cocoonauae · 3 years
High Definition Liposuction – There are a few things less unwanted then having the last stubborn patch of fat from your tummy hanging down. Despite endless hours sweating at the gym with a strict diet plan that particular fat does not seem to get completely rid of. This is where the wonderful liposuction cosmetic technique comes handy and gives you a taught, flat tummy which has been your last obstacle on your quest to get in shape.
What is High Definition Liposuction?
 Liposuction is an excellent minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery which aims to help remove excessive fat which is not removed through regular dieting and exercising. An advanced variant of this amazing technique, called the ‘High Definition Liposuction’ procedure aims to not only remove stubborn patches of fat from your tummy, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms and even your face but basically sculpts your body to give it a sharper, highly-defined and noticeably attractive look.
Who should get a High Definition Liposuction treatment?
There are several factors which help you, and your cosmetic surgeon, to decide if you are a good candidate to undergo high definition liposuction treatment. These are the aspects which help determine if you are an ideal candidate for undergoing a high definition liposuction treatment:
• Weigh within 30% of your healthy weight range (as per BMI)
• Have sufficient elasticity and firmness retained in your skin
• Be a non-smoker
Have realistic expectations with the end results of this cosmetic procedure
Apart from these, underlying health problems, existing heart disorders, diabetes, frail immune system are also taken into consideration by the cosmetic specialists before recommending high definition liposuction treatment. It is highly recommended to consult with your physician and cosmetic surgeon in detail to clear any doubts pertaining to the procedure, possibility of complications and risks, etc before finally deciding to under high definition liposuction procedure.
How is High Definition Liposuction treatment performed?
The high definition liposuction treatment is a minimally-invasive cosmetic body contouring procedure. For the first step in this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon usually recommends using local anesthesia to numb the targeted regions from where the stubborn fat cells are to be removed. The local anesthesia prevents you from feeling any pain or discomfort while the procedure is underway.
The second step is performed once the local anesthesia takes effect and the cosmetic surgeon will make tiny incisions, usually measuring between 2 mm to 4 mm only, at the targeted areas of your body.
The third step requires the cosmetic surgeon will to inject a special saline solution around the incisions. This helps to dull the sensation in the fatty tissue and to shrink the surrounding blood vessels beneath your skin. This is a preventive step to avoid unwanted injury to healthy blood vessels and other tissues which the fat cells are surrounded with.
In the fourth step, the cosmetic surgeon will use a small, tubular sound-emitting probe. The high-frequency sound waves from this probe are aimed at the fat cells. The resultant frequency of vibration within the fat cells itself raises its temperature to higher levels, eventually causing it to melt. The cosmetic surgeon takes care to target only the fat cells with the intense sound waves and avoids damaging the healthy cells and tissues around them.
The fifth step requires using the small incisions for inserting the cannula underneath your skin. The cannula is a slim, blunt-tipped tube which is attached to a powerful surgical vacuum pump. The powerful suction of the cannula is able to remove the melted fat cells easily.
As the uppermost layers of fat are removed, the underlying muscles become naturally more defined. In effect, the high-definition liposuction treatment is able to remove fat from underneath your skin and reveal the tone and shape of your natural muscles with increased clarity and definition.
Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation in Dubai has helped immense number of patients to transform themselves into a more attractive and healthier body-shape using the high definition liposuction procedure. The high definition liposuction treatment is not only minimally invasive but is also cost-effective and shows successful results too.                                                                  
For more information, Visit https://ar.cocoona.ae/
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Rhinoplasty is commonly called a nose job and is a plastic surgery procedure that changes the shape of the nose or improves its function. Rhinoplasty may be performed for aesthetic reasons, or it could be done for medical reasons, such as to correct breathing problems, or correct disfigurement due to trauma, or birth defects.
Possible Causes:
Rhinoplasty is often called a nose job. Reshaping a nose that appears big for your face, straightening a bump on the bridge of your nose or a crooked nose is the job of a rhinoplasty surgeon. Causes are - correction of deformities from an injury, altering of a birth defect or improvement in breathing problems.
Risk Factors:
Rhinoplasty carries the same potential risks as other types of plastic surgery. Firstly, choosing a qualified cosmetic surgeon can greatly reduce the health risks associated with rhinoplasty.
The potential risks are bleeding from the nose, numbness, scarring, bursting of capillaries, swelling, permanent nerve damage and over or under correction requiring revision rhinoplasty.
Since this surgery requires extensive alterations of nasal bone and cartilage, people who have a breathing problem may experience pain or discomfort and should consult their specialist to seek proper advice.
