cunt-corps · 7 years
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always remember that american schools are not concerned with truth but with americanization. if it were concerned with truth, it wouldn’t be still be teaching that abe lincoln was some kind of messiah who came to the rescue of black people. 
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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cunt-corps · 7 years
Anniversary of the Attack on Pulse Nightclub
A year ago today, I, like many, was shaken to my core. Though I know it was nothing compared to the grief felt by those directly involved, I know that myself & the LGBT community felt it all with them. I'd like to share my story of this day and in doing so I don't wish to turn the focus on myself. There is a point to this story, so just bare with me. I was at work, a slow Sunday, already watching CNN when the news broke. As I watched more & more details come out I began to feel more & more unsettled; a shooting, a nightclub, a gay nightclub, a planned attack, 20 casualties, 30 casualties, 40, 45, 49. The most deadly shooting in US history was an attack on my LGBT brothers & sisters and I felt terrified. As I felt myself ready to breakdown, a customer came in. An older woman. I was trying to keep it together long enough to cash her out. She was buying a large box of Franzia Chardonnay. She commented on the news, sympathized with the victims, acknowledged the discriminatory nature of the attack. As I quickly handed her back her credit card, my eyes welling, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. "Are you okay, honey?" I turned away and buried my face in my hands. She quickly walked around behind the counter and grabbed me, bringing my head to her chest and held me there, whispering to me, letting me feel everything I needed to feel. "I'm so sorry. I know. It's okay. I know. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry" She held me there a while longer then held my face in her hands "I just pray, one day, I pray that one day...You just can't let them break you. I'm on your side, okay?" I thanked her. She grabbed her box of wine and began to walk out, but before she opened the door turned back to me and said "We'll grieve. We'll grieve and then we'll give them hell" My point is that we, as a society need to be more like this woman. This stranger who comforted me and made me feel less alone. Understanding of all the communities that surround us, willing to let them feel what they feel, share their pain & frustration, and help them rid their lives of their inequalities. Though maybe cliche sounding and maybe redundant, we are stronger united. Also, please let us never forget the 49 victims of this heinous attack and let us never forget the nature of it. Do them justice by calling this attack what it was; a hate crime. One last thing; Happy Pride month. I love being gay. I love you all. They will never destroy us.
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cunt-corps · 7 years
alright, now let’s see just how long this process takes.
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And here we go.
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cunt-corps · 7 years
dear lord it’s the end of days
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It was nice knowin y'all
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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The bar is set so incredibly low, and Trump continually and predictably disappoints. Who knew?
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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cunt-corps · 7 years
oh shit, dems playin’ the game. 
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Democrats plan to introduce national ban on LGBTQ discrimination, possibly forcing GOP to kill it 
Democrats in Congress will introduce a plan to ban discrimination against LGBTQ individuals nationwide as part of an effort to highlight Republican hostility to equal rights, BuzzFeed reported Monday.
While the bill will almost certainly be dead on arrival, Democrats hope the GOP response to the legislation will paint themselves as unsympathetic to a public that has swung widely in favor of LGBTQ rights.
“It’s important for Americans to know whether members of Congress support full equality for our community or whether they support continued discrimination against LGBT Americans,” Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) told BuzzFeed. Read more (3/13/17 4:46 PM)
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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“It is because they are an endangered minority that the Black Panthers have to affirm themselves so violently and declare war on their immediate enemy, the police. Their war cries frighten and exasperate the white racists who consider them black fascists, forgetting that they are much less dangerous than the police and much less fascists.” Black Panthers/Huey (1968) dir. Agnès Varda
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cunt-corps · 7 years
Some serious role models out in Sweden.
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Sweden is so good at recycling it ran out of trash (x) | follow @the-future-now
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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cunt-corps · 7 years
So far trump and his administration
-put a ban on over 218,000 people 
-gave birth to “alternative facts” 
-still has yet to announce that so called “replacement” plan for Obamacare 
-threatened to defund a college for protesting against racists 
-made Australia hate him 
-made Mexico hate him
-got rid of a program that would help new homeowners
-thinks that Frederick Douglass is still alive
-signed an “anti-abortion” executive order that will actually cause MORE unsafe abortions
-attacked sanctuary cities 
-gave approval to the construction of pipelines on sacred Native American land
-literally made tried to make black history month about him
-put gag orders on scientists
-had over 1,000,000 signatures on a petition to prevent him from visiting the queen of England
-has yet to fully condemn the alt-right
-has yet to express condolences towards the Quebec shooting victims
-made up a fake story to further demonize Muslims
I’ve listed approximately 17 scandals (and I’m sure there’re more to come) and trump hasn’t even been in office for a month. Which means everyday trump and his administration will go trough at least 1-3 scandals. 
