sorry about the argument in your hazbin critcial post, i’m done now
It's fine. I'm just confused why people who don't like critical tags don't just ignore it. I see stuff I don't like and I ignore it.
Seriously I used to like the show's concept and it's a disappointment honestly.
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What does redeemed! Zuko think about why Ozai banished him?
Zuko: For so long, all I wanted was you to love me, to accept me. I thought it was my honor that I wanted but really, I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn. (points a sword at Ozai) My father, who challenged me; a 13-year-old boy to an Agni Kai. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child? Fire Lord Ozai: It was to teach you respect. Zuko: It was cruel! And it was wrong. Fire Lord Ozai: Then you have learned nothing.
This is an interesting exchange. Based on fandom perception, you would expect that Zuko would bring up the 41st division and its planned sacrifice. Maybe you would expect Zuko to bring up how Ozai hated him for being soft-hearted or weak.
Zuko doesn’t, because he knows his banishment wasn’t about that. He knows that Ozai wouldn’t care one way or another about some random division. He knows that Ozai didn’t banish him for having empathy.
Instead, Zuko talks about how Ozai burned and banished a child for being “disrespectful,” for “talking out of turn.” Zuko knows(and Ozai’s dialogue here confirms) that Ozai’s real problem with younger him was that Zuko was “disrespectful,” that he didn’t conform to Ozai’s whims, that Zuko was too assertive when Ozai didn’t want him to be assertive and not assertive enough when Ozai wanted him to be assertive. This is what Zuko feels his banishment was truly about. 
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Obligatory blender donut PART 2! Combined with a try of making a fake brand :D
Say hi to Meownuts - making meowlicious fresh donuts every day ;3
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[Guillotine, implied ‘regulus’ death]
Daughter of Evil AU
Heres what actually happened before this (plot )
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DoBS, Part II:
(The episode returns with a close up of the lower edge of the eclipse. Cut to a shot from behind Zuko as he stands before Ozai.) Zuko: What happened that night? Fire Lord Ozai: My father, Fire Lord Azulon, had commanded me to do the unthinkable to you, my own son. And I was going to do it. Your Mother had found out and swore she would protect you at any cost. She knew I wanted the throne and she proposed a plan. A plan in which I would become Fire Lord and your life would be spared.
Ozai is a fucking awful parent in so many ways, but in the show he describes killing 10 year old Zuko as something “unthinkable” and awful.” And later he had a golden opportunity to kill Zuko at the Agni Kai but didn’t. It’s pretty clear that show! canon Ozai was not continually gunning to murder kid Zuko(but definitely warmed up to the idea after he exiled Zuko).
Which doesn’t excuse any of Ozai’s awful actions toward his children, but it really seemed like at some point he somewhat actually cared about or at least valued Zuko
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You know, when Smoke was a baby, he was basically a little menace.
Smoke's Mom: Okay, Tomas, into the car seat.
Smoke proceeds to inconvenience his own parents by having a fit and making it impossible to put him inside the seat.
Smoke's Mom: Tomas, no! No!
Smoke's Dad debated whether he should sell the baby to the cult yet.
Bold of you to assume the date wasn't already picked.
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I'm being honest here, Viv more or less played herself by setting her shows in Hell because not only can she not handle these topics, but her writing style and unwillingness to commit to the bit she created only caused the problems down the line.
Not only did Helluva stray from it's dark comedy assassin premise to a weird soap opera yoai fic, but the longer these shows go on, the more the pointless the setting feels. The setting is not Hell, it's just Detroit with furries and red people and Heaven and Hell motifs thrown in.
It doesn't help Viv let's her favoritism for certain characters get in the way of the story. It's why Viv has been working backwards to try and salvage Stolitz and it's taking it's toll on the story. Stolas was originally meant to be a villain and it's obvious Viv is trying to backtrack this by shoving a fanfic tier backstory that clearly wasn't planned into the mix and changing Stolas's characterization to make him more likable on a whim rather than developing him properly. It seems Viv has a tendency of woobifying characters to a high degree and whilst Stolas is the most obvious example, Ozzie, Fizz and Lucifer can fall under this as they initially had a more antagonistic role only to be reduced to a goofy two shoes misunderstood bois. This show would've worked better on Earth because the Hell in the show is legit just Earth with an overabundance of red and furry people.
Seriously I think we have a serious problem with the writing when we're having lust demons give consent speeches. Seriously this show is for adults yet it feels like it's written for teens. I've read fanfiction with better writing than Viv's current stuff.
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UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's so REFRESHING to have someone on the writing team who GETS Ozai and Zuko's relationship!!!
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DoBS, Part II:
(The episode returns with a close up of the lower edge of the eclipse. Cut to a shot from behind Zuko as he stands before Ozai.) Zuko: What happened that night? Fire Lord Ozai: My father, Fire Lord Azulon, had commanded me to do the unthinkable to you, my own son. And I was going to do it. Your Mother had found out and swore she would protect you at any cost. She knew I wanted the throne and she proposed a plan. A plan in which I would become Fire Lord and your life would be spared.
Ozai is a fucking awful parent in so many ways, but in the show he describes killing 10 year old Zuko as something “unthinkable” and awful.” And later he had a golden opportunity to kill Zuko at the Agni Kai but didn’t. It’s pretty clear that show! canon Ozai was not continually gunning to murder kid Zuko(but definitely warmed up to the idea after he exiled Zuko).
Which doesn’t excuse any of Ozai’s awful actions toward his children, but it really seemed like at some point he somewhat actually cared about or at least valued Zuko
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deadlyangelofpurity · 11 days
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This show is so boring man. What's the most crazy sexual thing I can think of? Probably a pink dildo with little balls... yaoi paddle... leather chest harness that's on backwards and upside down (but it's drawn correctly on the gimp for some reason)... noseband muzzle on the top (why)... and they're doing Doggy Style. For a show set in Hell it really makes a lot of truly juvenile attempts to Shock the audience. They should be pissing or shitting in each other's mouths or something. This is a show for Owl House adults in their 20s who start laughing when they reach the back wall of a Spencer's, out of irony and repressed nervousness
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deadlyangelofpurity · 12 days
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"can men be lesbians?" bestie in 100 countries women can't be lesbians is this really the most pressing issue rn
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deadlyangelofpurity · 14 days
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deadlyangelofpurity · 19 days
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pigeon loaf
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deadlyangelofpurity · 19 days
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Lolo the only survivor after the bombing of her house. All we are left with is my niece. I cannot bear losing her after I lost my brother. Please, we suffered from bombing, hunger, and displacement. Help me get out of the war zone to safety. You are our only hope for survival. Please donate or share the link.
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deadlyangelofpurity · 21 days
Bro wtf
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this is the single worst way i've ever read to describe an erection, frank herbert
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deadlyangelofpurity · 21 days
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this is the single worst way i've ever read to describe an erection, frank herbert
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