A piece I never wanted to write
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Santa Monica Pier by Wherever I Roam on Flickr.
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Chapter 37
  Mick quickly caught up with me, and stayed glued to my side. I didn’t look at him. Not just because I was nervously aware of the cameras on either side of the road that watched our every move, but I didn’t want to break down. Not here. Not now. Why the hell had Jared asked us to do this? Why, when things clearly weren’t right between us? For all his reassurance, his kind words and conviction, we were falling apart. How was this, being forever captured inside one of his short films, ever supposed to fix us? Damn it, he hadn’t even called me after the walk through, like he’d promised.
  I growled at myself. Come on, Ellie. It was the last day of what had turned out to be a seriously stressful shoot, one which had needed constant revising on the spur of the moment. People, weather, miscommunication and downright stubbornness had all thrown every spanner they had at it. Jared had a lot on his plate. Deep in my gut I knew he’d be mortified with shame when he realised he hadn’t phoned. But still, Mick was right. I couldn’t hide from it any longer. I had to arrange to speak to him, alone, somewhere we wouldn’t be interrupted. Not his house…. There were too many people, and too many beautiful memories that could be spoiled. Going into town and letting the paparazzi take their fill would just be cruel. I exhaled a long, slow breath and rounded the last corner before reaching the pier, realising that left just one place.
  My house. My sanctuary; where my LA story began.
  I gritted my teeth and focused. My eyes stung and my legs were burning a little. There was no point in stressing about it tonight. Get this over with, sneak away once “Cut” had been called, and phone Jared tomorrow. One step at a time.
  There was a surge of human horsepower as the Ride pushed towards the pier, eerily quiet except for the sound of whirring tyres on asphalt. We slipped onto the promenade. This was it. The culmination of all the stress and pain and worry that the Mars team had experienced while making this album. It was done. It was over. They were free, and this very video was testament to how far they’d come, and how far they were still to go. Absolutely nothing could stop them now, and they were going to push for the highest star and not stop until they either got it, or ran out of oxygen trying.
  I watched carefully. This was the tricky bit. The riders ahead would be coming to a dead-stop right in front of us when they could go no further up the pier. I rose from my seat, standing and pushing my tired legs hard, surveying the crowd that had gone before us. I could see Jared, perched on the end barrier, watching everyone arrive. My heart lurched sickeningly in my chest. What if he slipped? There was nothing between him and the ocean, which swirled dark and cold too many feet below him to be safe.
  I slammed my brakes on. I stopped just in time, narrowly avoiding ramming the back wheel of a guy wearing a gas mask.
“Shit, I’m so, so sorry,” I hissed quietly, leaning forward and placing my hand on his arm as he spun round. He glowered at me through the visor before his eyes softened. He pulled the mask aside and smiled – a young guy, maybe 19 at most, with a pierced lip and raven black hair.
“Hey, you’re Jared’s girlfriend! Ellie, right? Don’t worry about it. No harm done,” he grinned. I nodded. I had been tagged now – “Jared’s girlfriend”. I shook hands with him – his name was Johnny, he said – and smiled through tight lips. I was Jared’s girlfriend… for now.
  A couple of minutes later, I heard the now-familiar sound of Jared’s voice booming through the megaphone.
“CUT! That’s a wrap!” Deafening sounds of celebration erupted from the crowd. I clapped, cheering once and hugging Mick tight, allowing an unexpected wave of serenity to wash over me. This was a new beginning for everyone here. A new adventure, whatever it may be. Amongst the clamour, the crackle of the megaphone struggled to be heard. A creeping “ssshhh” echoed from the front to the back of the group until we all stood silent, straddling our trusty bikes.
“That’s it! We did it! Is everyone okay?” Jared called from his perch atop the fence. He looked ecstatic, like a man who had watched his dreams come true before his very eyes. He sounded excited, his voice almost singing with uncontrolled elation. The racket exploded once more. Jared laughed so hard in surprise that he pitched forward slightly, looking in disbelief at Emma. I bit my lip hard. He was beautiful. His manga-style hair fluttered in the sea breeze, his slender frame encased in a black biker jacket and skinny jeans, balancing seemingly easily yet still precariously on the barrier. Straightening up, he continued.
“Well I’m glad to hear it; you all did a fucking amazing job out there! It’s been a tough few days as you know, but fuck – this has been one of the best experiences ever. You are part of something very, very special right now, so be proud, and THANK YOU so, SO much for being here!”
