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glasses anniversary, only this day!
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As a rookie writer, I have always wondered why I am just so horrible at writing. It was quite funny to me because I was always creative, and I do think that I have great ideas, but why am I so horrible when it comes to writing? Ten reasons why you suck at writing: 1- No faith: We all had experienced this one, when an important event happens or a joke, or anything. I tend to explain it in details because I simply think that the readers might not understand it. Which makes my writing rather boring and too redundant. 2- Big words: Come on. Who doesn't like big fancy words? Sometimes it's just easier to use big words because the describe the process and the action in one simple word. Instead of saying "he looked at her angrily" you simply say "he glared at her." However, sometimes I take it too far because I don't want my writing to sound too simplistic. 3- It's not enough: Sometimes when I write, it's simply not enough to describe the girl's deep blue eyes, curly brown hair, and her pale skin complexion. Yeah, you know her nose looks like? She has a button nose, that turns a little upwards and she has a rather low nose bridge. Remember the dog that I had mentioned with the rat ears, the one that smelled like a fruit punch and with a personality that can be described as loyal, lively, and energetic, and the— stop, it's merely a dog. Nothing more, nothing less. 4- More ideas: "Yes, yes, but you see? I have a new idea that cannot be placed in my story! This idea is better than any idea I had written. I'll just need to start a new project—" no! You stop right there. You are not going to start a new book, you still have seven others to finish. I am not letting you start a new one this time. You're going to finish this one, no matter how awful this one is. It seems that writers have an allergy to finishing something that they had started. 5- Too many characters: Yes, I do have over sixty characters and each one has it's personality and name, but how can I fit these characters in one book. Merging? No, I can't do that! I love them both equally. Give them a small scene? Then how can I describe that they have golden fair hair, and own two cars, their quirks, and have a very rich family history? How about put them in another book? No can do. They have to be in this one! 6- Passive voice: No, stop this now! It's not "he was humiliated by her," it's "she humiliated him." 7- Excessive phrasing: Yeah, remember how many times you used the word rain? Well, over 78. Stop doing this now! Also, just because you learned this new phrase, doesn't mean you should use it twice. 8- No plan: No, you're not going to just write. You're going to write down your ideas, or sketch them and think about it for a while. 9- Unnecessary punctuation: You know what will make your sentence good? A semi-dash there, a semicolon here, an irony mark here, another semicolon, oh don't forget the comma, and let's put a period here, and maybe we could put some new punctuation here, like a fire symbol or something. Please stop doing this. 10- Cliché: For the love of God, please stop doing these overused scenarios. For an example, when describing the main character's appearance, don't use a mirror. And please, stop with this the "father is dead" or the "step mother is evil" clichés​.
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