devduckers · 8 months
me when Blathers takes my donation and tells me to enjoy the rest of my visit:
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devduckers · 8 months
My beloveds
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the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself
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devduckers · 8 months
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Their accents truly were *a chef's kiss*
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devduckers · 8 months
Todays gender is cold.
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devduckers · 10 months
Beginner Witch Tips - Kitchen Witch Edition
The oven can be your hearth. If a spell or ritual requires a hearth, your stove is just that. That being said, do not set anything on fire in your oven. Bad! No!
You don't need separate kitchen and altar herbs, although it is handy.
Some crystals can be used in kitchen magic, but I don't recommend putting them in or on anything other than a crystal on top of firm dough as it rests/rises. Secure crystals onto mixing equipment or spoons, or forgo using them at all.
Listen to witchy music as you cook or bake. I promise atmosphere is almost everything! It helps me focus. I recommend Peter Gundry.
While pets are cute and certainly carry spiritual energy with them, try to keep them out of the kitchen while you cook, especially if you have a certain intention you're trying to carry into your food. Their presence can distract you, throw off the energy you have accumulated, or otherwise disrupt the process. Once you're more confident with your kitchen witchery, their presence won't be such a big deal.
Take your time. It's okay. Sometimes it takes a while to truly clock into your spiritual energy while you're actively moving about and busy working, especially if you're used to practicing while sitting or standing in one spot. Remember - energy flows with you, not just around you.
Start small. Start with something simple like pancakes. For example: add a dash of vanilla to your pre-made batter mix to invoke self-love.
Write down things as you continue to work. Document what you're comfortable with, what you feel like you're good at, your project, and everything you feel you might want to. As you continue to work on that journal, you can go back and see how you've progressed!
Happy baking! Remember, your mood affects your project; negative emotions = negative influence.
As always, blessed be <3
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi!
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devduckers · 10 months
a bit of advice for my fellow polytheists out there:
use the first of the month as a day to check in with your deities or other spirits you work with!! let them tell you whatever it is that they need to tell you and use that guidance to help you throughout the rest of the month!
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devduckers · 1 year
🍷🍸A “Funky Spritz” Kind of Day🍸🍷
How about another Potion!!!! This one is a spritz that I created!!!!
Watermelon Juice
Lime Juice
Mandarin Oranges
Cherry Syrup
Club Soda
Sugar for the rim
First you’ll do the rim, then add your syrup and spread it around the glass. Add your ice and mandarin oranges then the watermelon and club soda. It’s not too acidic and a nice refreshing beverage perfect for an afternoon
The idea for this ‘Funky Spritz’ is to give you some energy and joy!!
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devduckers · 1 year
🌼🌿Calming Morning Potion🌿🌼
Good Morning!!☀️
Here we are on a fine morning. I spent most of the snow moon doing researching writing new things including Potions!!! I decided to try this new one I wrote this morning!!!
Chamomile Tea
Green tea
Sweet cream (I make mine in a frother with milk, vanilla extract and some sugar)
A dash of almond extract
This may sound strange but just trust me, make your teas separate and then mix with the almond and then your cream and stir clockwise with some calming thoughts!
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devduckers · 1 year
A Witchy Safety Reminder
Please be mindful when looking for any spells where you must consume something (tea, potions, tinctures, etc.) because not every ingredient is suitable for every person. And this goes beyond herbs, it can even be something as simple as grapefruit juice, which can have very negative health effects on people that take certain medications. Please be mindful in what you are putting in your body or giving to other people, things can turn from a lovely healing spell to a deadly medical emergency really quickly.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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devduckers · 1 year
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devduckers · 1 year
Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing well!
I’d like to share another drink recipe for colder days if you’re experiencing winter right now!
☕️Brown Sugar Black Tea Latte!☕️
So first off, if you’re making this with some witchy intent let’s go over the properties in this tea!!!!
1 Black Tea Bag- Black tea wards of negativity, gives you strength and energy!!!
1 part steamed Milk or creamer
Brown sugar- Brown sugar is great for comfort and even love! I do not condone using it for love spells but you could use it for bringing love towards yourself and self love!
Whipped cream if you wish!
brew your tea
Add some brown sugar to your milk then steam it
Mix together and top with some whip cream and more brown sugar if you wish!!!!
This is a great hot drink on a cold day and it’s one of my favorites!!!!!
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devduckers · 2 years
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it’s a witchy life
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devduckers · 2 years
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I made this tarot cheat sheet after being inspired on tiktok <3 I hope this can help anyone who needs it!
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devduckers · 2 years
— ways to cleanse that aren’t smoke
i’m moving into a dorm soon and i’m not allowed to burn incense, so here are some ways i’m planning to cleanse!
sound! i love cleansing with music, my singing bowl, or bells.
selenite/other cleansing crystals. i use my selenite plate to cleanse and charge my jewelry, crystals, and other tools. i also use my selenite wand to cleanse and charge tools!
light. sunlight or moonlight can cleanse or charge tools! i typically see it used more for charging but i’ve used it for cleansing as well.
wind! i enjoy going outside on windy days, standing still, and feeling the wind push the stale and stagnant energy out of me.
salt/magical powders! i make blends of salt and herbs for spellwork. one of my favorites is a salt, ground sage, and eggshells. when i clean my altar, ill spread the salt mix over the tabletop and and by wiping it off, it cleanses the altar. this can also be done on the floors of a room or a house, and swept or vacuumed up!
lemons. lemon is one of my favorite cleansers! i love drinking lemon water, i have lemon in my shampoo so im extra cleansed when i shower, and sometimes ill cut a lemon into quarters, put salt on both sides, and leave it in a room to cleanse the space!
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devduckers · 2 years
Decolonizing your Practice: Smoke Cleansing
So, the cleansing most people seem familiar with is using White sage, sometimes it comes in a kit with and Abalone shell and a feather. However these shouldn't be bought as this IS A CLOSED AND SACRED PRACTICE FOR NATIVE AMERICANS KNOWN AS SMUDGING. And if you're a non-native you should not be using White sage as it's one of their sacred Medicines.
And because I know some of y'all are too lazy to look up alternatives I'm here to help.
So Smudging is a type of Smoke cleansing—burning botanicals, resins, wood, etc. for health and/or spiritual purposes. This type of cleansing is used by many different people and faiths throughout the world so you can find a type of Smoke Cleansing that doesn't make you appropriate sacred medicine from indigenous people.
There are no excuses.
Common Ways to Smoke Cleanse
Incense Sticks
Incense Cones
Resin Incense (straight up bits of sap from trees)
Powdered Incense
Herb Bundles / Burning Bouquets.
Herbs you can use other than White Sage
Green Sage/Kitchen Sage: Cleansing and Good Luck
Russian sage: cleanses and can be used for protection
Cedar: For Cleansing negative energy and protection. (Note: Cedar is still one of the four sacred medicines of Native Americans. So while it's not closed in the same way white sage is if your in America try and either buy from Native Shops or find a store near you that works with Native People and pay them fairly)
Rosemary: rosemary is perfect for burning as a purification herb. it's burned to create a "fresh start" in life
lavender: uplift the mood, dispel negative emotion and bring in a sense of calm and relaxation
White Pine: cleanses emotions and can be used for protection
( i do know there are other herbs used for smoke cleansing I just wanted to list a few that had the same affect as White Sage does)
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devduckers · 2 years
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devduckers · 2 years
🏛Athena Playlist🏛
My main Diety I worship, I made a playlist that reminds me of her a while ago!
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