What I would say if I ever got to talk to Harry
I feel like many people who have role models picture what it would be like if they had even a short amount of time to talk with that person. I always remember taking the shower head from my mom's shower, and pretending like it was a microphone that I was interviewing Harry with. Now that I am thinking about it, that sounds a bit crazy. I would always picture myself running into him in California and asking him to have a cup of coffee with me. I understand that this is very unrealistic, but you never know. A girl can dream. I guess the first thing I would tell him is thank you. I would thank him for spreading kindness is a world filled with hatred and evil. It is so refreshing to see somebody continue to be bright and colorful even if people will label him as “gay” or “girly” because he has a feminine approach to fashion. I would thank him for helping me feel accepted as a member of the LGBTQ+ community when my entire school in Midwest Missouri made me feel the opposite. I would thank him for producing an album that made me feel so connected to others and the earth around me. In middle school I felt like I could not connect with anything. None of my peers thought or felt the way I did about things. Nobody had common interests in me and I thought if you weren't an athletete or insanely good at something, you should already start planning for the funeral of your social death. I met some amazing people who also loved the band Harry was in or Harry himself. They helped me feel connected to others and gave me a sense of belonging which I did not have for the longest. I guess now that I think of the sense of belonging, it would have been scary if I would have never found that. 
I often lose myself in the pit of, “who am I really?” and when I get in these ruts, there are few things that can pull me out. One of those things is listening to Harry Styles at full blast in my car at night with a grae slushie from Sonic. I am glad I found a support system that isn’t people who will eventually get tired of me crying about the same issues over and over. I guess that’s one of my fears that I face quite frequently. 
I would also ask Harry about his experience in One Direction since that has always been questions I’ve wanted to ask since I was 10 years old. I would ask how he actually liked the other members and how controlled he was by his management. I would also ask him for advice on how he got to be so fluid about his sexuality in a world where all eyes are on him. I have so many questions but I guess if I had to sum everything up, I would just tell him “thank you”.
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I want to go into more depth about Harry since I can talk about him 24/7. I have done lots of research in the past 10 years and thought I should speak=d the wealth of knowledge about Harry. Now, should I be putting my efforts toward knowledge related to school? Yes. But, this is for an assignment so it might as well of payed off for me in the long run, right? Let's start with fact number one. Harry was the youngest member on One Direction. I always loved One Direction but I was a Harry girl all the way. I always thought he was so charming and handsome, but not only was he attractive, but his voice was so beautiful. He was the youngest but he carried himself so well that you would have never known. 
Harry Has roughly 50 tattoos. Now 50 tattoos may sound quite crazy but, they’re all cool tattoos so it cancels out the crazy. That’s what PEMDAS is right? As I said, I filled my brain with Harry Styles facts and there was no room left for things I should have learned in middle school. As a person who also has quite a love for tattoos, I love to see the art he has chosen to put on his body. He has a mermaid, a butterfly, oak leaves, and many other things that are so interesting to me. I always liked tattoos and my parents always thought they were trashy so to see a role model of mine with tattoos made me feel normal for wanting to also have lots of tattoos. 
Harry Styles wrote a song for Arianna Grande. This song was Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart and Ariana Grande sings it now. If you have never listened to this song, I would highly recommend it. It is such a beautiful song and it shows the desperation of wanting a person so bad even though they may not be faithful to you any longer. It is definitely a sad song that may make you tear up a bit if your circumstances can relate. Regardless, it is an amazing song that people can belt riding down a highway in the summer with the windows down. 
Harry styles cut his hair in 2016 and donated his hair to charity. Now I loved Harry’s long luscious hair, but I have to say, the short, curly hair is such an iconic look. When I was younger I remember that people would always talk about his hair mainly because his name was Harry Styles. I would always tell people that if only they had hair like his, they may be able to actually have people find them an inkling of attractive. 
There are so many random facts I have memorized about Harry Styles so here's a rapid fire:
Harry Styles has 4 nipples. 
