clothedwlove · 4 years
Here Again.
It has been about 3 years since I last posted an entry on this blog..
I actually forgotten that I had one. I got reminded this morning when I was doing my devotion and decided to take a look at it. Noticing that it was in 2016; when I was just getting ready and prepared for a new phase of my life as I went full time in the Early Childhood Education industry, you might wonder what happened in…
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clothedwlove · 6 years
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clothedwlove · 7 years
We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it.
- Proverbs 16:9
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clothedwlove · 7 years
"Every good and perfect gift comes from above"
- James 1:17
Been almost a year of God showing me His love in a greater measure through many ways; mostly through people. So much to be thankful for!
As I understand The Father's heart and that He is truly a good Father, the way I view myself changes also. One of the things I am able to see clearly now is that He gives good gifts to His children. It's not because I am good, but it's because He is good. And I am to love the Giver more than the gifts I've received.
No doubt, I do love everything He gives, but to love Him more than the gifts is something that I have to check my heart constantly. Ever since I found out about having vocal nodules, I had a taste of what it's like to "feel" that gifts and talents will fade away.. I felt really sad but I resolved that as long as I've still got a voice, I will still sing and I must sing, because God is not done with me. Till today, I've still got a voice and even though it kinda changes over time, am very glad that I can still serve with it :)
The past few years hasn't been easy (work, studies, lifegroup, family).. but to see how everything "work for the good of those who love Him and has been called according to His purpose" brings me so much joy and I am grateful seeing how (many) things unfolded itself in God's timing!
I've received more than I can ever give.
Truly, one can never outgive God!
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clothedwlove · 7 years
We become what we behold.
Matthew 6:21 (NIV)
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.“
(via holytemple)
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clothedwlove · 7 years
A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.
Sensei Ogui, Zen Shin Talks 
(via themotivationjournals)
"Bloom where you are planted"
We all have the ability to reflect God's glory, simply living to the call of who we are supposed to be. There's no mistake in God's Creation, what more He calls us His Masterpiece.
They say the grass is greener on the other side, but in actual fact, "the grass is greener at where you water"..
We will see the fruits of our labour, stand in awe of God's goodness and fall in love with Him more and more.
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clothedwlove · 7 years
I’ll make it, because He carries me.
Deuteronomy 1:31 (via randytemple)
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clothedwlove · 7 years
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Psalm‬ ‭32‬:‭7‬ NIV (via pureblyss)
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clothedwlove · 7 years
What we behold changes us.
Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened and focused on the nature of God as the Father draws me into the journey of discovering His nature, such that I become more and more like the One I behold.
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clothedwlove · 7 years
Let go
This time it is different. I felt nothing, but something else triggered certain insecurities. I knew in my heart, that I didn’t want to be on the losing end, thus, I wanted certain outcomes, just so that I won’t feel like I’m the loser or the losing end in this matter. Ahhh, so complicated.
So many times I wished I had never been there so that I did not have to struggle with these now. It is really another level this time. (I thought I was over it, had moved on completely) But each time, different kind of struggles (different level of struggling) comes in.
But at the same time, I knew that this is something that has caused certain growth/walk in me that probably might not have happened if not for it. It is a testimony of God’s faithfulness in me, God’s work in me…
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Even this, it is a learning journey for me. And I also gotta take a step back, not dwell too much into the emotions etc, but take a step back and just learn to be learning. Learn to be okay with learning and struggling at a different level. And humble myself before God, knowing I’m nothing without Him.
Don’t run away, but face that roaring lion. Fight it, for I know I’ll overcome it with my Lord God on my side, with me and in me. I shall not fear. (:
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clothedwlove · 7 years
" We are often more convinced of our unworthiness than we are of His worth. Our inabilities takes on greater focus than does His ability. "
In my own struggles, I find myself desiring for more and more of God! Because I am nothing on my own and I cannot overcome anything with my limited strength.
As I hear a still small voice saying "Trust me", I know it was my Good Shepherd speaking to me. He works in ways I cannot see, it's confusing and frustrating at times. Fear is tormenting and insecurities are overwhelming. Yet it is through struggles I learn what it means to trust. Trusting in God gives way for assurance. In it is our strength, hope, safety and help!
He is my good Shepherd. He takes good care of me. He points me to the right direction. He is my perfect Father.
In Him, I lack nothing. :')
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clothedwlove · 7 years
You become like what you worship. When you gaze in awe, admiration and wonder at something or someone, you begin to take on something of the character of the object of your worship.
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clothedwlove · 7 years
A Tender Heart, A Humble Mind.
- 1 Peter 3:8
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clothedwlove · 7 years
I have had times of great suffering and times of great joy. I can say, without a doubt, it was the times of suffering that made me a better man and drew me closer to God.
Nabeel Qureshi (via beereans)
Such an inspiring person!
I'm always reminded that those who seek earnestly shall find that God is real and His love endures forever :')
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clothedwlove · 7 years
So much power lies in words.
"Words dont mean nothing unless you speak with your heart "
The Words of God never ever disappoint.
I wanna learn from His Words.
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clothedwlove · 7 years
"Discovering who He is and what He is like in reality is the only possible way to discover His true goodness."
- Bill Johnson
His goodness none can comprehend.
What God does for us is beyond the reach of our biggest prayer on our greatest day with our highest level of faith - He exists in that realm to work for us!
"His commitment to us is to function beyond the limitations of our imagination and perform the unthinkable on our behalf."
My good Father has got my back :')
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clothedwlove · 7 years
“God’s mission is to be embraced and represented well by those who love Him by choice, bringing all that He has made back into it’s proper place.”
- Bill Johnson
We have been given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to invade a world full of darkness.
As heartbreaking as it is, frustrating as can be, impossible as it seems.. there is a bigger picture that points us to what really is happening. It is to be embraced. And I have to keep reminding myself that God wants to restore what He has made back to its proper place.
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