clowninabox · 5 months
IF THERE IS MAGIC AND DIVINATION DONE BY SPEAKING, THINKING, MOVEMENTS, AND DRAWING. What are the words for these. Like the diff types of spellcasting.
a very confused worldvuilder
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clowninabox · 1 year
yall go follow my insta @/frankenfandom pls
i hardly use tumblr
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clowninabox · 1 year
are there any more people??? anywhere!? who are going to ecpsi this year??
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clowninabox · 1 year
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my grandma is dying soon. and my first thought was to sob, and my second was to start reading a book she gave me, but after those two were over with, the only thing i could come up with was this art piece. i think i’ll hate it in about two months, and love it in two more, but its my weird mind’s amalgamation of the art i might find in her house. you see, my grandma isn’t just a person. she is a mystery. her words are made of magic and her fashion is made of history. anyone might describe her in two ways: some weird old hippie, and a mentor. i love her and i find that im stuck thinking what she’ll decide to do with her body. i think she’ll get cremated. i don’t want to imagine her full of chemicals in the ground. i love you, grandmo.
I wrote this post god knows how long ago, and the next day we were told that she was doing better. So I left this in my drafts and I went on with my life, competitive theater, art, and fanfic writing…. Yesterday she passed suddenly. It was the middle of the day. It was a good day. We were laughing and rearranging my room and making dinner together. It was a good day. And something terrible happened. Rest in peace, Grandmo. You were the coolest grandma, and everyone was so lucky to know you.
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clowninabox · 1 year
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my script. i need to practice my script. but my coffee tastes so good, and the internet is full of content, and its so fun to learn latin on duolingo, and its even more fun to come up with alien planets. but i have 48 hours. i need to be off book so soon. i have wasted my time for two months and now its coming back to bite me. so im going to spend my day getting off book, no matter how boring it is.
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clowninabox · 2 years
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clowninabox · 2 years
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this is our theater classes’ doll, baby renesme. today she killed a man and stole his legs.
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clowninabox · 2 years
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if i were to ask one favor of this world:
despite all your nukes, despite all the holes you want to put in the ozone layer, despite all the destruction you want to put into the earth, please leave the countryside for me and my children in the future.
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clowninabox · 2 years
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beer, coffee, and memories- my grandparents house in tennessee
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clowninabox · 2 years
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some pictures from my grandparents old house
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clowninabox · 2 years
bat-shaped clothing!! :D
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clowninabox · 2 years
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clowninabox · 2 years
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sum VG screenshots
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clowninabox · 2 years
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ive recently gotten obsessed with sketching cows
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clowninabox · 2 years
one time i had this dream where david bowie was in drag,
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(this specific fit) and i was producing his music for the lodger album, and he started singing something, but it sounded bad so i told him to use “the other voice” (whatever that meant) and he broke into this beautiful asf nina-simone-esque voice and sang a song that DOESNT EXIST but it had lyrics and a meaning and everything, and it was called strange world or real strange or something, and eventually my dogs woke me up but yeah i made up a nina simone/ david bowie song in my sleep.
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clowninabox · 2 years
you would have to kill a whole bear for that hello?
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I don't find bear recipes very often in these older cook books. Neat to see.
Mrs Rorer's Cook Book 1913
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clowninabox · 2 years
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this song is so fucking good yall im gonna start EAT PEOPLE
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