He has 31.7 million followers on Instagram
Harry Styles loves the Green Bay Packers
Harry Styles loves Scrabble
Harry Styles is my inspiration
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Harry and Women's Rights
If you have read the news recently, you may have been stories about how the court case, Row V. Wade has been overturned. Quick history lesson from Kenna- Row V. Wade was a court case in 1973 that allowed women to have legal access to abortions. This gave women the right to abort a child as a result of an incident of rape, incest, or even accidental conception. Regardless of your standing on abortion, in my opinion, a woman who gets pregnant from the horrifying incidents mentioned below, should at least have an option. In 2022, the supreme court ruled to overturn Row V. Wade, leaving women stripped of their rights to abortion and many other things. Samantha Artiga wrote, “Many women who are not able to obtain abortions will have children that they hadn’t planned for and face the associated costs of raising a child. In addition to the direct costs, lack of abortion access can affect women’s longer-term educational and career opportunities. Research from the Turnaway Study, which examined the impact of state-level gestational limits on abortion, found a range of negative economic effects of abortion denials, including higher poverty rates, financial debt, and poorer credit scores among women who were not able to obtain abortions compared to women who received abortions.” (Artiga, 2022) The implications of this ruling can result in so many women's being put in situations where they have to carry a child that they did not want nor did they plan for. 
Now you may be thinking, what does this have to do with Harry Styles? Well,, my fellow girls, gays and they’s, Harry shows his support and speaks out against women having their rights taken right from their hands. He shows expression on how America is taking a gigantic step backward in terms of a happy and healthy country. He stands up for the women and speaks out while many other people with way larger platforms failed to do so. It is incredibly relieving when people who are heard on a global level, use their voices for good rather than others that spew out bullshit on social media like random TikTok dramas and whos kissing who. Rhian Daly from NME writes, “Speaking to Howard Stern in a new interview [per Teen Vogue], Styles said of the potential of Roe v. Wade being overturned: “I think it’s quite scary to see how far backwards we’re going in a lot of ways. There should be backlash and uproar for these things. There’s a lot of people who are taking…the right steps to try to make positive things [happen].” (Daly, 2022) Harry spoke out about this issue even though he does not reside in the United States and it is not him home country. This says so much about his personality and his morals. Other artists like Megan the Stallion and Billie Eilish joined him in raising awareness about this abolishment. Hopefully his voice is heard and we can someday see a country that allows women to make their own choices.
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It seems as if every day we see a new, heartbreaking headline in the news. School shootings, LGBT rights at risk, and women's rights being stripped from them one misogynist at a time. In a world filled with hatred and violence, a simple act of kindness can help relieve the pains that millions are going through. Harry’s main tagline is “Treat People With Kindness” and it speaks louder than words. We see a lot of issues with gun violence every day in America and the, “my thoughts and prayers” tweets from congressmen who will do nothing to stop the pandemic of firearms, aren't cutting it. People with ungodly amounts of money can be incredibly stingy with their money and sometimes even put it towards organizations fueling the fire of hatred. According to Doug Wintemute at NickiWhite, “The Nation of Islam (NOI) has a complicated history, according to Southern Poverty Law Center. While "offering numerous programs and events designed to uplift African Americans," the organization and many of its leaders push "deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-gay rhetoric," says the SLPC. In 2006, prominent NOI minister Louis Farrakhan, for example, the man responsible for organizing the 1995 Million Man March, blamed "the wicked Jews, the false Jews" for "promoting lesbianism [and] homosexuality."” That's why many people raised their eyebrows when Farrakhan announced that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith had donated $150,000 to the NOI to help organize the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March.” (Wintemute, 2022) Jada and Will smitch both donated money to an awful organization that said they had good intentions, but the truth was evil.
 Harry, on the other hand, contributes to organizations that are beneficial to the issues at hand. Lily Waddell from HELLO! Writes, “This year, the generous-hearted Don’t Worry Darling star donated more than $1million to gun safety organization Everytown for Gun Safety after 19 children and two teachers were killed in a primary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Heartbroken Harry revealed he was “absolutely devastated” by the shooting earlier this year and he was determined to do everything in his power to do something about it. Speaking out, the singer used his Love on Tour to help raise awareness about gun violence and worked alongside Everytown for Gun Safety. It is the largest gun violence prevention in America with nearly ten million supporters. Angela Ferrell-Zabala, Senior Vice President of Movement Building at Everytown for Gun Safety, told HELLO!: “We’re so grateful to Harry Styles for using his ‘Love on Tour’ to help raise awareness about gun violence in America.” (Waddell, 2022)
Harry consistently contributes to spreading kindness with not only his morals and his words but also his contributions. This is more than many artists or celebrities do when it comes to standing with survivors or citizens trying to improve the state of their home countries. Harry speaks out about women's rights since Row V. Wade was overturned. Harry is not from America, yet he still provides support and kind words to those that reside in the States. 
