long period. Here Homoeopathy medicines for cholesterol are blessings for patients where they are completely free of side effects and can be safely taken for any long period. 
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are,
1. Chelidonium
2. Closterium
3. Allium cepa
4. Lycopodium 
5. Phosphorus 
6. Crataegus oxyacanthine
7. Nux vomica 
8. Berberis vulgaris 
9. Graphites 
10. Sulphur 
Homeopathy medicines for cholesterol not only help regulate cholesterol levels in the body but also prevent complications due to high cholesterol levels, like chest pain, heart, attack and stroke.
For more details regarding homeopathic treatment for cholesterol, please contact us,
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS 
Online consultant, Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram 
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 5 months
acidity homeopathy treatment | homeopathic treatment
Acidity, Homeopathy treatment is very effective.
Annoying burning pain in the chest after eating food is one of the most distressing things for most people. Due to the disgusting burning pain, they avoid most of their favourite food items or some are even afraid to take necessary food. Homeopathy is a piece of good news for such suffering people. For acidity, homeopathy offers a natural and complete cure. Homeopathy empowers the body’s immunity and repairing power. This enables the body to cure without any remnants.
Numerous clinical studies validate homeopathy as an effective intervention for various types of acid reflux and related digestive complaints. And regulatory bodies across the globe have found preparations to be safe for adults and children.
What is acidity?
Acidity refers to a condition in which stomach acid levels are higher than normal or the stomach’s protective lining has been damaged by too much acid.
Acidity is also called acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or heartburn. It can cause uncomfortable burning sensations moving up from the stomach to the oesophagus or throat.
It occurs when the valve between the stomach and oesophagus doesn’t fully close, allowing gastric acid to reverse course into the more delicate oesophagal tissues. This valve is called the lower oesophagal sphincter (LES).
Everyone experiences minor reflux on occasion after eating too much or eating trigger foods. But for some, it becomes a chronic condition requiring management due to frequent symptoms interfering with the quality of life.
If left untreated, the acid can damage oesophagal tissues and cause painful complications like ulcers, strictures, Barrett’s oesophagus, and increased cancer risk.
What are the risk factors 
👉Eating fatty, fried, or spicy foods can relax the oesophagal sphincter and trigger reflux. Alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomato products, garlic, onions, peppermint, and coffee can also make GERD symptoms worse.
👉Obesity – Excess weight increases abdominal pressure which can push stomach contents upwards into the esophagus.
👉Obesity – Excess weight increases abdominal pressure which can push stomach contents upwards into the esophagus.
👉Hiatal Hernia 
👉 Certain medications
👉Stress and Anxiety – When the “fight or flight” nervous system is activated from mental/emotional triggers, digestion is impaired. Stress affects stomach acid production and causes indigestion. Relaxation helps.
Eating Too Late – Going to bed too soon after eating leaves excess food in the stomach promoting increased overnight acidity while lying flat makes reflux more likely due to position.
For acidity, Homeopathy treatment is the best.
Homeopathy offers a safe, gentle approach to treating acidity by stimulating the body’s healing response rather than just suppressing symptoms. Some key points about hom
eopathic treatment for issues like acid reflux and heartburn include:
Remedies are customized to each person’s unique pattern of signs and symptoms – there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. A trained homoeopath selects the most fitting preparation.
Common homoeopathic remedies used for acidity include Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Robinia and Sulphur. Each has an affinity for improving specific digestive complaints.
Extremely diluted natural mineral, botanical, or biological substances are prepared in homeopathy labs under stringent protocols. Though highly diluted, the remedies retain a stamp of the original substance that stimulates healing responses when correctly matched constitutionally.
Tiny lactose pellets are placed under the tongue to dissolve, absorbing into the mucous membranes. Dosing protocols are adapted as the person improves to find the minimum frequency needed to get maximum benefit without suppressing symptoms.
In addition to managing acute flare-ups, homeopathic treatment aims to address underlying contributors like food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, and stress that make someone prone to excess acidity. It works deeply to strengthen digestion holistically.
Numerous studies validate homeopathy’s efficacy and safety for improving chronic acid reflux and related esophageal inflammation. Patients often report long-term improvement of troublesome symptoms as well as reduced dependency on conventional medications.
In summary, homeopathy works gently to stimulate the body’s self-regulating capacity to heal acid imbalance at its roots – providing more than palliative relief of GERD and heartburn symptoms. A constitutional approach delivers a better quality of life.
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathic treatment for depression | homeopathy treatment
Break out from the binds of depression with homeopathy
We are very concerned about any slight issues regarding our physical health. At the same time, we forget to realise the suffering mind. Mental diseases are not getting proper attention at the proper time, which may be because of the lack of knowledge that well-being of the mind also has equal or more importance in the health of the person. This ignorance leads slight mental issues to serious mental diseases. Depression is one of the best examples of it. Depression sometimes takes the person to the decision to put an end to his life.
Depression is a complex mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest that can make even simple daily tasks seem overwhelming.
Homeopathy is very effective in depression. It gives more importance to mental symptoms than physical symptoms during treatment. Homeopathy medicines have very deep action on the mental plane.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine developed over 200 years ago. It works on the principle of “like cures like”, meaning small doses of plant, mineral, or animal substances that would normally cause certain symptoms can stimulate the body’s self-healing response and alleviate similar symptoms when given in very diluted homeopathic preparations. Unlike conventional drugs, homeopathic remedies claim to work gently by stimulating the body’s natural defences.
What is depression?
Depression is a common and serious mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest. It is characterized by a variety of emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioural symptoms that negatively affect how you feel, think and act. Core hallmark signs of depression include feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety or irritability combined with cognitive patterns like negative thoughts or low self-esteem as well as physical changes like fatigue, sleep disturbances or weight/appetite changes. Depression greatly impacts daily functioning and quality of life. Activities that were once easy or pleasurable become difficult or uninteresting. Those suffering from depression often experience a loss of motivation and have trouble concentrating as even minor decisions can seem overwhelming. While everyone feels down occasionally, depression is an altogether different state marked by prolonged, increasing periods of despair that do not resolve themselves. It is a serious health condition that requires compassion, care, and treatment to overcome.