Signs & Symptoms:
Signs that you need a rhinoplasty - an uneven shape to the nose that affects your breathing and your appearance too.
You need to be at least 15 years old before you can consider this procedure, in order to ensure that the cartilage and bone of the nose have stopped growing.
The plastic surgeon at Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation will develop a customised plan for you. At the outset, we will require:
 •        Your medical history – in case you have a bleeding disorder, such as haemophilia, rhinoplasty may not be suitable for you.
•        Complete physical examination, including laboratory tests and blood tests.
•        Photographs that give you an idea of the goals of the surgery.
Treatment Options:
When you consult a plastic surgeon at Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation, the goals of the rhinoplasty procedure will be drawn up.
Rhinoplasty changes the shape of your nose so it is important that this should be in line with your other facial features. A rhinoplasty procedure is usually done under general anaesthesia. A small incision is made at the base of your nose, between your nostrils. Then the surgeon makes adjustments to the bone and cartilage underneath your skin.
It may involve reshaping the tip and reducing the bony bump on the bridge of your nose. To improve your breathing, the surgeon can correct a deviated septum. Rhinoplasty is a difficult operation especially because the changes are quite small. However, these really transform the way you look and feel.
For more information, Visit https://ar.cocoona.ae/
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Body Contouring - How Men Can Change Their Look
Body contouring is not only reserved for women. Many men nowadays are concerned with their appearance. They understand that being fit and trim is more appealing to women. They understand that if they are in good health, they are more likely to be promoted or sought after by employers. A person's physical appearance interacts with their personal experiences. Those who are trim and fit are more likely to be self-assured. If these things are important to you, you should consider having one or more procedures performed to address your problem areas.
What exactly is it?
Body contouring is a technique for removing fat deposits from different parts of the body. While those who are overweight will require exercise and a healthy diet, some people will discover that no matter what they do to lose weight, there are pockets of fatty tissues in troublesome areas that never seem to go away. This is where this procedure can be useful. It allows you to tone different areas and tailor the look to a more trim and fit appearance.
Where Men Concentrate
When it comes to having a procedure like this done, there are many aspects of the male body that can be considered. Body contouring works on the majority of problem areas. Some men, for example, wish to have some of the excess fatty tissue in their breasts removed. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get rid of this material. You should also take into account the tummy, love handles, and buttocks. Another area where many men have procedures to remove excess tissues and fatty deposits is the neckline.
What Is the Initial Step?
Those who are debating whether or not to use body contouring should concentrate on what it can do for them. Speak with your surgeon about your options to learn more about the process and how it will work for you. He or she can provide you with more specific information. Furthermore, a consultation will tell you what to expect and, if any, risk factors.
Body contouring is not only available to women. It is also something that can help a man regain his self-esteem. Consider how well this type of procedure can help you achieve the look you've always desired but couldn't achieve through dieting alone. Keep in mind that everyone's results vary, and you must be in good enough health to undergo this procedure in order for it to be effective for you. It has the potential to provide long-term, long-lasting results.
Visit https://cocoona.ae/en/ for more details about the body contouring procedures in Dubai.
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Different hair transplant methods
In certain cases, when coping with hair loss, individuals tend to use hair transplant as a procedure. Hair transplantation involves taking hair from one region of the head and expertly inserting it into the bald area of the head. Then the inserted hair starts to grow. There are various types of hair transplantation procedures that could be used to achieve this goal. Below are the hair transplantation approaches and the specifics that accompany them.
1. One of the methods of hair transplantation is called the band system. This method is typically the most common form of hair transplantation, partially due to the fact that it is the least expensive method. How this particular approach works is to extract a slice of skin from the donor region of the head (the area that has hair). The donor region is then sutured closed. After this, the strip is divided into follicular units, which are separate hair groups. Hundreds to thousands of small slits are cut in the bald region and the individual hair groups are put in them. There is a short-term rash where the hair has been implanted. After a short time, the sutures are removed and the scalp is examined. Hair transplants should begin to develop within about three to four months. This hair transplantation approach is typically performed over one year, when individuals will have natural haircuts and will be able to avoid using vitamin supplements, volume shampoos, and other such hair loss products.
2. Another form of hair transplantation is the extraction of the follicular unit. In this particular procedure, small puncture holes are made in the donor region of the scalp. The follicular units are removed from these gaps. While this process causes scarring, the scar is not as visible as the strip method. After the follicular units have been withdrawn from the holes in the donor region of the scalp, the units are then placed in small slits in the bald area of the head. Eventually, after a couple of months, the hair begins to develop from transplants. This procedure also takes a year to cover the head.
