this is just a list of questions (I don’t usually make lists of questions, but I thought it would be better so I don’t clutter your ask box)
What’s your favourite band?
if you had to listen to one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be
Do you prefer alt music, or pop music?
1. And 2. There isn't one. I like good music. I like creation. And it's so hard to choose.
I like Oh Helloes. But I also like Ryan Roth. Due to the bias - I'll choose him. But it's not a completely right answer.
3. I like Pop. But I have always been into nichés. So - idk.
I'm one of those blue hair people with pronouns. Ha ha.
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The Coda to the story.
The Epilogue.
(one last DISCLAIMER: this is askblog for TBG Davey, not the actual Davey Wreden.)
I assume you have many questions - and after my response, you'll come up with even more. But I never planned to answer any of them.
I'm only telling a story.
Once TSPUD got announced, people have asked me if I'd remaster The Beginner's Guide. That question kept showing up, and I kept saying - 'Whats the point? The story is already finished.'
And then, I was asked again. And then, again.
And then - again.
At some point, I stopped responding. It was not due to being tired of repeating myself, but because I wasn't sure if the answer was still true. I felt there was nothing more to add, and enhancing the graphics would only take away from the experience. And yet, I knew there was so much more to the story.
I looked at all the game reviews, emails, and messages I could, realizing that this was it.
Feedback or The Cookie9 Phenomenon, if you want to call it that.
In a way, I suppose, I've always been my audience's Coda. The only thing that was different was no direct contact. After the enormous, very overwhelming response from the original TSP, I've been sparingly responding to any private feedback I've been receiving.
But the emails kept not changing. I do find the mails where I'm getting 'destroyed' or 'owned' very funny but that wasn't the case from the start.
So, I've wondered - how would these people react if they could see an effect of their own words? That it's not just something they spout into the ether but there's an actual person on the other side?
I wondered how could I bring this up without making a Skip Button Ultra Deluxe Edition. While games are interactive, you still have a barrier between you and the creator of the games.
Inspiration came randomly, during one panel I was listening to. Typically, a person would have a big speech followed by questions but that one particular instance was like 70% QnA. And at the end - I felt great! Maybe I couldn't give my own feedback in the sea of hands but there was something so charming about this being such a collaborative work. At the start, the performer said "you shape how the show will go" and even if it was obvious in that circumstance, to this day I remember it.
So, I've decided to make this askblog. But as I stated in it, in hidden clues - I'm fine at the moment! I'm happy where I stand as a creator and I had moved on from the past. That, however, wasn't always the case.
I'm lucky that I was mad enough to have many diaries throughout my life. I've written down so many of my reactions, thought processes and feelings, reading through My Files wasn't that much of an issue. And since I've already played as my past self once - I could do it again.
I will leave this askblog open but I won't respond to every message left for it as I've used to. I'll spare your time and write down some of the questions that you'll probably not get answers to:
"Was Coda ever real?", "Where the Twitter screenshot real and if so, what were Coda's thoughts and reaction to all of this?" "Were Coda's answer actually his?" or any other Coda-related questions like that,
"What are you working on now?", "Are you really fine?",
"What exactly inspired you in your life to do this now?", "Had a similar situation happened before?", "How did you deal with other Fake Codas?", "Will you one day answer our questions again?"
or anything TSP/TSPUD related,
because you're not entitled to someone's work or life.
And I won't light up your lampposts anymore.
Davey, out!
(Hi, it's me, @shinakazami1, the creator of this story. I'd like to thank everybody who spent their time to support this. I adore interacting with my own audience so this way of storytelling felt great thanks to you! My plan was to have something in the spirit of the original The Beginner's Guide in a form of an ask blog - small questions connected with themselves, telling a bigger yet short story that had already 'happened'. As Davey had said - you shape the way this could have gone. While the ending was predetermined from the start, Act 2 aka 'Coda's Askblog' was entirely up to you! For every post that you've asked Coda about something, I've already prepared a draft for the other blog. There were different versions of Coda and Davey planned. You've chosen Anxious Yet Assertive Davey and Angry but Weirdly Supportive Coda. I might talk about these more either in an edit of this post or on my Tumblr Blog, as I'd like to show a bit of a cut content :] While askblog Davey said he might not answer the questions mentioned - I might, so feel free to come and say your thoughts on this, your feedback, anything! I've myself been once again feeling stuck with creating, especially with drawing. But this project made me feel great, and it's all thanks to you. So thank you, Player. May we see each other another time. Toodle-pip!)
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Tumblr really is cool. I like the tagging system a lot.
But everything comes to an end at some point.
I'll see you in The Epilogue.
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Because everybody seemed to have fun.
What would Coda like to be asked about? Is there anything? Or will we get a shrug or short and cryptic answer? Either is fine!
Coda's answer:
Isn't the trial and error part of fun?
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The time is now.
Did you and that Coda account talk?
We didn't. But it seemed we didn't need to. You'll see what I mean in a while.
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It really is.
Oh lord someone is pretending to be me now. This is all quite funny. You might as well just take my first ask as the truth and question everything else. Sorry about this.
