darlingeureka · 4 years
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is ranger rory going to be in the ppdc calendar?
....Do you mean the official calender... or that one Janae has been plotting behind my back...?
Com. Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
If you’re planning on sneaking a costume on Max, email me. I have tips and suggestions for how to distract Chuck. I also will send biscuits to anyone who succeeds (unless it’s Chuck, in which case, you do not deserve biscuits because of that incident last year).
30th of October, 2020
Announcement from Commander Percival Moses, Base Commander for the Sydney Shatterdome.
As you are all aware tomorrow is Halloween.
Considering how much of a cluster **** (censored by PPDC Communication System) this year has been yes I’ll happily let you guys go all out in decorating the Shatterdome just make sure it doesn’t obstruct anything.
There has been a request for costumes, and I shall say as long as you can keep it withing health and safety regulations go right on ahead. Heck we’ll make it a fancy dress competition, bonus points if you can sneak a costume on Max behind Ranger Chuck Hansen’s back.
Chef would like to inform all that he has planned a little luxury for dinner tomorrow, apparently Denzil has had a hand in this… which is concerning but also remember to thank her.
And so with I say boys, girls and pals enjoy tomorrows festivities but within reason, we don’t want someone to ruin it for the rest of us. Take care, look after each other, trick or treat you hearts away, but we’re still here for a reason.
Happy Halloween,
Com. Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Update from the Anchorage Shatterdome
Still here. Uncle Hermann’s had to postpone his annual trip to update the Shatterdomes’ code until November, and, due to this whole thing, my classes are still online. Which means that I will be able to join him.
Our first stop this year will be the Lima Shatterdome, where he and I will most definitely get sunburns. If Chuck is reading this, I swear that we’ve been wearing sunscreen. There is a reason why we stay inside.
I am looking forward to the travel, even though I will likely need to buy more aloe vera, and this means that I can do a series of posts on the different Shatterdomes. The Marshal has asked that I keep any classified information out of it, but he does agree that it’s a good way to let people know what it’s like inside Shatterdomes.
Please send any questions you have about the Shatterdomes, and I will do my best to answer them!
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darlingeureka · 4 years
I just want to say that I regret absolutely nothing about getting Max that conductor’s hat. It goes very well with his little suit.
5th of June, 2020
Announcement from Commander Percival Moses, Base Commander for the Sydney Shatterdome.
I’m going to be blunt kids…. What the hell?!?
I’m not sure where to even begin. Why has Striker got hot pink finger nails? Where’s Chuck considering I don’t hear the profanities echoing through the Shatterdome?
Why is there now three octopi in a tank in a storage room?
Ranger Anderson the box of hair dye on the my table for my ‘grey hairs from stress’ while nice in sentiment… won’t be useful when all my hair is grey.
What is the source of the mysterious thumping noise and echoing of running boots all about?.
Thank you though for the ‘welcome home dad’ sign and card…. Regardless of how huge those two proved to be… I also won’t asked where the neon lights came from.
Also the coffee packets and bottles of whiskey on the table are appreciated.
….also am I jet lagged or did I actually see Max go past me on a mini train with a hat on???
In related news… yes I do have the gifts. Though at this rate I might be better of just hiding them and getting you lot to find them yourselves.
Com. Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Commander, please! Think of how cute he would be. He would boost morale, and maybe Chuck wouldn’t be Mr. Grumpy Gills all the time?
from a very tired anna: please tell chuck that, no, max does not need his own mini-jaeger. think of the funding that could be spent elsewhere
Accounting seems to agree with you - if their facedesking from the request when it reached their desk is anything to go by.
But I propose.
Minature Railways.
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Imagine it Max climbing onto a tiny train and goes around the Shatterdome.
LOCCENT Officer Janae Denzil.
The commander was able to text a reply:
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Update from the Anchorage Shatterdome
It has been... honestly, I’ve lost count of how many days it’s been since the Anchorage Shatterdome went into lockdown. The last time I left the Shatterdome itself was in March, when Uncle Hermann snuck us out for some last-minute quarantine necessities (tea, chocolate, etc).
How is life in the Anchorage Shatterdome?
Well, I celebrated my seventeenth birthday by vid-chatting with Chuck, Max, and Mako. That was almost three?? months ago, and that was probably the highlight of this whole quarantine thing. The Jaegers, obviously, are still being sent out, and the cadets had a mandatory two-week quarantine before the next term started at the Academy. That being said, most of the classes are still online.
Including Uncle Hermann’s classes. Good news, everyone: he finally figured out how Zoom works. Bad news: I share a wall with his quarters and can hear all of his classes. But he is doing well, morale-wise, and the cadets are certainly learning their engineering.
As for my classes, term hasn’t started quite yet, so I’ve been reviewing my Russian. And, of course, reading as much as I can. Uncle Hermann set me an assignment on the Sturm und Drang literary movement, so once I can get access to some books, that’s what I’ll be doing.
In the meantime, feel free to send me any questions you want to know about the PPDC or the Shatterdome or whatever.