While hair transplantation methods can take time to grow hair and may cause scarring, the ultimate result will ultimately be a complete head of hair. Instead of thinking about bald spots, individuals will cultivate their natural hair. Depending on the type of hair transplantation methods selected by these individuals, the scarring can be different. With the Follicular Unit Transplant Process, the person receiving this procedure may have a suture scar on the back of his or her head or a donor spot. For those individuals who prefer the Follicular Unit Extraction process, they will have several small scars on the back of their head or donor area. Hair transplantation techniques typically differ in the way the hair is collected. However, the effect of the transplant – rising hair – is the same.
For more information, Visit https://cocoona.ae/en/
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Important questions about hair transplant surgery
For any health-related treatment, the more you already know about it, the better results you will be able to achieve. And just like a certain kind of treatment, this often refers to hair transplants. The days are long gone when people would not take care of their bodies. Now, things have changed significantly, and most people want to know more about their physical condition and improve it as much as possible.
An informed and competent person is now conscious of his or her health status, which could only be advantageous. No one can know more about one's health than the person himself. If you're aware of your health problem, it's also convenient for a surgeon to produce better outcomes. However, many people still have little knowledge about the treatment of hair transplantation. Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that will help you understand the protocol for hair transplantation.
Where is the hair coming from?
Unlike other surgeries, the patient is himself a donor to the hair transplantation operation. The hair is removed from the regions of the scalp known as donor sites.
What is the location of the donor sites?
Donor sites are those areas on the patient's head that have not had any hair loss or hair thinning. In majority cases of hair loss, a person loses hair on the top of his head, but rarely the loses hair from the sides. The side and back of the scalp are also the areas from which the hair is taken for use, along with the follicles and tissues.
Will the donor site plan look bald?
Certainly, the most important criterion is to decide if a person is suitable for hair transplantation or not. You must accept the fact that the hair, tissue and follicles are separated from the donor area, but there will be no bald patch on the donor site as the hair transplant surgeon will stitch the areas carefully and the difference will barely be noticeable.
How is the donor hair used?
After the extraction of the donor area's hair is done, the transplantation process takes place. The hair is attached to the tiny slots by a hair transplant surgeon. The graft includes a number of hair follicles, but not more than four.
Is it necessary to consider the density of hair?
The hair density can be defined as the number of hair follicles you have for every square centimeter of scalp. Extra hair grafting can be done when hair density and scalp laxity are high.
Does natural hair growth affect the transplantation of hair?
Hair isn't just developing in one direction. It develops in various directions in different areas of the scalp. It is also necessary that the hair is transplanted by an expert surgeon so that it develops in the right direction. Done well, the transplane looks just natural and good.
Hair transplantation is the best solution to the baldness crisis. However, many people have no awareness about the treatment of hair transplantation. It is necessary for you to be aware of all the specifics of the hair transplant prior to the operation. Visit a hair transplant surgeon to hear more about the procedure, visit https://cocoona.ae/en/
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Tired Of Big Breasts? Go For Breast Reduction Surgery
Females of all ages could have large, weighty, pendulous breasts. Heavy breasts may trigger a number of medical conditions, such as skin irritation, back and neck pain and difficulty breathing. Large and overweight breasts often leave marks of bra straps on the shoulder. Females with significantly large breasts feel very self-conscious, and this is the main reason why they are looking for solutions to reduce breast size. Breast reduction surgery is the ideal cure, and has begun to become increasingly popular across the globe. Breast surgery may be performed on any woman, regardless of age, but surgeons recommend that young women do not opt for this surgery until their breast development finally stops. Morever, this cosmetic surgery may have some unforeseeable effects on breast-feeding and childbirth, so care should be taken if planning for children. Breast reduction is conducted through sophisticated, albeit small, cosmetic surgery. It's imporatnt to make sure you visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai to stay away from the risks involved. It's best to go to a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Dubai and explore your medical history with the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai. Discuss all relevant information and facts about your health-related illness, drug allergy symptoms, any previous surgical procedures and medical treatment. At the #Cocoona cosmetic surgery clinic in Dubai, the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai will carefully analyze your breasts and take measurements and pictures to keep them as 'before & after' records. The best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai will evaluate the shape, size and condition of your breast, the quality of your skin, and the condition of your nipples and areolas. It is essential that you give