dirtspace-archive · 1 year
Vent app
Hello all ye refugees, hail and well met.
As for me, I think my time with vent is done. I was user tiltawhirl and user jamsiedrutsie, and now I am neither. Because they device banned me. I might try to contact vent staff, but honestly what better of an ending for me? What more fitting ending to Vent, and what better death than to be shunned in its last moments? 
Like a cat finding a small, dark place to die and spare its loved ones the pain of greeting the corpse, I have been blocked from the eyes of Vent. 
Anyway, welcome. Spacehey is great. It's a really fun platform, and I hope it treats all of you well.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
I've decided to start archiving my posts somewhere
I recently remembered the story of PLERB, a microblogging site that I was obsessed with in my early internet days. I spent so much time on there, until I just stopped using it. I eventually found out that it was nuked, all the posts lost forever because it wasn't functional anymore. I guess that the person who made it only gave it a limited number of posts ever. With that memory implanted in my brain, I decided to back up my blogs for my future self. You can find them on tumblr @dirtspace-archive.
Kes (Longtime internet denizen)
PS- I went looking a while ago for my old plerb posts, just to see if they were archived. They weren't afaik, but in the process I discovered that the fandom wikia page for plerb contains a reference to me that betrays my nature at the time. I won't be giving specifics because it is VERY 2016 chronically online humor, but I will say that my username on plerb was (thanks to my early adopting of the platform) a canon homestuck name.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
This is an archive of my spacehey blog. You can find that here.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Indentured Servitude and Signing my life away to the devil
I am so lucky. I am so, so lucky. And yet I can't help but feel like I'm making a mistake.
My high school has a program for alum going into education that allows us to take out a loan from them to pay for college under the condition that we work at the school for five years following our college graduation. I was selected for the program.
This means that I won't technically be in debt, and I'll be guaranteed a job for at least five years after I graduate. But it also means I HAVE to work there for five years unless I'm able to pay off the loan. I'll be graduating in two and a half(ish) years. I'll be 22, and locked into a job for five years. By the time I'm free to leave, I'll be 27. I know that this is a good thing, and it's making my future more stable, but I can't help but feel like I might be making a mistake. I guess we'll see. Maybe the devil isn't so bad to make a deal with.
Kes (future contracted employee)
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Am I too Old And Crusty to Have Fun
Halloween is a holiday that is weird as someone who is a (mostly) well adjusted and normal adult who has many acquaintances who are only one of those (adults.)
I have really only been trick or treating once, a long time ago, and I guess I just must not understand what I'm missing. My friends want to go out and trick or treat... but I cannot overstate how little I want to do that. I'm nearly twenty, and I look like it. I am not comfortable with going out and getting asked if I'm too old to trick or treat. Because I already know the answer - I am.
Why don't we just buy a bag of candy ourselves and host a movie night? What's the point of a group of college students participating in a holiday associated with young teens and kids?
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
on people who chew loudly
Anybody else had the misfortune of having a friend who you care about a lot. They're a bestie, even. But you dread eating together for one simple reason.
They cannot seem to chew at a normal volume. Every time something enters their mouth it is chewed with the same visual pleasantness as an animal chewing cud. Their maw gapes open as they loudly chew, bits of food dribbling onto their shirt.
"Oh, whoops! I'm such a messy eater, haha!" They'll say this like its something cute and silly, not horrifying to behold. merely being in the same room with them as they eat is sickening. The smacking noises alone are propelled offensively into your ears at decibels rivaling planes taking off. They leave a mass of crumbs behind them at the table and you find yourself trying to think of any reason that you can reschedule a meal to "never."
No matter how many times you try to gently suggest they at least chew with their mouth closed, they only attempt it for a few minutes before reverting back to *SMACK SMACK SMACK, GULP, SMACKSMACK, CRUNCH, SQUISH, SMACK SMACK*
Possibly the most disgusting way to spend time with someone. Its the worst experience in the world. Not only do they spray crumbs in every direction with each sick chew, their mouth is inevitably crusted with the remains of their food escaping from the gaping pit on their face. Napkins are completely ignored by them. Food is only a means to revolt. Ugh.
To those reading this - take stock of yourself next time you eat. If you are one of those people whose eating habits would frighten a criminal, maybe consider moving to a cave and never emerging again. Thanks.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
survey i stole off of someone who stole it off of someone
I'm deleting any sections that i dont have an actual answer for so this is probably not a good version to steal lol
 -- T E L L  US  A B O U T  Y O U R S E L F --
name:: Kes
zodiac sign:: aquarius
current location:: my dorm
eye color:: brown
hair color:: also brown
hair type:: tangled af
hieght:: 5'3
shoe's you wore today:: nastiest ickiest tennis shoes known to man. I did just get a rlly cute pair at the thrift store tho so i might share those later
your weakness:: iocane powder
your fear:: iocane powder
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: this is a really weirdly specific question
do you want to:: no
goal you would like to achieve this year:: survive
first thought when you wake up:: groovy yeah baby rawr shagadelic
best physical feature:: my resistance to stab wounds
who is your bestest freind:: my twin
when is your bedtime:: I am an adult. 10 pm.
pepsi or coke:: pepsi
mc dondalds or burgerking:: Wendys
what is the last song you sang:: austin powers theme
what is your biggest pet peeve:: when i'm wearing socks and they roll up and pinch my ankles
do you drink:: not rlly
ever been drunk:: no
do you smoke:: no
do you "SMOKE":: no
do you sing:: yea i guess
what color underwear do you have on:: weirdly specific question, again...
do you want to go to college:: I am there as we speak.
have you ever been in love:: Romance is not the only kind of love
do you wnat to get married:: someday
do you believe in yourself::  I mean you gotta, what other choice do you have
do you believe in others:: hell yes I do
do you like thunderstorms:: not during tornado season
do you play an instrument:: trombone/baritone
what do you want to be when you grow up:: ALIVE
what country would you like to visit:: anywhere ever. I love seeing cool stuff.
how many CD's do you own:: at least six
how many DVD's do you own:: literally none
how many tattoo's do you have:: 0 and I don't really want any
how many piercings do yo have:: 3. two in one ear and one in the other (don't go to claires to get pierced ears.)
how many things in the past do you regeret:: at least six.