  Once again, his words were met with a triumphant roar. But he wasn’t done yet.
“Now before we all go, I’ve got one more thing I need you to see. Can you stick around for a minute?” I glanced at Mick, who returned my frown as the cyclists replied with a hearty “yes”.
“Maybe I should go now,” I whispered, pulling Mick down by his bomber jacket’s collar so only he would hear me.
“Yeah, we could…” he nodded, but looked up at Jared as he continued.
“Okay, great, so... Ellie? Ellie, baby girl, where are you? Could you come up here a second, please?”
  I froze. What the hell? A hard lump suddenly formed in the centre of my throat and I couldn’t budge it. I barely registered Mick’s hand on my arm.
“Dude, she’s over here!” Johnny hollered, leaning on his friend’s shoulder as he stood up on the parallel pedals of his stationary bike, waving like a lunatic.
“Is she? Honey, please come up here, I promise this won’t take long,” Jared craned his neck to get a better view, and, as I tried to shrink into my jacket, he found me. He lowered the loudspeaker, his expression suddenly humble and… apologetic. I smiled weakly and patted Mick’s hand, unfolding myself from my bike. He rubbed my shoulder as he grabbed the handlebars and watched protectively as I started to fight my way through the crowd.
  It felt as though a thousand hands were being thrust into mine to be shaken, or patting my back, or clapping as I walked through a wall of bodies, bikes and whistling. Jared jumped elegantly down from his vantage point, and as I broke through the last of the riders, he stood directly before me, his arms wide open. His eyes revealed an extreme mixture of emotions that I hadn’t seen in him before. His lips smiled, but his eyes were sad, excited, worried and nervous all at once. I accepted his embrace, my heart hammering as it struggled to decide whether it should keep beating or shatter into a million fragments. I turned my head from his warm, musky-scented neck and pressed my cheek into his shoulder as I stared out to sea. The waves crashed ashore below us as yet another cheer, and several wolf-whistles, came from the riders. I could have stayed stood in his arms forever, if it meant it would make everything better somehow. As Jared gently pulled me away, I noticed Shannon, Tomo, Babu and Emma standing behind him, watching us closely. Shannon had his arms folded over his waist, and was repeatedly stroking his moustache. He looked nervous, too. Tomo punched his shoulder and laughed one of his bear laughs. Emma slapped his back and told him to, what looked like, “shut the fuck up”.
  I looked up at Jared. He smiled softly and gently pushed my hair back from my face.
“I am so, so fucking sorry I’ve hurt you,” he whispered, resting his forehead on mine and wrapping his arms tight around my back, forcing me to step closer again. “I’ve been a selfish bastard,”
“You’ve been busy,” I stammered. I didn’t want to go through this now! Not with all these people watching! Jared shook his head.
“That’s no excuse,” he hissed vehemently. Extremely slowly, he tilted his head and, without taking his glistening eyes from mine, laid a light, sorrowful kiss to my lips. Again the crowd yelled out, but I melted too much to notice. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity. The riders started clapping again, ringing the bells or honking the horns on their bikes. Jared laughed a little and broke away, turning to look at them. He signalled to Emma, keeping me securely in his grasp, who handed him the megaphone. I was surprised to hear his voice wavering, like he was insecure too.
“Alright, alright. Now listen, this is important, ok? I… I gotta do something right now, that’s…” he looked at me, searching for words. I saw a brief moment of terror fly through the normally confident azure blue. “Fuck it, let’s just do it,” he muttered, letting me go and handing the speaker back to Emma.
  She smiled brilliantly at him and hugged him before taking it.
  Alright, what the hell was going on?
  Jared turned back to me, and took both my hands in his. He kissed each one, his gaze focused immovably on me. He looked absolutely petrified.
“Baby, what’s…” I began. He silenced me with a kiss.
“I love you, Ellie, and I cannot live without you. I know I’ve been a fucking asshole to you, and I want you realise it’s not your fault. It was me. And I am so, so fucking sorry. I need you to know how much I really appreciate you and need you in my life. I’ve missed you so much…”
“Jared, please…” I begged, gripping his hands tight. He shook his head again.
“No, no… let me finish because I’ll never get this out otherwise,” he said. I frowned.
“Get what out?”
“Baby girl… my Ellie…”
  He dropped before me onto one knee, holding my left hand as tight as a human man could.
“… my beautiful, beautiful Ellie, please… will you marry me?”