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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wiktionary spills the tea on this fine monday
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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http://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2017/02/16/women-urged-to-relax-enjoy-their-second-class-lives/ This satirical article might give you a good laugh/help you point out to some of your peers how ridiculous they sound. ✨Fuck the patriarchy✨
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cunt-corps · 7 years
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Hands Off Our Revolution
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cunt-corps · 7 years
It's unfortunate that we have to spend time thinking about which of Trump's unfit nominees deserve the most of our attention & backlash. Don't let up y'all- Pruitt plans to dismantle the EPA from the inside. CALL YOUR SENATORS & MAKE SURE THEY WILL REJECT PRUITT
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cunt-corps · 7 years
I got pregnant three years ago. I was 22, it was a brand-new relationship, but I was adamant that I was having a baby. I’ve always taken motherhood very seriously. I was abused — the product of people who shouldn’t have had kids — then adopted. I felt so strongly that this was the most important job of my life. I wasn’t at risk of genetic defects, so during the anatomy scan it didn’t even occur to me that they were looking for abnormalities. Me, my boyfriend, and my parents all went to the appointment, and when they said I was having a girl, my mom jumped up and down hollering as if she were at a football game. My boyfriend cried. I was home alone when I got a call from the genetic specialist who told me that the tests were positive for trisomy 13. I thought that was Down syndrome and thought, Okay, I can do that. But then she started apologizing: “I’m so sorry, these babies usually miscarry. It’s a miracle she’s made it this far.” I said I didn’t understand, and she explained that my baby could pass any day, be still-born, or die soon after. I Googled “trisomy 13” and saw horrific pictures of babies without noses or mouths. I sat there and sobbed while I held my belly apologizing to her over and over and over again. I called my mom and said, “My baby’s going to die. My baby’s going to die.” The doctor cleared her schedule and saw me later that day. She said: “You need to make a decision. You’re already 23 weeks and the state of Ohio has restrictions that impact your options.” She explained I could terminate or carry the pregnancy to its extent. At the time, 24 weeks was the cutoff for abortion in Ohio or else you had to travel to another state. [In December 2016, Republican governor John Kasich signed a law that reduced this cutoff to 20 weeks.] We only had days to decide, and even then there were waiting lists and the expense was horrendous. I had never felt so alone. The counselor said my baby wasn’t in pain and there was no risk to either of our lives if we continued the pregnancy. I thought, Let’s try to make some memories while we can. I really enjoyed being pregnant. I loved having this purpose, and I thought as long as she’s not suffering, I think that her being here with us right now is the best we can do. And so … we tried. At 29 weeks, my ankles and legs got extremely swollen. I was disassociating and became lightheaded, so I left work. I started cramping and ended up in the hospital. There were so many tests, which ultimately concluded that this was an emergency situation. [Jessica was at risk of having a seizure, and potentially dying, if labor wasn’t induced.] I wasn’t thinking, I’m terminating this pregnancy in order to save my life, but that’s what my paperwork said. The doctor was very clear. He said, “You need to decide whether you want to induce now or come back in a week and get your blood pressure checked again — and I will induce you then.” I lived 45 minutes away from any hospital, on a farm without neighbors. It was a bitterly cold January. He was afraid I’d have a seizure and not get to them in time. That worried me, too. But I knew that if I was induced, there was no chance my daughter would survive. Even if I carried her to term, her survival rate was very low, less than 5 percent. Another decision I had to make was telling the doctors that I did not want them to resuscitate the baby. I was in labor for 32 hours. I declined to have her monitored during labor because I didn’t want to sit there listening to her pass away. So they’d periodically come in and quietly listen for a heartbeat. The last time, at 1 a.m., they couldn’t hear it. I made them bring my family back into the room, and about a half an hour later it was time. She was born after three pushes, and at just two and a half pounds. Her heart was still beating, but she didn’t cry or breathe or make any sort of sound. There was mention of oxygen, but I said, “Please, just let her go.” They put her on my chest, and my boyfriend came and cut the cord. She stayed alive for two and a half hours. They called it when her heart stopped. When I made the decision to “voluntarily” induce, I felt like I was picking myself over my child. I wouldn’t wish that on the most evil person on Earth. A funeral director arrived with a huge white cloth. He said, “I have to cover her face so people don’t know when I’m walking down the hall [with such a small body].” I handed her over, and that was the last time that I saw her. I didn’t want a casket on display at the funeral; that tiny box would have been way too much. I collected her ashes a week later. Many people don’t understand why this experience reinforced my pro-choice beliefs. Now more than ever, I firmly believe: No conditions. No restrictions. I can’t imagine being in that situation and being denied the dignity of making a choice. That little bit of control was so empowering. Nobody just wakes up after being pregnant for over 20 weeks and says, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” When Trump said those things about late-term abortion during the debate, I was so angry. What must the rest of the world think of us? I have friends in the U.K. and Canada saying, “What the hell? You can have 30 guns but you can’t have a dignified, comfortable abortion?” And while we’re getting abortions and making painful decisions about our bodies, Trump is fucking tweeting.
Jessica, who had an abortion after 24 weeks, rural Ohio, What Abortion Looks Like In America Right Now (via tielan)
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