danielle724 · 3 years
Why do today, what you could put off until tomorrow
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danielle724 · 3 years
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danielle724 · 5 years
Each morning when you wake up brush your teeth slowly; don’t leave the cap off the tooth paste; wash your face real well; and don’t forget to get in the corners of your eyes; when you put your shoes on untie the laces; don’t jam your foot into your shoes; and never walk on the heels of your shoes; make sure you have on socks; and make sure they match; when it is winter time have your coat zipped up all the way; and when it’s summer make sure your shirt covers your chest; never wear dark nail polish because that’s meant for adults; and makeup isn’t allowed; always brush your hair back; and never leave frizzes up; when you walk to school don’t stop and talk to nobody; and on your way home don’t step on the cracks in the sidewalk; always say please and thank you; and never tell a lie; don’t cheat on board games; and don’t steal candy from the store; sometimes I did both; when you get in the backseat of the car make sure your seatbelt is buckled; and when your sitting at the table don’t put your elbows on there; make sure the mean things kids say at school don’t affect you; and always walk away when someone says something you don’t like; sit up straight and maintain good posture; and when you walk the dog make sure you clean up after him; don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight; don’t waste food; when you go to the bowling alley make sure your feet don’t smell; don’t eat too fast; don’t judge people; and be kind; smile at people; pick your head up when your walking; drink milk with your dinner; and use your utensils when you eat; when at a restaurant ask for your steak medium; and make sure you look both ways before you cross the street; fold your pizza when you eat it; put a lot of parmesan on it; wealthy people like expensive cheese; fold your cloth napkin on your lap; know the difference between your salad fork; when a plate of pasta is served to you use the spoon to twirl your noodles; close your mouth when you chew; always wear deodorant; and wash yourself well when in the tub; don’t make fun of people because it comes back to you; and karma is real; don’t only pray when you need something; never put on wrinkly clothes; fold your clothes when they come out the drier; and when their still hot make sure you reset the drier to cool down mode because hot clothes wrinkle; join a club at school or play sports; read books without being told to; enjoy them; go outside and play; never give up on your dream; keep a positive attitude; and be nice.
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danielle724 · 5 years
Wouldn’t financial freedom be nice?
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danielle724 · 5 years
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Andy Warhol, Flowers for Tacoma Dome,1982
Artists Rights Society-ARS
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danielle724 · 5 years
My imaginary world would be underwater. Clear aqua blue water. We could breathe underwater and life isn’t as it is today. Money doesn’t exist and your dreams don’t seem so out of reach. Anxiety was never born and childlike ways aren’t childish. Laughing is the new gossip and sleep wasn’t necessary. Love is as trendy as social media and judging isn’t part of our programming. Immortal souls aren’t frightening. Time was never thought about. No clocks. You are put here for love only, to only feel love, to only learn what love is, and to spread it. But with a world full of love and no hate would love still feel like love? Would we still look for something more? Are we programmed to never feel satisfied? Have you ever thought about if you won a million dollars what you would spend it on, and then have you thought you wish it’d been more? Greed. Greed wouldn’t have made the cut. I wouldn’t have allowed that into our programming. Like a try out session for a school sports team, maybe next year. But without all of our existing problems ..would other problems be created? Because there’s no positive without negative, and no ups without downs. What’s your imaginary world like?
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danielle724 · 5 years
Blue -My favorite color
J.Cole -My favorite Artist
Dogs -My favorite Animal
Peanut m&ms -My favorite candy
Cooking -My favorite hobby
The ocean -My favorite place
24 -My favorite number
Spongebob -My favorite childhood cartoon 
Laughing -My favorite action 
Lemon Water -My favorite drink
Tequila -My favorite alcohol
Summer -My favorite season
Soul/HipHop/R&B -My favorite music genre
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