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So, so, so glad to see your updates!! I really missed them :) xo~Heather
Thank you so much for sticking around :)
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Please post more!! Im so anxious to see them talk. You're such an amazing writer! I missed you! -S
Thank you. Not much longer to wait ;)
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that gif where Satan is very visible after a swim, what video is that from?
That was from a little clip shown on the last VyRT, when the guys were in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Lebanon. Hopefully it'll be on the tour dvd.
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Please fix them. It's breaking my heart.
Best get the sticky tape out ;)
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Two chapters... you are spoiling us.... but I love being spoiled. Liked the chapters, they got me intrigued. Hope I won't have to wait too long.
I hope a week wasn't too long to wait...
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Chapter 36
“Okay, so are we all ready?” Jared shouted through his megaphone.
“Yeah!!!!” almost a hundred people yelled back. I kept quiet and looked at Mick nervously. He smiled back through tight lips.
  The meeting had been awkward. Jared had talked us all through the intended route, pointing at a map he’d pinned to a whiteboard in the conference suite of a nearby hotel. He had somehow arranged to have most of downtown LA cordoned off so no traffic or pedestrians would get caught up in the proceedings. But despite previous plans, the authorities had ruled the shoot had to be done in one night. The scenes involving The Ride, as Jared called it, were the last ones to be shot. Jared’s excitement was tangible, and infected everyone that was sitting around the various tables before him. I sat back in my chair and tried to focus on what he was saying. Once or twice he made eye contact, pausing midway through his sentence. I lowered my gaze, feeling a raging flush bristling over my cheeks. Mick gripped my hand under the table. I squeezed tight and willed my heart to keep beating.
  After the formality of the hotel meeting, the party moved outside and took a walk around the route. It took most of the day, and must have been quite a sight for all the passers-by; this massive crowd of excited, babbling people following three guys around the city. Our finishing point was the Santa Monica pier. Despite being at the back of the crowd for most of the walk, I found myself at the front of the congregation that stood before Jared at the end of the pier. I hid myself slightly behind Mick, remembering my first visit there all those years ago. I had been in awe of the place then, but now I couldn’t get far enough away from it. Yet Jared knew where I stood in the crowd, and the second he had reiterated our start time and place thanked everyone for their time, he headed determinedly towards me.
  I was left breathless by the way my heart lurched when his phone rang at that precise second, preventing him from making any contact. I smiled weakly at him as his sorrowful eyes pierced into mine. He silently mouthed, “I’ll call you,” before turning away. As Mick and I moved away, I looked back over my shoulder at him. He was tugging his hair in frustration. I lowered my gaze, inhaling deeply, and followed Mick back along the pier. In times gone by I would have run to Jared, wrapping my arms around him, telling him it would be okay, asking what I could do to help. Now I was running from him. My heart sank and shattered. This was not what I had dreamed of.
  Sometimes dreams just don’t come true.
  But now, feeling jaded but determined to see this through, I joined the crowd in singing the triumphant, anthemic hook as we rode. I knew Jared, Shannon and Tomo were at the very front, leading the pack as the neon lights of the city guided the way. I knew Babu was in here somewhere too, but I hadn’t seen him for a long time. I hated to think what kind of conversations he and Jared had had. Eventually we stopped in the middle of the street and set up for the Circle. Two guys lifted their bikes high above their heads, shouting and whooping ecstatically. It was hard not to feel jubilant, and I felt a genuine smile cross my face in the first time in what felt like months as I joined the swirl of bikes that circled them, with Mick right beside me. Suddenly, somehow, I drew parallel with Jared. He glanced over, smiling slightly. I nodded and he returned the gesture, his eyes heavy with worry and… something else I couldn’t quite place. He sat back on his seat, letting the handlebars go, and made an exaggerated “cut” signal across his throat, then veered off from the circle.
  We regrouped around him for further instruction. As he waited for feedback from his co-directors, I looked up at Mick as he leaned against me. He tilted his head down to me, watching Jared closely.
“He misses you,” he whispered, his voice buried under the throng of those around us.
“How the hell do you know that?” I hissed, a little louder than I should have.
“He keeps following you. I’ve been watching him. When he’s behind you he speeds up to be closer to you. If he can’t catch you… girl, you gotta see the disappointment in him. Whatever’s happening in his head, he fucking misses you.”
