Hey look, I can access this blog again!
Granted, I’m borrowing my mom’s desktop to do this, but whatever!
*flops around excitedly*
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Like this post for a starter, length will likely vary! Open to Blink members and nonBlink RP blogs~!
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"Daaad! Mom's out, can you entertain me, pleeeeeease." (SCP)
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“Is she now? Well, how would ye like tae help yer da make somethin’ nice fer Mum?” Eric asked as he picked the child up, giving them a hug and a kiss. “Thinkin’ about buildin’ a birdhouse outta popsicle sticks and makin’ it pretty and red. That sound like somethin’ fun tae do?”
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Just cleared out no less than four p0/rn blogs from my followers. Ick.
Anyways, I’m over here today, and I’m gonna look to see what I can reply to before ADHD steals my attention span again.
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"Hey Eric! How's life going?" (she's bored help)
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“Life’s goin’ pretty good, I s’ppose~. What brings ye tae my end’o of th’floor, Red? D’ye miss seein’ m’handsome face~?”
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@mekura-no-seigi @therangcr
Eric hadn’t been waiting long, having just only gotten there at the same time the other male had. There hadn’t been enough time to introduce himself to the other before the one named Apollo arrived.
The Scotsman didn’t have much on him, just his phone (which he hadn’t fully figured out), his wallet, and the ticket he had been given. Apollo looked like he packed more for a weekend hike than a celebration that would likely last less than a day. Eric never knew why people would overpack for things like this.
“Aye, we are. Eric Slingby, and uh, I didn’t get th’ name of our other companion yet.” He turned to look at him. “I better let ye speak fer yerself, lad.”
⎣ it’s a m✧gic✧l pl✧ce ⎤
[ @death-wears-a-kilt-on-tuesdays | xxx | @therangcr ]
‘ didn’t they say three’s a crowd? ‘ - @blink–rp event start!
“Map? Check. Money? Check. Nervousness? Ugh…. as unfortunate to say, check….“
He muttered, inserting the map to a little boxy backpack he had on him. Other things such as a bottle of water, a camera, and his phone all seem to be in there. Maybe even a small notebook and pen for uh… investigative purposes. He fished out the V.I.P ticket and turned around to find the two other people he was grouped with today.
Shit. They were giants. GIANTS.
“Erm…. hello. You guys must be the others with this ticket, right?” He held it out, scratching the side of his face. “Apollo Justice. I guess it’s nice to meet you…” Don’t get intimidated, don’t– “We might as well spend the rest of the day together, when we’re heading to the same booth box for the parade later. And uh– you guys happen to have phones on, do you?” Right, because this lawyer’s making sure this day goes on smoothly, no accidents, and probably don’t have to come across a corpse.
“We should go in if we’re all ready. Otherwise, we’ll be wasting the value on these passes, haha.”
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Blink starter for @stardustclay​
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“Clay! Good tae see ye again!” Eric called out, waving the other male over to him. “Think ye can help me out with findin’ th’zoo? I read tha’ there’s animals there tha’ don’ exist where I’m from, and I wannae see ‘em!”
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Blink starter for @anjiiru
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“Fookin’ hell, I’m bloody lost again...”
The Scotsman had been wandering around Conivere for several hours, trying to find his way back to the Sol Apartments after taking a walk through the city park. He had made a mistake and forgotten his map at home, a mistake he didn’t realize until he wanted to go home and failed to find said map on his person. He didn’t think to ask the people walking around him because he had noticed once he talked to them, he instantly forgot what they looked like, and that aspect alarmed the superstitious blond. So, now there he was, horribly lost and very annoyed at himself. Where was Clay when he needed him?
Turning a corner, he caught sight of a tall man with black hair walking away to his right. Eric went to turn away and walk to the left when he noticed that, like Clay, he didn’t forget what the man looked like. A relieved gasp left his lips and he changed directions to try and catch up with the other.
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“Excuse me! I’m tryin’ tae find my way back to the Sol Apartments, and I fergot my map at ‘ome. Can ye tell me what District I’m in?”
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So uh, sorry for my very long and unproductive absence. Eric clammed up, I’ve been stressing myself out trying to find a job, and my ADHD has been steamrolling my sorry ass.
But I’m here now, and I guess like this post for a starter? Open to non-group members and Blink members alike (if there’s any online at this moment...)
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“Red is the color of passion, and I am flaming!”
Muse Mun Rules Ask Verses
Will also RP William T. Spears, Alan Humphries, Ronald Knox, and mun’s OCs by request. (These characters are not part of Blink-RP)
Affiliated with @blink–rp
Is still open to RP with nongroup members.
Extremely Multi-Fandom friendly (minus ponies and creepypasta characters).
NSFW (smut, blood, etc) content will be tagged and placed under read-more.
Muse uses female pronouns and nothing else.
Mun is 25 and agender.
Mun is also a shy awkward potato who will love on you like crazy once they get to know you.
This blog is selective.
OOC posts will happen, as mun is a huge dweeb and loves to rant.
Mun is on the lookout for RP blogs (canon and OC) of the following fandoms (will also take fandomless OCs as well):
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Phantom Blood to Stardust Crusaders only!)
Kingdom Hearts
Street Fighter
Dangan Ronpa
Silent Hill
Final Fantasy
Dragon Age
Elder Scrolls
Mass Effect
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Sorry for the inactivity, my head’s been not in a good place today, what with my ADHD and me trying to come up with a way to say that I want to become a mutuals-only blog (this counts for group members too, I’m pretty much mutuals with all of you guys) without sounding like a rude asshole. I’m gonna go try and sleep, and deal with this tomorrow morning. All of you have a good night!
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lesbian does not mean attracted to vagina
lesbian means attracted to women and only women, and thats it.
stop reducing women to their genitals, and stop invalidating trans lesbians and their girlfriends.
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send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine
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So apparently my wi-fi is being a huuuuuuuuge dick AND my allergies are making me suffer. I’m gonna go ahead and take some meds, then go to bed, ‘cause I can’t roleplay with slow internet and a runny nose.
Goodnight, guys.
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Eric would be a Scottish fold, wouldn’t he?
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(I haven’t even drawn Hans and the kitties yet shhh I like drawing Hans he’s a good)
Those are little nicks in his ears; he’s been through a lot
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