Let’s see, what is the exact picture of depression.
Emotional Symptoms
👉🏻Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or emptiness
👉🏻Irritability, frustration, restlessness
👉🏻Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that were once enjoyed
👉🏻Tiredness and lack of motivation
👉🏻Difficulty concentrating, making decisions
👉🏻Cognitive Symptoms
👉🏻Negative thoughts about oneself, the world, and the future
👉🏻Feelings of guilt over perceived faults or flaws
👉🏻Low self-esteem or sense of personal failure
👉🏻Pessimism, self-criticism, self-blame.
Physical Symptoms
👉🏻Fatigue, low energy, moving or speaking slowly
👉🏻Sleep disturbances (insomnia, excessive sleeping, unsatisfying sleep)
👉🏻Changes in appetite and/or weight
👉🏻Unexplained bodily aches and pains
Behavioural Symptoms
👉🏻Avoiding social interactions and activities
👉🏻Crying spells or inability to feel emotions
👉🏻Difficulty performing daily responsibilities
👉🏻Thoughts of death, suicide, self-harm
Let us see, What are the factors which lead a person to the state:
👉🏻Biological Factors – Depression has a genetic component and tends to run in families. Brain chemistry also plays a role based on levels of key neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine. Changes in hormone levels may lead to depression, especially during certain stages of life like puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. 
👉🏻Stress – Stressful life events like divorce, job loss, financial problems, or the death of loved ones can trigger depression in some people. Trauma from events like abuse, violence, accidents etc can also lead to depression. Even small persistent stressors over time can set the stage for depression.  
👉🏻Medical Conditions – Debilitating or chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and many others can increase the risk of depression due to pain, discomfort and disability over time. Various medications may also cause side effects that contribute to depression. 
👉🏻Personality and Thinking Patterns – People with certain thinking patterns like excessive self-criticism, pessimism or negative self-talk are more prone to depression. Dependence, low self-worth, and insecurity can also be contributory personality factors.
👉🏻Early Childhood Experiences – Traumatic experiences in childhood including exposure or subjection to violence, bullying, humiliation, neglect, loss or separation from parents can increase vulnerability to depression later in life.
👉🏻Though the exact causes are often multi-faceted, understanding common risk factors provides insight into both prevention and most effective treatment approaches. Lifestyle changes, psychotherapy for thought patterns, trauma support, and medications may all help overcome contributing factors.
Homeopathy treatment for depression 
Since homeopathy medicines are very deeply acting on a mental plane, homeopathy is very effective in treating depression. During Homeopathy treatment for depression, the doctor takes detailed cases of the patients by giving more importance to mental symptoms. Thus the doctor will be able to find out the exact cause which led the patient to depression. Homeopathy medicines for depression will be selected based on the symptom totality of the patient which will be obtained from the detailed case study of the patient. Homeopathy medicines are 100 per cent free of any side effects and are available at affordable cost.
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for depression are,
1-Aurum Metallicum 
2- Ignatia Amara 
3-Natrum Muraticum 
5- Phosphoric acid
6- Lachesis
7- Antium Crude
8- Pulsatilla 
For more details regarding homeopathic treatment for depression please contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp- +96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathy treatment for gastritis | homeopathic treatment
A natural and complete relief from gastritis with homeopathy
People are prevented from eating their favorite dishes due to the fear of suffering from gastritis resulting from having it.   If the person is denied the enjoyment of eating his favorite dish, such a situation is pathetic. A feeling of fullness and distension in the abdomen after eating food, annoying nausea, constantly irritating and eating anything even in a small quantity causes burning pain in the chest. Afterall, the act of eating will  become the worst task in their life. Patients suffering from gastritis are increasing day by day. A hectic lifestyle and stressful mindset are leading many to gastritis nowadays.
Simple treatment of symptoms of gastritis will not liberate you from the gastritis. It will only give  temporary relief for a moment. Later the symptoms will return as before. By thinking of the side effects of medicines it is not possible to take medicines for a long time. Here comes homeopathy to help you to cure your gastritis complaint completely and permanently. Homeopathy medicines for gastritis are prepared from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals. Homeopathy not only treats the disease but also the whole person will be corrected to normalcy as a whole, on both mental and physical levels. 
What is Gastritis
Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases, which is caused due to the inflammation of the stomach lining. The reason for the inflammation varies, It can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the bacterial infection Helicobacter pylori. Usually, there is a protective layer over the lining of the stomach which protects the stomach from the destructive property of acid produced inside the stomach for digestion. When any alterations occur in the protective layer due to above mentioned causes, gastritis results. Usually, gastritis causes stomach upset, indigestion, bloating, burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, and loss of appetite. If it is not managed properly and on proper time can lead to more severe States which results in stomach ulcers or bleeding in the stomach. Lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers, eating smaller meals, and managing stress levels can also help alleviate symptoms. Chronic gastritis may require regular treatment to prevent recurring inflammation and discomfort.
What is the presentation of gastritis? 
👉Abdominal pain – This usually consists of an ache or burning pain in the upper abdomen. It may occur right after eating or several hours later. The pain is often worse when the stomach is empty.
👉Nausea – Some people with gastritis experience nausea, especially after eating food that exacerbates symptoms. Feelings of nausea can come and go.
👉Vomiting – In some cases, the inflammation from gastritis causes vomiting. This occurs when the stomach is irritated and expels its contents.
👉Bloating – Many people with gastritis report abdominal bloating, pressure, or fullness after eating meals. Bloating may be accompanied by visible stomach distention.
👉Loss of appetite – Gastritis commonly reduces appetite due to nausea, abdominal discomfort, and other distressing symptoms that happen after eating.
👉Indigestion – Symptoms like acid reflux, belching, feeling overly full during or after a meal, and stomach-churning are common with gastritis.
The symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on factors like the cause and severity of the inflammation. Mild gastritis may only cause slight discomfort, while severe cases can be incapacitating.
What are the factors leading to gastritis? 
👉Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – Common over-the-counter NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen can irritate the stomach lining and cause inflammation.
👉Excessive alcohol use – Drinking heavily, often over many years, can irritate and wear down the protective lining of the stomach leading to gastritis.