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For so long, cosmetics have been primary used by women and women only. It was seen at taboo for a man to wear nial polish or makeup and it would make people question the mans masculinity. This started to change as we got into the Y2K era and men started to wear heavy eyeliner and black nail polish. This would be categorized as “emo” and that was that. A little but later, the world started to become more open to the idea of men wearing makeup after seeing artists like Manny Mua and Partick Starr. They were not only app;auded by their talent, but their bravery to go against the norm and break the masculine stereotype. 
Harry styles came around to this trend as well when he started to wear nail polish. Of course there was a great deal of people who love to promote toxic masculinity and say that this was just the worst thing that could ever happen. They thought that this made him a queer when in all actuality, is was just his way of expressing himself. According to Seventeen, “Created to foster creativity, the makeup products can be used any way you want — whether that's a mix-and-match mani, glossed-over eyelids and lips, or a bold gold blush and green highlight. The collab with Brazilian fashion designer Marco Ribeiro — whom Harry has tapped for gender-bending, retro-inspired designs before — reflects Harry's personal style and love for bright shades. "To me, the way Marco uses color is so inspiring — everything he makes radiates fun, joy, and playfulness," Styles told Vogue Business. "When we started discussing collaborators for Pleasing, Marco was the first person I wanted to ask."” (Dupes 2022)
Harry created his new cosmetic brand, Pleasing, and it has absolutely gone viral. I can tell that when people see other people like theirselves do something, they tend to want to do that thing as well. For instance, when a toddler sees another toddler do a cartwheel, they tend to want to do one as well. So if more men see that Harry is promoting and encouraging cosmetics to not be limited to one gender, other men may feel more inclined to throw their “pride” away and endulge in the self-expression as well. 
If you’re a cool person, that means you like Fleetwood Mac. Sorry, I don’t make the rules; I just enforce them. Mick Fleetwood is apart of the promotion for the Pleasing brand and has a very big part in the marketing aspect as well. According to Vogue, ““Pleasing is this experience of, ‘Why not?’ or ‘I’ve never thought of that’—and that’s why I’m part of it,” explains Fleetwood, who views the brand as an empowering tool for self-discovery and self-expression. “It says, here’s something, either literally or figuratively, to hold your hand while we’re all on this journey. That’s what it means to me.” Along with a set of theatrical ensembles, Fleetwood sports an array of colorful manicures in the campaign. Think: a purple top hat paired with matching tiny shades, a custom zebra print suit by S.S. Daley, and stacks of chunky metallic rings with teal digits; or a salmon silk vest layered over a mushroom Pleasing T-shirt and indigo trousers, topped off with glossy cherry red nails.” (Valenti 2022)
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Why I love Harry
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When I explain to people that I am a bit of a Harry Styles fan, they tend to ask why? Why do you buy every Harry Styles magazine? Why do you have tattoos that are inspired by him? Why do you go to all of his concerts? Well, as much as I love to write about this wonderful man, I thought it would give some more insight into the “why” questions if I explain the “how” question first. I remember one day I was listening to music in my basement at my dad’s house and One Direction popped up on youtube. I thought that the boys on the thumbnail were cute so I figured I would give it a listen. The first song I listened to was, of course, What Makes You Beautiful. I instantly fell in love and I felt as if I had just done some type of drug that made me just jump up and start dancing. (I was not doing drugs I was 8 years old). 
When this song came out, I was in middle school. Everyone goes through such a dramatic change in middle school but of course since I felt like the main character, I felt as if mine was much more drastic. I had a “boyfriend” in the 6th grade that  I instantly fell in love with. I thought he was just the coolest guy I would ever lay my eyes on. He would eventually break up with me and say I wasn’t pretty or skinny enough for him and then he would proceed to kidd a girl who I thought was 100X prettier than me. I was already struggling with my weight at the time and this situation sent me into a full blown body negativity mentality. I would starve myself and tell my mom I wanted to go to the gym with her so I could lose the weight. I hated myself and my body all because of a man. Not even a man, but an 11 year old boy. 