all the information you need to your surgeon. However, if you intend to shed fat, you realize that weight loss leads to changes in breast sizes, so you should definitely inform the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai. Different factors and medical conditions determine the particular method that may be used to reduce breast size. Mammoplasty is a medical term used for breast reduction surgery. This method involves the removal of excess fat, tissue and skin under the breast, making them more compact and firmer. This also minimizes the size of your areola, the dark patch around the nipples. The goal of breast surgery is to give more compact and shaped breasts to females, which look in proportion to the overall body. Many females who were previously concerned about how to reduce breast size underwent breast reduction surgery and were relieved of physical problems and mental distress. This breast surgery is especially suited for women who have problems with their big sagging breasts that limit their function and for women who want to look more attractive. Breast-reduction surgery is the ultimate answer to the question of how to reduce breast size and we at #Cocoona can guide you better on this because this is very important part in your body. For more detailed information on breast surgeries in Dubai, UAE, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Increase Your Attraction with Breast Lift Surgery
Women are obsessive about their appearance. They attach great value to their facial attributes and appearance of the body. Breasts are a vital part of a women’s body and undergoing breast enlargement surgery is common in young females who are looking for ways to redefine their whole look and improve their attractiveness. Every women’s breasts change as they age. With just about every growing year, their breasts begin to sag and droop down. These women who are affected by the situation are expected to undergo breast lift surgery. Breastfeeding, ageing and gravity are some of the main reasons that make breasts go down. With the help of breast lifting surgery, this problem can be easily solved. The problem can be corrected by the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai who tightens the breast muscles to make them look youthful, firm and fuller. It has been observed that many females want breast-lift surgery to enhance their self-esteem and increase their attractiveness. Ensure that your breast surgery is performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai like #Cocoona deals in. You need to talk to a surgeon right before you go through this surgery. You should explore every single aspect of your treatment with them. If you have any kind of medical condition, you need to inform the surgeon about it. You've heard it right that an improved and more natural look can be achieved through breast lift surgery. You should have a very personal and open-minded discussion with the surgeon, as this can certainly help deliver much better results. Learn more about mastopexy Mastopexy is a breast surgery in which breasts are raised and firmed by removing excess skin from the chest area and repositioning the tissues to give a fuller, healthier and more attractive appearance. There are now a variety of procedures available to enhance the dimensions of the breasts. Anchor incision, scar-free raising, crescent elevation and lollipop elevation are a number of methods. These methods have different approaches to incision patterns and are applied to females with varying degrees of breast sagging. Here is a list of people eligible for breast lift surgery: • Females with flat or elongated breasts • Women with breasts that are sagging or not firm. • Females with large areola breasts, stretched pores and skin • Women who have breasts that are asymmetrically placed on their body • Women who look forward to making their breasts look fuller, firmer and more attractive. After surgery of breasts After a successful surgery, your breasts will be proportional to your body and your clothes will fit better. Breast reduction surgeries may be performed at any age, but experts at #Cocoona recommend that young people wait until breast development has stopped. Pregnancy and breast-feeding may also affect the shape and size of your breasts, so you may want to consider having surgery after you stop having children. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 3 years
How Breast Enlargement Surgery Can Boost Your Confidence!
Are you planning an enlargement surgery for your breasts? Before you hurry to get an increase, you might need to take a step back and make sure you are the right candidate for this treatment. Bosom improvements have been a prominent way to expand the size and shape of a lady's bosom for quite some time. It is a very popular process around the world.
With decreasing costs of treatment, more females choose implants to enhance their self-esteem. Implants ensure results that are second to none and deliver much better results compared to pills and creams. There are pills and creams that claim to give similar results, but when you think about the cost and difference in results, it's pretty easy to see why many females would prefer surgery at the hands of a reputable surgeon.
Breast enhancements are neither costly nor cheap. If you feel that you are not ready to afford the cost of treatment, there are a few alternative funding options available these days if you want any help. Just look online for them.
Since you are sure you need bigger breasts, you need to be properly prepared before you make any final decisions. Have consultations with surgeons and look for information on the breast enlargement process. You need to ensure that you are fully educated about most of the risks, methods and outcomes associated with this surgery. Once you've accumulated all your data from individual research and counselling, you need to choose the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai.
