deery-fiction · 3 years
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A Hero’s work. 
(Both posters of JackieBoyMan’s Power of Positivity. Since Jack mentioned in the HDWGH show that Jackie’s worst enemy/weakness would be negativity, thought I’d explore that notion, especially when you think about the other egos having different elements of negativity.  I will admit though, I’m surprised and touched by the number of people who appreciated the first poster’s message and advice. I’m glad I was able to highlight some other branches of PMA other than ‘just be happy’, since PMA is rather difficult to keep up when you’re not sure what constitutes as a positive mindset.) :)
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deery-fiction · 3 years
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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deery-fiction · 3 years
I think all content creators can relate to this.
In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.
People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….
And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.
And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.
So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️
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deery-fiction · 3 years
Since today (June 24th, 2021) marks a year since Seán last posted here, I figured this is as good of a time as any to try to breathe some life back into this place.
How, you may be wondering? I’m gonna start a thing, that’s how.
Starting tomorrow (June 25th) it’s gonna be
JSE Renaissance Week 2021.
Day 0 (today): boost this post around if you wanna participate. The more people still in the community who see it, the better. Let’s get as many people in on this as we can!
Day 1 (June 25th): Interaction day. Let at least one person in the community know how much you appreciate them being here. Got any fun ask games to send around? Now’s the time. Even better if they’re JSE-related (I’ve got something up my sleeve for this one!).
Day 2: (June 26th): Favorite memories day. This one is sorta self-explanatory; bring back memories of your favorite times in the community, whether they were with other community members here or with Seán himself at a convention or a HDWGH show. Even if it’s something small or obvious, I’ll bet that others will want to remember it, too.
Day 3 (June 27th): Theorist’s day. I know there hasn’t been much by way of canon ego content lately or for a while, but if you’ve got a favorite theory or theorist in the community, give ‘em some love today. Don’t be afraid to bounce ideas off each other, too; even just musing can lead to some incredible things!
Day 4 (June 28th): Artist’s/Writer’s day. Do you have favorite pieces of fanart, an edit, or a fic that you or someone else has created? Reblog that sh*t with a comment saying how much you love it– it’ll probably make someone’s day! Bonus points if you create something for this. Extra bonus points if it’s a collaboration with another community member!
Day 5 (June 29th): Favorite video day. Bring back the videos that made you laugh, smile, cry the most and share them with others. Whether it was the video that brought you here in the first place, your favorite ego appearance, or just a nice Let’s Play or series in general, I think we can all find something to bond over here. Even a compilation or playlist of videos works!
Day 6 (June 30th): PMA day. If you’re looking for a sign to reach out to anyone and let them know how strong they are for making it this far, this is it and today’s the day. I challenge you to write yearbook-style interactions to your favorite community members and drop ‘em in their askboxes. Who knows? It could start something new.
Day 7+ (July 1st and beyond): Time for togetherness. As the week wraps up, I hope we find ourselves finding our feet again. Did you make a new friend or reconnect with an old one over the past week? Good. Make a point to hang onto that. Maybe take the time to conclude the week with some closing thoughts on how we can encourage each other, inspire each other, support each other, and learn from each other. Write an open letter to the community if you want.
From here, it’s up to all of us to keep this going. We don’t have to do specific events or “weeks” all the time, but I figured this might be a good way to get things rolling. If anyone wants to coordinate on setting up other things for the community, I’m just an ask/DM away– depending on what it is, I may not make it to everything because I work so much, but I’m happy to boost whatever I can.
I’m going to tag this and all future posts that have to do with this (including reblogs) with #jse renaissance, as well as put them in the main JSE tags. Feel free to do the same if you’d like to join me. (I’ll still be posting/reblogging normal content as well, though, so no worries if you don’t wanna participate.)
Let’s bring this old place back, friends.
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deery-fiction · 3 years
Alright, time to get back to business
Hey guys! I know I’ve been gone for a few months, and I’m sincerely sorry about that! Motivation is a finicky thing and it comes and goes! However, I’m trying to get back into writing and I’m working on some new stuff for the Something’s Changed AU! I don’t know when the new chapter will be out, but know that I’m working on it bit by bit, and either that or something else will be out eventually, so keep an eye out :) 
I’ve also been brain storming something... Spookier, for a seperate AU :) So you might see something about that. Heck, if I get something for it written, I can post it for Halloween (I know, such a long time away, but I’m trying to focus on Something’s Changed for now). As typical, @7spaceace7 already knows what that is because she’s been lovely enough to listen to me ramble and patient enough to help me with my indecisiveness.
Anyways! That’s all I really have to say, I just wanted to give people interested in the story an update on what’s happening and that I haven’t abandoned the story! It’s still ongoing :)
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deery-fiction · 3 years
creators see your reblogs. creators read the nice tags you type in when you love their work. creators beam when you ask to be added to the tag list, or tagged in their edits and writings. creators see your comments saying how beautiful their content is. creators smile when you send an ask telling them how much you like their work. creators appreciate interaction with their content and love you for it, really. so if you like something, reblog it, say how much you love it in the tags, reply to it with a nice message. you’ll make someone’s day.
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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I'm a lil scruffy, but it's ok 💜 also not 100% accurate, but tis be the closest I could get it
@7spaceace7 and anyone else that wants to do it?