“Well… yeah. I miss him,” I sighed, lowering my head and fidgeting with the light attached to my crossbar. Mick’s arm slid around my shoulder, and he pressed a kiss to my head.
“I know,” he sighed, resting his chin on me. I glanced up and saw Jared staring straight at us.
  He pursed his lips and visibly swallowed hard, before lifting his megaphone to his lips.
“To the pier!” he shouted. He handed his loudspeaker back to Emma and reclaimed his bike from her. He gazed at me, trapping me in a defiant icy gaze, and pushed off. Shannon followed his line of sight, saw me, and a stunning grin immediately exploded over his face. He winked at me and followed his brother.
  I looked up at Mick.
“Did you see that?” I whispered. He frowned, watching Tomo follow Shannon.
“Yeah… what was that about?”
“Not a clue, but he… he was happy, right?”
“I… yeah,” I stuttered.
“Come on you two, you’ll miss it!” a girl in a red and gold military jacket called to us. She smiled happily at us as we waved to her.
“Just coming,” I shouted back. She raised her hand with a thumbs-up and flew past us.
“You need to sort this out, girl. Sit down and talk to him. You don’t need this shit,” Mick grumbled, kicking the pedals around to meet his foot.
“I know,” I whispered, and without looking at him, kicked the bike forward and sped after the rest of the group.
  I didn’t let him see the tears of frustration clouding my eyes.
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Chapter 35
  Jared seemed to distance himself from me.
  I still spent my free time with him, and he always called on days I couldn’t be around for whatever reason. We still visited each other, we still laughed together; we still acted like a devoted couple. We made tender, honest, beautiful love. We had toe-curling, decadent and depraved sex. But something was missing. Jared was… distracted. He vehemently swore that nothing was wrong, that he had expected the press interest and it didn’t bother him in the least; that he loved me more than anyone he ever had. The devastated look in his eyes when he realised I was upset proved – to a certain extent – that he was telling the truth. I tried to convince myself it was down to his relentless concentration on his work. I promised myself time and again not to get in the way of that. But the nearer it came to shooting the video for Kings and Queens, the more I was sure Jared was slipping away. He was understandably dedicated to his work, and despite his reassurance, I had a twisted gut full of heavy conviction that told me this would always be the way. I would never truly occupy his heart the way he did mine.
  After a month of heart-wrenching deliberation and painful consultation with Mick, I started to withdraw. I had never, ever known searing pain in my chest like it. Day after day of bleak, self-inflicted torment that saw me return to my little house in the hills instead of Jared’s after work, lock the door, shut the blinds and stare mindlessly at the flickering colours on the TV. I’d answer my phone, but I’d usually think of an excuse not to visit him, or for him not to come around. Every now and then I’d concede, desperate to be near him, and I’d bury myself in the warmth and comfort of his strong arms, his woody scent, his gentle kisses, and everything would be alright for a little while. Then I’d remember with a sickening jolt that this was just a realistic fairytale that could never have a happy ending. I’d leave after just a couple of hours, despite Jared’s beseeching azure eyes begging me to stay. He’d text me when I got home to check I was okay, telling me he loved me and he was worried. I’d tell him not to waste his energy, I was fine, and to concentrate on the task in hand. I’d switch my phone off and fall into a tearful, tortured sleep.
  I wasn’t really surprised when Jared called to invite me to be in the crowd of cyclists needed for the video the following week, but I was concerned about the motive. His voice had been undeniably hopeful and breezy. I tried my best to decipher what was going on in his mind, and only succeeded in turning mine into a conflicting whirlwind of unjustified theories. He told me I could bring Mick, as always, and we would start with a meeting then a walk-through the route on Monday. I would need to get the few days needed for the shoot off work as the scenes were to be filmed at night, and promised I’d let him know if I could be there. His deflated disappointment didn’t go unnoticed when I hung up. With a sigh, I called Lucy and, feeling like a heartless bitch, secretly hoped the holiday chart was full. It turned out nobody else was off, and she cleared the leave instantly. Jared was elated when I told him, and I felt dizzy trying to figure out what was going on. We hung up, exchanging tentative “I love yous”, and I collapsed onto the sofa before calling Mick.
  He knew straight away that things hadn’t got any better. He promised he would stick by my side throughout the filming, and if at any point I wanted to leave, I just had to tell him. Like I had in the call to Jared, I told Mick I loved him. He chuckled his throaty laugh and said he loved me too, lil’ sister, and that he vowed we would beat this together.
