concerned-beasely · 3 years
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some sort of love poem
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
Justice prevails!!
chauvin found GUILTY on all counts ! 
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
I like art. Like. As that spiritual, emotional, theoretical construct. Art. It's fun analysizing another's work and thinking about my own art if I can't find someone else who's doing the thing I want to see.
But I don't mind who gets the pride of creating the work; I just want it to exist.
"Being the change I want to see in the world" is a harrowing task. The reason why I still don't know how to online paint and lineart well or how to knit anything other than a scarf is because the cost of learning and applying said education is too steep for me emotionally, haha. Power to the people who've invested in that sorta thing.
I’ve had this realization that I do not enjoy doing any of the things I am remotely good at. 
All I ever hear is that being creative is about “the process.” That the process is the purpose, not the end result. I’ve been told I am creating for the wrong reasons. That I am wrong. 
I do not enjoy drawing or painting. 
I do not enjoy actually writing. 
I do not enjoy sewing.
What I do enjoy is the end result. I am almost always glad that I did it; even if nothing comes from it (”the art I did today wasn’t good, but it was good practice”)– after it is done. The other side is where I feel the fulfillment and refueling and pleasure.
I wonder often if I am wrong, broken
Or if I just… have a different “process.” Because even if I don’t enjoy it, I do it anyway.
“Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance. Like patience, passion comes from the same Latin root: pati. It does not mean to flow with exuberance. It means to suffer.” ― Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
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My friend HR gave me a gift: Animal Crossing Cid!! I need more art of this fella. HumanResources does commissions! Follow them on Twitter @HumanResourccs!
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
My favorite read atm for Final Fantasy 7. Not for the faint of heart, but some really really really good writing.
Canon-based (non-Crisis Core) Sephiroth backstory where he and everyone around him are rightfully dysfunctional, guest starring Well Well Well, If It Isn't The Consequences Of Our Own Actions and featuring Hojo /Please Stop/. Know that the cold stress shakes from reading the fic means it's working-
Fucking Hojo.
Anyway, chapter 38 of A Cold Hearted Boy is up.
I am so close to being done with this thing. Just a few more scenes until the Nibelheim incident. 
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
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Soot tags gather after fires in areas with low circulation. They are not, as commonly believed, ash covered spider webs.
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concerned-beasely · 3 years
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half clip studio paint half ms paint, come get ur supreme dead cells content pspspsps
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
Hey y’all. Why this only got 50 tags.
I agree with you so wholeheartedly on Sephiroth’s parentage. Making Vincent his father irreparably changes both of their arcs too dramatically. Although dramatic changes do seem to be the theme in the remake...
It’s honestly one of my biggest “fanon” gripes. But I totally agree with you.
Vincent’s whole arc is that he fell in love with a woman but it was unrequited. Then she falls into the arms of Hojo and experiments on their unborn child. Although Dirge of Cerberus does reveal that Lucrecia did have feelings towards Vincent…. it shows that he tried courting her but she was too guilty over being responsible for his father’s death. The furthest they seem to have gotten was flirting. 
What makes this whole part of Vincent’s story is that of a tragic man who fell in love, failed to have that love returned, still tried to protect her and failed to stop her from making the biggest mistake in her (and eventually the whole Planet’s) life. 
“Hearing your stories has added upon me yet another sin. More nightmares will come to me now. More than I previously had.”
When Cloud tells Vincent about what Sephiroth has done, Vincent notes that this is “another sin” he must atone for. Because the way he sees it: he’s responsible for not stopping his mother. The only reason he’s conflicted over fighting Sephiroth is because he’s Lucrecia’s son.
“Defeat Sephiroth… Defeat the son of that beloved woman. Am I on the verge of committing another sin? Or am I atoning as best I can for only watching?”
Not once is the thought of him being the father entertained in the entire Compilation. Dirge especially solidifies this. Lucrecia was specifically redesigned to look like Sephiroth; slender face, hair, etc. It really is a case of “Thank God I got my looks from my mother.” Not to mention he was injected with Jenova cells while still in utero. So that would play with his genetics even further. 
Because the biggest thing people point out on how Vincent is really his father? Looks. Because Hojo has the face of a backed up toilet that contracted leprosy. That’s it. Could Vincent and Lucrecia have slept together? Of course. But that still doesn’t fit the timeline. 
There is one thing to understand about Sephiroth’s parentage: both his parents were scientists too career-driven to care for the consequences. Hojo is… well, Hojo. He dedicated half his career in studying Jenova. Of course he’s going to want play with genetic splicing. What better way to do that but with the assistance of your wife (ambigious, I know) who is also a scientist, who came running into his arms after a disastrous “breakup” (if you can even call it that).
And then that leaves Lucrecia. An emotionally volatile woman who is totally selfish. I know Square really wanted to portray her in this sympathetic light, and we’re told that she’s supposedly this incredible person. But from what can be seen in Dirge? She’s toxic. Her recklessness caused Grimoire’s death. She immediately recognised Vincent as his son. Yet still flirted and dragged him along. But he eventually learns the truth and she can’t cope when faced with potential consequences. Thus leading her to pursue another reckless (and highly emotional) decision to be involved in a relationship with Hojo. 
