Han leaned into the conversation, but his attention was on his wife, not his granddaughter. "Garbage Compactor 3263827."
"Oh shut up." Leia scowled at him. Han grinned, and there was a bit of mockery in his expression. He switched his attention to Allana. "Sweetie, I can remember when your grandma smelled just like that. And unlike you, she was rude and ungrateful too."
"Go get cleaned up, and sanistream Anji if you can, while your grandma and I discuss the impossibility of keeping children - or teenage princesses - clean."
"Yes, Grandpa." Allana scurried while the scurrying was still good. She didn't have to look back to detect the glare Leia was visiting on Han.
Fate of the Jedi: Conviction by Aaron Allston
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