cryogenesist · 5 years
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Little slow back out the gate but here’s a fresh starter call. I’m looking at my old threads and I’ll probably reply to many of them, but, people are welcome to drop them it has been a while after all.
Mutuals only, but, like this if you want a varied length starter from Mei.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
Vicky was anything but the mature adult one would expect a woman her age to be. Whether it be by her height, her behaviour, or her bratty, girlish features, it was easy for some to imagine her to be much younger than she actually was. 
A teenage brat in the body of a grown woman. That’s what she was. 
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Mei’s curiosity came to her as a threat- regardless of the climatologist’s actual intentions, Vicky assumed that she was just here to question her, as others had done before. 
“Maybe I was,” she snapped in response, glaring ahead- not quite at Mei, more likely at the wall behind her. 
“What’s it to you? Ain’t I allowed a bit ‘a sentimentality? Or is that gonna be stripped from me as well?”
Mei physically took a step back, it was like shaking a soda and then it all just came rushing out. It was likely that not just because of the outburst but, the fact that the results weren’t dangerous, just unpleasant. She frowned happy to let ht woman take back her picture despite her aggression.
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“I’m not going to strip anything from you...honestly you need to calm down a little bit before you say something like that to someone more temperamental around here.” Not that she believed any of the Overwatch agents would harm the woman unless given due reason to.
“If you’d just answer some of Winston’s questions we might be able to reach some kind of agreement to letting you go...but, you’ve been totally unhelpful so far so we have no choice but to keep you in here.”
An Old Polaroid
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cryogenesist · 5 years
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Mei’s Honeydew skin is just the uniform for the job she had in college to help her pay for textbooks and food since her scholarship didn’t cover that sort of thing.
Pass it on.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@gloryblaed liked  ❄️ for a starter!
It had been good to ‘get the band back together again” so to speak, those who answered the call came as no surprise to Mei. They were well, they were those with the stronger hearts among the old team, making Reinhardt Wilhelm a standout for that qualification. Maybe it was that, or his history as a crusader in Germany that made Mei seek him out after waking from that terrible dream, she sat down next to him with her breakfast.
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“Good morning Officer Wilhelm..could I...talk to you about something this morning if you’re not too busy.” the woman took a deep drink form her tea.
“It’s...about Ecopoint: Antarctica...”
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cryogenesist · 5 years
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Little slow back out the gate but here’s a fresh starter call. I’m looking at my old threads and I’ll probably reply to many of them, but, people are welcome to drop them it has been a while after all.
Mutuals only, but, like this if you want a varied length starter from Mei.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
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So I guess I’m into overwatch again. Holla at me if you’re still here or new and want to chill and RP I’sppose.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
valentine's day application
Name: Age: Do you like to cuddle?: Can we make-out?: A night in or dinner out?: Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: What makes you a good Valentine?: Would you cook for me?: Would you let me cook for you?:
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@wilhelmj08 continued from  ❄️!
Mei laughed in the face of the back breaking hug, Reinhardt’s very being seemed to radiate joy and safety. There was not doubt having the crusader present would be good for not just her but everyone else there. She hugged back before being set down but, maybe not with the same intense force given.
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“Looking good as ever Mr. Wilhelm! How was your trip how have you been I feel like I’ve missed so much!” nine years in a deep freeze would do that to you but, with the old crusader around it was hard to dwell on such darkness.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@coachgunner liked   ❄️ for a starter.
“Oh dang it.” the match hit the ground and snuffed out that was her last one and thus Mei was left sparkler in hand with nothing frowning shaking her head. She glanced around and spotted a pale woman with, surprisingly silver hair? Carefully the climatologist tapped her shoulder putting on a smile.
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“Excuse me but, do you happen to have a match on you?”
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cryogenesist · 5 years
Oh hey, at least there had been something that had worked well enough to manage to diffuse the situation. Not that it needed to be any sort of situation by any means of the word, but Arcade would’ve had to be a blind man to have missed the tension that had been there. Not that he’d directly call her out on it either; he had some tact after all!
His gaze flitted amicably to the bot that was currently with Mei and he moved to hold out a hand towards it, palms up - not aiming to grab or investigate without consent, but instead seeking to allow it to approach on its own free will. “Who’s your little friend here? I don’t believe we’ve had the chance to properly meet yet.”