Not only is she self-centred in her relationships, but also her work. She’s ambitious, dangerously so. She wants to prove her worth - which under any other circumstance is a noble quality. And I really do feel for her in that regard. But her ambition led to her agreeing with Hojo on the experiment to inject Jenova cells into her own unborn child. Dirge made it very clear that she was 100% on board with the experiments. 
In short, Sephiroth is the product of two parents who had ulterior motives. While Lucrecia isn’t evil like Hojo, she certainly isn’t a saint. 
Vincent was just an unfortunate man who happened to love the wrong person. Tried to stop her from experimenting on her own child, but couldn’t. (Which, really, how could he? That decision was hers and hers alone). Vincent’s arc is to highlight Sephiroth’s past….. not to be his actual father.
I really do want Square to expand more on Vincent’s character - more specifically, his time with the Turks. Because there is far more to his character than just Lucrecia. 
…..But I don’t want Square to put in a “SURPRISE!! Vincent is actually Sephiroth’s father DESPITE us saying in several different sources (games, novellas, ultimanias, marketing) that Hojo is the father.”…. just to appease some fans. 
Sorry for the rant. I just…. blech.  
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
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Chucking your head at people is a cool power
Alt. text:
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
how did you learn to draw so well? I'm 19 and I feel like I'm way behind everyone else my age with my art, and it's really discouraging.
*rubs my hands* this is a complex question so you guys should prepare for another long wall of text cause here we go
So everyone is different. Everyone has a different drive and collection of feelings in their gut when they draw. We all have different backgrounds about why or how we started drawing. What works for me might not work for everyone else, but hopefully I can help guide you in the right direction.
That being said, i’ve always been an artist like it wasn’t even a decision I made when I was younger I just was. I had big ideas I needed to just GET OUT and so I drew massive stories of stick figures and horses and dragons on towering piles of printer paper. That hasn’t changed, but I can go for weeks without drawing a single thing because I have nothing sparking in my brain but im rambling here lemme get to my points
Everyone is an imposter: No one is ever 100% comfortable with their artistic ability and if they are they’re very likely to be an ass. Go look at the Dunning-Kruger Effect which is a pretty interesting psychological mindset. In a nutshell, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is where a person who has very little knowledge in a skill thinks they are a master at that skill, whereas a person who has is a master in that skill thinks that they aren’t good at all. I still recommend watching the whole thing when you get the chance, its only 10 minutes long.
So where you are right now is the most difficult part of the art process, lemme show you one of my favorite graphs which helped me when I was in spots like you are.
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You have two parts to your artistic skill. One is the ability to draw itself and the other is the ability to perceive how good that drawing is! You know whats happening? 
You’re growing! You’ve started the next step! You see your art and think it could be better because your brain is more skilled than your hand. So how do you get better?
I could say something like “look up tutorials” “challenge yourself” “do studies” but if i’m honest that advice never helped me, it just made me struggle more, so we’re going to go back to your mindset.
Accept your achievements!
It’s! Very! EasY! To compare yourselves to others! It’s! Very! Hard! To recognize how far you’ve come! Give yourself some credit! Praise yourself! Look at your art and point out what you like about it. We all have a little puppy inside our hearts that just wants to be called good boys/girls. If you don’t take care of that puppy and only give it negative feedback then you’re going to definitely struggle to get started.
When someone compliments you, take it! Don’t try to be polite or say “ah but my lines aren’t that great” or “my colors could be better,” accept it! Some stranger or friend saw how good you are and actually took the time to verbalize it because it meant so much to them! If some stranger on the internet thinks i’m good, then why can’t I feel the same way towards my own art? Trust me, you’ll start feeling more confident. You’ll go from “am I good? :(?” to “I AM good! >:D!” 
Get good at what you want to get good at!
I love expressions, subtle moments that speak a thousand words, character flaws and drives, dynamic movement and DRAGONS!! So I drew and draw those things! They make my brain go brrrr
I used to hate drawing backgrounds, but recently I had an epiphany. I can make a background be its own character. It doesn’t make sense typed out but in my brain that association is key. I’ve connected the joy I have with drawing characters to a thing I normally avoid and now I feel a bit more inclined to put in the extra effort. Let the feelings you get when you draw the stuff you like leak into the stuff you don’t like to draw as much and you’ll find yourself growing even more.
What do you if you don’t want to do something in the process of drawing a picture? Say like, lineart?
Don’t do it. Skip it. Do what you want instead. Many of my hollow knight art is just sketches, but you guys have seen my fully completed pieces. I cant make that shit every day hell no. I do what I want. I also discovered a new way of shading and lighting that is SOOO much easier than what I was doing before because I WANTED TO BE LAZY!! (put your colors down, select from opaque, new layer, make new layer a multiply layer, gradient tool, use the gradient tool to make one big shadow, erase where you want the light to come from, BAM! SHADING!)