  I wished beyond the highest star that there was still nothing to beat, and there was still a chance for Jared and me.
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Happy New Year dirty birdies. Thanks for all your support so far. Let's make 2013 one to remember.
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Shameless Advertising
I see lots of new tumblr followers coming on board, thanks to the incredible Dirty Sex to Mars, who has been reblogging some of my work (thanks again). Check them out for some incredible fanfics if you haven't already.
So now for the shameless ad - for those of you who don't know and who are interested, I'm also on Twitter @WithLightsOut. Drop by, say hi, and if you're good you'll get a spanking.
Stay dirty,
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Chapter 34
Jared had barely caught his breath when he reached behind me and freed my hands, bundling me tight against his warm chest. I flexed my fingers and slid my arms around his waist, squeezing tight, my wrists smarting from an increasingly familiar, yet not unpleasant, burning sensation. He gently pulled me back and stared at me, his eyes sparkling.
“Do you think they’ve missed us?” he whispered, tilting his head towards the French doors. I swept my hand through his soft hair and shrugged.
“We should get back,” he sighed, his voice heavy, his eyes telling me he wasn’t convinced.
“Do we have to?” I murmured, peppering a line of kisses down his neck. He shivered and tightened his grip around me.
“Yes, but you have to be a good girl this time,” he warned, playfully tickling my sides. I squeaked and pushed him away, pouting.
“I’ll try,” I muttered, deliberately wondering how I could get myself into trouble again.
“You, uh… might need these,” he smiled, holding up my lace panties. I frowned at them.
“You didn’t…” I gasped, rubbing my sore wrists. Tied up with my own knickers! Jared slid his long fingers around my wrists, raising each one to his lips.
“You leave them where anyone can find them and expect me not to punish you for it? Oh Ellie,” he smirked. I snatched them from his lap and threw them over my shoulder, grinning as he watched them land with an expression of confusion.
“I’ll go without,” I murmured, catching his head between my hands and pushing a forceful kiss to his mouth.
  It was extremely difficult to tear ourselves away from Jared’s bedroom, but it was almost completely dark outside and we had to be sure we hadn’t been missed too much. That however was apparent the second we stepped through the patio doors to the poolside. I half-hid behind Jared, his hand securely around mine, as Shannon, Babu, Emma and Mick instantly pounced on us.
“Where have you been?”
“Is everything ok?”
“What time do you call this?” Jared fielded most of the questions, but Mick eyed me suspiciously. He waited until Jared was occupied with Shannon and gripped my elbow, steering me away from them. He was oblivious to the slightly panicked stare that Jared threw at us.
“What the…” I stuttered as Mick wheeled me round to face him, shielding me from everyone. Only I could see the anger bubbling in his face.
“Ellie. Is there ever going to be a party where…” his stony expression cracked and he laughed loudly, “… where he doesn’t fuck you senseless?! Come here, you,” and he tugged me tight into his arms. I smacked his back, hard.
“You bastard! I thought you were going to give me hell!” Mick let go, grinning playfully.
“I was going to, but how can I when I see how happy you are together? He’s checking to see you’re okay right now, isn’t he?” I peeked over his shoulder and nodded, seeing Jared straining to get a glimpse of me, only half-listening to Shannon, bumping into the wall as he took one step backwards too many. “Thought so. Don’t let this go, lil’ sister, you know how much you wanted it. And he’s a great guy,”
“I know,” I smiled, Mick’s big-brotherly talk catching me off-guard.
“Is everything okay here?” Jared appeared at Mick’s shoulder, his gorgeous face clouded with worry. Mick turned and grinned, catching him in a bear hug.
“Take care of my little sister,” he said, looking fondly at me as Jared reclaimed me in his arms. He gently swept my hair back from my face and after searched for signs of distress. Finding none, he smiled and kissed me very softly. Without taking his dancing gaze from me he whispered,
“I promise I will,” I smiled broadly, and, vaguely aware of Mick nodding and chortling as he walked away, accepted Jared’s heated kiss as he pulled me tight against him.
  The months that followed passed in a blur. Jared and I spent as much time as possible together, but it was becoming increasingly difficult, not that I really minded; in a wonderful progression of fate, things were going extremely well for Mars. The finishing touches were being added to the album, and the band had decided that its release, which after much deliberation and tweaking was finally scheduled for early December, was to be preceded by the first single from it. Jared’s face had been serenely beautiful when he told me which song they’d picked. He was alive. He was excited. He was happy. And so was I when I heard the words I’d wanted to hear – the single was to be Kings and Queens.
