coloringthegreyscale · 7 months
I don't post on here a lot but I just wanted to let the few of you that follow me here that in the Helluva Boss fandom that I have currently removed all of my art and cosplay regarding Helluva Boss from here, Instagram, Bluesky, and I'm currently working on weeding it out of Twitter as well.
The fics are safe for now. If I choose to remove those, I will let you know in advance.
I don't want to get into the reasons here - but it isn't for lack of love and appreciation for the show and universe itself. It's entirely fandom related. I love the show, I plan to still watch and appreciate it. I'm still going to talk about it. But right now I'm just removing some of my contributions to the fandom itself. Potentially all of them. I'm not sure. It depends on how much time and energy I want to put into scrubbing myself from the fandom.
I could come back. But not right now. Peace!
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coloringthegreyscale · 7 months
it’s nearly 2024, i think we as a society frankly deserve a mainstream sherlock holmes series that actually commits and makes them gay. we’re ready.
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coloringthegreyscale · 7 months
After a lot of thought, I will be removing my fanfiction from Ao3 on November 1st. If you are a fan of:
- The Stolitzer Universe fics
- For Royals and Rapscallions
- Whiskey in My Bloodstream
- On the Limit
- The Skin You Could Have
They will be deleted from Ao3 on 11/1/23. If I re-upload them later, then they will only be on my current account (greyscalemuse) with the pen name you all know already (vulgardarling). You are welcome to save them for your own personal archive. Please do not re-upload them or add to them yourself.
Thank you.
I don't post on here a lot but I just wanted to let the few of you that follow me here that in the Helluva Boss fandom that I have currently removed all of my art and cosplay regarding Helluva Boss from here, Instagram, Bluesky, and I'm currently working on weeding it out of Twitter as well.
The fics are safe for now. If I choose to remove those, I will let you know in advance.
I don't want to get into the reasons here - but it isn't for lack of love and appreciation for the show and universe itself. It's entirely fandom related. I love the show, I plan to still watch and appreciate it. I'm still going to talk about it. But right now I'm just removing some of my contributions to the fandom itself. Potentially all of them. I'm not sure. It depends on how much time and energy I want to put into scrubbing myself from the fandom.
I could come back. But not right now. Peace!
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coloringthegreyscale · 8 months
I don't post on here a lot but I just wanted to let the few of you that follow me here that in the Helluva Boss fandom that I have currently removed all of my art and cosplay regarding Helluva Boss from here, Instagram, Bluesky, and I'm currently working on weeding it out of Twitter as well.
The fics are safe for now. If I choose to remove those, I will let you know in advance.
I don't want to get into the reasons here - but it isn't for lack of love and appreciation for the show and universe itself. It's entirely fandom related. I love the show, I plan to still watch and appreciate it. I'm still going to talk about it. But right now I'm just removing some of my contributions to the fandom itself. Potentially all of them. I'm not sure. It depends on how much time and energy I want to put into scrubbing myself from the fandom.
I could come back. But not right now. Peace!
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coloringthegreyscale · 8 months
This post (”What Moffat Doesn’t Understand About Grief”) fascinated me, because the author talks about Moffat’s fear of consequences–how he’ll introduce world-shattering grief, or sacrifice, or hurt, or change, in his Doctor Who characters’ lives, and then never follow up on it. There are no apparent consequences.
That’s exactly what makes BBC Sherlock feel so unresolved. We kept waiting for the consequences to come home, and they never did. There are huge things and subtler ones unaddressed, things that should have changed them in meaningful ways: Sherlock being tortured. Mary shooting Sherlock. Sherlock nearly confessing his love on the tarmac. Sherlock overdosing on the plane, reading John’s blog. Mycroft begging John to take care of him. John attacking Sherlock after Mary’s death. John saying he wanted more than his marriage to Mary. John confronting Sherlock about his need for love. Mycroft lying to Sherlock about his sister.
The emotional stakes keep being upped, but there’s no closure. The things happen, there are tears or shouting, and then the story simply continues, without change, or growth, or discussion, or resolution. They end up in the exact same place as they began; 221B, two friends solving crimes and cleaning up after explosions, still more myth than men.
Emotional moments can’t be introduced just for the hell of it; they have to lead somewhere, mean something. Once I thought the authors had a plan. But now I think we’ll have to go on making our own meaning out of it all, through fanart and fic and meta and whatever means we have; for the sake of these characters’ sanity, and our own, and for some kind of truly happy ending.