Which leads me into my next point.
Just say Fuck it.
Do you want to draw Grimm in a dress? Fuck it. Do it. If someone has a problem with that then its their problem. They can unfollow you or block you but fuck ‘em. This is your life and damnit you are going to enjoy it. Remember when you were a kid and you just drew? Just draw. Have fun. It doesn’t matter if the hand doesn’t come out right, it’s there and it looks good enough.
Once you give yourself that much needed break, your interest in seeking ways to improve will come naturally. After drawing hands without caring, you might just want to know out of curiosity instead of frustration about how you can draw the knuckles right. It’s a very important mental shift from “I want to be good at art because I have to be” to “I want to be good at art because I want to be.”
Make your art about you and not because of someone else. Be selfish. Be careless. Do what you want and have fun again.
TL;DR Accept that you are better than you give yourself credit for. Your mental mindset is extremely important for your artistic growth. Make your art someone else’s problem and enjoy yourself.
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
kirby kirby kirby thats a name you should know
kirby kirby kirby hes the star of the show
hes more than you think
hes got maximum pink
kirby kirby kirbys the one
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
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disorganised thoughts
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
vine tarot
by ‘holly sweet’ on redbubble
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five feet apart cus theyre not gay
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oh my god they were roommates 
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i wont hesitate, bitch
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its wednesday my dudes
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(no associated catchphrase)
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a potato flew around my room
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i have the power of god AND anime on my side
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~got a red dress on tonight, dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight~
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(no associated catchphrase)
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(’take on me’ opening notes)
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(no associated catchphrase)
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
having a hyperfixation feels like this image
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
Dead Cells Plot: Beheaded Origins
Y’all never asked for it, but I’m writing my canon for how the Dead Cells plot be like. I understand that the creators don’t really care to have a filled out plot because “you don’t need a plot to excuse the existence of characters” but. Hyperfixation go brrr. Spoilers are immediately under the bar. Include’s The Giant spoiler and passive mentions of endgame.
Summary: The Beheaded is actually a stronger gooball with amnesia bent on destroying the island. *[points gun]* Dead Cells is genocide route Undertale, always has been. 
I’m taking The Giant’s word literally that The Beheaded = The King, especially after looking at the end of the game. Therefore, my main question about Dead Cells, and what drives my origin creation for The Beheaded, is what the heck is The King. Apparently the Malaise corrupted The King into turning into The Beheaded (see The Giant intro convo) and he exploded with power after being stabbed when unconscious (after defeating HotK), so it’s a worthwhile question to start with.
I tried to keep it easy. The King is not a human, he is supposed to be a gooball in a fleshsuit (this is shown as a natural form in the final boss fight cutscene at 5bc). The reason why The King has magic beyond death, I imagine, is because his original gooform (which I call The Homunculus) must have been very strong. I can’t explain why The Homunculus exists, but since he’s an extremely magically gifted ruling monarch, all I could think of for an explanation is that The Homunculus is like Palpatine: he’s a ruler who kept power by constantly hopping bodies to whomever would inherit the throne next and is powerful because he’s old. 
As for The Homunculus’ goals and the meaning of having the character, in my hc, he’s still kinda flakey like The King and is evil out of sheer indifference. Ruling is a game to The Homunculus and he doesn’t have an aspiring plot. As The King, The Homunculus got pissed about how much attention people needed and how they dissed him for being “ineffective” and “evil” with dealing with the Malaise, so The Homunculus purposefully started to make things go downhill. If you defeat Dead Cells (defeat 5bc), The Beheaded gains back the memories of being a pissy baby by drinking the cure for the Malaise, regains The Homunculus form and destroys the island because he regains his memories. This leaves the player wondering why the hell they thought killing bosses over and over again would deserve any other ending than everything dying.
Sometimes I write The Homunculus being valid in hating humanity or create a “pacifist route” by having the Beheaded befriend all of the bosses to then stop The Homunculus from destroying the island when he does drink the Malaise cure, but that’s just for my personal writing. The Genocide route is what’s my canon, anything else is a fun au.
As for other neat quirks of The Beheaded being The King/Homunculus, 
I usually hc that HotK is a golem created by Homun and that Hotk seems mute to everyone else, but has an almost telepathic communication with Homun. Testing if Hotk’s loyalty lies with The King or the island is fun on pacifist route.
The Giant is aware of The King’s OG form, so Homun obviously kept his guards for a long while. The Giant and Homun’s breakdown was probably after a long time of their friendship collapsing
I hc that The Collector was a guest to the island and he poisoned The King/Homun with The Malaise once The Collector was forced to move to the castle. The Collector thinks that The Beheaded is some weird side-effect of his poison, like the biters, he doesn’t know about The Beheaded’s true nature
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concerned-beasely · 4 years
Finally some delicious fucking content
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some d3adc3lls stuffs
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