dogrisen-blog · 7 years
달에 부르는 노래. sp.
it starts as a frustrated huff, a tiny noise orchestrated in the pit of his chest, designed to push away the concerns he has, but the idea persist, eating gaps into his marrow, pillaging his rib cage and leaving nothing but empty space for the tempest of butterflies he feels like he’s swallowed to fly.
it’s at night when they come for him, not the soft memories he clings to as gasoline, igniting his will to stay patient, but something angry, poisonous, doubtful. the sting of suni’s palm against his cheek, the claustrophobic feeling of the chain that’d been locked around his neck, the view of the garden from behind bars.
the wolf boy curls legs to his chest. he wishes for the notes of her guitar strings to muffle it all, but there is only wind in the trees of the forest, the rustling noise of crickets and their chirps.
she will never find you. the words, though they never leave cheolsu’s mouth, taste angrily of jitae’s blood, suffocating and polluted at the back of his throat. he bit at them with a snarl, eyes slide shut and fingertips slip from their embrace of his knees to lock firmly in uncut hair. 
he had not slept since he came to this new world, the night song sung by the city too deafening for his sharp hearing, and that too weighs upon slender shoulders. it was the constant noise that chases him out, far into the woods, until it started to lessen, stopped ricocheting from his head, down his spine, an echo that seeps in too deep.
even here, the city smoke stretched up and devoured the borderless, white freckled night sky, blackening it into a dull, inky and unforgiving ocean. he couldn’t see it, but if he focused, tore his thoughts away from the static of his misery, the moon still made cheolsu’s tongue curl with restrained noise.
another huff, less occupied than the last, before his head tilted back, lips parted. it built, like the sudden emotion, in his stomach, a long, shuddering inhale, before the tension broke, like a fever, and the wolf boy keened.
first, the noise was frenetic, an unkempt yowl that scratched his throat, scrabbling at dirt to raise his body into a crouch, supported by palms, pressed into the earth. the sound ebbed, felt like it would give in his chest and fracture, but instead it simply deepened, more of a howl than a scream.
no hands yanked at him, no voices silenced him, and so he continued, eyes squeezing shut. he refused to quiet until his thoughts did first.
and his determination, being far stronger than his sadness, won.
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
Cry not for me, wolf child. Close your eyes and breathe with the forest. She misses your footsteps
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
Jaina lifted one of R2s tennis balls, tossing it a bit away from her,  letting out a groan when the dogs attention turned to a person instead. “R2! Don-” but she was too late, he had collided head first into the persons legs. “Sorry about that, he gets excited..”
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unlike the animal that had caught up to cheolsu’s legs, the wolf boy’s attention was focused astutely on the tennis ball that had been thrown. it reminded him, a soft, warm memory, of sunja and her baseball, and of soccer in the fields. he moved quickly, gently nudging the dog away, a soft huff and rumble of a noise tumbling from the back of his throat, before charging after the ball. with his bettered speed and strength, he got to it fast, and was back in an even shorter amount of time. he extended his hand, item in question clenched between nimble fingers, towards the stranger.
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
inquisitivcus ;
      Of everything Sam had hoped to get out of a little hike, a skinned shin didn’t even reach the top ten. Walking in the forest was supposed to be a meditative and serene experience, especially with how nice the weather was. But apparently, no matter how nice the day is, Murphy’s law was a bitch. She’d been busy fumbling with her camera, trying to find the setting that would complement the sunlight best — resulting in a short tumble down a steep incline. Despite the fact that a rock had scraped her nearly to the bone, Sam’s biggest concern was the state of her camera. Having lost it during her fall, she had no way of knowing. Gritting her teeth, the blonde girl used a tree to try and stand up, whimpering as her possibly broken leg refused to allow the action. Voice raspy, Samantha called out in case anyone had been near the treeline. “ Hey! Hello? I need help! ”
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bare toes dug into the soft ground, legs charging him forward through the tree covered spread of quiet. the scent of trees and dirt, an oddly salubrious combo to cheolsu, whose lungs had done nothing but inhale the claustrophobic and tainted air that hung around magnolia’s streets. the loud noises of everyday life chased the wolf boy away from the hub of civilization, out towards a more recognizable habitat, and the knot of tension that had roped around taut, charged muscles was slowly unraveling, mind clearing. it wasn’t long before the calm started to break, however, his nose catching a new smell that rested like rust on the tip of his tongue. slowing his pace to a walk, cheolsu tilted his head to pinpoint the sound that came coupled with the taste. a voice, close by and edged with a sharp emotion that the wolf boy had only heard in very panicked contexts.  나를 도와 줘?  he pursued it without further thought, tracking the blood more than the voice, to poke his head over a sudden drop in the otherwise smooth terrain.
he caught sight of the girl’s leg before anything else, and vaulted the short drop with supernatural ease. his instinct was to carry her somewhere safe, but he knew nowhere safer in this new place (except maybe... home?), and so he traced the actions that had been preformed on him when he’d been hurt. he halted in front of her, tracing eyes back to the strangers face, fingers moving to tear a strip of fabric from the shirt beneath his sweater. he would bind it, then take her to the building, to his room for safety. whatever hurt the stranger wouldn’t follow them if he took her fast enough, he was sure of it.
