crazyhorses57 · 2 months
your ponysona is an excellent needle felting size...
How tall is Shirecorn?
It occurs to me that I never specified how tall my fursona is. Horses are typically measured in Hands, which is about the width of an adult's hand, measured from thumb to pinky and stacked like so:
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The hands reach up to the withers (shoulder) of a horse, rather than measuring up to their head.
The top of the withers is actually determined by the long bones that protrude off the back of the spine, rather than the upper edge of the horse's shoulder blade. It's a bit of a misnomer to call them bones, as they are part of the vertebra, not joints connected to it.
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You have spines too, but yours are not as pronounced as those of ungulates (hoofed mammals) nor as epic as spinosaurus.
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in horses, the muscle that lays on top of these bones determines the height of the withers.
A "Hand," understood as a standardized unit, is equal to 4 inches, 10.16 centimeters. Modern competitions and the professional horse world measure exact to the withers height in centimeters, but your average cowboy still talks in hands.
The first horse is 14 hands, so 56 inches/142.24 centimeters at the shoulder. That's on the smaller end of average for a horse! For those whose perception of height is compared to their own, that's 4'8, so the shoulder is below the top of most peoples' heads.
The tallest horse breed in the world is the shire horse.
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These massive horses can reach 19 hands tall! To make it even, let's have both our guy and our shire be 17.5 hands tall. That's 5'10, 178 CM at the shoulder and top of withers.
Where does Shirecorn fit into this?
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I represent myself as a shire unicorn with fluffy feet and a blueish coat. Until today, everyone has had to guess my height whenever drawing or picturing me. I haven't really gotten into it because I knew I needed to explains hands, withers, and average horse heights. But with all that out of the way, I have created a height chart to show Bo vs a typical shire, vs a human.
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Don't get distracted by the typical shire silhouette. I just threw that in there to show how I measure up.
This is me:
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That's right, I am 1 hand tall. That's 4 inches, or about 10 cm, measured at the withers! If you use the top of my horn, you'll get the wrong height.
But now that you know how to measure a horse, you can picture me in all my Shirecorn glory.
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Go ahead, put in pocket. Take on adventure. Set me free. Stack shirecorns up to measure horses and humans alike. The power is in your hands.
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crazyhorses57 · 2 months
"""friend""" for tinychuu
Guess who finally won me over in @originalartblog's latest comic.
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That's right, it was this little bastard (affectionate)! He managed to overcome the Big Sad that has been keeping me from creating anything and forced me to bring him to life.
He and tinychuu seem to be getting along quite well.
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I think tinyzai also approves of The Big Floofy Tail ;)
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crazyhorses57 · 5 months
Friendly Reminder
If you have cold symptoms, take a Covid test.
Stay up to date with the Covid boosters.
Dad brought home an unusually severe "cold" shortly before Christmas. He did not take a Covid test, and the "cold" eventually spread to the rest of the household.
Yesterday, after being sick for a week, my mom asked me to go out and buy her a Covid test "just in case." It came back positive. My sister also tested positive. I tested positive today after getting more tests.
I was only sick for a couple days and would have written it off as a cold. I am also the only person who got the most recent booster. Mom and dad were/have been sick for a week+.
So. Seriously.
If you have cold symptoms, take a Covid test.
Stay up to date with the Covid boosters. They make a difference.
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crazyhorses57 · 5 months
Christmas 2023 felting DONE!
I finished the stabby stabby. Weeeeeee
Uncle asked for fruit bowl. I didn't wanna make a bunch of fruits, so he gets the same treatment as his sister this year. LEMON BOWL
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Aunt 2 and her husband get a wreath ornament inspired by a few search results I saw when I googled "needle felt wreath". Just a happy coincidence that this also meant I had one fewer thing to felt, please trust.
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Finally, snowman for dad:
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2023 Christmas felts group pic:
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Here's hoping if I do this again next year I'm in a better place mentally.
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crazyhorses57 · 5 months
Christmas 2023 felts
No further progress has been made on Lunoctopus bc depression sucks, 0/10 would not recommend.
Loon for mom:
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Creative misinterpretation of "pen" for aunt 1:
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(Pen -> animal pen -> chicken coop)
Snowflake ornament for uncle's wife:
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Female cardinal for grandma cuz I made a male cardinal last year:
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Combination of duck and turtle for sister:
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(no, she didn't mean the turtleducks from ALTA, I asked)
(it's a combo of a bufflehead duck, which is a sea duck, and a sea turtle)
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crazyhorses57 · 9 months
Chuuya brainrot
Lunoctopus is on hold while I wait for more indigo wool, so I let the Chuuya brainrot inspired by @originalartblog's tiny skk adventures win and made fox Chuuya (with a giant tail, because I am incapable of making a fox with a reasonably sized tail).
