confuzzledsometimes · 5 hours
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confuzzledsometimes · 8 hours
it’s 2014 can taylor swift stop
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confuzzledsometimes · 8 hours
HELP LITTLE MAGID & HIS FAMILY! We're just €3,000 away from reaching half of our goal €33,000 !
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Firas family, their kids, Magid and Rokaya , desperately need our help to rescue them from the dire conditions in Gaza. - They're trapped with 11 members, including a sick one-year-old Magid battling severe illness. His condition worsened with relentless vomiting and diarrhea, causing him to lose nearly 9 pounds ! - Additionally, his mother and teenage brother suffer from Hepatitis A, struggling to find clean food, water, and medicine and a SAFE PLACE. Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here Your donation can provide them with a Lifeline to safety and vital medical care in Gaza and in Egypt. Please, donate now and share. DONATE HERE Every contribution counts! Thank you for being a lifeguard of humanity. ______________________________________________
Magid Updates : here & here Rokayah Update : here & here Family Updates: Here & Here
Vetted or added to lists Here: #111 @el-shab-hussein list Here - #4 @fallahifag list Here @blackpearlblast list Here - @communistchilchuck list Here #1 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt list Here @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc list Here @kordeliiius list Here @ibtisams Here ,@fairuzfan Here , @palipu Here , @brutaliakhoa Here and many others if you searched his name
Can We Help Him and Share his Words and Story on his behalf so People Can DONATE AND SHARE ? PLEASE FOLLOW HIS ACCOUNTS: @firas-salem & @firassalemgaza
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your Support Means The World to them .. AND PLEASE DONATE TO MY FRIEND &HIS FAMILY Pray for Magid and Firas's MOTHER AND BROTHER
€29,955 raised of €65,000 goal
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confuzzledsometimes · 15 hours
I hope this message finds you well. My friend's @bilalhammadsblog family in Gaza is facing an incredibly difficult time, having lost everything due to the ongoing conflict. They are in urgent need of basic necessities
We've set up a GoFundMe to support them, and it would mean the world to me if you could help by sharing this link with your friends and family
Thank you so much for your support.
Bilal’s gofundme is legit. They are at €32,909/€70,000 donations so far
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confuzzledsometimes · 17 hours
oh so the military propaganda in the beginning of the super bowl about the player who joined up after 9/11 and was killed “in the line of duty” is actually so much worse than I thought because he was killed by FRIENDLY fire after he criticized the war/called invading iraq “fucking illegal” and the army tried covering up his death
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confuzzledsometimes · 17 hours
Beware of this user:
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Who also used to go by the name 'essam-12' and is using this fundraiser to scam people:
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He has stolen the identity of a Palestinian from Ghazzah whose account I can no longer find but I have verified. Please go donate to his LEGITIMATE fundraiser instead:
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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The New York Times featured a story about how the Israeli Occupation is using rape as weapon of war during their ongoing genocide on Gaza, burying the information at the very bottom of one of their articles as if these horrific crimes are some kind of footnote to go unmentioned in the headline or subheadline. via @nowinpalestine
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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when you've just spotted an unsuspecting little bird
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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I do not know what it is, but it is funny. A mustachioed worm guards its puddle :)
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confuzzledsometimes · 18 hours
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poem by gazan poet nadine murtaja—(nadine.with.dr on instagram) shared on ig by majazz project
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tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image
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jess and i are raising money to help rajaa and her family get out of gaza! tell me in the tags, what is your favorite vegetable that you are NOT washing with soap?
im so incredibly proud of the queer community’s ability to step up and organize. i have had so much hope and faith renewed in the power of community and solidarity through this.
i am exhausted but also i am not ready to be done.
jess and i are now targeting a new goal. raja’s sister saja has already crossed the border into egypt but almost the entirety of the rest of raja and saja’s family are still trapped in gaza. there are 9 adults and 12 children including a pregnant mother and a elder diabetic man who need medical attention as soon as possible. the goal they are hoping to reach is €112,000 for everyone to cross safely.
this is so much larger than our previous goal and we are already exhausted and terrified that nothing we do will be enough. but i have renewed faith in my community and i sure as hell am going to keep trying.
if you are able to donate or boost, every little bit helps.
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