despairsouled · 4 years
muse list updates !
toko fukawa | genocider syo
junko enoshima
mukuro ikusaba
monaca towa
shuichi saihara
ryoma hoshi
himiko yumeno
maki harukawa
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despairsouled · 4 years
omg hi i was actually able to remember my login,
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despairsouled · 4 years
i wanna.... add gwen....
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despairsouled · 4 years
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despairsouled · 4 years
djkhkjdh i physically cant make a promo, im way too tired, but if anyones interested i have moved max over to @alonehated !
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despairsouled · 4 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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despairsouled · 4 years
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        naegi simply nods;  realizing that he may have gotten ahead of himself.   ❛   sorry about that kiri,  you’re definitely right.   ❜         he knew he needed to be careful,  to not make any mistakes. with these class trials, everyone’s lives were on the line-  so he had to do his best during the investigation,  along with his other classmates.         and speaking of the investigation.  .  .    ❛   by the way,  while we were separated,  have you found any evidence that we could possibly use ? ?  i could share mine too,  and maybe we could piece together more about what happened.   ❜
‘  patience,  naegi.  there will be plenty of time for that during the trial.  ’   arms folded calmly,  a still gaze upon him--  with also the hint of a small smile.  it was apparent that the girl grew fond of working with the other.
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‘  though,  there is still something that i need you to see.  ’  she turns,  long lilac locks swaying as she did,  her back now facing him as she settled in the direction she wanted to head in.  ‘  follow me--  we only have so much time before the investigation period ends.  ’  without hesitation she goes off,  leading him through the hallway.
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despairsouled · 4 years
“Aye. I hope we can get along. I hate to have another person in this class who hates my guts,” Ron caught the slight smile on Kirigiri’s face. It got the entertainer to smile himself. He waited for Kirigiri to have the card memorized and placed back the deck. The entertainer started to shuffle the deck, tossing the cards into the air, and then catching them with them. After a minute he stopped. “Now can you reach into your right glove, and pull out your card,”
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kyoko had never particularly saw herself as the type to get along all that well with others--  not because she didn’t want to get along with them,  but because her demeanor was normally seen by others as standoffish.  there was also the fact that even while at hope’s peak,  because of her status as a detective she was still often given the job of solving cases,  she barely ever had time to spend time with any of her classmates.  as a result,  she was kind of curious about what the life of a normal student was like,  but in all honesty she didn’t exactly mind her situation.
but she nods,  not giving much else in response--  proceeding to watch the other shuffle and then toss the cards into the air.  after being told to reach inside her glove,  she both carefully and cautiously does so,  making sure that it wouldn’t reveal any of her scars before she takes it out,  turning it over to check which one it was.  and there it was,  the card that she had memorized.
a slight but soft chuckle,  as she raises it to show the other.  ‘  it’s correct.  ’  smoothly,  she’d hand it back to him.  ‘  so--  if i’m alright to ask,  what got you into magic tricks crosswell ? ’
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despairsouled · 4 years
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‘  swearing is something only used by the uneducated masses in a fake attempt to appear stronger than they actually are.  it’s quite beneath me.  ’
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despairsouled · 4 years
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      ❛❛   𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞  𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭  save  our  asses  from  getting  thrown  in  JAIL !  heather ,  kurt  &  ram  are  DEAD  because  of  US.  why  can't  you  show  some  goddamn  REMORSE  for  them ?!   ❜❜   a  brief  pause ,  deep  sigh  ensues  from  her  lips.  her  shoulders  tense  more  sharply.  ❛❛   are  you  getting  some  sick  thrill  out  of  this  —  ?   ❜❜
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‘  --REMORSE ??  why,  veronica.  WHY  should we show remorse for them ??  what have they ever done besides tarnish and destroy so many other peoples lives,  including yours ??  they were  MONSTERS ,  and you  STILL  feel bad about getting rid of them ???  ’  for a moment,  he goes dead silent.  ‘  the only thrill i got out of this was from making the world a better place.  i would hardly call that  SICK .  ’
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despairsouled · 4 years
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“ I want the power! give it to me…! I can handle it! “
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‘   hm.  in the absurd case that i  WOULD  decide to do that--  for example bestowing upon to you a task trusted  ONLY  to certain members of the togami cooperation--  one that wields enough power to change a magnitude of lives....  you’re saying that you wouldn’t mess it up ??  this is all hypothetically,  of course.  i would never make such a sporadic decision based on mere faith in someone else’s words,  that in which i do not actually have.  ’   
he’s seemingly taking this  WAY  too seriously...  or perhaps he just finds this amusing-- ??  who honestly knows with togami.
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despairsouled · 4 years
djkhkjdh i physically cant make a promo, im way too tired, but if anyones interested i have moved max over to @alonehated !
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despairsouled · 4 years
(Heya I read your rules! and I also run @askmonokuma @askultimateprogrammer and @askultimatestoryteller though the last one isn't completely set up yet-)
aaa nice!! thank u for letting me know !! i’ll be sure to follow– !!  feel free to send asks or starters anytime btw !
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despairsouled · 4 years
*: ・゚✧   ——–    @forgesnotes​​   /   musical starter call:  mortals and fools.
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‘  never turns out quite the way that you  PLANNED  it.                                      love makes you break all the rules.  ’
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despairsouled · 4 years
*: ・゚✧   ——–    @hopefulsouled​​   /   musical starter call:  the game begins.
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‘  empty your mind of any  THEORIES --                                       ‘til all the facts are in.  ’
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despairsouled · 4 years
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like for a musical lyric starter !  pls specify muse or i will pick at random.
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despairsouled · 4 years
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‘  oh really now ?  --i’m not sure if you have what it takes it handle such a thing.  ’
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“ I don’t want to be baby anymore! I want POWER! “
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