It's easy to pretend others sometimes. Don't be sorry about that, please.
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Well? Were you the 'past' Davey?
Don't let us become the Davey from years ago.
I couldn't stop myself. Others couldn't stop me. Coda couldn't, either.
Nobody controls you beside yourself. Don't throw that responsibility on someone else just because you think you can blame them for it.
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'Goodnite, Dr. Death'
have you ever listened to My Chemical Romance, and if so, what song is your favourite?
I do know them - Coda was the one who listened to them for a while and I found out about then through him.
I think my favourite one is 'Cubicles' .
Coda's answer:
'Thank you for The Venom'.
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Because keeping others in the past will hold you in there, too.
Damn everyone is acting like you are the exact same as you were like over a decade ago. Such a silly thing to think. Just act as you think is right and don't let these people make you insecure.
People like to do that. I know it seems like I'm letting everything go to my head but trust me - I just write some notes for myself to look back to in the future, just like I did with The Beginner's Guide.
I don't know why people forget others can change, make mistakes, or that nobody is perfect. I wondered if it's lack of self reflection or some sort of escapism.
I'm not scared of admitting to my mistakes. I'm not scared of showing them to people so they learn on them.
If someone wants to take the moral high growth to forget of their own shortcomings, I won't stop them. But the way I think about it all - you know only what I decide to say. Not what I really think.
Thank you, though, I truly appreciate that someone sees it, too.
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Well? Am I?
Is Coda even there, Davey?
Are you the person that made that account?
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What’s your opinion on rainstorms and/or thunderstorms?
I like the ambience and atmosphere. I don't like getting sick, though.
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The wind when it's telling an already-known tale.
Coda, what's your favourite thing? Could be general concepts, months, trains. Anything
Coda's answer:
My noise cancelling headphones. A time capsule for a soul. February. The 7:01 am train.
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Because I can look at the future without being blinded by the past.
I personally think it’s a journey of growth if you play it again. The fact you regret what you have done and can say you have changed is what matters. That regret is proof that you are a good person. In my eyes at least. Maybe I just can relate what happened to you too
There aren't good or bad people - only good or bad intentions.
I replayed my life through this game. I think that as you said - it's a title made for that. But it's not a must, nothing in life is.
We all make mistakes, there isn't a single person without flaws. I've made many missteps that had very expensive consequences. But I was the one who keeps paying for them.
It's a story that I'll never expose fully. There is so much context left but it doesn't need to be said, acknowledged or interpreted. The way I framed it all is how I intended it.
If someone can relate to it in a way I wanted to, it makes me upmost happy. But it's not something I expected to happen often. The hate isn't welcomed but I left it a free chair anyways.
Thank you though. For wanting to look at it again.
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It's not a Guide. It was a Documentary, a Letter, a Call.
How did you settle on the name The Beginner’s Guide? Is it like a guide to Coda? What are its thoughts on it?
It was based on a comment thread under my Blog I used to have.
I was describing my experience with Coda's games and someone said that it's funny that I sound like a toddler realising people can think abstractally. Another person responded with 'It's The Beginner's Guide to life'. And when I was deciding to make this project, I reminded myself of that.
It can be perceived in so many ways. You're introduced to Coda's unique work but it also shows how I was learning at the time, too. I'm guiding my past self through its own experiences and you are there to witness it. But also, it's Coda as a beginner game maker and his progress.
It's The Beginner's Guide. Not A Beginner's Guide.
Coda's answer:
I don't connect it to myself. But it's memorable.
(DISCLAIMER : this blog is fanask blog for TBG Davey, not actual Davey)
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He knew was he was doing. Just like Roth did with the soundwork.
Mr Wreden, I really like your games. I want to talk about the music in TBG though. It often mismatches your intention. In machine chapter, you said how you felt happy, seeing people like Coda's games. But the music in that part felt... Eery, to say the least. Why did you choose that piece?
It's supposed to guide to to the next part - that Coda cut contact with me at that moment. It's supposed to let you know that my happiness was cut. That my good intentions were met with displease. It's a non direct foreshadowing. Just like I intended!
Cakebread, out!
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1. It exists. I already moved on back then so when it released, I felt indifferent.
I will not forgive nor forget many things. But I do forget a lot of my work. So it's nice to have an archive now.
2. You're the ones feeling the undertones.
We just exist.
1. What does Coda think of the beginner's guide?
2. Are there any homosexual undertones to your relationship?
1. Coda's answer
It exists. I was mad at first but now, I'm happy my work is out and it could resonate with others.
2. I don't think so? We are humans so the Homo Sapiens part is there, we are dudes so we get thst and we like spending time together. We don't kiss though
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To Mx Coda,
With the experiences you've made, my secret favorite is the prison games. To me, they feel freeing in a way. I don't know how to proply explain it, but the feeling of being able to express something feels nice.
But that aside, what experience of yours are you most proud of?
David was the one who called them prison games. They were all called Escape.
I'm most proud of the bug that started it all.
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