Bacterial infection – The bacteria 👉Helicobacter pylori is a common cause of gastritis, especially chronic cases. H. pylori damages stomach lining cells and the body’s immune response causes inflammation.
👉Bile reflux – Bile backing up from the duodenum into the stomach can be an irritant that induces gastritis in some people. 👉Risk factors include pregnancy or prior stomach surgery.
👉Autoimmune disorders – Chronic inflammation conditions like Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis increase the risk of autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis.
👉Trauma – Major injuries to the abdomen or ingestion of caustic substances like acids or lye can severely damage the stomach lining. The resulting inflammation is termed chemical gastritis.
During homeopathic treatment for gastritis homeopathy physician finds out the root cause in cases and plans the treatment accordingly.
Homeopathy treatment for gastritis
Homeopathy treatment is very effective in managing and curing gastritis. Homeopathy treatment for gastritis is free of any side effects.When other systems medicines are can not be taken by all age groups,Homeopathy medicines for gastritis can be taken by people of any age group safely. Homeopathy medicines for gastritis are natural medicines which are prepared from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals.
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for gastritis are, 
▶️Nux Vomica – This remedy is helpful when gastritis is caused by overindulgence in spicy foods, coffee, or alcohol as well as stress and feelings of frustration or anger. It helps relieve nausea, bloating, cramping and burning pain.
▶️Arsenicum album – This treats gastritis with symptoms of burning pain that is relieved by warm drinks, restlessness, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting, especially after eating or drinking.
▶️Phosphorus – When there is a feeling of heaviness and burning in the stomach made worse by cold drinks or, an empty stomach and improved by eating, phosphorous is a good option. It also helps with nausea and vomiting.
▶️Iris versicolor – This helps relieve gastric inflammation when the primary symptoms are burning pain, vomiting of acidic fluid, weakness, and perspiration.
▶️Robinia – Intense, incessant burning and cramping in the stomach that feels like a knotted rope calls for this remedy. Pain often occurs about an hour after eating or drinking.
Since lack of proper treatment on proper time may lead the condition too worse, taking homeopathic treatment as early as possible is very important. For further details regarding homeopathy treatment for gastritis please feel free to contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathic treatment for hair fall | homeopathy treatment
Cure hair falls with homeopathy and makes your hair healthy.
Most of us consider hair falls as simple cosmetic trouble. Beyond cosmetic trouble hair fall, maybe a symptom of some serious systemic diseases. Hence it is very important to find the reason behind the hair fall and take proper treatment on proper time. Homeopathy treatment for hair fall finds out the root cause for hair fall and gives medicine which  can cure the root cause and thus stops hair falls. People are spending lots of money by buying hair oils which are available in the market for treating hair fall. They believe, the advertisements of hair oil that they can provide  a long hair as seen in the advertisements by using it. But the reality is the nature of our hair is determined by our genetics. We can only keep our hair healthy. The color, texture,thickness, and length up to an extent are determined  by our genetics. Without treating the internal disease which is responsible for hair fall, the hair fall will return as before. Homeopathic for reatment for hair, treat disease with natural medicines which are prepared from animals, plants and minerals.
Hair fall refers to the excessive loss of hair from the scalp, beyond the normal amount of hair shedding. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, nutritional deficiencies, medical conditions or treatments, damage from hairstyling, and hormonal changes like those experienced during pregnancy or menopause. When hair falls out in an abnormal amount it can negatively impact one’s appearance and self-esteem. Treatment focuses on addressing any underlying triggers while promoting a healthy scalp environment to support stronger hair growth.
When we should pay attention to hair fall?
It is normal for hair fallout. It becomes an issue when the hair falls excessively more than the normal level. Falling off 50 – 100 hair per day is considered as normal. We need to pay attention only when their hair are falling beyond this range.
What are the causes of hair fall? 
👉🏻Hormonal changes – Changes in hormones due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or thyroid issues can cause more hair to go into the shedding phase, leading to hair fall.
👉🏻Medications – Certain medications like those for acne, depression, heart problems and cancer can cause increased hair shedding as a side effect.
👉🏻Stress – Physical or emotional stress pushes more hair follicles into the shedding phase. High fever, surgery, etc lead to temporary hair loss a few months after the stressful event.
👉🏻Nutritional deficiencies – Lack of protein, iron, zinc and other nutrients in the diet can impair hair growth cycles leading to increased shedding.
👉🏻Hairstyles and treatments – Tight hairstyles like ponytails or braids put pressure on hair follicles leading to trauma and hair fall. Chemical treatments like coloring also damage follicles increasing shedding.
👉🏻Infections – Scalp infections like ringworm can invade hair follicles leading to scaly patches and hair loss.
What are the systemic diseases causing her fall?
👉🏻Thyroid Disease (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) – Thyroid hormones regulate many body functions including hair growth cycles. Both low and high thyroid hormone levels can shorten the anagen (growth) phase of hair.
👉🏻Lupus – Autoimmune condition that can cause inflammatory skin lesions and hair loss. Antibodies attack the hair follicles stopping hair growth.
👉🏻Syphilis – A sexually transmitted bacterial infection that can cause patchy hair loss in the secondary stage of the disease.
👉🏻Diabetes – Poor blood sugar control in diabetes deprives hair follicles of essential nutrients causing diffuse hair fall especially in older people.
👉🏻Iron deficiency or Anemia – Lack of iron inhibits hair follicle growth and rebounds once iron is replenished.
👉🏻Autoimmune disorders -Diseases like Alopecia Areata cause bald patches. Inflammation damages hair follicles.
Cancer treatments – 
👉🏻Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can damage rapidly dividing hair cells causing dramatic hair shedding ~2 weeks after treatment.
Homeopathy treatment for hair fall
For those seeking non-invasive and natural solutions, homeopathy offers a gentler approach to restoring the health of our hair without the harsh chemicals found in conventional topical medicines.  Homeopathy medicines for hair fall are made from plant extracts, minerals and other natural substances, homeopathic oral remedies work by rallying the body’s innate mechanisms toward self-healing and healthy hair regrowth. Constitutional treatments are customized to a person’s entire physical, mental and emotional symptom profile to address the root triggers manifesting as hair loss. Additionally, supportive arnica hair rinses, rosemary and jojoba oil scalp massages deliver plant actives to stabilize hair root foundations. From revitalizing hormonal balance to reducing stress-related hair shedding, the holistic solutions of homeopathy treatment for hair fall combine oral and topical phases to arrest hair fall and regain healthy hair.