 -- F A V O R I T E S --
shoes:: my milf heels. i feel like a baddie in those thangs
radio station:: the one that plays literally anything. One time it played the entertainer (scott joplin) followed by 9-5 (dolly parton) and the whiplash killed me
drink:: water
car:: the scarab
place:: my bed on a cool night when I'm all alone. Windows open, smell of rain on the breeze. Music playing over my headphones.
song:: Currently obsessed with Maybe (Dan Reeder) but literally anything by him is really good
movie:: princess bride
color:: purple
meal:: anything I eat with my friends
 -- R I G H T  N O W --
what is todays date::  October 22 2022
what time is it:: 6:54 pm
who are you thinking of:: an assignment I'm supposed to be doing
what are you listening to:: my friend reading a book. Pages flipping and such.
do you love someone:: I love everyone
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: I'm beginning to think that this may be a euphemism
does someone love you:: of course
is it raining:: no
how many myspace friends do you have:: 52
are you happy:: I try to be
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
meeting old friends
Hey all! Today there was an event at my college for high schoolers and i had a chance to hang out with some of the people i knew in high school. they were younger than me then, but somehow seem even younger now. Their lives are so small, revolving around getting through the year and trying to please their parents. It was hard for me to imagine going back to that lifestyle, it was almost alien to me now. As much as I liked meeting up with my friends, it was really weird. I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore…
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
First Week Mishaps @-@
First week of classes and already my eye is twitching LOL. 
My advisor somehow double scheduled me and I JUST managed to get that fixed TODAY which means I've already missed two days of class in the one I got swapped into. 
My car is wobbling when it drives so I had to call lyke. SIX different tire stores to get quotes on an alignment and ended up scheduling an appointment for saturday, so at least that's dealt with. 
I still can't quite figure out how to set up my neocities, but I'm hoping to be able to sit down soon and watch some tutorials and at least get a theme going on there. Maybe I'll go for a plaintext blog sort of vibe, lolz. 
My college had a community involvement day and a bunch of businesses came and gave out free stuff, I had such a yummy lunch of freebies today.
-fresh, yummy cinnamon roll. (been craving these since I finished better call saul, so that was fortuitous)
-slice of little ceasars pizza (it was small but still nice)
-some yummy seasoned bacon (i dont know if it was cooked or not but it was so so good. mouth is watering thinking about it.....)
-cold brew from a local coffee shop (it was okay but I'm not a super big coffee person so I only drank about half of the big cup they gave me)
-lavender lemonade (pretty good, just pink lemonade with an herby flavor)
-some sweet tea (it was warm and overly sweetened, but still good.)
-smoothie (some peach/mango smoothie. It was only a few sips but it was cold and so good in the heat)
plus I got some candy and such. :)
That's really all my updates today orz. What a good wednesday it has been, even though I'm stressed.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Class tomorrow!!
First day of classes tomorrow! I'm sooo not ready for summer to end. It's weird to think that I'm about to start my second year of college. I also need to call two different mechanics and get quotes to get my wheels aligned. Ugh. @_@ at least since I'm back on campus I'll be able to get my favorite drink from the cafe again <3 I love you iced matcha latte. I was supposed to have three roommates, but one dropped out LITERALLY at one am the day before she was supposed to move in so like, lol. Whhhatevesss. Anyway. Planning to make a neocities when I have a chance to sit down and do it. I'm replaying hypnospace outlaw and goddamn. Good game. Definitely play it, try to pirate it tho bc the creator is allegedly not so great. Or buy it. It's 55% off rn so it's less than $10 and I don't think that's exactly a major sum to the dev. Check out my fav page on there, Terry's worm page. 
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Back to school
I'M SOOO TIRED UGH. emoji crying on floor and then disintigrating.
I moved back into the dorms today and then promptly took a nap on the shitty dorm beds. Ahh so sleepy. It's also 50 cent corndog day and I enjoyed some cornydawgies and a coke, super refreshing after moving boxes all day. Most of my roomies won't get here until sunday, so its just me and roomie1 eating corndogs and watching better call saul (which I NEEEEEED to catch up on.) Now that I'm back to a place with a desk, I hope to get on spacehey more!
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
skipped class today
skipped class today. i was all dressed and everything but when the time came to leave i just. didnt. it wasnt like i was trying to skip, i just didnt leave. 
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Tumblr Blog for Spacehey Posts
follow my tumblr @spacehey-ooc for out of context spacehey posts.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
I made the mistake of posting a homestuck post on homestuck eve and now my tumblr is blowing tf up. if elected president i will institute a scorched earth policy regarding homestucks.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
College Tips
My tips for college? just keep moving. It's easy to graduate high school and think YAYY YIPPEE IM FINALLY DONE!! but you aren't. Keep in the mindset that you're not finished, not even close. keep on that grind.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
god, my page is so broken. I'll be updating that, of course. Also happy to hear the autoplay was fixed, major happiness from that.
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dirtspace-archive · 2 years
Rlly nice coffee shop person
The person at the coffee shop gave me an employee discount on my latte 🥺 this person is so nice omg ...... I was like "oh it's Friday and I had a midterm so I'll splurge on a bigger coffee than I usually do 😁 even if it is more expensive I deserve a nice thing" and it ended up being cheaper than the size I usually get 🥺🥺
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