dimpledstars · 4 years
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I’ll do it, unless you start acting like a real pussy and take one for the fucking team.
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dimpledstars · 4 years
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#mood 24/7
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dimpledstars · 4 years
Alecto narrows an eyebrow at him and then she nods. ‘ So, you’re not denying it- basically, you’re saying you did it?’
“I’m not saying anything. If you wanna believe it was me then I don’t really care.” He shrugged. “Makes no difference to me.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“Well, I guess Celeste wasn’t upset about the lie that Rita told, but more the embarrassment it caused her.” In truth, it pained him to know he had caused her any trouble or embarrassment. Eli smiled, staring down at his drink, “I believe it to be more than that, if I’m honest. I think she might be starting to feel that way as well.” He knew the betrothal was what had brought them together in the first place, but in his head, he liked to believe it would have happened some way, somehow. “Maybe, just maybe, if you both give it a chance, it might turn into something more.” He wasn’t sure that would be the case, but there was always hope. “Anything else interesting going on?”
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“Ah. Well, that I can understand.” He couldn’t fully but he could kinda see where Celeste was coming from. And how that would put Elijah in a tough position. But, by the sounds of things, it wasn’t all that tough. “Well, I’m glad it’s working out for you. As long as she gets over the Rita things that is.” He chuckled. But then he shook his head. “I don’t think she would be interested even if I was. She’s pretty adamant it gets broken off. And I don’t really feel like putting any effort in to change her mind.” He wasn’t going to try and talk her round if this was something she really didn’t want. He didn’t see the point. “Not really. Though not surprising since school is boring as fuck.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
He wasn’t sure why he found it so comforting that she had been worried about him, but he did. Eli took her hands in hers and sat on the nearest bed, pulling her with him as he did. “Well, I’m here now and you’re here, so no reason for us to worry, anymore.” At least, anymore about that. He was always going to worry about Celeste or worry about losing her. “That is true.” He smirked, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. “I’m sure there will be many opportunities for you to have your own fun. Speaking of opportunities, though, I have been thinking about something and I figure now might be a good time to bring it up?”
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Looking down at their hands Celeste couldn’t ignore how nice it felt. And that was something she was noticing more and more. That she liked the small things that Eli did. Like just holding her hand. She’s never really cared about gestures before. But now they made her smile and she couldn't ignore that anymore. “If I hadn’t of been so stubborn and had gone to the village with you neither of us would have needed to worry.” She said with a small sigh. Feelings weren’t something she had ever thought about when it came to her choice in the war. But now it’s all she could think about. “What have you been thinking about?” She asked and finally looked up from their hands to smile at him. “Should I be concerned?”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“Didn’t mean anyth- Siri, for god’s sake, you don’t mean that and you know it.” Peter shook his head. “It’s painfully obvious that you’re into her. How can a kiss backfire like that?”
Painfully obvious that you’re into her. Those words he hadn’t been expecting to hear. Though what was more shocking to him was that he didn’t rush to correct him. “What do you mean painfully obvious?” He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. “I don’t...it just did? We had been drinking and I did it without thinking. Plus, she isn’t into me like that it was a stupid thing to do.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
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‘Oh, that’s a bit pathetic, but I guess it’s you so it makes sense.’ Giselle found herself saying as she looked her brother from the couch she was seating on- of course Giselle had dressed up; she was a fairy in order to match Rita’s costume. Her dress was as short as the other’s, so when she spotted Sebastian, she tried to seat slightly straight up, so he does not see how short the dress actually is. ‘You’ve put more effort  into this that I thought you would.’
“Pathetic? Your words hurt you know.” Sebastian teased and he noticed what his sister was wearing but thought best to not go down that route. He could be too protective, he knew that. And he didn’t want to ruin Giselle’s fun. “I’m surprised at myself for putting any effort in. So surely I get points for that?” He asked as he moved to go and sit beside her.