Key principles of systemic constitutional remedies and supportive external applications are also highlighted. Homeopathy medicines for hair falls are free of any side effects. It can be taken by any age group and even during pregnancy safely for a long Period. Expense Homeopathy treatment for hair fall is also affordable to all categories of our society while considering other conventional treatments for hair falls.
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for hair fall are,
Lycopodium: Used for hair fall related to digestive or intestinal issues along with mental tension. Useful for premature greying or balding.
Phosphoric Acid: Indicated for hair loss following grief, sorrow or related emotional trauma when the patient feels apathetic or resigned. Also for balding in youth.
Selenium Metallicum: Prescribed for losing hair with dry, brittle texture and falling hair with shampooing. Helpful for greasy scalps too.
Fluoric Acid: Used for treating alopecia or baldness where large clumps of hair fall out leaving smooth, bare patches. Works for hair fall in syphilitic patients.
Acid Phos: Helpful for hair fall accompanied by forgetfulness or slow comprehension. Said to promote hair regrowth.
Jaborandi: Used for diffuse scalp hair loss resulting in circular patches of baldness often triggered by thyroid imbalance or arterial sclerosis.
For more details regarding homeopathic treatment for hair fall, please feel free to contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS 
Online consultant, Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathy treatment for dandruff | homeopathic treatment
“Natural, Gentle Relief: Homeopathy is an effective solution for dandruff”
For those suffering from irritating, flaky dandruff, relief often seems not possible. Conventional anti-dandruff shampoos provide only temporary relief and frequently  may contain harsh chemicals that can cause damage of hair and irritate a sensitive scalp. However, homeopathy treatment for dandruff offers a natural, gentle treatment for restoring balance and treating dandruff at its root cause.
Homeopathy treatment for dandruff uses highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing response. The  core principle of homeopathy is “like cures like” – meaning small doses of what causes certain symptoms can also help eliminate those symptoms when given appropriately. This safe, holistic approach to homeopathy treatment for dandruff can alleviate dandruff while supporting overall well-being. With consistent homeopathic care for dandruff indicated to one’s unique symptoms, it may be possible to finally get rid of those annoying white flakes!
What is Dandruff and what are the factors causing it?
👉🏻Dandruff is a skin condition which causes the rapid flaking and shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.
👉🏻It is caused by the rapid turnover of skin cells on the scalp which leads to dead cells shedding in visible flakes.
👉🏻Dandruff flakes can be presented as small and dry or large, oily, and yellowish depending on the severity and causal factors.
👉🏻Aggravating factors for dandruff often include overgrowth of fungus, most commonly the yeast Malassezia, on the scalp. This yeast feeds on oils secreted by hair follicles and causes skin irritation and other symptoms.
👉🏻Other contributing factors for dandruff can include dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, stress, cold weather, and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.
👉🏻Dandruff tends to be more common and severe in men than women due to higher levels of oils and androgens secreted on the scalp.
👉🏻 Flare-ups of dandruff may occur seasonally or persist year-round if left untreated or not properly managed.
What are the common symptoms found  in dandruff?
 Dandruff is Increased flaking with itching or irritation of the scalp skin.Rash-like patches with crusty scales develop on the scalp.Then the scalp will be highly sensitive and start to flake out.
 The symptoms get worse usually seasonally or stress.  Itching and irritation are associated with dandruff in most of the cases.
Redness and inflammation of ear canals and eyebrow flaking resembling seborrheic dermatitis are mostly associated with dandruff.
Hair damage such as increased breakage or loss from scratching is also seen in dandruff. Low self-confidence caused by visible flakes or red, scaly scalp is one of the main problems faced by patients having dandruff.
The severity of dandruff symptoms often depends on the underlying triggering factors and how well it is managed by the patient. Flare-ups also tend to trigger aggravated symptoms while successful treatment such as homeopathy can reduce symptoms significantly or eliminate them in mild cases..
Homeopathy medicines for dandruff 
👉🏻Arsenicum album: Used for treating burning, itching scalp and excessive dandruff, especially in people who feel anxious or cold.
👉🏻Calcarea carbonica: Used for dandruff in people with sweaty scalps who feel worse from cold air or exertion. Often those with chronic, lifelong cases of dandruff.
👉🏻Graphites: Used for scales that weep or ooze from behind the ears or white scales with underlying skin eruptions. Often in those who are overweight or chilly.
👉🏻Kali sulphuricum: Used for yellow scales that worsen during winter months or feel better in the open air. Especially useful for those with skin conditions like eczema.
👉🏻Lycopodium: Effective for dry powdery scales, worsening when tired. Can treat dandruff at the hairline and preceding hair loss.
👉🏻Mezereum: Used when the scalp is itchy, red, and irritated with crusty scabs under thick crusty scales. Scalp and symptoms feel worse at night in bed.
👉🏻Phosphorus: Used for those with very itchy scalp worsening from washing hair. Hair can fall out in bunches.
Homeopathy treatment for dandruff offers a natural, gentle way to effectively treat dandruff at its roots and promote long-term scalp and hair health. Constitutional remedies specific to an individual along with supportive topical treatments can bring relief from itching, flaking, and inflammation without harsh chemicals. Homeopathy treatment for dandruff works to balance the body holistically, rather than just temporarily suppressing symptoms. With treatment guided by a professional homeopath to match the right remedies to one’s symptoms and profile, many find their dandruff symptoms finally fade for good. The individualized nature, safe methods used, and improved well-being make homeopathy treatment for dandruff an advantageous approach for managing troublesome dandruff issues. 
The key highlights are that homeopathy treatment for dandruff works by stimulating the body’s self-healing abilities, treatment can provide long-term improvement rather than temporary relief, homeopathic medicines for dandruff are customized to each person’s symptoms, and the holistic approach aims to balance well-being overall.
