Dipper :D
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Wait- idk if someone mentioned it but
Hunter actually can call Belos his uncle, like if Hunter is cloned, like in ducktales Webby was cloned but also was Scrooge's daughter, by being clone of him (I'm not sure how this works) and if Hunter is a grimwalker not something else (and grimwalker is a clone). Soooo if Hunter is clone of Philip's brother, technically being his (BW) son, so Belos is really his uncle, like idk how but he is xD
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Philip. Just him.
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We got theories that Philip killed his brother, that Philip is Belos, (that's probably canon but) Philip's brother was killed by wild magic (like fools blood), or brother Wittebane is in-between (I don't remember why) etc. Imagine mixing it up (that don't make sense but lol)
So what if, when Philip with his brother (Let's call him for now BW because why not) and their companions were going to the Eclipse Lake, blah blah blah something happened, and Fools blood made craters in the ground, and all companions died. Philip argued with his brother, and pushed him so BW died.
What about whispers? So maybe fools blood really teleport to other realms, if in-between is also a realm. Just this doesn't work to magical demons or etc. and they die, but on humans that work, but they (humans) also die and are in-between or don't die but are in ghost form? That really don't make sense because of my English or generally but u know. Lol
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