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And that was… oh. Well, he couldn’t claim to have actually expected that - most of the time his help was given without the expectation of a thank you in return, and it was… surprising. Maybe notably so, if the expression on his face might be something to go by. “Oh.. ah, you really didn’t have to come here just to thank me, though I do thank you in return for that. I really do appreciate it.” A smile appeared, there and gone. “You’ve done me no wrong and even if you had.. I wouldn’t have left someone in need to die like that.”
A pause. “Have you recovered well from that incident? No lasting side effects?”
Mei watched as snowball moved to the man, now with his attention drawn away from Mei the bot began to show interest in their company. She laughed a bit and simply allowed the drone to do what he wished, he was a close friend and companion and had once saved her life doing just that.
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“Oh right of course, this is Snowball, we designed him at Ecopoint in Antartica and he’s been with me since I left.” she smiled, Snowball’s comfort further relaxed the climatologist, if he was comfortable it only made her more so. It was, odd to be thanked just for thanking someone? Yet, Angela had once described what she did as thankless os in the end it made enough sense to Mei.
The smile for the moment it was there was, warm and strangely beautiful? Yet it was gone so quickly the brunette wasn’t even sure she saw it right and it was quickly followed by question, further distracting her attention from it.
“Oh yes I’ve been quite alright since I woke up! I’m in perfect health now thanks to you Mr.Gannon.”
Flavors of Tragedy
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@booptheworld  liked   ❄️ for a starter.
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“Woah you came out of..well nowhere! Hi, are you here to see the parade too? I hear they put extra work into the floats this year I can’t wait to see it.” Mei was almost certain, no near positive she’d been standing by herself just a moment ago still, perhaps in the crowd the tan skinned woman had just made her way int. Though her appearance felt more..sudden, ah well the parade would be starting here soon.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@chronal-anomaly liked   ❄️ for a starter.
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“Wow good job Lena that means you’ll be lucky this year!” it was perhaps just a slip of paper but, it meant something to Mei. More than that though, it meant something that Lena was willing to try a hand at some of her traditions and spend some time with the climatologist after she’d lost the ‘family’ she’d known for so long earlier this year.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@revclverheld liked   ❄️ for a starter.
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“Wow McCree that was a crazy shot! How did you make that from so far away?” there was a faint sparkle from the distant firework after the shot was made. The woman gave a small laugh watching all the colors smiling a bit before shaking her head. It was late so there was a responsible part of her brain that knew it was time to go to bed but, it was the new year at least, the Lunar one, surely a few more drinks and goofing around could be allowed, even to the climatologist and her cowboy companion here.
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cryogenesist · 5 years
‘ Indeed. ‘ 
The omnic inclined his head in agreement, hovering in the air to avoid getting frost inside his legs - even if they were currently wrapped in a pair of very charming red pants, and his torso enveloped in an enormous knitted sweater. 
‘ As ready as can be, ‘ he laughed, folding his hands - but only after reaching one out in an attempt to catch a snowflake. 
Mei had similar attire the most important detail being a matching outrageously large sweater though she kept her focus on holding the bag rather than catching snowflakes.
“Remember-” the woman gave a ‘sly’ wink, Mei wasn’t really the sort for cunning so it looked a bit silly on her face.
“-these are from ‘Santa’ so we can’t let anyone see us delivering them.”
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cryogenesist · 5 years
@samanupatiika from our plotting session.
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“Alright Zenyatta, this bag of gifts isn’t going to deliver itself!” over one shoulder the scientist held a bag of gifts they’d carefully selected to deliver to their vairous allies and friends together.
“Ready to go?”
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cryogenesist · 5 years
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A Mei doodle I did a while ago using a reference
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cryogenesist · 5 years
he's not as good as mako with knitting, but he's made a pair of blue mittens, hand stitched with snowflake patterns. wrapped up in newspaper with only an orange pen smiley face as the signature.
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The small thud followed by a bundle of newspaper was...suspicious at best, however Mei blinked before nodding slowly approaching it with caution. However, she found only an orange smiley and inside a hand stitched pair of mittens. Much thinner than her usual gloves making them far better for casual use in winter activities. She smiled a bit, the ‘wrapping paper’ combined with the face gave her ideas of who it might be from though, she couldn’t be sure.
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“Whoever’s there, these are great! Thank you.”
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