For more details regarding homeopathy treatment for dandruff please contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
pimple homeopathic treatment | homeopathy treatment
No More Popping and Picking – Homeopathy Heals Pimples from Within”
Pimples and acne are an annoying and often painful skin condition that affects teenagers and adults alike. For those seeking a gentler approach, homeopathy offers a safe, natural, and holistic treatment.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine developed over 200 years ago. It works on the principle that “like cures like” – substances that cause certain symptoms in healthy people can cure those same symptoms in someone who is ill. Homeopathy uses extremely diluted preparations of plants, minerals, or animal products that help stimulate the body’s natural healing response.
In the case of acne, there are many homeopathic remedies that can help treat breakouts and restore balance to oily, inflamed skin. Homeopathic medicines for pimples are matched to an individual based on their specific symptoms – this personalized approach is what makes homeopathy so effective. 
Homeopathic treatments for pimples boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and normalize oil production – getting to the root of acne rather than just treating superficial symptoms.
Homeopathic pimple treatment offers a safe, gentle option for clearer skin. 
What are pimples?
A pimple forms when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria clog up a pore (or hair follicle) on the skin. This causes the pore to become inflamed and swell up, creating a red bump. Pimples often occur on the face, back, chest, neck, shoulders and upper arms. There are different types of pimples that can form. Some common examples are whiteheads which remain under the skin, blackheads which open up and appear dark in color, and painful red bumps called papules and pustules. Some factors like hormones, genetics, greasy skin products, and stress can trigger excess oil production in pores leading to pimple outbreaks. Teenagers tend to get pimples more frequently due to puberty and hormonal activity. However, pimples can afflict people of all ages. While usually harmless, pimples can cause emotional distress and sometimes lead to scarring if they are squeezed, picked at, or popped incorrectly.
What are the causes for developing pimples?
Pimples are usually the result of several factors at play at the same time: oil production, bacteria, clogged pores, and inflammation. During puberty, hormone surges prompt the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce more oil or sebum. Dead skin cells and oil can then accumulate and plug the opening of hair follicles in the skin, forming comedones (whiteheads and blackheads). The naturally occurring skin bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, lives on everyo$ne’s skin and feeds on the excess sebum, triggering inflammation and redness. This bacteria overgrowth, combined with the clogged follicles, leads to the development of pimples – including papules (red bumps), pustules (puss-filled lesions), cysts, and nodules in more severe cases. Outside of hormonal activity, other factors that contribute to pimples include excessive oil-based cosmetic products, high humidity, sweating, genetics, stress, and skin irritation or manipulation (popping pimples).
 Prevention and home management 
Use a gentle cleanser twice a day. Avoid harsh soaps and scrubs that can irritate skin. Wash with lukewarm water and pat skin dry gently with a clean towel.
Avoid picking or popping pimples as this can spread bacteria and lead to more inflammation and possibly scarring.
Use an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Hydrating skin helps balance oil production. Look for products labeled non-comedogenic or oil-free so they won’t clog pores.
Apply a clay mask 1-2 times per week to draw out impurities from pores. Rinse completely and moisturize after.
Protect skin from sun exposure which can worsen breakouts. Use an oil-free sunscreen labeled non-comedogenic.
Avoid oily or greasy hair products that could transfer to skin and clog pores. Tie hair back if needed.
Watch diet and limit dairy, sugary and high glycemic foods which may exacerbate acne.
Be consistent with treatments and allow 4-6 weeks to better control breakouts
Homeopathy treatment for pimples
Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to prevent pimples without just suppressing symptoms. Constitutional remedies look to correct internal imbalances, strengthening immunity against recurrent breakouts. Medicines like Calcarea carbonica work well for those prone to pimples around puberty or menstruation when hormonal shifts are at play. Silicea boosts expulsion of pus to prevent scarring from cystic bumps. Topical creams with ingredients like tea tree oil, calendula, and Echinacea act as antiseptics protecting pores from infection. Lifestyle measures are also key – avoiding oil-based cosmetics, maintaining a consistent cleansing routine, not over-washing or touching the face, managing stress, and eating a balanced anti-inflammatory diet. Guidance from a homeopathic practitioner helps determine each individual’s ideal regimen based on their temperament and unique triggers. As pimples result from multiple factors, constitutional homeopathic care for pimplea combined with healthy skin and lifestyle habits can best prevent recurring issues for clearer, calmer complexions without harsh chemicals. The natural approach aims to get to the root, not just superficially suppress eruptions when they occur. With individualized solutions, homeopathy provides lasting blemish relief.
Homeopathy offers the integrative solution many acne-sufferers have been searching for – working with the body’s natural healing wisdom for clear, healthy skin from the inside out. It provides supportive care with minimal risk that conventional treatments lack. So for those wishing to say goodbye to problem skin struggles holistically– homeopathy empowers you to pursue the balanced, centered life you deserve.
To know more about homeopathy treatment for pimples please contact us, 
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram 
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathic treatment for thyroid | homeopathy treatment
“The Homeopathic Approach to Heal  Your Thyroid”
The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, growth, development, and other various important bodily functions. When various malfunctions of thyroid gland—becoming either overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism)—it can give rise to unpleasant and even dangerous symptoms in our body.
Homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders provides a system of holistic treatment that can alleviate disorders of the thyroid without suppression of symptoms or risk of any adverse effects.
Homoeopathy is a centuries-old system of medicine which works on the principle of “like cures like.” Homeopathy medicines are extremely diluted preparations from plant, mineral, and animal sources are used to gently stimulate the body’s natural defences and healing mechanisms. By targeting the deeper disturbances within that give rise to thyroid dysfunction, homeopathic remedies for thyroid disorders can help restore balance and healthy functioning of our body. Additionally, the individualized approach of homoeopathy to patients means that treatment can be tailored to each patient’s unique experience of symptoms and response to remedies.
From addressing hormonal imbalances to reducing antibodies that attack the thyroid, homeopathy offers an appealing option for those seeking more integrative and ecological care for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, and other kinds of thyroid conditions. 
What are thyroid disorders?