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dimpledstars · 4 years
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regulus had drank more than he usually does- it was mostly because he was tired; tired of what he was feeling and he just didn’t want to feel it anymore. but, at one point- his mind got fuzzy and he felt the urge to talk. regulus never had the urge to talk. he wanted to talk.and he wanted to tell sirius everything. so, that is how he ended up looking around for him mindlessly.
when he reached his brother, he shook his head, grabbing one of his arms with one of his hands. ‘no, it can not wait. because you keep running away from me and act like it’s my fault. you’re not going anywhere until we’ve talked this out and until i get a fucking idea of why would you leave and why you would think that leaving me was an option to begin with-’
of course he starts with that, but the amount of hurt he felt was unberable. ‘i stood up for you so many times! i opened all the howlers that were towards you over the years so you wouldn’t get to get more hate from them, i always jumped in if they wanted to do something cruel to you because i fucking knew they liked me better just because i was in their desired house and you- and you left. like what i did for you was nothing. like i was nothing.’
“I am not acting like anything is your fault. I keep running from you so I don’t have to have this exact conversation.” Sirius blurted out before he could stop himself. He hated that he knew he couldn’t lie. Because he knew the truth was going to hurt Regulus in some way. No matter his reasoning for leaving it would never be a good enough one. And he didn’t want to hurt his brother more than he already had.
“Me leaving, that was never anything to do with you. I wasn’t thinking about anything other than needing to get away from them as fast as I could when I left. I was terrified, Reg. They gave me no choice.” He said and looked around to make sure no one was within hearing range of them. Maybe it would be good to talk everything out. But it still scared him. He had lost everything. And he didn’t want that for his brother.
“I know you looked out for me. And I know that me leaving would seem like I don't give a shit about that. But I do. I’d never have survived in that house if you didn’t. But...I had to leave before I gave in to what they wanted. Because it would have been so damn easy too and that scares the shit out of me. I could be the son they wanted me to be if I tried but I don’t want to be.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
Mary smiled, enjoying his lighthearted manner. It was nice to know not everyone thought of her as someone fragile who could take a joke, despite looking like absolute shite. “True, it’d cover this hideous black eye and cut on my face, wouldn’t it? I’ll make sure to consult you next time I get put into a mini coma, hopefully right before the next Halloween party.” 
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“Hideous wouldn’t be the word I’d use.” He said with a smile. “Though I would be here to help I do hope there won’t be a next time. School can only deal with one scare like that.” He chuckled but there was truth in what he said. No one wanted to see her go through that again. Or anyone else.
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“Maybe we’re not the ones with the issues.” He raised an eyebrow, entertained.  “It’d make a whole lot more sense if they’d cast the Imperius curse, honestly.” Part of him wished that he’d put up more of a fight when it came to his costume, but Ophelia got this look in her eyes that some stupidly gullible part of him couldn’t fend off with his usual snark. “You seem like you’re coming to terms with the betrothal, then.”
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“It feels that way sometimes.” She chuckled. She was definitely not acting in a way she ever had before. But then, she’d never been this happy. And she was still trying to get used to that. “The betrothal? I’m still bitter about that. Don’t think I will ever get over my choice being taken from me. But...Elijah? He’s growing on me.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
His question made her wonder exactly what she would do if he hurt her family. She wasn’t a violent or unkind person - she’d not once intentionally hexed someone or raised her voice at her friends. She was a gentle spirit, but she was fiercely protective of her loved ones and would fight for them until her dying breath. Who knew what she’d truly be capable of if he pressed her enough. Everyone had their breaking point, right?
But Mary was smart. She knew that he couldn’t afford word getting out and he knew that if he was willing to go to such lengths. They were both at a disadvantage in some way and held something over the other. She wouldn’t ever forgive herself if Fabian or Gideon ended up in the same hospital bed she’d been brought to, bleeding profusely from the wounds Sebastian had inflicted. “I guess we won’t have to find out if we both keep our word.” Her voice was oddly calm for someone who was in tears on the floor of the Hospital Wing, but some part of her understood the risks they were both willing to take. “But if you ever do hurt them, even in the slightest, I’ll go straight to the headmaster and tell him everything.”
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“Really you’d tell Dumbledore? I’m terrified.” Sebastian said as he started to back up, the smirk still on his face. He wasn’t scared of the headmaster. But he would have things in place jus in case. He wasn’t going to be expelled just because a mudblood had been stupid enough to sleep in a classroom. But he didn’t foresee that ever being an issue. He had no reason to hurt anyone as long as she kept her mouth shut. So really, their safety was in her hands.
