cupxdkiss · 10 years
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"I guess you can say that I have my limits like anyone else," he began, face and voice with matching in softness as he spoke to the cameraman. "I try to set myself apart from others by working hard, and in the end it pays off…but there’s only so much that anyone can take before they end up losing themselves, physically and mentally. A person needs to rest well, they need friends and family to surround themselves with, time to relax and sort through their thoughts…being an idol shouldn’t mean those rights should be given up for the sake of fame…right?” 
Sometimes it seemed as though the truth was in fact the opposite of what he tried to convey to the public. 
    — Luhan is in need of people to talk to: friends, associates, even people in the industry that know what it’s like to deal with the problems of being a celebrity. If you could do him the favor of passing this along, he’ll be sure to follow you back and say hello when he has the time. 
                                     Semi-AU - Literate - Occasional 18+ - Notes
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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                                        “ Be careful, you are                                                         not in Wonderland.                                                         I’ve heard the strange madness                                                         long growing in your soul,                                                         in your isolation; but you,                                                         fortunate in your ignorance.                                                         You, who have suffered, find                                                         where love hides,                                                        give, share, lose, lest we die unbloomed. ” 
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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“Time is what we want most,but what we use worst.” 
Falon- 19 - Demon at your service, the only price being your time.
About    Ask    Plotting
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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                                               Lee Taemin
                                           Looking for friends 
                                         Follow - Reblog - Like 
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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There once was a little prince... 
     A child makes his way around a world he knows nothing of outside of the books he read while trapped at home. Innocent, kindhearted, and unfathomably optimistic about society, he’s decided to take up residence on the quiet streets of Seoul for his stay. Even though he’s bright and quick to say hello, he’s never been good at making friends. Care to help him out? Maybe, just maybe, he’ll be able to help you in return.
Para & script - AU - Notes - About - AIM 
                   ...Who lived on top of a snow-capped mountain
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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"Return to Seoul, you’ve much too learn and to protect one you must know both just as well."
His first trip to Seoul had been short and though he knew he had hardly learned anything, he had reported back to the Ministry. His limited knowledge bought him time but now, he finds himself standing once more in the middle of a busy street somewhere in Seoul. The faces have changed, ads are different and songs advertising products were catchier then he last remembered. Still, he finds himself alone among the sea of people. 
To take on the job of an Auror means to protect the Wizarding world, to protect one, he had to know bother. Or so he was told. He doesn’t move for a while, his home was in the Wizarding world and still he was surrounded by muggles. 
Wu Yifan, pure blood and future Auror. Second time around Seoul and still learning.There’s only so much books can teach, perhaps human interaction is much needed. After all, acting as a muggle isn’t always easy…. but it’s for the greater good… right?
Harry Potter Au     Reblog/Follow    About    Para/Script friendly
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
Request something!
Rules: If you reblog, have the common decency to request at least one before reblogging. Send me a word (or a few words) and I’ll write something about our characters doing stuff together.
Rain — I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain. 
Kill — I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours. 
Love — I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust — I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.  
Defend — I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight — I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Death — I’ll write a drabble of my character with yours on their deathbed.
Mourn — I’ll write a drabble of my character mourning yours.
Pet — I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (specify what kind.)
Wash — I’ll write a drabble of our characters showering/bathing together.
Pool — I’ll write a drabble of our characters swimming together.
Beach — I’ll write a drabble of out characters at the beach together.
Sing — I’ll write a drabble of my character singing to yours.
Snow — I’ll write a drabble of our characters building a snowman together.
Game — I’ll write a drabble of my character playing videogames with yours.
Movie — I’ll write a drabble of our characters watching a movie together.
Shop — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
Cook — I’ll write a drabble of our characters cooking together.
Sleep — I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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"Fuck it all. If we’re here I might as well make the best of it."
Dark eyes shift between moving objects, all of which seemed to blur together in dulled colors; cars honking, people young and old making their way around the city. Here he was, in the middle of it all as if he was any ordinary person. How would he, a being from another planet, be able to live in the world of humans? At least he has his brother, the Healer, to keep him grounded.
And yet he wonders: just where are the others?
AU - Literate - Plot Friendly - Roleplayers only - About - Reblog
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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When the skies and the ground were one....
In the distance, he could hear the honking of cars and sound of people talking as they walked along the streets looking for somewhere to go. He imagined most of them thinking of tomorrow or about the next hour. He, however, had managed to find a small patch of grass to lay on. His eyes were closed and for a moment he doesn’t see the single moon sky but a sky with two moons and enough stars for both of them. It was the sky he had grown up seeing, the one he had imagined always seeing because that was the sky that belong to his home, to Exo planet. His eyes flutter open, the stars hiding from the artificial light of the city, the frown appearing almost instantly when he sees only one moon.
"My name is Zhang Yixing, Lay…. as they called me." He speaks to no one in particular. "I’m a healer and in search of my ten other brothers…" Luck had been on his side when he had found Teleporter, yet he had no luck with the rest. “WE’LL FIND YOU!” This time he shouts as loud as he can in hopes that someone will hear him. “We just need a little help…”
Follow/reblog     About     Teleporter     Mirrored Lit. MAMA AU 
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
You don’t need
Or small font.
Or whatever the fuck these things are “{ ✄ } —”
Or even a cool theme
to be quality.
I think a good majority of people on tumblr need to recognize this.
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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Writer, lover, dreamer. I fight dragons and your ex-boyfriends. Kris Wu’s the type of guy to write you poetry and never show you it until the moment right before you decide to give up on him. Fall in between the sheets with me, but never in love. 
[ MSG ] [ FLW ] [ REBLG ]
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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     {hover over Mr. Bear!}
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
Your tags are the best and I think you're my new favorite muse. ㅠㅠ
"Wait, we’re playing tag? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF THIS?" 
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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the cookie cup by ByronTalbott
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cupxdkiss · 10 years
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Lance Park // 18 y/o student // Color Guard Enthusiast
"Ahem—" he fixed his bow tie in front of the camera and smiled cheekily. "The name is Lance! Lance Park! It’s getting pretty lonely and I was wondering if I can make a couple of new friends." He signaled his friend who was holding up cards for him to read to move to next card. "Why do you wanna be my friend? Well, I’m a good baker. I bake anything from cupcakes to cookies. I’m cute. Who doesn’t want a cute friend, right? Oh, I also do color guard! No, it’s not picking a color and guarding it with my life. It’s flag spinning—oh, I also do rifle too. Like this." The camera zoomed back as the boy picked up his flag, tossing a single and a half; the rifles was next in line, doing a couple of drop spins before tossing a quadruple. "Yes—color guard is my life. I also provide hugs and cuddles!" He kept the rifle in his hands, looking confident with a smile. "Oh and one more thing! Please help me out by spreading this! Thank you!"
Reblog, Follow > Like , AIM: nkoyeol , Tracking: nkoyeol/coloryeol
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