As the time comes to choose the best surgeon in the city, be sure to confirm all the references and qualifications. You just need the best specialist and staff to work on you while you're go through the breast enlargement surgery. Specialists who are famous for their skills, vision, approach and expertise can offer you the best results you can imagine. They can enhance the results so that their patients have exceptional and attractive breasts. Recovery after breast enlargement surgery can be a little uncomfortable. It is vital that you take all the direction that your specialist tells you to follow suitably. Cosmetic breast surgery is seen as a major type of invasive surgery. Getting the right amount of rest and post-operative care will prove very beneficial in getting you recovered in a shorter period of time. Taking all of the post-operation guidelines will also ensure that your bosoms recover wonderfully. When you're done with recovery, you'll be ready to flaunt your new, attractive body. One of the major benefits of having a bigger bosom size is that everyone loves it. You're going to pick up a new feeling of self-esteem and more confident with your new appearance. You may even begin to play a more active role in adjusting to a healthier lifestyle by including a healthy diet and exercise schedule.
For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 3 years
Breast Lift - Your Guide for Firmer Breasts
Get a great breast lift from a board certified plastic surgeon to make your bosom firmer and perkier. This surgery is recommended for healthy, non-smoking women who would like a solution to their sagging breasts. Women with large boobs may see an improvement following surgery. The surgery may also help to correct problems in which one breast is larger than the other, or differently shaped. Your doctor will explain the surgery during your consultation. You can discuss how you would like your bosom to look post the surgery. You will generally be able to breastfeed after surgery, but your doctor will be able to give you his thoughts on the basis of your particular case. The doctor will also let you know if your expectations are realistic or if you would need further surgery to achieve the desired results. Importantly, you should note that this surgery does not enlarge your breasts, to do that, there are other procedures. Women who have lost a dramatic amount of weight may use this surgery to tighten their breasts. Sometimes extreme weight loss results in sagging skin throughout the body. If you are in the process of losing a lot of weight, your doctor may ask you to wait until your weight is more consistent before you have this surgery. Your doctor will check your medical records and ask you if you have any irregular biopsies or mammograms. You will also want to be aware of medications you are taking, allergies, and medical problems. It's a good idea to sit down and think about this information in advance of your visit. Write down what you know, list your prescriptions and your medical history. This may save you time when you complete your paperwork and give you a better focus when talking to your doctor about the information. Your doctor may make incisions, remove excess skin, and reposition your areola during surgery. The doctor will shape your breast to the desired shape. Because your nipples may not be detached, you are more likely to feel a sensation in them after surgery. The placement of the incisions will vary depending on your circumstances and the doctor's technique. In addition to receiving a lift, you can have your bosom enlarged. In this case, the doctor would insert the implants into your bosom. In addition to breast lift, if you decide to have an enlargement, the doctor will discuss the implant options for that part of the surgery. Consider having your breast lift procedure completed by a certified plastic surgeon that is experienced in this procedure. Complications are rare, but may include uneven bosom, bleeding, or infection. Having an experienced surgeon to complete your surgery may reduce the risk of some complications. Be sure to take any prescriptions that your doctor recommends and follow his advice to prepare for surgery and your recovery period. After surgery, you will be advised to move carefully and avoid strenuous movements. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
Opting for a reputed surgeon for the procedure of breast augmentation
If your underdeveloped breasts bother you quite a bit or if breast deflation has taken over after you’ve gone through pregnancy or due to significant amount of weight loss then you should put the option of breast augmentation into consideration. Another positive of breast augmentation is the fact that it works to correct the natural breast asymmetries where the size of one breast may vary from the other one and also if the breasts are deformed. Among all the breast surgeons out there, Dr. Sanjay Parashar is renowned to be one of the absolute best in the field. Since getting into the field, Dr. Parashar has performed over 1500 successful breast surgeries for satisfied clients. If you’re looking to get your breast enhancement that can provide a boost to your personality, then you should get in touch with Dr. Sanjay Parashar at this very moment. The pros of breast augmentation The benefits of breast augmentation are immense. They can have a major positive impact on you. Breast augmentation boosts your overall personality through fuller and firmer breasts with a proper shape. It motivates you to be more self-confident. It is a known fact then when you feel happy and confident in your own skin, it helps you in numerous different aspects of your life. If your breasts are underdeveloped, then Dr. Sanjay Parashar will get the most suitable implant size for them. The immense experience of Dr. Sanjay Parashar guarantees amazing results from the breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Parashar also focuses on the breast symmetry. In addition to that, if your breasts have been deflated due to breastfeeding, weight loss or age then you can regain the perkiness and fullness of your breasts with the help of breast augmentation. With the assistance of an immensely qualified plastic surgeon like Sanjay Parashar, there are little to no possibilities of even minor complications and the results thus delivered are bound to be incredible. For around 30 years, Dr. Sanjay Parashar has dedicated himself to the field of surgery. Over all these years, he has performed over 12000 procedures with minimum complication rate. Dr. Parashar has travelled all around the world and has gained unmatchable expertise in the field by working at some of the most renowned institutes. Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