THANK U SOOOO MUCH @travel-sized-cup-noodle tagging me on this picrew. i looooved doing this (the website wouldn't load for me which is why this took awhile)
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@napiplier @hyperfixations-r-us @chicasiplier @somebodywithawifi @madeofmemes @thatdude-noah @damientheda @egghomicide @soft-and-certain @manadonthavetumblyshhh @esynk and anyone else that wants to do it! its really fun i recommend lol
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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Okay so me and @deery-fiction were vibing over a UA minecraft au with hybrid guardian gongoozler and lost pillager heehoo and how gongoozler would totally make a conduit and help heehoo get over his fear of swimming so I made this. Thanks dude 💜💜
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deery-fiction · 3 years
@somebodywithawifi @7spaceace7 I haven't met a lot of people on tumblr in 2020 since I only started getting more active in my fandoms recently, but I've been excessively lucky that I met the both of you!
Hopefully I'll have more wonderful people to add to this list next year uwu
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
Thank you for being with me this year, actively or passively. Best wishes for 2021, I love you all!!
@abbacuus @antifacas @antifacist-blazkowicz @carlea @cassexuality @casisalamp @constellationscharts @cursed-or-not @destiel-is-love-cockles-is-life @deanreciprocates @gaysuperhell @gothlit @heller-jensen @heller-obama @i-love-you-go-away @i-do-know-and-idc @kaltspiegel @larvawaffle @lampgate @lizleeships @lotr-shitposts @pusheen @plantdadcas @qasphielwinchester @supernaturaldaily @stabbyroomba @winchestersingerautorepair and @bixlasagna
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deery-fiction · 3 years
Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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I have a list of Mark, Jack, and Ethan egos, and I have all the egos numbered. I asked a few buds to pick a number a I drew the ego that matched that number
@deery-fiction choose 22 and 24, benefactor and schneep, my partner choose 28, JJ, and @even-more-incorrect-ego-quotes choose 16, yancy. Thanks y'all for dealing with my bullshit
These were fun doodles to make, so I might ask yall for more later 0-0
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deery-fiction · 3 years
if you’re still doing the headcanon thing, could i please get captain magnum comforting a gender neutral reader? if not, no pressure! love your work and have a good day/night!
QwQ Thank you so much, that means so much to me! I’m so glad you enjoy my stuff!! And of COURSE you may! (A bit of fair warning, this is my first time ever writing for Captain Magnum, so I hope it’s alright!)
-Sailing off into the great beyond of the ocean was definitely one of your better choices in life
-You had a whole crew of friends to hang out and get to know (even if they didn’t always last the longest) and a fatherly figure looking out for you
-You had this great new family, and you loved every new adventure you had together
-But that didn’t mean that bad days just disappeared
-The first time the captain took notice of this was when one day you skipped out on Saturday Sea Shanty Karaoke (SSSK for short)
-You retired to your cot while the others had their fun, simply just not feeling up to it. There wasn’t a point in ruining everyone else’s good mood, you reasoned
-But Magnum noticed immediately when his first mate had gone missing, and quickly found you below decks
- “Y/N! There ye be, the crew and I had missed ye- wait, hold everything, what is it that be troublin’ ye?”
-He’s got that Dad Sense and knows when you aren’t feeling your best
-You sit up on the cot and try to wave him off saying it’s nothing, but he insists and takes a seat near you
- “A cap’n knows when his crew be lost at sea, I know just as well when a friend be lost at heart”
-He says that with the most heartfelt smile you’ve ever seen, and that’s when the dam breaks
-You rush into his arms for a big hug, just holding tight, and Magnum wraps his arms around you as tight as he can without breaking any ribs
-”Ah, I see it be a harder tale to tell. No matter, ol Magnum’s got ye now.”
-His beard was pretty scratchy, but his hugs are some of the best you’ve ever had
-You stayed that way for a few minutes before your sobs became sniffles and you could see again properly. Captain Magnum set you on his lap, like Santa Claus, and asked if you were ready to tell him what’s been up
-It took a minute to get your words out properly, and you were a little afraid he wouldn’t quite get it since he had a knack for interrupting
-But he stayed silent for you the whole time and listened. And when you had finished, he gave you another hug, properly this time
-His advice about the situation wasn’t exactly helpful, but he had the spirit
-When it came to how you felt though, he was first to tell you it’s alright to feel that way
- “Just so ye know, you can always come to me fer anything of this nature. Whoever ye were before ye joined me crew, doesn’t matter. Who ye be now and goin’ forward is the one I call first mate and family. We’re in this together!”
-There would be other hard days in the future, such is life, but you knew you could always count on him for support
-He’s a pretty good pirate dad :)
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deery-fiction · 3 years
Something’s Changed (Pt. 3)
Author’s note: Alright! Part 3 is finally here! I’m really sorry for the delay everyone, certain scenes just really didn’t want to be written lmao. But!!! This one is the longest chapter yet! The other two chapters were about 2 thousand something words each, maybe a bit more, but this one is about a full 6 thousand! That’s 13 pages in my google doc versus the usual 4 or so, so I’m hoping it was worth the wait! A special thanks, yet again, to my good pal @7spaceace7 not only for being a general inspiration for this fic, but also for beta reading this chapter for me!
Chapters: [1], [2], 3 (you’re here)
Keep reading
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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Hehehe @regalrain​ @lamiasluck​     They have the same sense of style:
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deery-fiction · 3 years
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I haven’t drawn this guy in a minute but I’ve been having art block lately and he’s muscle memory at this point lol
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