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped organ located at the base of the neck that has an enormous impact on our overall health of our body. It produces thyroid hormones that regulate critical bodily functions like metabolism, temperature regulation, growth, brain development, reproduction and more.
Thyroid disorders are conditions which occur when the thyroid gland either does not make enough thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) or makes too much (hyperthyroidism). Common causes for thyroid disorders can include autoimmune diseases, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, tumours, or damages from medical treatments.
Some examples of thyroid disorders include:
Hashimoto’s disease: An autoimmune disorder where antibodies attack the thyroid as if it were a harmful invader, causing inflammation and damage of the gland. This typically results in hypothyroidism.
Graves’ disease: An autoimmune disorder that causes the thyroid gland to overproduce hormones and leading to hyperthyroidism.
Goitre: An abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland that may be related to iodine deficiency or other imbalances.
Thyroid nodules: Lumps that develop on thyroid gland, which can sometimes be benign but may require further testing.
Thyroid cancer: While not extremely common, thyroid cancer affects more women than men with treatment involving surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, etc.
The good news is thyroid disorders are often manageable through medications, therapy, diet changes, or supplements that help restore normal thyroid function. Catching and addressing them early is the key for better cure.
Causes for thyroid disorders?
Autoimmune Diseases: Diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease cause unfortunately the body’s immune system to attack healthy thyroid tissue. This interferes with the thyroid’s ability to produce thyroid hormones. Genetics and other environmental triggers are likely culprits in setting off these kinds of autoimmune issues.
Iodine Deficiency or Excess: The thyroid needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones. Too little quantity off iodine can cause hypothyroidism, while excessive iodine intake can result in excess hormone production and hyperthyroidism in some.
Inflammation: Chronic inflammation lead to depress thyroid function and may be a root cause of hypothyroidism. Sources of inflammation include immune reactions, infection, poor gut health, nutrient deficiencies, and stress hormones.
Hormonal Changes: Significant life-stage hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, or menopause can impact thyroid function in some women.
Medical Treatments: Ironically, some treatments like radiation used for hyperthyroidism or biopsies for suspected thyroid cancer can damage healthy tissues and lead to hypothyroidism over time.
While we don’t always know the cause of thyroid dysfunction in a given individual, getting to the root issues and addressing them holistically through nutrition, stress relief, and targeted supplementation can provide lasting balance support to the patient.
Symptoms of thyroid disorders
Fatigue and weakness – Thyroid problems can sap energy levels or cause constant tiredness to the patient.
Mood issues – Hormone changes can trigger anxiety, depression, and irritability easily without any specific causes.
Weight fluctuations – An over or underactive thyroid often leads to unexplained or rapid weight gain or loss irrespective of the eating habits of the patient.
Hair loss – Hypothyroidism slows metabolism and can cause excessive shedding of hair.
Temperature sensitivity – Hyperthyroidism can spark heat intolerance and excessive sweating in contrary to the climate. Hypothyroidism leaves some feeling persistently chilled even in hot atmosphere.
Menstrual irregularities – Thyroid dysfunction often disrupts normal hormonal cycles. Periods may become lighter, heavier, or stop altogether.
Fertility problems – Imbalanced thyroid hormones interfere with ovulation and conception.
Sleep disruptions – Insomnia, restless sleep, and sleep apnea have ties to thyroid disorders.
Heart palpitations or high blood pressure – When thyroid levels shift too high or too low, it impacts heart rate and circulatory function.
Changes in appetite or digestion – Constipation and weight changes accompany thyroid problems.
Catching a thyroid disorder early via blood tests for TSH, T4, and T3 levels and evaluation of symptoms is key, as prolonged imbalance can impact quality of life and lead to further complications.
Homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders.
Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to treat thyroid disorders by stimulating the body’s innate healing processes rather than just managing symptoms. Some key aspects of the homeopathic treatment of thyroid disorder include:
Constitutional Remedies – Rather than giving all patients the same remedy, homeopaths match the treatment to an individual’s personal “constitution”. This takes into account physical, mental, and emotional symptom patterns to select just the right remedy tailored for that person.
Stimulating Self-Healing – Extremely diluted natural substances are used to gently nudge the body’s regulatory systems back into balance. The remedies signal the body to respond, adapt, and restore health on its terms rather than overriding its intrinsic self-healing intelligence.
Patient Participation – The path to healing with homeopathy requires the patient’s engagement and participation through close observation of symptom subtleties, refinement of remedies over time, and adoption of lifestyle measures to improve overall health.
Whole Person Focus – In addition to lab markers of thyroid function, homeopathy accounts for the totality of symptoms related to energy, circulation, digestion, sleep, mood, menstrual cycle, and emotional state when assessing treatment response.
By addressing the root imbalances behind why thyroid problems develop in the first place, homeopathy seeks to catalyze deep, lasting, holistic change from within rather than override bodily signals. Skilled homeopathic care combined with nutrition, de-stressing, and other balance-enhancing measures can be extremely impactful over time.
In conclusion, thyroid disorders stemming from autoimmunity, inflammation, hormonal fluctuations, and other causes can disrupt vital bodily processes – negatively impacting energy, mood, weight, menstrual function, and beyond. Conventional treatments involving thyroid hormone regulation may provide symptom relief but fail to get at the root issues perpetuating the imbalance. Homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders offers a more holistic way to gently stimulate the body’s self-healing capacity. By addressing each person as a unique individual and working sensitively with their natural healing forces to restore regulation and balance within, homeopathy serves as a promising alternative or complementary approach to regaining lasting thyroid health.
For details regarding homeopathy treatment for thyroid disorders please contact us,
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMSS
Online consultant, Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
ulcer homeopathy treatment | homeopathic treatment
Heal ulcers with homeopathy, A completely natural treatment
Ulcers can cause tremendous pain and disruption in one’s life. Whether gastric or duodenal, these open sores in the lining of the stomach or small intestines affect millions each year. While conventional medicine relies on antacids, H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid production, these only provide temporary relief and do not tackle the underlying causes.
Homeopathy takes a different approach. As a holistic system of medicine, homeopathy sees ulcers as an outer manifestation of inner imbalance in the body and aims to stimulate the body’s defence mechanisms. Homeopathic treatment focuses on addressing the root factors contributing to ulcer formation while providing relief from symptoms. The goal is a true inner cure rather than superficial management of signs.