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crazyhorses57 · 9 months
Lunoctopus update #1
The wire arrived today. Construction has begun.
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...the scale of the project may have gotten away from me. Just a bit.
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crazyhorses57 · 9 months
Next project
In my last post, I mentioned I had been Inspired to start a big project.
Seapony Celestia misses her sister, but I was struggling to come up with a design for Luna.
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Initial Mathing ™ says I need 44.5 feet of wire ...which means I need to buy more wire.
This project is going to test my sanity, I can already feel it.
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crazyhorses57 · 9 months
Babies :)
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Luna has been a featureless head and torso on my felting mat since January, but I finally got the motivation to finish her because I have been struck with Inspiration for a big project.
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crazyhorses57 · 11 months
just gonna save this
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hey netizens! i'm not sure how many people are aware, but youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate
BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard (under My Filters) to get rid of it!
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
reblog to help keep the internet less annoying and to tell corporations that try shit like this to go fuck themselves <3
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
tumblr live is creeping in so heres a thing to paste into ur ublock filter to make it fuck off
||tumblr-live.com www.tumblr.com##.ADlDx www.tumblr.com##div.KTRcB:nth-of-type(3)
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
shitty therapist
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the therapist i had been seeing and gotten on well with moved to a closed practice a couple months ago, and she recommended one of her colleagues for me to keep working with. i felt things were a little off during our first meeting, we weren't getting on as well, but i figured "we're just getting to know each other, give it a few appointments".
we had our second appointment monday, and it did not go well. she didn't listen to me very well, and seemed offended by my use of sarcasm (had me write "sarcasm is oral aggression"). i'm trying to manage my anxiety while searching for my first job, and i've had 2 phone interviews so far, and gotten rejected by both jobs. she said there's a pattern here, and she kinda implied that i was being rude during the interviews, but thats not the problem, i'm not good at talking about/"selling" myself and my only job experience is one semester of tutoring. i don't have connections/no networking/little online presence, so i'm already starting at a disadvantage. instead of encouraging me, and coming up with strategies to get better at interviewing or become a more appealing candidate, she said it sounds like i don't want to work with people (hello, social anxiety!), and told me that i should consider going on disability and living in section 8 housing. then she accused me of not being willing to work hard, and said that if i want to be in therapy for the sake of being in therapy, she'd recommend me to someone who could use the experience ("of course, it'll still be useful for both of you").
i dunno, looking back it feels like maybe she isn't happy with the influx of patients from my old therapist leaving, and was trying to make me quit? which, mission accomplished, great job!
so i've been put off of therapy now, guess i'll just continue job searching on my own. also feeling a resurgence in my depression, which is ...great..
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
Eclipse redesign
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Ages ago, when a great and terrible threat arose to threaten the world, Princesses Celestia and Luna were forced to fuse together to defeat it, as the Elements of Harmony lay dormant. As Circadia, they were able to defeat the monster that sought to destroy all life, at the cost of becoming permanently fused into a new being. Over time, Circadia adjusted to her new existence, and Equestria flourished under her leadership. However, this peace could not last forever, as there were cracks in the foundation of Circadia's soul. She was able to endure for hundreds of years, but eventually the creeping madness born of the incompatibilities in Celestia and Luna's personalities overwhelmed her, and she raised the moon in front of the sun, casting the world into a permanent Eclipse.
After making my Celestia and Luna fusion, Circadia, I wanted to make a fusion of their nightmare forms as well, but I couldn't fathom any situation in which Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon would choose to fuse. But the thought kept puttering around in my head, and then I realized duh - just make a corrupted version of Circadia! So I did, and here she is.
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
The Great Seedling
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This is less of a redesign and more just drawing him in my style. I left out the apples growing from his antlers because that is clearly just Apple Family propaganda. The Great Seedling blesses all crops equally.
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
Tree of Harmony redesign
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After Tirek was defeated, the seed sprouted into an alicorn named Amity instead of an ugly crystal castle.
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crazyhorses57 · 1 year
Nyx redesign
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My take on Pen Stroke's Nyx, suggested by TaionaFan369 on dA. I went with the idea of her being mystically related to Luna, and gave her a similar hair effect and pointier feathers. She's a bit smaller than my Luna redesign.
I am open to suggestions. If I draw something suggested by someone, I will mention them in the description.
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