-Anna Gottlieb
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darlingeureka · 4 years
...sorry, Marshal Pentecost. I just... Look at his face. Is that not the face of a man who stands for everything the PPDC stands for?
Max for secretary-general! (Sorry, pentecost)
I cannot refute this
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This is indeed the face of a man who would take his job very seriously.
(Sorry Marshal but it’s too good)
Com. Perc Moses
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darlingeureka · 4 years
are you going to go to the jaeger academy?
No, I am not. While I appreciate the Rangers for everything they do, it has been decided that my talents lie elsewhere and that it would be a waste of a spot to have me attempt Ranger training. As I am getting a degree in modern languages, it was deemed more beneficial to have me serve as a translator and general admin for the PPDC.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
worst food in the shatterdome?
...I am not going to answer this because I don’t want to get in trouble. It’s not that there’s bad cooking; it’s that I’m an exceptionally picky eater. All of the kitchen staff at every Shatterdome is exceptionally good at their job.
(It’s Ranger Hansen’s (the elder, not Chuck; do not let Chuck even attempt cooking, please) ANZAC biscuits. I’m sorry, but I can’t stand them. There’s coconut and oatmeal and he ends up burning them every single time, and I’m sorry, but I can’t keep silent any longer.)
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darlingeureka · 4 years
any embarrassing stories about chuck hansen?
Tonnes, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Sorry!
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Chuck, don’t you dare.
$10 to anyone that can shave Evan’s head in his sleep.
Do NOT shave Ranger Henare’s hair off in his sleep.
Firstly, you’ll set off Waimarie. Secondly, you’ll make the PR department cry. And Thirdly, I have enough grey hairs as it stands
(on this note, you do realize if you’re gonna pull a stunt like this it is a BAD idea to make this a shatterdome wide message which included the Commander right?)
This is law,
Commander Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
...I regret nothing.
could whoever decided to play 'let it go' over the shatterdome speakers stop before someone lets it go?
This is a very important message,
Please. For the love of God. Ease up or I will be the one who lets it go.
This also for the record is probably how Ranger Herc Hansen feels when certain people make a point of singing Zero and Hero each time he enters a room. So for our safety, cease that too.
With the utmost sincerity,
Commander Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Note to PPDC Personnel
There will be an Inter-Shatterdome showing of Frozen II on this Saturday, 4 April, at 17:00 AKDT / 18:00 PDT / 20:00 PET /  Sunday, 5 April at 09:00 HKT / 10:00 JST / 11:00 AEST or VLAT.
Please note that this is not going to be the sing-a-long edition. The Marshal denied my request for the sing-a-long despite my very professional slideshow.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
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cambridge in michaelmas 2019
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darlingeureka · 4 years
As they very well should. (I have pictures of him in a rather cute bumblebee costume, sir, if you ever want to see it.) Max is the best dog in the world, and everyone should know that.
perc, mate, could we please make tim-tams a necessity? they are completely necessary for ranger deployment. also, we need more dog biscuits. the good kind
Chuck (you can’t tell me it’s not you kid, I’m not a first-class dipstick),
If you can convince Accounting to fit it into the budget and can suggest how to go right on ahead.Additionally, If you want your Tim-Tams kid the dog treats it’s gonna come out of your paycheck. Also…Are these the same brand or is it another case of them not meeting Max’s prefer pallet?Regards,Commander Perc Moses.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
Life in the PPDC Part 1: Dining
No matter what Shatterdome one is in, one can always expect a delicious, luxurious meal.
Well, given a measure of delicious and luxurious. The food really isn’t all that bad once one is used to it, though there are certain luxuries we have been expected to give up due to, well, the Kaiju. It depends on the Shatterdome, but most of them are under the typical rations. Sydney, in particular, has been hit rather hard, given that Australia is an island. Hong Kong, perhaps surprisingly, is one of the best-stocked Shatterdomes due to its proximity to Hong Kong itself.
The Anchorage Shatterdome, where I am currently living, is unique, in terms of cuisine. Due to the Ranger Academy, the meals in the Anchorage Shatterdome are considered the height of nutrition. Each meal is formulated to give each cadet the nutrients they need to excel in training. One of the meals that best exemplifies this is PPDC Porridge.
A recipe dating from early in the PPDC’s history, PPDC Porridge was invented by Chan Guiying, a support member of the PPDC. It is congee with chunks of meat and egg mixed in, though each Shatterdome has its own recipe. I quite enjoy the Anchorage Shatterdome’s PPDC Porridge because it has sausage and fried mushrooms.
Another one of my favourite recipes is another Shatterdome specialty, frozen lemonade. Back in the early days of the PPDC, we didn’t have ice cream or any sort of dessert. Right after Brawler Yukon’s defeat of Karloff, Selene Keeti, the first chef at a Shatterdome, combined lemon juice, honey, and chipped ice. It’s not the most luxurious dessert, but it is a treat on a hot summer day.
Next time, I will be discussing the daily life of one living in a Shatterdome. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you found it informative.
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darlingeureka · 4 years
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