  Jared, in his alter ego role as Mr Cubbins, started work early on the short film that was to accompany the song. I was delighted when he started bouncing ideas off me, asking my opinion, showing me sketches and storyboards. Despite how busy he was, he seemed to be making every effort to include me in his life, making sure we did spend time together. He even formulated a plan to steal me away from everyone. One day in late summer, while I was sitting in front of my computer screen at the office, he completely surprised me by showing up and offering me a single red rose and a plain white envelope. You should have seen the expressions on the faces of the girls I worked with that didn’t know him… this extremely handsome man with the perfectly coiffed dark hair (he’d had enough of the blond, and cut it under strict instruction to leave enough for me to run my hands through)… was this the singer/actor that Ellie was seeing? Under their watchful, interested eye, my heart rate returned to normal as I kissed Jared hello and accepted his gifts. He draped over my shoulder as I opened the envelope and nearly fell out my seat in surprise. Two return plane tickets to Venice – and an invitation to the premiere of the film Jared had shot a while back. I gawped at him as he smiled widely, his eyes twinkling. The flight left in three hours, but I hadn’t packed, and what about time off work… Lucy, my boss, waved her hand dismissively as Jared fetched my coat.
  We were at the airport within 45 minutes. I couldn’t believe what he’d done – between him and Emma they’d organised everything I needed for a few days away. And what a few days they were. When we arrived the night before the premiere, weary and slightly cranky, Jared exhaled with a hiss at my resolute, selfish determination that I had nothing pretty to wear. He hooked his suit-bag over the wardrobe door and pointed at it, telling me firmly to look in there. I frowned and, feeling riled, nearly tore the zipper open. I removed his pristine tux from the case, smoothing his shirt down, and gasped as I saw what lay beneath. He gently lifted the third hanger and held it out to me. It was a beautiful pale gold silk dress; cowl neck, low back, floor-length fluted skirt, with a band of gold and silver sequins around the middle. And a Christian Dior label. I lifted the dress between my hands and studied the flawless material in awe. Jared’s tired scowl turned to a stunning, happy smile. He told me it was a thank you present for always being there when the band – not just him – needed a lift. I had to be careful not to crush it between us as I hugged him and kissed him hard. He released himself from my grip and stooped to pull a box out of his holdall. A shoebox. I rolled my eyes as he handed it to me. Inside the unmarked box, nestled in bright red tissue paper, was a pair of gorgeous gold Louboutin slingbacks that perfectly matched the dress. I glared at him open-mouthed, and he caught me in his strong kiss before I could protest at the extravagance.
  The premiere had been a mind-blowing experience. Jared looked absolutely stunning in his tux and open-collared shirt, and he even ditched his boots for his polished black and white shoes. His swept up hair was the only visible suggestion of his rebellious streak. I hovered well out the way as the photographers took their fill of him, filled with a heady mixture of nerves, pride and desire. When Jared turned with a wide smile and gestured for me to come and join him on the red carpet… I nearly fainted. I wobbled over on my high heels as confidently as I could and bowed by head in embarrassment as he kissed my cheek and slid his arm around my waist. Bulbs flashed and people called his name – “Mr Leeto, Mr Leeto, who is your friend?” – to which he pulled me firmly against him and replied gallantly, “this is my Anna,” and kissed me sensuously on the lips.
  I didn’t understand the reference until I saw the film. As realisation dawned on me, I turned in my seat, my arm already threaded through Jared’s, and lifted his hand to my lips. He smiled knowingly and kissed my forehead, whispering, “my Anna.” We watched the rest of the film with my head on his shoulder.
  In the car on the way back to the hotel we could not keep our hands off each other. More than once I had to slap his hand away from the hem of my dress, trying to defend myself against his hot, hungry kiss and his urgent hands. I could barely walk, his advances had turned me on so much, and trying to run up the stairs to our room in my heels was nearly impossible. I stopped mid-staircase and hauled them off, before bunching them and the silk hem in one hand and letting Jared drag me the rest of the way. We didn’t even take our clothes off… at least, not until our third united orgasm faded in a whirlwind of heat, sweat and smudged lipstick. 
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When I see you post I get all tingly inside!!! Loved them!!! XOXO
Naughty girl ;)
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There's something to warm you up on a cold winter's day, right there.
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