“Have a nice night, Mary.” He chuckled before he turned and headed towards the door before the nurse returned.
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“Watching people walk around in stupid costumes making an idiot out of themselves?” Mack raised his eyebrow, taking a handful of nuts and leaving back against the table. “It’s the best time of year.” He grinned, pouring the nuts in his mouth. Dressed in nothing but small gold shorts, his entire body painted in gold. Mack looked amazing. So he thought at least.
Looking at Mack she really wasn’t surprised at his costume. Or, maybe lack of one was more accurate. Though she did smirk when her eyes landed on those shorts. “Cold in here?” She asked, a teasing look on her face. “Are you even dressed as anything or just wanted to show off?”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
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Tobias’ laughter was somehow contagious, Lucius soon joining him. “Yes, yes, it’s very funny, go ahead,” he said. He didn;t find the situation funny until Tobias returned, but he supposed this was probably the best case scenario with all the other chaos running around. “It seems someone had their own little potion party and spiked the drinks with miscellaneous things. I suppose I got lucky with an aging drought rather than turning into Dumbledore or falling in infatuation with the next person I saw. You were lucky to leave when you did.” He chuckled, though it did feel a little forced in his stomach. But why should he care about Tobias leaving with a girl?
He felt a little bad for laughing but, honestly, he wasn’t just laughing because what had happened was amusing. He was laughing because he was nervous as fuck. And he didn’t know what to do. How did you act normal with someone when you just realised you had feelings for them? “Suppose it wouldn’t be a proper party if someone didn’t mess with everyone somehow.” He chuckled, trying his best to get a hold of himself. But then Lucius mentioned him leaving and Tobias’s smile dropped slightly but he forced himself to try and not show how uncomfortable he felt. “I’m glad I did leave.” No I’m not. “Knowing my luck I’d be walking around as Dumbledore and that just wouldn’t suit me.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
Sibella felt awful seeing that smile on Celeste’s face. Awful because she had actively hoped that she wouldn’t be for this marriage, so she was actively rooting against her brother’s happiness. What kind of monster was she? “No! It has nothing to do with you, Celeste, I…” she defended, the guilt making her sick to her stomach. “I just hate that it came from something forced, but… all I want is for my brother to be happy, and if you make each other happy, then I shouldn’t be upset about it.”
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“Truthfully, I hate that too. I never intended to go through with a betrothal. And I’ve certainly never agreed with them. In the beginning, I would have done anything to get out of it but...then I gave him a chance. And he does make me happy. Hopefully, I do the same for him.” Celeste has never wanted anyone to like her before. But, she felt a need to at least explain to Sibella how she felt. Even if she was still slightly confused. 
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“I’d love that!” she said with a huge smile.”I feel like I’d make a better dragon than a witch! Just breathe fire and fly around? People would be happy I’m burning things instead of being worried about me!”
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“Not to mention dragons don’t talk.” Sebastian muttered as he glanced around for anyone that he knew. “Though I don’t think people would be happy about you burning things either way.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
Kenny pouted, reaching up to ruffle Toby’s hair. “I’m just looking out for my little brother, making sure he isn’t only reading shit,” he teased. The tiny bit of alcohol in his system was already putting him in a good mood for the rest of the party, which only meant more lighthearted teasing for his brother.
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Usually, he would have shoved his brother away from him for ruffling his hair. But the alcohol in him made him care a lot less than he usually would have. So he allowed it. “Like your taste in books is any better.” He teased back. “Nice to see you care though. Who knew you had a heart.”
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dimpledstars · 4 years
“But if everyone’s drunk, is anything that dumb in comparison?” he asked, faking a philosophical expression. “Says the guy who was trying to be sober for no excuse. Hi Pot, I’m Kettle, nice to meet you.”
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“I’d find something dumb.” He muttered a little bitterly before rolling his eyes at his friend. “You are so dramatic, Prongs. And I do have an excuse. I just told you it! You not listening to me is really starting to hurt my precious feelings you know.”
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