colasarchive · 6 days
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Article on Leaf from Raspberry Volume 10 [2003]
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colasarchive · 10 days
A look at To Heart Prerelease (Part 3)
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more demo disc comparing
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face is redrawn
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This library bg itself is pretty different from the final version
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another face redraw, most notably she was given a bigger mouth
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with Kotone, most revisions are with how her eyes are drawn
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another eye and blush change in this sprite. The background is quite different here with completely redone windows. The lighting is also much brighter in the final
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face change
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The style of eyelashes was originally drawn much thinner
after the character portraits in the opening, the cgs shown in are in a completely different order than the original op. All cgs are totally the same except for this Kotone with different lighting
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Thats all for the demo disc!
As a final note, beta Akari appeared in Bishoujo Game Quiz King from 1997. People on the streets of Taipei would be asked what heroine they liked best.
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and she won!
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colasarchive · 10 days
A look at To Heart Prerelease (Part 2)
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A look into the ToHeart demo disc, as with other demo discs ive covered this one has a lot of content that goes changed in the final game.
special thanks to Brad again for letting me take a look!
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The disc will first show you an early version of the op then give you a short bit with the characters. The disc loops and you'll get a different end scene with the characters each time after you watch the op again, from what I saw there seemed to be about 3(?) different scenes
Let's get into the OP because thats where the most of the changed content is
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Demo used the final's bg unlike the previous Gimix disc, sprite's expression is redrawn
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change in the eyes and upper lids, eyebrows also a bit adjusted (If you think this is granular it's only going to get worse from here, a lot look identical from first glance)
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blush added in the final version as well as longer eyelashes
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blush and eyelashes changed again
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a more grainy texture is used on the bg for this one, as for the sprite itself, its had its eyes and eyebrows redrawn
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eyelashes changed
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mouth slightly changed, eyes and eyebrows redrawn
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Maybe the most groundbreaking discovery, there originally wasn't going to be a blue bench on the roof
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mouth and eyes changed
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mouth, eyes, and eyebrows changed
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this early sprite gets used a lot, was also included in Gimix
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eyes slightly changed, blush redrawn
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colasarchive · 10 days
A look at To Heart Prerelease
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A look at some assets and early designs shown before the release of ToHeart
If you've ever downloaded the original ToHeart, you may have noticed a strange sprite used during installation
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Though it's clearly Akari, some features are a bit off, and the sprite itself never appears in any gameplay. Thats because this sprite is based off an earlier design of the character.
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scan by Game Vecanti
Though there are plenty of designs for unused girls in To Heart's Fanbook, by the time promotional artwork started coming out the designs for the chosen girls were pretty solidified. So most changes we go over aren't gonna be anything too thrilling, but someone should has to do it : )
Design changes for all girls
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all uniforms initially had a small yellow symbol on their collar, this would later be removed. Thats it.
Akari Kamigishi
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Hair length shortened, in concept art even earlier in development it was much longer than this, though i'm going to keep most comparisons to this line of near-final designs
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HMX-12 Multi
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Hairstyle slightly changed to be a bit thinner in the back, her ear pieces became less metallic looking and moved to a more turned down placement
Lemmy Miyauchi
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Given fangs, (you'll see it a bit clearer when comparing unused sprites), the front pieces of her hair are drawn a bit longer flowing
Shiho Nagaoka
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Change in design of her socks and shoes
Serika Kurusugawa
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Changed to black socks
Girls with no specific changes
Kotone Himekawa
Tomoko Hoshina
Aoi Matsubara
Early game assets and their differences from Gimix
In Megastore Gimix Vol 5, a bunch of early game screenshots and assets were shown off, this section will go over any differences between these and the final game.
Special Thanks to Brad for letting me take a look at the files
Here's a broad comparison of every change, I'll talk in more in depth about some but others don't really need it
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The Lemmy sprite shows her old design (no fangs). Asides from the change in colors of the background all the trees have been totally redrawn. Lemmy's also given an unusually bright eye color that not even her reference sheet had.
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Along with the color change the shoe lockers are given more detail. Shiho's sprite would later be redrawn.
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another sprite that would be redrawn
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Redrawn trees and adjusted shading, it's most apparent on the roof
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Aoi's face has been slightly redrawn, the shading on her uniform was also changed.
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Shading style completely changed
also somehow this version of the cg ended up on the back of the box
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next up is a look at the demo disc, due to the tumblr image limit, click here to continue
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colasarchive · 10 days
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Colorful Puregirl June Issue [2003]
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colasarchive · 10 days
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Article on AQUAPLUS games from Colorful PureGirl’s June Issue [2003]
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colasarchive · 14 days
Tokimeki Memorial 30th Anniversary Pop-up in Animate Akihabara
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[Running 5.20 - 6.2 2024]
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On the 7th floor of Animate's "building 2". Buildings 1 and 2 are connected though so its easy to find. If you're heading up the staircase with ads for the Pop-up you're in the right place.
Since coming back to Akiba after years it's been interesting to see how the Animate store has expanded so much. Fun Fact, this building used to be a toranoana (rip)
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I went the first day of the Pop-up, even though it was around an hour before closing it still had a lot of people coming in and out. A lot of old otaku and newer fans wanting a photo with their favorite character
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This event started up right after the Tokimeki anniversary live this past weekend, theres been a lot of Tokimemo promo lately.