Several homeopathic medicines for ulcers have shown success in treating various types of ulcers based on specific symptom pictures.
Complemented by individualized lifestyle and dietary recommendations, the judicious use of well-selected homeopathic remedies can put ulcer patients on the path to genuine recovery without harsh side effects. This article will explore the homeopathic viewpoint on ulcers and the key remedies and approaches used for their treatment.
An ulcer is an open, painful sore that develops on the inner lining of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine. Ulcers form when there is an imbalance between digestive fluids in the stomach and duodenum and the defence mechanisms that protect the stomach and intestinal lining. The two most common types of ulcers are gastric ulcers which occur in the stomach, and duodenal ulcers which develop in the upper part of the small intestine, known as the duodenum. The stomach normally secretes acidic digestive juices which can eat away at the stomach lining. Excess acid paired with a breakdown in protective factors allows a sore to form. Common causes for ulcers include infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, long-term use of anti-inflammatory medications, and excess acid production due to stress or spicy foods. The symptoms of ulcers may include, burning upper abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Ulcers are quite common globally, affecting millions of adults each year.
What are the factors causing ulcers?
The development of ulcers stems from an imbalance between aggressive and defensive factors in the stomach and duodenum. Major causes include:
Infection with H. pylori bacteria – This is the most common cause, responsible for up to 80% of stomach ulcers. The bacteria release substances that damage and inflame the stomach lining.
Frequent NSAID pain medication use – Common over-the-counter medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen can irritate the stomach lining, especially with prolonged use. This reduces mucosal defenses.
Excess stomach acid – High acidic levels, exacerbated by caffeine, alcohol, spicy food or stress, can overwhelm protective factors allowing painful sores to form.
Poor blood supply – Restricted blood flow impairs the ability of the stomach lining to repair itself by transporting nutrients, bicarbonates and mucus needed to maintain integrity.
Genetic factors – A family history of ulcers suggests a genetic component, often related to increased acid production or H. pylori susceptibility.
Identifying and addressing the root causes and risk factors at play is crucial for effective, long-lasting treatment of ulcers. The homeopathic approach considers innate susceptibility along with lifestyle and environmental disease triggers in each individual.
What are the Symptoms?
The most predominant symptom of peptic ulcers is a burning or gnawing abdominal pain that can feel quite intense and comes and goes. The pain typically occurs in the upper middle part of the abdomen, just below the breastbone. It usually emerges a few hours after eating when the stomach is empty and is alleviated somewhat by eating bland foods or taking antacids. Other possible symptoms include bloating, belly swelling or fullness; nausea and vomiting; poor appetite and unintentional weight loss; intolerance to fatty foods which worsen pain; and dark blood in stools or vomit if ulcers are bleeding. Pain can last minutes to hours depending on the severity and location of the lesion. Unfortunately, symptoms in some cases may be quite vague before a stressor like an illness triggers more evident signs of an underlying ulcer. Identifying unique symptom patterns and precipitating factors helps guide individualized homeopathic treatment for ulcers.
Preventive measures for ulcer
👉Test and treat H. pylori infection if present – Eradicating this bacteria prevents recurrence in most cases
👉Avoid overuse of NSAID pain medications – Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest time possible
👉Manage stress levels – Chronic anxiety and stress increase ulcer risk
👉Eat regular, small meals – Avoid going too long without eating to reduce excess acid
👉Limit coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods – These irritate the stomach lining
👉Stop smoking – Smoking hampers the defensive mechanisms protecting the stomach
👉Consider probiotic and zinc supplementation – Probiotics boost gut health while zinc aids tissue repair
Homeopathy treatment for ulcer
 The homeopathic approach to ulcers focuses on supporting the body’s innate healing capacity while addressing underlying causes that drive symptom manifestations. The initial case-taking by a homeopath explores physical symptoms as well as mental/emotional attributes, sensitivities, cravings and aversions to match the total symptom picture to the appropriate single homeopathic remedy for ulcer. Rather than directly suppressing acid secretion as conventional medicines do, homeopathic medicines for ulcers stimulate the body’s natural regulatory processes to restore equilibrium gentler and less invasively. Commonly used remedies include,
1. Arsenicum album for burning pain relieved by hot food/drink. 
2. Argentum nitricum for ulceration with “splinter-like” pains. 
3. Lycopodium for bloating and excess acidity worse from onions/oats/gas-producing foods.
4. Phosphorous for bleeding ulcers with sensitivity to cold. 
With an experienced homeopathic practitioner guiding remedy selection and potency level, the correct remedy for ulcer can act deeply to heal ulcer lesions, reduce pain/discomfort and prevent a recurrence.
While conventional medicine relies primarily on antacids and acid blockers for temporary symptomatic relief, homeopathy for ulcers takes a deeper curative approach by addressing underlying susceptibilities towards ulcer formation. By selecting individualized homeopathy medicines for ulcers based on the patient’s mental, emotional and physical symptom profiles, homeopathic treatment for ulcers aims to stimulate the healing of existing ulcers while reestablishing balance to prevent future lesions. With the assistance of an experienced practitioner, homeopathy serves as a potentially effective alternative for restoring stomach health in a gentle and lasting manner. 
To know more about homeopathy treatment for ulcers, please contact us,
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
homeopathic treatment for constipation | homeopathy
Homeopathy, to a solution for constipation sufferers
Constipation is an uncomfortable and often chronic condition affecting people of all ages. Defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week, constipation results in hard, dry stools that are painful or difficult to pass. While conventional medicine offers solutions like laxatives and fibre supplements, these often provide only temporary relief and can even exacerbate the problem over time.
However, homeopathy treatment for constipation offers a gentle, holistic approach to relieving constipation and restoring regular bowel function. Homeopathic remedies for constipation date back hundreds of years and are derived from natural plant, animal or mineral sources. Extremely diluted preparations are used to stimulate the body’s healing abilities. Homeopathic medicines for constipation are matched to each individual based on their personalized symptoms and responses.
 Homeopathic remedies are safer, gentler and often more effective than conventional ones. Homeopathic treatment can address underlying causes of chronic constipation, providing gradual and lasting improvement. 
