I've been losing weight eating whatever i want and not doing any kind of exercise.
And this time I've actually given up on robotic affirming because the pounds would not shed as fast as I wanted. I started visualizing, feeling it and believing what i see is me and it is REAL. Especially before sleeping like Neville Goddard says, but also throughout the day. It does help though to close my eyes and really feel it for 20 mins or so before i fall asleep.
The more you feel skinny, the more u become it, and it doesnt take ⭐️ving. It takes just feeling skinny, so ask yourself more like how can i make myself feel this more than 50% of the day at least? what do i have to imagine? how should i be moving my body or saying to myself in my mind about myself?
it takes discipline of course, but do u want it?
the key is persistance and not checking the 3d.
some people using subliminals lost 1-2 pounds per day, so not seeing a huge drop the first day u do this shouldn t be worrying.
as for food, i make sure after every meal i imagine and feel myself skinnier. for example although my belly might be over my jeans i visualize my flat belly underneath and keep on that thought/visualization as long as i can, or go to other parts of my body and visualize them skinny for 10-20 min after i eat.
wherever i am, i pretend i'm skinny and even though i don t feel it all the time, i choose to ignore it when i don't.
sometimes people around me would notice i'm slimmer but they don t say anything, and instead of asking them "have i lost weight?" i just tell myself in my mind: he/she noticed i lost weight, woohoo! after a few days they start telling me. because if i were to ask, my fears would most likely manifest and i wouldn t like their answer, so better keep it to myself so i don t regret it.
also, i don t have a mirror and i don t use a scale so i take pictures sometimes and compare them and i'm like wow there s actually a difference.
but then it kinda messes with my head a bit so i try to only take pics when i feel extra skinny.
i also imagine skinny girls eating and getting skinnier as best as i can. and tell myself eating makes me lose.
i still use robotic affirmations for other things, but not this, since i remembered as a child someone noticed i lost weight after feeling myself skinnier before sleep to "try it out" see if it works and i was super happy for that but i didn t know it takes persistance, otherwise i would be much further in my manifestations by now. lol.
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donascozylivingroom · 27 days
Hey everyone! I started a pink mug business and I want suggestions!
I started many businesses before and since this is a manifestation blog i have to tell u that i was doing everything but my mindset was wrong and i didn't even realize it because i wasn't thinking about it in words, there was a rush of energy in my mind telling me bad things about the future of my biz. Today I noticed that and I affirmed over it. I feel like if I can get my mindset down, I can start making some good extra money, and why not, even go towards more.
i need suggestions for subjects to create more art around (it's pink fairytale enchanted princess whatever themed so yeah) and if u think they are too immature or geared more towards children. i'm a big child i love what i create and i am 30, like...if i like this stuff there are bound to be more people like me. catering to older audiences means that i can also keep my price there because it's literally not much over the price of mug and shipping.
also, if u wanna know more about how to create this kinda stuff yourself on printful+shopify and pinterest marketing, i could make a post about it just let me know.
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donascozylivingroom · 1 month
You know, when i was a kid i was kinda deppressed so it ruined my confidence and my body image. i don't think i was trully phat, i think i just didn't like my belly and i thought that made me phat.
i had a panic attack when my dad screamed in a restaurant that i ate too much.
i ate a whole bread when i was a kid just to not feel the emotional pain of having a huge fight with my mom.
of course my relationship with food was effed up.
around 18 yo my friend told me about calories so i started restricting and i became slim. the first time in my life that i liked how i look. but i was still emotionally and mentally messed up so i got into a lot of trouble.
i'm 30 now and looking back at my "phat" 60 kg at 1.70m pictures, i look incredibly beautiful.
my whole life i unconsciously affirmed food makes me gain, and "i'm phatttt". guess what? i truly became it at some point. i was around 114 kg last time i weighed. i've lost around 6-8 kgs in my opinion and photo comparison because i no longer weigh...in the last three weeks.
aside from persisting in weight loss robotic affirmations, i also persisted in affirming after every meal that e4t|ng makes me lose weight. even if i have to repeat it for 30 mins after, i don't care, i am rewiring my subconscious mind and my beliefs.