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Saki Nijino standee was given the special spot under the tree, she's one of the most popular heroines of the original game but I wonder if they'll change whose under the tree each day.
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Gratte Collaboration
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Available on the second floor, you can choose what character you'd like printed on a cookie or drink. I got shiori black coffee and shiori cookie...
you can also get a random coaster and I got Ayako!
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You can't actually eat in there since its meant to be take out only. I tried. so hard. to keep the shiori drink art in tact but immediately gouged her eye out...
The cookie is pretty yummy but super hard, as soon as you take a bite she kinda melts though I did get the dye of her uniform all over my hands
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sorry shiori.
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colasarchive · 17 days
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Going over the wave of original ToHeart girls made for the defunct mobile game [ToHeart Heartful Party]
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Rea Hanazawa
CV: Tomoko Kaneda - Born October 23
A girl absolutely attached to her phone even when it’s out of charge. Rea loves new and cute things. She devotes most of her time to the daily updates on her blog and become a bit obsessed with the number of hits she’ll receive.
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Sakurako Konno
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born December 1st
A polite honor student who values spending time relaxing. Sakurako radiates a calm atmosphere and never seems to be in a hurry. She’s a member of the tea ceremony club and likes to wear kimono.
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Moemi Tsukifune
CV: Sayuri Yahagi - Born November 26
An otaku girl too shy to join the manga club. Moemi is soft spoken and stutters often, unable to convey her feelings. Though when the conversation comes to her interests she becomes incredibly talkative. She's a big fan of doujinshi.
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Hina Mitsuhoshi
CV: Anju Inami - Born June 24
A girl who loves instant yakisoba. So much so that her entire body is nearly made up of yakisoba. She has learned everything important in her life from instant yakisoba and can smell instant yakisoba sauce from a mile away.
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Yasuko Tsubaki
CV: Yukiyo Fuji - Born April 7
A member of the health committee who is a regular at the infirmary. Yasuko is shown to be quite sickly and collapses often. Though she has a pessimistic outlook on life and feels like she’s going to die, she looks quite healthy.
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Maika Marioka
CV: Rie Murakawa - Born April 30
A quiet girl who’s always alone in the library reading books. Maika’s pessimistic about life and has a very negative view of herself. She often tries to avoid people since large crowds feel suffocating.
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CV: Ikumi Nakagami - Born May 18
A student originally from Africa. An adventurous girl excited to learn more about the new world around her (This character unfortunately seems to have a lot of bad stereotypes so I’m keeping it short)
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Miya kurohane
CV: Marie Miyake - Born October 31
A cool and mysterious girl. Miya is a self proclaimed 100,016 year old witch who works for the ruler of darkness. Though it seems like a joke at first, her power might actually be real...
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Ranju Ayabuki
CV: Yuko Goto - Born June 4
A math teacher quite popular with students. Ranju has a blunt personality and cool demeanor, except when confronted with cute girls. She’s a night owl whose favorite foods are tomato juice and liver.
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Yumi Kinjo
CV: Shiho Nakasumi - Born July 20
A calm and easygoing swimmer from Okinawa. Yumi’s the ace of the swim team and highly respected. She actually prefers scuba diving though, and would much rather be swimming by the coral reefs than in a pool.
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Chirin Omiya
CV: Mai Fuchigami - Born June 16
A good natured girl with a big appetite. Chirin loves to eat and is always up to date on the newest restaurants. However, she worries about her weight and tries to exercise often. This doesn’t stop her love for sweets though.
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Mizuho Akatsuki
CV: Natsumi Takamori - Born November 4th
A train otaku attending the nearby private school. Mizuho enjoys all things railway, and doesn’t believe anyone could dislike them. She’s bright and friendly but not great at reading the atmosphere.
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Kohime Yamashina
CV: Naomi Ozora - Born August 16
The daughter of shrine owners in Kyoto. Kohime’s currently training to be a shrine maiden at one near the school. She’s old fashioned but has a lot of interest in foreign cultures. She also likes to draw fortunes.
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XAr-10(E) ARTY
CV: Sarah Emi Bridcutt - Born March 25
A police robot developed by a new company. Initially she outperformed Kurusugawa’s robots, but her functions are still immature. ARTY has now been brought to school to be reconditioned as a maid robot for testing.
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colasarchive · 18 days
Homepage for the visual novel Beside~幸せはかたわらに~ [2001]
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colasarchive · 19 days
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Colorful Puregirl August issue [2001]
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colasarchive · 19 days
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DearMy… Volume 4 cover [2001]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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DearMy… Volume 7 cover [2002]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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Article on Pia♥Carrot e Youkoso!! 3 from Raspberry Volume 2 [2001]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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Article on Air from Raspberry Volume 1 [2001]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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Article on Comic Party Revolution from Raspberry Volume 13 [2003]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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Article on the P/ECE, a gaming handheld by Aquaplus from Raspberry Vol 3 [2002]
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colasarchive · 20 days
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Article on the visual novel Shuffle! from Raspberry Volume 13 [2003]
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