I spent a lot of time on youtube and looking up ways to be prettier and skinner and this is when I came across the song I mentioned earlier. When I listened to the lyrics, I instantly felt loved and accepted. Even though I was chunky and had acne, I still felt beautiful because, in my mind, this boyband was saying that my imperfections made me beautiful. While my mental health was at an all time low, One Direction and Harry Styles woulld always make me feel better. Not only that, but the comradery between the fans was so positive and uplifting that I finally made some friends that uplifted me and shared my love for this band. 
Now I am 20 years old and I still find so much self-acceptance and peace when I listen to Harry’s warm voice. He reminds me of a time when I pulled myself out of an eating disorder and poor mental health issues. I correlate a lot of my messy and traumatizing childhood with positive memories of just being so in love with this band and it always makes me forget about the difficult times. So that, is why I love Harry Styles.
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When you ask Harry Styles fans why they love him so much, you may get a plethora of answers. Some fans will say hist music and others will say his charm. There is so many reason why his fans adore him as much as they do. Myself included, I personally love his music and his charm. His music tends to have the same effect as an antidepressant where your worries and troubles float out the the open window of your car while you drive with the wind in your hair. His music has an effect on not only young adults and teens, but everybody. If I were to provide a testimony, one of my 50 year-ols coworkers comes to me everyday saying how much she loves Harry’s new album. His music must have some science behind it that makes people just let go and feel worry-free. 
When we listen to music, we usually want some type of diversity. At least I do. When I have a playlist, I usually like to add some ballads, pop, rock and country just so I can really get a change and I am not listening to the same songs over and over. One thing that Harry Styles does so well on his albums is include so many types of music in one album. I remember listening to Harry’s first album and not even believing it was him. In my mind, I grew up to him mainly doing pop music, so when I heard his more alternative 70’s music, I was astounded. I always used to make fun of my dad for listening to old music and when we listening to his album together, he gave me a look that read that jokingly mocked me. This brings me back to my point that everyone can appreciate and find a song they love by Harry because there are so many types of music he creates. 
According to The Atlantic, “One Direction’s hits entertained with the simplicity and bounce of Sunday cartoons, but Styles’s first two solo albums strove to convey adult sophistication with vintage guitars and psychedelic harmonies. Paired with a nonbinary-ish, scarves-and-baubles fashion makeover, this brand reset successfully expanded his appeal. In April, he headlined Coachella with a whirl of Mick Jagger–inspired shimmying across a sparse set. I stood near some dudes, maybe in their 40s, who had overcome their skepticism of Styles by the concert’s end: This pop kid, they marveled out loud, could really rock.” (Kornhaber 2022). This text shows how well Harry is able to appeal to everyone and give an extra bounce in your step while listening tp him. When it comes to my taste in music, I tend to like to listen to new music and when Harry’s House came out, there was a little something for every one of my audio cravings. The first song I fell in love with was Daylight. It starts off pretty pop-ish, but as the song plays, you will hear heavy drums and guitars which will make you want to bang your head like you're at a rave. 
All in all, Harry is such a talented artist and can truly create so much happiness in the grumpiest of people. I hope to explain why this means so much to me in my next post!
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Harry and His Fans
It is no doubt that when it comes to Harry Styles, his fans are some of the most devoted people around. Starting in 2010, Harry Styles joined a band called One Direction. This band has one of the largest fanbases and I am never too ashamed to say I was an avid “Directioner”. This fan base shared nothing but love and respect among others and had one of the most genuine interactions with others who were also a part of the fanbase. When one direction broke up In August of 2015, many Directioners were devoted to still supporting the band members’ solo careers. Harry Styles always knew he wanted to eventually break away and start a solo career but he never suspected that he would gain this amount of support. His fans now preach kindness and being a good person which is one of the reasons he is such an amazing role model. The fans support him and are the reason he is able to sell out multiple arena shows in a matter of seconds. Harry’s fans love him but I think Harry loves his fans more. 