The Wonderful team of experts @Cocoona.ae
Dr Sanjay Parashar is a pioneer in 3-Dimensional body shaping, waist sculpting, expansive lipoabdominoplasty and post weight loss body lift. He has performed in excess of 1000+ breast surgeries for implantation, breast lift and breast reduction. In the wake of doing his masters in Surgery, he pursued plastic surgery specialization. Being ambidextrous, his ability to use both hands helps him get great results in surgery. Having an artistic streak, his skills and sculpting drove him to outperform in the branch of plastic surgery. He qualified with two exams in plastic surgery, MCh from Mumbai University and DNB from Delhi in the year 1995/1996. Powerful and persuading body shaping techniques 3D sculpting is an inventive methodology of non-surgeries that beneficially helps to get rid of the hidden deposits of fat and to give the body a loving and engaging shape. Dr Sanjay Parashar has been in plastic surgery industry from the last 25 years. He began his profession in India where he worked in a prominent medical institute in Mumbai, Delhi and Nagpur. He is a well renowned breast surgery specialist in Dubai and Delhi. His involvement in craniofacial surgery has helped him to perfect in the speciality of eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, chin implants, Anti-aging and filler injections for face. A successful non-surgical alternative A 3D sculpting cosmetic surgery is a modern procedure that gives successful non-surgical alternatives to reshaping the body into a moreover appealing figure. These are all non-prominent sorts of cosmetic surgeries which helps to give the best outcomes when followed by a healthy way of living. Dr. Sanjay has performed over more than 10,000 surgeries with high success rates and minimum complication rate. He has performed more than 2000 liposuction surgeries utilizing standard liposuction, vaser, laser, vibrolipo and bodytite. He is an outstanding liposuction surgeon in Dubai, liposuction Delhi, and liposuction India. A popular and reliable plastic surgeon Dr. Sanjay’s prestigious achievement in surgery has driven him to be a popular and reliable plastic surgeon. He is warmly welcomed all around the world to train, instruct and share his personal knowledge of cosmetic surgery with his juniors and peer group. Dr Sanjay Parashar has gone to the most distant corners of the world to work in leading institutes in Australia, USA, Bahrain, and South Korea. He invested a lot of time with medical field pioneers like Prof. David, Dr. Tony Moore, Prof. Lan Jackson, Mr. Chul Park, Dr. Ashok Gupta, and Dr. Tarik Saeed to refine his skills in craniofacial surgery, aesthetic surgery and laser surgery. Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
Breast Uplift Surgery in Dubai
Breast uplift also known as Mastopexy is a procedure intended to raise breasts that have shrunk due to age, pregnancy or lack of elasticity in the tissue. The nipple position has also frequently shrunk in saggy breasts and is too low on the breast. The nipple can, in extreme cases, actually point downward. A treatment for breast uplifting will help to create a more youthful appearance, producing a rounder contour by excising and relaxing the skin and positioning the nipple areola to a more central location. Why Do Breasts Sag? • Loss of skin elasticity due to aging • The natural effects of gravity over time • Loss of breast volume after losing weight • Changes in breast size associated with pregnancy and breast-feeding What to Consider at This Stage? It is crucial that you know what you would like to gain from breast surgery before consulting your surgeon. In particular, you must decide whether you only want your breasts to be lifted or if you want to change the size too. The Procedure For Breast Uplift Surgery- • The operation is carried out under general anaesthesia • The operation takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes • Most patients stay in hospital for 1 night • If you are involved in non-physical work, you can expect to return to work after 1 week • You can anticipate returning to normal physical exercise within 4 to 6 weeks Like with most surgical procedures, there are a variety of options to consider. All are based on the patient's desires, technical requirements and surgeon's preferences. Your surgeon will provide you with recommendations on the best choices for you during your appointment, taking into account all known factors. There are essentially 3 possible types of incisions: • Around the aerola • Around the aerola and vertical running from aerola to the breast crease • Around the aerola and vertical running from aerola to the breast crease then continuing horizontally along that crease If you decide that in addition you prefer to alter the size, the implants can be inserted at the same time as the uplift. Following the Operation As with all types of surgery, you should expect to feel bruised and sore following your operation. It is also possible the breasts will get bloated. You will also be told to sleep on your back to avoid intensive activities and bending for a few weeks.  You will need to wear a support bra, too. Within 3 to 4 weeks most patients return to normal life. As is normal with all scars, they will fade over a period of time. Usually they can heal to form very thin white lines. It is therefore necessary to note that there will never be any surgical scar in its entirety. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
