digital-cultures-blog · 11 years
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
medium + message = medium
Again it has been forever since I have posted anything, but alas I have not forgotten I have just been on holiday! 
I am sure that we have all come across the texts by Marshal McLuhan - The medium is the message, well it is evidently true and this is something that I don't suppose we can escape or I suppose we don't have to. 
In reading statistics like we are involuntarily inflicted with more then 5000* advertisements every day (be forewarned that this I have found from the first unreliable source that google would give me, does it matter?) 
What quantifies for a valid source of determination for this, I may be off track but what I am trying to now look into is that evidently yes the medium becomes the message but it isn't necessary that the message has to be related to the medium/object/idea itself. 
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Jullian Oliver
Whilst talking to a friend recently about this little project of mine he pointed me in the direction of this guy: Julian Oliver, a fellow kiwi who is doing some incredible things in the way of development and interactive art. I would recommend everyone to take a look through his projects, some of them will surprise you with their audacity and you will never be able to check the news on your smartphone in the same way again! 
'An innocuous wall plug used to manipulate news read by other people on wireless hotspots. '
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
An imaginary museum for the 21st century
Transmediale is a yearly festival based in Berlin that focused on the culmination of art, culture and technology. From reading their first post I also learned of this phrase WFIOTN (We Found It On The Net), this is a great acronym for what Internet art and appropritaion through digital channel means. There are heaps of amazing events been put on throughout the year and they also offer an awesome residency programme!
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Being Responsive'able
Here are some interesting blog articles about adaptive design, more so related to the task of design for varying platforms and being responsive with said devices. Integrally linked to the idea that what we do online (anywhere online) must now fit EVERYTHING. Sometimes it is hard to keep up! 
Elliot Jay Stokes – Has adaptive design failed? Of course it bloody hasn't. Trent Walton – In Flux Towards a new education – http://www.strangenative.com/ Also just a great Design Blog – http://jasonsantamaria.com/
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
This website NEWMEDIAART.EU has so many of amazing articles and reviews on exhibitions and seems to be a great reading site for New Media art in Europe. 
The article on the 54th Venice Biennial written by Dominique Moulon captures some of the most interesting uses of new media throughout the pavilions, the below image is from the French artist Christian Blotanski, I mostly remember the noise from this space and feeling like you were in some form of mass mechanical system which is exactly what it was. I love the Venice Biennial for always showcasing such a wide breadth of artists, countries and forms of art alike, also just for strolling around the gardens in the summer in Venice. It is a must for everyone at least once!
Christian Boltanski, Chance, 2011.
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Instant Narrative at SFMOMA
Ah, it has been so long since I have posted anything!
Here is an interesting exhibition that I recently went to at SFMOMA Descriptive Acts
The artwork Instant Narrative caught me mostly, it was a projected 'live' document where the content was a series of narratives was generated by a human on whim based on the things happening in the room and the people entering and interacting.
This article written by Tess Thackara for SFMOMA is a great read to get a feel of what Instant Narrative is about.
Descriptive Acts is still on until the 17th June so worth going to in you are in the San Fransisco area or passing through, SFMOMA blog also has a lot of great reading articles!
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
In looking to visiting SFMOMA I discovered an exhibition that was held in San Fran in 2001 that explores similar ideas to digital-cultures, while I know that this topic isn't a new it is nice to see these questions raised over ten years ago. SFMOMA also presented the exhibition online so it is worth checking out (even just to marvel in the flash work from 2001).
Their exhibition statement for 010101: charts new developments in contemporary art, architecture, and design as they evolve in, and are influenced by, a world altered byt the increasing presence of digital media and technology.   SFMOMA 010101 Online Exhibition.
Jeremy Blake Guccinam, 2000  Digital animation with sound  Collection SFMOMA
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
What about Performance Art?
Is performance then considered' 'human art', it is temporary, it is individual and seems to be something that is never going to be the same and is based on experience, if you watched a performance relayed to you on film would your experiences have been the same or that far off, of course they would be your entire environment is different, it's like re-reading a book, the more you know and understand the more you can understand. 
Performance Art doesn't fit into what would be called 'New Media Art' but I think that it is still a topic worth exploring through its development alongside the digital era. 
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
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My first box of books and reading material has arrived! I am looking forward to getting stuck into some of these this weekend, read all you like online but there is something more rewarding in the tactile of new books, the never ending debate of analog vs. digital, I dont know what side I am on anymore... I guess that is what this quest is for. 
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Theo Jansen's STRANDBEEST described as skeletons that walk on the wind so they don't have to eat. So simple and pure they really depicts the culmination of nature and machine especially when these moving kinetic sculpture as so integrated in their movements. 
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Collecting New Media Art: Just Like Anything Else, Only Different.
A Paper worth reading: Collecting New Media Art: Just Like Anything Else, Only Different. Steve Dietz.
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
The jokes on you, or me.
AfterWalkerEvans.com unravels itself the more you look around, the site itself can be considered the project and or 'prank' as explained later but it definitly provokes your curiosity and well, I was a honestly a little confused but then quite delighted after further reading of the somewhat random texts.
I think that this site has been a great use of the internet as a medium for art, it captures everything you want and more, it provokes you to do something and then second guess yourself, funny that!
'In part, AfterWalkerEvans.com is this one-liner art prank, yet in part it attempts to negotiate this esotericism with the possibility of a wider audience afforded by the net. Insisting that the object itself is printable by anyone takes one step towards access in a physical sense.'
'the certificates here are used to insure that each satellite image be considered with equal authenticity, not the opposite. This is an explicit strategy to create a physical object with cultural value, but little or no economic value.'
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
What is New Media Art?
'Meaning is unbounded, and since art is an intentional act, present in all art.' An excerpt from an article published by rchoetzlein.com which, summarises and compares New Media Art in the form of technique and concept through execution and the diference between technique and meaning.   
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Through todays internet trudging I have come across the website of Austrian Norbert Pfaffenbichler Filmmaker, Artist and Curator of all things New Media, I find his projects to be interesting in the way that he lets the machine or the digital part to do what it was built to do but with results that were perhaps not intended, check out his piece on vinyl studies where sound and media are combined in the form of vinyl. 
There are two readings that look to be rather interesting but are in German, I shall ask for a translation. 
From: NOTES ON COLOR Installation, ABSTRACTION NOW,Künstlerhaus, Wien/Vienna, A, 2003
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
New Media Art and the Gallery in the Digital Age
Here is a link to a paper written by Charlie Gere, published by TATE in 2004 about the impact of New Media Art and the Gallery in the Digital Age.
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digital-cultures-blog · 12 years
advertising vs. advertising
If a project is set up and developed for marketing purposes can it still be considered art? There seems to be a very hazy line beween sponsorship and promotion, sponsorship is of course an offset of promotion but how far integrated does it have to be before you start to lose out on the integrity of a project.
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