I ate mcdonalds or pizza some days and i am visibly skinnier.
i scrolled around 3d tumblr and it just made me sad... it's not ok. food doesn't make u gain, your mind does. we live in a hollographic universe, life is a dream, of course it responds to your beliefs about it. you are the creator.
if you've ever seen tasty food and just by seeing it felt phattah, then u know, it's in ur beliefs, because food literally makes me slim.
when i discovered this i felt like i was in a food paradise. like, would Source make something so delicious hurt u? would it like u to restrict forever? it's all created by the media. created by humans, this belief.
get your powers back! yes it can take a long time (1-2-3 months) to truly change your mindset because it is so ingrained in u and society, but once u do, u will be that friend that eats whatever they want and still look perfect.
ignore any proof and just keep repeating when u see 3d not comforming, form a new identity around this and u will be free!
***EDIT*** Remember, if you have negative beliefs, no matter how much you shed you will never be satisfied. You are beautiful and perfect as u are.
Picture is not mine credit: pinterest
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donascozylivingroom · 2 months
I was scrolling through tiktok and i found a post by someone who told me if i am comfortable in my life i shouldn't be, because i am not working on my next level. i got annoyed and skipped, two videos later: "if u want to be more comfortable..." ... skip!
i'm tired of society convincing us where we are is not ok. i either must want to be more or less comfortable, never accept my life and improve upon the life i have right now with as tiny steps as i feel i can right now.
guess what - I AM COMFORTABLE! And I love it.
I used to be a master at hustling, doing everything i can to get my million dollars and NYC Penthouse. Manifesting didn t work for me until i learned to robotically affirm and persist, and since then i am getting everything i want. And yeah I still have resistance to 2 of my only big desires, everything else i'm getting affirming 1-3 times because i assume i only need to affirm once and i get it, i repeated that for a while and ever since manifestation has been so easy.
And yeah just because i didn t get my 2 main desires yet, I AM COMFORTABLE. I understand that those things I want so much are part of my soul lessons and why my soul came here. God/Source/myself before this life decided to make some things harder than others, and that's okay.
My whole life i was either uncomfortable because i didn t get something external, or worried - why am I so comfortable?
I learned to never do anything that is not easy because my plan for this life is to FLOW, but still i was fed by the media that i am not perfect as i am, or where i am. It's not true.
Wherever you are, it's your starting place, your zero point. And if you are experiencing it, you are probably meant to be there. I mean look around u in the present moment, not to your mind. Are you okay? You're meant to be here, boo.
How can you make your life more beautiful where you are? How can you be more grateful for what is around you? What you already have.
There s no rush, you don't have to get there tomorrow. I know when you are young it seems like you have to do everything very fast, and the speed of manifestation on this planet has improved since i was a kid, everything seems to be more light and fast, BUT...
There will probably be a few more years until the speed of manifestation will be instant, especially for every single thing.
You are part of a collective, a collective consciousness, and everyone must be on board until they push the START button from above 🤭😁
We are literally on this mission together, it's not just about you, it is about the ascension of Earth and its citizens.
Don't stress! Make it your job to relax whatever happens and you will see small improvement after small improvement which will lead to an easy, chilled life that is financially supported by the Universe enough that u have time to do your affirmations, your journaling, your shadow work, etc. Make it a habit to not stress, because stress is always misaligned since it doesn t feel good.
My life currently: affirming, journaling and pinteresting most of the day while in bed...earlier i did groceries and got a lot of things i love to eat and would be considered expensive where i live. Spent 120 euro today and i am in europe. I don't work. I only manifest haha. I'm yet to be at the financial level i want (one of my two desires i'm working on) but i still live a comfortable life, a life that energetically i wish i will have once i have lots and lots of money, because the vibes are amazing. I'd rather have this warm house and bed, friendships and good vibes than a view from the last floor in NYC from my bed, while ridden with anxiety and loneliness.
Ya know.. Everything will be ok, if you struggle to affirm meditate and try your affirmations just once to check how it feels with eyes closed within your inner being..and then check more affirmations one at a time... and ask yourself, your inner being: what do i really need? what do i really want? and when you are clear, then start repeating and manifesting.
good luck!
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donascozylivingroom · 3 months
ok so let's say you want something very much and u feel it is far away from you energetically, like being 60 pounds overweight or wanting to travel and no money.
you can imagine yourself in the situation you desire and ask yourself "what keeps me from having this now?".
naturally your body will contract in some places. naturally you will have some type of fear of that because you have resistance to it.
imagine the worst case scenario and see your consciousness still survived after that thing you were fearing happened. like go through the steps of imagination your body is asking you to feel in this desire already fulfilled, and then feel it, express it, and let it go. you should feel lighter and happier, excited.
that will remove the belief and then you can casually affirm because it will manifest much faster now u don't have resistance or know it is already done.
don't fear imagining the worst case scenario once or twice because it will not manifest unless you believe very strongly it will but even that can be removed through this exercise.
does this make sense? experience the fear your desire includes in your imagination and u will have no resistance towards it, therefore life will take you there.