Top 4 Questions a Patient Should Ask His Cosmetic Surgeon
We know that opting for a plastic / cosmetic surgery is a major decision that can enhance your life. So, the professional team at Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation in Dubai offers all the information on treatments, surgeons, recovery time, results and precautions needed, before you make a decision. At the other hand, we encourage our patients to take a practical approach and do more research to get comfortable with the treatment they are looking for and to ask their questions. We are Dubai's largest hub of cosmetic surgery. Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation have a team of top-notch plastic surgeons who come to Dubai to service our patients from many parts of the world. The main questions that you should consider are: 1. Are You Board Certified in Plastic Surgery? It is not easy to get certified plastic surgeons in Dubai, since not all surgeons are board certified in plastic surgery.  If your surgeon’s certification is recognised by the medical authorities in Dubai, it means that he is a professional and reputable surgeon with sufficient expertise, experience to serve a patient, and is able to produce the results you want and better. 2. What are the options available to me for my particular issue? Many clinical problems that we face in plastic and cosmetic surgery may have more than one solution i.e. there can be multiple solutions to solve your issue. Different plastic surgeon may have their own different approach. Apart from the one solution you are looking into, you can ask your surgeon about other solutions for your problem. In some cases, you may need surgery, some conditions can be fixed by minor surgery, others can be solved by non-invasive techniques. 3. What are the risks involved in the operation? Plastic and cosmetic surgery is exciting, often elective, and can result in beautiful results. However, if you are planning to undergo a cosmetic surgery then it is very important to get it performed safely. Ask your surgeon about tests, complications, and risks. 4. What will be the recovery period & other things that i need to be aware of? You should inquire about the recovery period and the restrictions post-surgery. There are going to be movement restrictions, pain management, other medications required, and you should be conscious of the recovery period. Though most plastic surgery procedures are conducted with minimum recovery time, it doesn't mean you'll get back up instantly. Until the surgery, you should be conscious of the medicines you are taking, the pain relief and the duration of recovery after the procedure. If you want to book your consultation with Cocoona Centre for Aesthetic Transformation surgeons in Dubai or you have any question or confusion, we are always here to help you. You can call us at +97143884589 or send an email at [email protected]. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
Everything You Need To Know About Rhinoplasty Surgery!
Rhinoplasty is commonly called a nose job and is a plastic surgery procedure that changes the shape of the nose or improves its function. Rhinoplasty may be performed for aesthetic reasons, or it could be done for medical reasons, such as to correct breathing problems, or correct disfigurement due to trauma, or birth defects. Possible Causes: Reshaping a nose that appears big for your face, straightening a bump on the bridge of your nose or a crooked nose is the job of a rhinoplasty surgeon. Causes are - correction of deformities from an injury, altering of a birth defect or improvement in breathing problems. Risk Factors: Rhinoplasty carries the same potential risks as other types of plastic surgery. Firstly, choosing a qualified cosmetic surgeon can greatly reduce the health risks associated with rhinoplasty. The potential risks are bleeding from the nose, numbness, scarring, bursting of capillaries, swelling, permanent nerve damage and over or under correction requiring revision rhinoplasty. Since this surgery requires extensive alterations of nasal bone and cartilage, people who have a breathing problem may experience pain or discomfort and should consult their specialist to seek proper advice. Signs & Symptoms: Signs that you need a rhinoplasty - an uneven shape to the nose that affects your breathing and your appearance too. You need to be at least 15 years old before you can consider this procedure, in order to ensure that the cartilage and bone of the nose have stopped growing. Diagnosis: The plastic surgeon at Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation will develop a customised plan for you. At the outset, we will require: • Your medical history – in case you have a bleeding disorder, such as haemophilia, rhinoplasty may not be suitable for you. • Complete physical examination, including laboratory tests and blood tests. • Photographs that give you an idea of the goals of the surgery. Treatment Options: When you consult a plastic surgeon at Cocoona Center for Aesthetic Transformation, the goals of the rhinoplasty procedure will be drawn up. Rhinoplasty changes the shape of your nose so it is important that this should be in line with your other facial features. A rhinoplasty procedure is usually done under general anaesthesia. A small incision is made at the base of your nose, between your nostrils. Then the surgeon makes adjustments to the bone and cartilage underneath your skin. It may involve reshaping the tip and reducing the bony bump on the bridge of your nose. To improve your breathing, the surgeon can correct a deviated septum. Rhinoplasty is a difficult operation especially because the changes are quite small. However, these really transform the way you look and feel. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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cocoonauae · 4 years
Dermal Fillers – Things to Know If You're Considering Fillers!
