cyberboz · 2 months
Lol I’ve had tumblr for a while now and never thought to post but I wanted to put an idea of a story I had out there and see if anyone had any thoughts or was interested in my story
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The basis of story
A group of friends going to a boarding school to learn and practice their magic but as strange things start happening and students start going missing I want this to be both a
This is a fantasy the group consists of A mage, orc, 2 dark faes and A vampire strange it’s also modern in a way but not too modern uhh ima get into the aesthetic I took inspiration from Hogwarts for the school
The main 5
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The school
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A slight description of the school
Golden Sierra school of magic is a boarding school for children to learn how to control their magic/mana the school has over 45,000 students of different races and backgrounds since the school doubles as housing the students are split based on gender and magic abilities the higher the ability the more likely your able to choose your dorm mate the lower the school chooses for you based on your magic each student have their own unique schedule classes are from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for year 7-9, year 10-12 classes are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. after classes students are free to roam just don’t go near the abandoned buildings and students cannot leave the school grounds unless a class requires you too
That’s bout it cause I don’t wanna start rambling on about the story
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