Harry Styles has always had an amazing connection with his fans and there are little to no bad comments about him when it comes to fans that have met Harry in person. They say that he is very genuine and caring to his fans and knows that even though it is a hassle for him, it’s a core memory for the person that has supported him since 2010. Harry recently played a show in Chicago and showed his support for his fans during his show. According to the Chicago Tribune, ”A woman named Ruby — I know her name was Ruby because Styles was polite enough to ask for her name — held up a handwritten sign, a reference to declaring her sexuality, that read: “Please help me come out.” (Borrelli 2022) This shows how much Harry cares about his fans by accepting them for their sexuality and also supporting them to come out and display to the world that it’s okay to not be a part of the majority. As I mentioned in my previous post, Harry is very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community and will always be a strong advocate for them. 
Another great quality of Mr. Styles is that he knows that his fans are paying a pretty penny to be able to come to watch him perform. According to FinanceBuzz, “On average, concert-goers paid $119.14 per ticket to see a classic rock performance. The second most expensive genre was pop at $100.65 per ticket.” (Kobert 2022) This is not necessarily cheap, but most Americans are able to afford this and attend concerts. When I was looking for Harry Styles tickets, I would personally not find a ticket under $300. This is very expensive for a concert and falls very high over the average of concert tickets. When you are paying this much for a concert, you expect the best experience and that is what Harry gives. “This may sound odd say about the broadest of pop stars, but, having more than established himself, it would be nice to see Styles click off the need to crawl into the lap of his audiences, and maybe even turn inward and a touch selfish. He recalls his inspirations so effortlessly, you hope he reminds himself that all of the above found room to be difficult, and push their audiences and themselves. So for the moment, a Harry Styles show is a celebration of his bond with fans. He blows kisses, waves endlessly, relaxes his loose-limbed body into a rubbery marching-band leader. He dances like no one is watching. He’s not challenging anyone. But that he does this with charm, that you smile wide even when the playbook is obvious — that’s showmanship.” (Borrelli 2022)
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What’s to Come?
This blog is essentially an overview of the life of Harry Styles and how he can bring joy to so many people worldwide. The purpose of this blog is to just spread joy and kindness about one of the people who preach and demonstrate how to treat people with kindness. The mission of this blog is to make your day a little brighter whether you are a fan of Harry Styles or not. 
One of the main topics I will talk about is the science behind the music that Harry Styles puts out and how it can make a person feel more joy and happiness. If you have ever listened to a Harry Styles song, you know that usually, you get to the end of the song feeling good and upbeat. His music is almost always guaranteed to make you want to dance and jump around and I am going to explain why and how. 
Another topic I would like to post is how Harry is an overall amazing person and a great role model. A lot of the younger demographic listens to Harry and some people may wonder, “well what is so great about this guy?” my goal is to answer that question. 
I also would like to speak on the community that is built around Harry Styles and his fans. There was such a huge and amazing fanbase that was formed when Harry’s former band, One Direction, rose to fame. Those fans grew very close and formed a community that is nothing but positive and is such a great place to be. 
My audience would be just about anybody who stumbles across this blog. As I mentioned previously, whether you support or listen to Harry’s music, you can still admire his ability and his hard work to spread the word of love and kindness. The main demographic for his fanbase is young adults and teenage girls but I think that is mainly a stereotype. Anyone can pick up on his good vibes and philanthropy. 
I would like to end this post with a few of the great things that Harry has done in the past few years. First, he showed immense support for cancer patients by cutting off his hair in honor of the Little Princess Trust. He did this to raise awareness about donating hair so that cancer patients could restore their confidence and feel a bit more upbeat. 
Harry also raises awareness for sexuality and gender equality. He has been seen waving the pride flag at shows and has shown his opposition to the abortion ban in America. This is such a huge deal because as I stated before, a younger audience looks up to him and if an individual is struggling with their identity or sexuality, Harry uplifts the idea of fluidity and being yourself. He also supported the #HeforShe campaign made by Emma Watson to get men involved in the conversation of gender equality. 
I am more than happy to be writing this blog about one of the things in my life that always makes me feel happy and peaceful and I hope I can spread some of that joy with you as well.
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