Although no one likes the thought of aging, we can be thankful that we are living in this modern age when there are more facial cosmetic procedures than ever before to aid in the battle against time. Injectable fillers are not only effective, they are a completely safe method of rejuvenating the face. In  the past few years, there have been advancements in the science of fillers, and we offer several different approved brands. The most popular are Juvéderm, Profhilo, Restylane, Radiesse, Teosyal and Neauvia.  The area of the face that requires filling determines the type of filler that we  choose. Some fillers have a thicker consistency than others and are more suited to areas where more substance is needed to achieve the desired lift. It is possible to fill nasolabial folds (lines between the nose and mouth), cheekbones, noses, chins, tear troughs, jowls, and lips. Contouring and Refining Features When injected by an experienced professional, fillers also have the ability to contour and refine features. Lips can be augmented to reduce the lines that appear with aging, and small noses can be enlarged so that they balance nicely with other facial features. A flat chin can be injected with filler to provide a symmetrical profile. Fillers can provide a straighter nose for people who have a hump in the middle. Cheek bones can be injected to provide a natural-looking lift to the face. Although amazing results can be achieved with injectable fillers, it is the artist in control of the needle who determines the final outcome. It takes artistry, not just a licence, to sculpt the face in perfect harmony and proportions. Not only can fillers be injected in a short period of time, but there is also very little discomfort for the patient. Local anaesthetic is administered prior to the injections, and some brands even have the anaesthetic combined with the filler. Slight swelling or redness at the injection site may be experienced, but this is minimal, eliminating the need to take a few days off of work to heal. Another major benefit of injectable fillers is that they are affordable. Great results can be accomplished without breaking your wallet. Things to Know If You're Considering Dermal Fillers Whether you are considering getting dermal fillers to smooth out wrinkles or enhance facial contours, a quick look at some criteria and facts will help you know you have come to the right place for your treatment. Dermal fillers should be injected only by an experienced and qualified medical doctor. This procedure requires qualifications, experience, and an artistic edge, because 90% of the success of cosmetic procedures depends on who is doing them. For example, a bad haircut would indicate the level of experience of the stylist, not the scissors that were used. This is why it is extremely important to inquire about the credentials of your practitioner and ask to see before and after pictures. Getting a consultation first is advisable, as you would get a chance to see our facilities and raise your questions or concerns with us. Your Expectations Bringing a picture of your younger self to your appointment is helpful. However, bringing a picture of your favourite celebrity is not conducive. While you may see one aspect or feature of your face, it is important to know that a face has to be analysed in whole and not in part. The aim of the injectable procedure is to look naturally enhanced. It is also important to understand that each face has its own asymmetry. A good doctor can help bring more symmetry while keeping the overall aesthetics of the face visually pleasing. So, make the most of your consultation by being open to recommendations. Your doctor sees in three dimensions, and you would benefit from exploring all your options. The Actual Product There are many types of dermal fillers on the market. But the most common of them are hyaluronic acid (HA) products. They have proven to produce natural and lasting results while maintaining fluidity to move with facial expressions. This line of dermal fillers also incorporates antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins to deliver further treatment benefits while filling and contouring the face. How Long the Results Will Last Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers also occurs naturally in the body and therefore gets metabolized eventually. Depending on the dermal filler chosen and whether or not this is the first time you are having a filler injected, you can expect results to last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the results, which is very rare, HA fillers are also dissolvable at your request by injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase. What to Do Before And After The Injection It is always best to schedule your injectable appointments a couple of days to a week prior to any major event. With dermal filler injections, you will also need to take bruising and swelling into account. You can reduce this likelihood by stopping any supplements that can act like blood thinners such as fish oil and also some pain killers such as Aspirin, Aleve, Advil, etc., 2 weeks prior to your appointment. After your dermal fillers treatment, follow the post-care instructions given, which include applying cold compresses, avoiding extremely cold or hot drinks, sun exposure, extreme temperatures, excess facial mimicry, and vigorous exercises. For more information, Visit https://www.cocoona.ae
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