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
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jace noticed as soon as he was pulling the books toward himself in an effort to clear the bench that the person in front of him looked a little startled, as if he hadn’t expected the action or hadn’t expected him to actually acknowledge his existence in any way. he looked up at him, eyebrows raised slightly before his expression basically SOFTENED, and his eyes darted to the empty spot again, curious if he would take it. it was then that he did, and jace huffed out a sigh, trying to organize the messy pile in front of him when things were oddly …. quiet. the blonde wasn’t really looking for a full blown conversation here, but there wasn’t a ‘thank you’ or anything, and it caused him to look over one more time only to find that he was already staring. confused, something clicked in jace’s brain that he’s probably wondering what the hell he’s reading and why he has five god damn books on the same exact thing — so, with a quick motion, he grabbed the first book on the stack ( about zeus, countless and countless stories about zeus ) and held it out like an offer. ❝ it’s mythology. ❞
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when the other presented, in lieu of the physical affection he’d expected, the book that had caught his attention in the first place, cheolsu’s head rose, expression somber for a moment. he didn’t have much time to think on if he’d done something wrong, before even more words (words not charged with the anger that made cheolsu’s blood frost, a good sign?) fell from the tongue of the blonde. what was mythology? a long and twisting sound that had never been said to him before, and though he had been scolded for it in the past, the wolf boy brought his legs up to his chest, curling toes to match the curvature of the bench. slender digits reached and took hold of the book, bracing it against his shin so he could peer over his knees at it, a slow blink following as fingernails trail the bumps of the titular symbols on the front. thicker and heavier than any of the ones he’d been introduced to before (maybe the other man had the one with the snowman instead, he missed it dearly), the text was unfamiliar, the same letters that hung on some buildings and signs, and expectant eyes trailed their way smoothly back to the face of the book’s owner, offering it back with his forefinger still pressed to the words on the front.
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
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perched at one of the park’s more comfortable and secluded spots, five books of varying sizes laid sprawled out across the bench in front of jace. not including the notebook he harbored between two hands, of course, which was folded at the spine with tiny scribbles across the page he currently had open. he felt oddly …. at PEACE here, even though the subject he was so intensely researching made him want to pull his own hair out ; these books were just so old, and there was so little information that he actually found useful, and it was harder than he originally thought it would be. he supposed that was his fault — he was the one who went to a mundane library in the first place, trying to bypass a few shortcuts so that he wouldn’t have to travel all the way home for the ones he really needed. with a frustrated huff, he brought a hand to rub at his eyes, but when his eyes blurred back into clear vision, the figure of someone was suddenly looming over him. ❝ oh — shit, sorry, ❞ jace apologized, quickly swiping up the books that took occupancy over the extra space along the bench, pushing them further towards himself so that the other could sit. assuming that’s what they wanted. ❝ my bad. sit. ❞
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a wanderer at heart, cheolsu found comfort in exploring new places at his own slow pace, taking in the sprawling, odd new scenery and smells of his new home. at first, the prospect of an entirely changed world had set him on edge, still anxiously in wait for her and worried she’d never find him if he strayed too far. that cautious idea still played in the forefront of his mind, but he was far more consumed with the heated newness of magnolia. a newness that was broken by a familiar sight, books... curiosity brought him closer to them, reminded of how he practiced learning to read, but when he stopped short of the bench and it’s occupant, he found he recognized nothing of what was on them. his head quirked to the side, and as he stretched fingers out, to bring them in for a closer look, they were pulled from his reach. his gaze snapped to the man, eyes wide. he was being spoken to, he knew that, but sit... sit? maybe the other meant 앉아? chulsoo wasn’t sure of it, translations always a bit rough, but a spot had been cleared for him, and so he slid into place next to the man. looking for assurance, the wolf boy tilted his head, the same way he had for suni, to be pet in confirmation. 
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dogrisen-blog · 7 years
yo ! this is in intro post ig?
hi ! i’m tj and this is cheolsu. i’ve been wanting to join for a while but i haven’t had muse for any characters. anyway, you’re probably reading this for info on my character not me lmao
the movie a werewolf boy is super good imo and worth checking out but to condense it terribly;
cheolsu was a science experiment basically, a test subject for a serum meant to create super soldiers for the korean war. he was kept in a locked room in a dog shed, wasn’t socialized with other people, and was pretty much left to grow feral. things changed when the man keeping him died? and his home was bought and then promptly occupied by kim suni and her family !
they discover him living around the property on the family’s second day there, and suni’s mother adopts him and names him cheolsu. at first, having no proper socialization or manners, he is wild and p much a nuisance. but, suni, who wants him to be less annoying, uses a dog training book and some force to teach him, unintentionally growing fond of him.
unfortunately, not everything can be easy and peaceful, and jitae, the landlord of the property and a family friend who wants to be married to suni, starts causing trouble. when he attacks suni, cheolsu retaliates by transforming into a fuzzy half-human half-wolf beast and protecting her, thus exposing his “nature” to jitae, who makes it his mission to get cheolsu put down.
jitae, through method of emotional manipulation, gets cheolsu to go to a neighbouring farm, under the impression suni actually hates him and he needs to find her guitar to make her like him. he tears the place apart, unintentionally hurting the residents. the police descend upon him? and it looks like this is the end.
but ! suni intervenes by stepping into the line of fire and trying to talk to cheolsu. and then jitae FUCKs it all up by shooting at her, not hitting her but pissing off our dude cheolsu, who wolfs out and exposes his form to the police force and most of the tiny village. he kills jitae, and runs off with suni.
a manhunt begins, and suni, trying to save him from being killed, professes that she hates him, and she’s leaving, and he shouldn’t follow. and he, in return, speaks his first words ig, “don’t go?” she leaves him anyway. yikes.
they call the manhunt off because the colonel doesn’t want news to get past the village and the press to come to their village. suni and her family pack up, and she leaves a note in the doghouse/shed thing which reads...
“Wait for me. I’ll come back for you"
yeah ig that’s the badly summarized gist of it. sorry if i ruined it for you :L but there... he’s docile at heart, he can’t really speak but he can understand, likes his head pet after he does good things !! extremely loyal but easily manipulated. if anything in my summary needs more dm me? plot w me and stuff !! i love to plot or just talk.
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