What I wanted to say: I like this!
What my fandom-obsessed brain wanted to say: NOICE!
What I actually said: I NOICE this!
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Peraltiago + Romione Parallels
*none of the gifs are mine*
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The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
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#straight people? at the nine-nine? #it’s less likely than you think
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and it is my greatest pleasure to add:
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101 Ways to be Productive When Classes Are Not In Session
Get a job
Learn guitar
Learn piano
Study a new language
Purchase new study materials for the next semester (i.e new notebooks, a new pencil bag, a new backpack, new pencils, pens, or highlighters – 10/10 would recommend Crayola SuperTips they are extremely cheap!)
Clean your room
Clean your apartment/home
Make your bed
Make a list of your goals
Find a new podcast (for my pre-law friends, I recommend Think Like A Lawyer)
Read a new book or read all of the books you have bought but not been able to read yet
Clean out your closet - donate clothes you do not wear anymore to Goodwill
Clean out your car/wash your car (actually necessary to ensure that dirt does not accumulate in its parts - TRUST ME) 
Be a tourist in your own city - find a new coffee shop you might like to study at when classes resume
Try new recipes - learn to cook by watching Youtube videos
Start a new skin care routine (I recommend Noxema {app $4} for your face wash, follow it up with Witch Hazel {app $6} and finish with Tea Tree Oil {app $8}!)
Start a new blog (or check out my new blog @tiny-personal-aesthetics-thing I know I’m shameless)
Volunteer at local animal shelters, retirement homes, hospitals, libraries, Habitat for Humanity, etc. 
Redecorate your room - try moving your bed or furniture around and see how it changes the fung shui (if you are into that)
Learn about photography
Work on your mental and physical health
Take your dog for a walk - I’m sure they would appreciate it
Ride a horse
Create a budget for yourself
Start a bujo
Watch a documentary
Create goals for next semester
Reflect on this past semester
Learn self-defense
Visit a museum or a park
Sell items you don’t want anymore on apps such as Letgo or via the Facebook Market
Start gardening
Call friends/family you haven’t heard from in awhile
Write friends/family you haven’t heard from in awhile
Go for a hike
Improve your vocabulary using resources such as: vocabulary.com, or enhancemyvocabulary.com
Fix your sleep schedule (!!!)
Learn about your family history
Utilize Khan Academy videos to brush up on math, science, or humanities
Clean out your email inbox
Get a test prep book for the LSAT/MCAT/GRE
Talk to an adultier adult in the field you wish to enter regarding your career options
Work on your resume
Increase your typing speed using websites such as: typing.com, typeracer.com, or rapidtyping.com
Write thank you notes to professors/instructors/advisors that you found particularly helpful - or to friends/family/mentors that also helped you out
Get your planner organized for the new semester (or buy a planner if you haven’t already)
Find and price the textbooks and access codes you will need for the coming semester
Jazz up/update your social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to reflect more on your professionalism (if you have those)
Update your style - new semester, new clothes, new you
Go swimming - nice low impact exercise 
Find a professional to shadow
Find an internship
Find scholarship opportunities (create a new email account to specifically use for scholarships!) 
Get a head start on the classes you will be taking by self-studying (a plethora of free information exists on the internet)
Be a mentor - tutor high schoolers/junior high students for SAT/ACT prep, or generally for whatever subjects they need help in 
Do manual labor - fix something, build something, mow the yard, clean the gutters
Do yoga
Work on breathing exercises
Treat yourself
Learn to say no
Go on graduate school tours
Travel (can be near or far, cheap or expensive - know your budget)
Do your own research project
Take an online sample course via edX,or Coursera
Start your graduate school application
Pet sit for someone
House sit for someone
Start your own Youtube channel
Work on your handwriting
Try sculpting
Attend networking events
Attend leadership events
Start a fundraiser for a cause
Learn to code
Study abroad - or solidify a study abroad trip
Create a four year plan for your degree
Visit family
Visit a friend
Get letters of recommendation
Get crafty
Take a practice test for the LSAT/ MCAT/ GRE
Take all of your loose change to a CoinStar and exchange them for cash
Learn about where your food comes from
Drink more water
Find an audio book to listen to when you are in the car or on the bus
Catch up on your laundry
Forge new good habits such as utilizing a planner or making your bed every day
Start a compost pile 
Grow your own herbs
Start meal prepping/meal planning 
Play basketball
Play tennis 
Get a haircut
Organize your desk 
Organize your laptop
Learn about astronomy
Rest, relax, and recuperate for the semester to come   
19K notes · View notes
Okay but Ego was super impressed about hearing that Peter could hold an Infnity Stone, even for a couple minutes, and said he had to be his son, had to be a Celestia to survive that.
Well Jane was possed by one for a few day, so who the Hell is she related too?
Low-key, since she a Peter are basically the same age, I’m gonna headcanon now Ego got busy with some other Earth lady (you can say Ego loves Meredith, but I mean, cheating is a thing, and how much love do we really think that psycopathic planet really had in him). And, also, like, her mom died of cancer in the comics when she was nine, just like with Peter in the movies, I’m just saying. They’re totally half siblings, fight me.
An explanation for why Yondu didn’t go pick her up along with Peter though, is maybe he told Ego he’d only pick up one kid at a time (since Ravagers apparently aren’t even supposed to deal with kids at all), and then while he had Peter, figured out what was happening to Ego’s kids, so obviously didn’t go back to Earth at any point to have gotten her.
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Kero turning from “I hate that kid” to “dont mind us”? My aesthetic
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Keroberos, the guardian of the seal, is Tomoyo’s disciple. Now who got the power again?????
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Choose your figther
Tag yourselves. I’m Flight.
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Let’s cry together.
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Feel my pain.
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Goodbye, world.
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Grant Gustin and Candice Patton in the Gag Reel for Season 4. 
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Oh yas
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[6/12] Olympian Gods
Part 2
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they love each other SO MUCH IM CRYING
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I’m living for this romance on the side.
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Didn’t I tell you before that you and Yuki are a lot alike? Yes, though I cannot agree. I guess not. […] You’re so easy to read. How do you mean? When you’re angry or upset, it shows on your face, even if you don’t say it.
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Relbog/Like if you’ve seen any one of these 90s-00s anime series
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It worked because your magic is just that powerful. Even though that’s not what you want. Mother and Hiiragizawa-san said the same thing… Power that’s too strong will bring unhappiness to its owner. I won’t let you be unhappy… I swear it!
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