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donascozylivingroom · 4 months
This is if u struggle to understand the concept.
I'm an old lady of 30 yo and I found out about shifting parallel realities when I was 22 so I've had quite some time to simmer on it and even some success with its application.
We are definitely in the era of shifting parallel realities, finally, now.
People talk about it much more, so I decided to make a logical written explanation of it.
For those of you that struggle with affirmations and mental diet, meditation is definitely important. it's a way of knowing urself and ur mind better.
The ability to silence ur mind at will or focus it on a "mantra" comes with a lot of mindfulness - observing ur mind and what it does w/o judgement.
To be smart and get to the age of 30, you start accumulating a lot of knowledge and kinda have a mental toolkit for a lot of things. So me posting this sh@# is from tried and tested things, not just my musings of the day.
ok so parallel realities.
i learned this from Bentinho Massaro in 2015, i don't really follow the guy anymore or would suggest u do it necessarily, i just wanna give him credit.
So he explained basically that when u get to tomorrow, u will be in the present moment, even though in ur mind it was the future. And yesterday you were in the present moment, too, although u call it past. One second ago and one second after are still in their own present moment. so there is no time, there is only the One present moment.
So basically because the Universe is infinite, all possibilities already exist.
In this reality, you can make choices, u could go to the grocery store today or stay home and play video games. You have free will. You could basically start those things you know would help you achieve your dreams, or not. It is a choice. Every second of the day you have choices. You could speak now or not speak.
But all these choices are parallel realities that already exist.
i believe the universe still creates by combining things/realities that were not combined before based on us, and our free will choices, so being infinite and mathematical it keeps on creating through us, free will agents of consciousness/gods.
Anyways, he explained parallel realities like this: imagine u are watching a movie on ur laptop/device. You could stop it at 1:06, print the picture, and then stop it again at 1:07, print that image too, and send one pic to China and one to Austria. Same way you could print pictures hours apart and place the screenshots one after another.
That's kinda how parallel realities work, u could "print" ur desired reality and bring it to ur next nanosecond.
Just moving ur hand up and down, u are going through thousands, possibly tens of thousands of parallel realities.
What brings your desire closer is focus on it, so affirming and visualizing for example are tools.
But just know, ur desire is one nanosecond close!
I personally first shifted when i affirmed that whatever I visualize becomes my reality in 3 seconds. And it was incredible, I shifted from my mom's studio apartment to a beautiful penthouse in NYC! But I shifted back really fast because I got scared.
I shifted a few times more, but this one was the most incredible!
Anyways be careful with this if you can't control ur mind to not visualize scary things or affirm bad things, but yea you could counteract that with a really good self concept that whatever negativity u affirm or visualize doesn t manifest.
Basically you shift all the time, getting ur desire in time is still shifting, shifting is always the case, we are always shifting through parallel realities. But be careful out there peeps!
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donascozylivingroom · 4 months
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donascozylivingroom · 4 months
Hey y'all.
In May of 2023 I affirmed almost only 1 affirmation "all my wishes come true easilly and effortlessly". it was the most blessed period of my life since my childhood. i even traveled to Corfu, Greece, which is one of those "travel is hard to get" ones for me, that i have more resistance to usually. it was the most beautiful vacation.
plus, everything in my life went so good, i was journaling every day and i looked through what i was writing and putting pictures of in my goodnotes app on my ipad (another manifestation of mine i will maybe make a post another time) and my life was super happy.
so i decided that this year this will be my only affirmation. because last year i was like yeah well this is great but i want specific things and this is kinda good/awesome things that are coming sort of as a surprise from the universe. but it didn't work as well for me to affirm for specific things, i manifested a lot but it didn t make me as happy. so i decided this year to try again and let the universe decide.
