dopezzle · 6 months
How Many of These Law of Attraction Distractions Are Affecting You?
The universal laws can assist you in creating an easier and more joyous life. However, if you are being distracted from allowing the law to work in the best way possible, you sabotage yourself from experiencing success. Learning what may be learn more distracting you assists in your awareness, which is the first step in fine-tuning your focusing abilities.
The universe runs based on laws. It is through the awareness of these laws governing our universe that living becomes more joyous and easier to manage. When you resist the laws of the universe, How Many of These Law of Attraction Distractions Are Affecting You? Articles it doesn’t negate the existence of the laws, it simply makes it far more challenging to achieve what you most want to achieve, because you are working against the universal current instead of with it. For example, if you are driving down the road in your car going 75 mph, and suddenly come to a very sharp curve; it makes no difference if you accept Newton’s First Law — “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction.” The law is true regardless of your belief in it or not. What does make a difference to you is your awareness, acceptance and response in relation to that law. If you aren’t aware of the law, and you don’t leave enough time to slow down and take the curve at a reasonable speed, you will suffer the possible dire consequences of your choice. If you are aware, and still resist its validity, you will still suffer the same consequences. If, however, you are aware and embrace the law, you then give yourself the freedom to make a choice that can attract far more desirable consequences — namely you go around the curve with ease and grace completely safe to continue your travels.
Becoming aware and embracing the laws that exist gives you the freedom to create and manifest your life with far more ease. Ignoring or resisting the laws of the universe leaves you in a constant battle — struggling against the natural flow. You put yourself into a situation where everything is ten times (an arbitrary number of course) harder than it has to be. And, as you may agree, the intention is to make life easier not harder! The Law of Attraction is one of these laws. Based on Quantum Physics, the law states: All things, both physical and non-physical, are made of energy. Energy by law attracts that which is vibrating at the same speed. Thus, if you are vibrationally tuned into “X,” you will attract more “X” to you. If you are focused on “Y,” the universe gives you more “Y.” There is no judgment on good or bad in relation to what “X” or “Y” is. The universe gives you exactly what you ask for — wanted or unwanted. And the way the universe knows what you are asking for is through your focus. That which you place your focus (your energy), and thus vibrate in relation to, is what the universe reads as your request. So, if you are resonating with the emotions of sadness and frustration, you will attract experiences that match that vibration. The universe doesn’t assess that you may not want sadness; it only gives you what you are asking for. If you are focusing on not wanting something, your focus is actually still on that thing you don’t want. This means you are actually vibrating more strongly with what you don’t want than what you do want. The universe, making no judgment, simply gives you what you are focusing on.
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