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coloringthegreyscale · 9 months
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✸ If Stolas went to a rodeo instead of the circus ✸
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coloringthegreyscale · 11 months
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he hat fell off!!
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Modern Sherlock Holmes but he’s a 27 year old, drinks energy drinks only, is astonishing polite and has no idea how the solar system works because it was never relevant to a case but can name every every person involved in making Super Mario Bros because he did need that for a case once.
Watson is continuously appalled about his eating habits and makes vague posts on Twitter that ends in threads like
Watson: “My roommate noticed only today that he can label his email inboxs but took apart his entire bloody laptop two weeks ago.”
Person: “This reminds me of the post about the roommate who couldn’t turn on the coffee machine but remembers like 500 numbers of pi”
Watson: “I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same roommate.”
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that supergirl lesbian kiss where the girls look like they are going to quit after that take is the polar opposite of the scene in brokeback where alma sees jack and ennis making out and heath ledger almost broke jake gyllenhaals nose
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a good crust of bread will have your ass hankering for a hearty stew
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“We asked them to bring the most impressive stolen item.”
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A Different Reading of “You Will Be Okay” (Or at least how I’ve come to see it)
I think for the entire duration of my time here in the fandom, the general consensus is that Stolas’s lullaby to Octavia stands for his demise - be it just eventual or a literal apocalypse - it’s been overall seen as this prophetic song about when Stolas leaves Via forever and how she’ll be okay despite that.
The extended version of the lyrics have even fueled several theories that Stolas won’t make it out of the series alive and Octavia is some immensely powerful being that will overcome it all.
And that’s all well and good but over my repeated listening of the song, I’ve come to wonder - is that all there is?
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To help make this make sense, let’s put the song back into the context of the episode that features it - Loo Loo Land.
Now I could go on about how this is still my favorite episode (because it is) and I think it’s probably the best episode that can stand on it’s own (because I do) and how it not only set the tone to what we would come to expect of the show itself but overall set the bar to what the show could fully deliver (because I think it does).
We can save that for another day.
Right now, we need to focus on one of the overall takeaways of Loo Loo Land - and that’s Octavia’s intense fear of Stolas abandoning her.
Because that’s what the big sticking point to their conversation actually is, isn’t it? It’s what ties the entire episode back to the nightmare she has at the beginning and I’d challenge that it’s ultimately what the entire episode is about. It’s not a huge reach, of course. It’s kind of right there, but let’s continue.
The entire episode, Octavia struggles with feeling out of place. The joyful home  and family that was so expertly crafted for her (by Stolas) is in disarray, there is no more hiding the misery that is her parents’ marriage, and not only that but her perfect father, who was always her hero, is (in her eyes) the one who’s not just pulled back the curtain - but has fully torn it down and is currently about to burn it.
But what does “You Will Be Okay” have to do with Octavia’s fear of being abandoned?
Well - it’s Stolas’s perspective of the same sentiment.
What I’m saying is “You Will Be Okay” isn’t entirely about when Stolas meets his final end - it’s about when Octavia is grown up, no longer needs him and... has to leave him behind.
The apocalypse he describes, the way he sings about Octavia being this supernatural event in the extended version - it’s all about her becoming his very reason to continue existing, the only light in his life. She has become his everything.
But he knows that in time she will grow up. She will become her own person. It’s as inevitable as the end times and his own demise.
She won’t need him anymore.
His entire life and purpose as he knows it ends.
But he knows she’ll still be okay.
I know there is a lot of critics on Stolas’s character, specifically of him as a father in Loo Loo Land. And no, I’m not going to argue that taking your teenage daughter to a theme park she liked when she was a toddler is going to fix your problems. It was a very very bad idea.
But I would argue about Stolas being oblivious to how old Octavia actually is. I’m very certain that he has become increasingly aware of how old she is. And as his life is taking a path he’d long given up on in his mind (however messed up and rocky that path is going to get), along with Via getting closer to the age he assumed she would no longer need him...
Well, that goes back to what Loo Loo Land I think is supposed to be about.
It’s about figuring out family and adjusting and making room and making sure the people you care about don’t get left out as life changes.
Because Stolas knows he isn’t going to leave Via behind.
And in turn, he learns that she won’t leave him behind either.
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SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE (1978) dir. Richard Donner
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Tumblr really needs a "dont ever show me this post again" option
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