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but this leads me to my point: I know of myself what I am in Human Design, an unspecific manifestor. This means exactly what i iterrated here: unspecific affirmations work better for us unspecific manifestors. it's not that we cannot get specific things, it's that we are more 'made' to flow with the abundance of the universe.
for example for me as an unspecific manifestor, i get results faster if i affirm "i have a lot of money" rather then "i have X (specific) sum of money".
and as a specific manifestor, one would better get super speciffic with what they are manifesting.
i think this is an untalked subject in the manifestation world, that trips people up. for example an unspecific manifestor might teach a specific manifestor that "they are better off looking for the feeling of the desire and to affirm with feeling" while a specific manifestor might tell an unspecific to get super specific and manifest simply through mindless repetition, and both won't work the same for each other.
so i started with my affirmation, "all my wishes come true easilly and effortlessly" (no red car, no million dollars, no specific sp, etc - literally, unspecific) 6 days ago and today i started journaling too.
just while i was journaling i noticed things happening around me that made me feel like this aff works so well for me. for ex i didn't like what my brother was listening to and just affirming a few times he left to listen in his apartment. then he came back with soft music and he got an ad for an event that i saw yesterday with my friend and she said it seemed too expensive for her for what they offered (but i secretly wished we could go) . seeing the ad, i told my brother what she said without thinking much of it and he offered to pay for both of us 🥰. coincidence? i think not.
so to find out whether u are a specific or unspecific manifestor in HD u have to look online and ask google or chatgpt how to find out "am i a specific or unspecific manifestor in human design" (because i forgot which arrow in the chart exactly shows u) and then do ur chart with ur date and time of birth.
U can find many interesting things by doing ur chart and sending it to chatgpt, rather than paying for an explanation, but anyways....
good luck! :)
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donascozylivingroom · 4 months
If you could only affirm one affirmation all of 2024 what would it be?
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donascozylivingroom · 4 months
I think I found a new way of manifesting that involves robotic affirming, the list method and code words.
I thought like a week ago, could we just create one word affirmations? Because our subconscious knows what we are referring to anyways? Like instead of 'i am beautiful" to affirm something like "beautiful", if u know what it means to u.
So yesterday I saw a post someone made about this subject, affirming just one word, so it was a big confirmation, and I thought like why don't I make a list of all my desires and write down the new assumption that every time I think this new code word (any word u decide on, like strawberry, blueberry, anything), it means/I assume my entire list is my now reality.
I wrote my list in affirmation format so I added that every time I think/repeat the code, all affirmations in 'my list' repeat 10.000 times in my subconscious mind.
So imagine saying it super fast while lying in bed for 10 mins? Pretty sure u can get 1000 repetitions in but u shouldn't force urself to, it is already repeating 10k times when u say it once.
Idk I put everything on my list from weight loss to dream life, money, clothes, Pinterest desires etc.
I also put affirmations for my family and like "everything works out in my favor" and they've been bothering me much less in those 24 hrs I've been affirming.
Also lost weight visibly.
I'm a big persistence gal so I am ready to get everything on my list, will update.
I saw here on Tumblr (I'm new to it) about putting the void off the pedestal, well I included affirmations about all my desires being off the pedestal.
I also added happiness, health and most importantly, safety.
But a lot was about my selfish material desires teehe
I won't say my code word, cause it's personal, but if u wanna do this choose something short that resonates and lights u up, that u can easilly link to the list.
The way I did my list is I wrote all my desires in affirmation format but left space at the top to write something along the lines of "every time I affirm this code in my mind it means that all the affs in the following list are already my reality" u can add "no matter how long the list is"
Of course u can affirm "all my wishes come true" and skip the list method but for me it was fun and I like being a bit more in control of what manifests.
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donascozylivingroom · 2 years
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Today I had my second session of therapy, and we decided to work on my relationship to the masculine for the remainder of 4 sessions. I talked about my dad and how angry he was on long roads when we were traveling and how we weren’t allowed to play, laugh, etc. She asked me “how would you have liked it to have been instead?” I said: with hugs, loving energy, pink baloons, snacks, etc. She asked “can you recreate this tonight after our session ends?” This is my attempt at that :) It felt amazing, highly recommend for inner child healing.  
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donascozylivingroom · 2 years
111 Follower Game <3
~ I hit 111 followers a couple weeks ago and want to do a game to celebrate
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!!! Three people will win an extremely detailed Future Spouse reading !!!
physical appearance
love languages (giving & receiving)
current energy
first impression of you
favorite things about you
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Send an ask saying “tarot”, “intuitive”, or “horary” (this will be the type of reading you receive if you win)
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I will tag & dm the winners
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