When the bowel movements become constipated?
Constipation refers to infrequent, difficult, or incomplete bowel movements that can interfere with waste elimination. Typically defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week, constipation results in hard, dry stools that are painful or take excessive straining to pass. This abnormal and bothersome condition has many causes including poor diet, lack of exercise or physical activity, various medications, dehydration, resisting the urge to defecate, irritable bowel disorders, and certain medical conditions. When severe, constipation can dramatically impact quality of life and negatively affect both physical and mental health. Signs and symptoms beyond infrequent bowel movements include abdominal pain and bloating, feeling as if the rectum is blocked, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, and haemorrhoids. If left untreated, constipation may lead to fecal impaction and bowel obstruction which can have serious consequences.
What are the factors that lead you to constipation?
Diet – Diets that are low in fibre or high in processed foods, dairy products, eggs, meat, and fried or sugary foods can cause or worsen constipation. Lack of adequate fibre and fluid intake is a major contributor.
Medications – Many medications such as antacids with aluminium or calcium, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, blood pressure medications, diuretics, iron supplements, narcotics, and calcium channel blockers can directly cause constipation.
Lifestyle Factors – Being sedentary, lack of physical activity or exercise, resisting the urge to defecate when needing to go, not establishing regular bathroom habits, and travel or changes in routine can set up conditions for constipation to develop.
Dehydration – Not getting enough water and fluids each day allows the stools to become hard, dry and difficult to pass.
Age-Related Factors – As we age, we are more prone to developing constipation due to slower colon transit times, weaker abdominal muscles, side effects of medications, and illnesses or conditions that affect digestion and elimination.
Obstructed Defecation Issues – Obstructed defecation can result from conditions including colon cancer, colorectal strictures, rectal prolapse, rectocele, and more which physically block the passage of stool through the intestines.
Neurological and Other Disorders – Diseases and disorders like diabetes, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, irritable bowel syndrome and more can impair nerves and muscles responsible for waste elimination.
Prevention is better 
1. Increase fibre intake – Eat more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, seeds and nuts. Fiber helps add bulk to stools making them softer and easier to pass.
2. Stay hydrated – Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, each day. Being dehydrated allows stools to become hard and dry. Aim for 1.5 to 2 litres per day.
3. Exercise regularly – Getting daily physical activity helps increase intestinal muscle contraction and motility. Simple walking or cardio for 30-60 minutes daily can dramatically improve bowel function. 
4. Establish toilet habits – Take time to have a bowel movement when you feel the urge rather than waiting or holding it in. Try to set up a regular bathroom routine like first thing in the morning or after meals. 
5. Reduce stress – Find healthy ways to manage emotional and mental stress which can negatively impact digestive function. Try meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or talking to a friend. 
6. Avoid constipating foods – Limit foods that can worsen constipation like cheese, eggs, meat, processed foods, white bread, pasta, rice and fast food.
7. Quit smoking – Smoking can dry out stool and suppress muscle contractions in the intestines. Quitting improves many aspects of digestive health.
Making lifestyle adjustments to support regular bowel function and prevent constipation can drastically improve comfort, well-being and quality of life.
Homeopathy treatment for constipation
The homeopath treatment for constipation conducts an in-depth interview, asking detailed questions about the patient’s constipation patterns, bowel movements, diet, pain levels, medical history, and a wide range of other symptoms. Getting a complete picture is key.
Remedy Selection
Based on the case details provided during the consultation, the homeopath matches the patient’s symptom profile to find the closest fitting natural medicine for constipation. Remedies like Nux vomica, Bryonia, Alumina and others are carefully chosen.
First Prescription
A prepared dilution of the selected homeopathic remedy for constipation is prescribed to the patient along with dosage guidelines. Tablet, liquid or powder forms are common. Acute cases may use a single dose while chronic issues involve a regimen over time.
Follow Up Appointments
Follow-up appointments assess the patient’s response to the first prescribed remedy. Adjustments may be made based on changes to symptoms. Constitutional treatments for constipation address deeper internal imbalances contributing to the constipation.
Lifestyle Guidance
Homeopaths recognize the influence of diet, exercise, stress levels and habits on digestive issues. Patients receive individualized guidance on beneficial modifications which support remedy action for constipation.
As symptoms improve, remedy potency, frequency or formulation may be tapered. The goal is to strengthen internal functioning to prevent future constipation recurrences whenever possible. Many patients experience substantial relief and lasting results with the homeopathic approach to constipation.
Some of the effective homeopathic medicines for constipation are,
Nux Vomica – The most common remedy for stimulating bowel movements. Best for those with infrequent urges or inability to complete bowel movements, often due to too much rich food, overwork, or a sedentary lifestyle. Also helpful for irritability, impatience, cramping, and bloating.
Bryonia – Effective when constipation is worse from hard, dry stools. Bryonia is indicated when the person has a thirst for large cold drinks and frequently wants to stay completely still with pressure applied. It can treat headaches during constipation.
Alumina – Used for cases where straining is required to pass a small amount of dry, clay-coloured stool. The person may feel like there is a physical blockage even when the urge to use the bathroom is present. Alumina helps regulate function.
Platina – Suitable for constipation with painful contraction of the anus and feeling of tiny stool balls stuck in the rectum. Platina patients are often haughty, tense, and oversensitive, and feel temporary relief from warm drinks.
Opium – Used when bowel movements are absent due to fright, anxiety, shock or severe acute illness. Stools are round, hard balls that are difficult to eliminate. Strong sedative actions.
The dose is based on individual response but often uses highly diluted potencies like 6c, 12c or 30c. Taking the correctly matched remedy stimulates improved tone and function for lasting relief from constipation.
Homeopathy treatment for constipation offers a gentler, safer approach to treating constipation compared to harsh laxatives or fibre supplements. Natural medicines provide effective relief without the gut irritation, dependency or side effects of conventional options. With professional guidance to select and dose the simillimum remedy, most constipation sufferers find the comfort and regularity they’ve been desperately seeking.
For more details regarding homeopathic treatment for constipation please contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan.BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
WhatsApp – + 96895511267
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