cinderellc ยท 4 months
Avisa a Ludmilla que รฉ hoje!! Today is my birthday!! ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰โœจ๐Ÿค
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cinderellc ยท 7 months
im not a ๐Ÿšฉ, im more of a โš ๏ธ because i warned you, you just didnโ€™t listen
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
halloween is coming if you want to scare me i am afraid of bank transfers
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
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Elsa Danielson
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
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Froy Gutierrez as Jamie Henson
Cruel Summer (1x05) - As The Carny Gods Intended
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
i may not be the prettiest or the smartest or the funniest but i sure am the sleepiest
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do you consider them naive, or disconnected from the world aronud them? If so, what do they need to step back and reflect on to get them "in the zone"?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Do they self-sabatoge, or do they sabatoge others in their lives? If so, how?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they easily trust others, or do they listen to their gut more? Are they distrusting?
[THE EMPRESS] - What economic background did they grow up in, or are a part of now? Has their situation gotten better or worse?
[THE EMPEROR] - Where do they stand in the social hierarchy of their group (e.g., are they at the top of the chain, or are they subservient to those around them?)
[THE HIEROPHANT] - Do they often abide by social norms, or do they reject institutional values in favor of flexibility/independence?
[THE LOVERS] - Are they a good communicator, or do they tend to crack under pressure?
[THE CHARIOT] - Do they feel like they belong anywhere, or do they feel outcast in comparison to their peers?
[STRENGTH] - Are they jealous/envious? If so, what makes them jealous/envious of those around them?
[THE HERMIT] - Is solitude a good or bad thing for them? Do they like being alone, or do they have no choice?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Are they lucky, or does misfortune tend to follow them wherever they go?
[JUSTICE] - What do they need to be held accountable for? What actions, if any, do they deny responsibility for?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Do they feel "stuck" in any aspects, or as if they're falling behind their goals?
[DEATH] - What are they holding onto, and are they refusing to let this go?
[TEMPERANCE] - Do they tend to think in a polarized manner, or do they attempt to navigate the nuance of whatever troubles them?
[THE DEVIL] - What is their go-to recovery plan? Do they take time for themselves, or do they jump back into action without a second thought?
[THE TOWER] - What is the most disastrous thing that could happen to them? How would they navigate that situation/event?
[THE STAR] - Are they faithful? If so, to who/to what, and how do they show it?
[THE MOON] - What is one question they would do anything to get an answer to, no matter the cost?
[THE SUN] - Is it hard for them to stay positive? If so, why is that?
[JUDGMENT] - What is one thing they harshly judge themselves for? What creates doubt and self-loathing for them?
[THE WORLD] - What are they missing in life? What one thing, if anything, is the "key" to their success?
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
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EL SILENCIO - 01 x 01, netflix (2023)
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
just because iโ€™m veryย slow with replies doesnโ€™t mean i donโ€™t care about our plot !!!
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
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Read in 2023:
We can live as cowards or die as riders.
FOURTH WING (THE EMYPREAN #1) by Rebecca Yarrosย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…ยฝ
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cinderellc ยท 8 months
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
The Signs as Elements of Nature
Aries: Wildfire; unmistakable in its beauty, life and infectiousness. Runs in any direction it pleases and blazes itโ€™s own trail, but destroys everything in its path if not tamed.
Taurus: Soil; the very fertile, dependable element from which many beautiful things grow. Lifeless blossoms that fall upon it will be taken back into the earth, as will other dead things. Holds underrated importance.
Gemini: Wind; free and undeterred, carries the call of birds on its own light wings. Capable of annoying people with its mischief, and dangerous when it blows up a gale.
Cancer:ย River; healing and cleansing, winding between different dwellings and through forests. Sometimes made use of, itโ€™s muddy banks are reminiscent of smeared mascara.
Leo: Volcano; stands out, often attracting people with the proud beauty of its danger. Prone to unexpected eruptions that can bring much destruction; even when itโ€™s over, remember that the volcanic ash left behind is toxic and needs clearing.
Virgo: Trees; elegant, they stand tall and stately while providing many functions for other living things. Always taken for granted and cut down, they hold their branches upwards guardedly.
Libra: Steam; rising from hot springs or bodies of water in the summer; it can be pretty to witness shifting invisibly through air, and comforting during colder weather. Can be smothering if too warm and heavy.
Scorpio: Sea; large, mysterious, and necessary to cross. May be downright terrifying during stormy weather, but absolutely beautiful during the calm. Men fear the depths beneath it, and the creatures it shelters.
Sagittarius: Sunlight; warm, full of life in an understated way, and welcomed by most. May burn on hot afternoons, causing people to retreat beneath shade, and plants to wither.
Capricorn: Mountains; amazingly grand, steady, awe-inspiring. Reaches into the clouds but never to the stars; icy at the summit but beautiful and much admired by most.
Aquarius: Mist; hangs over lakes and ponds, permeates the air as suspended water droplets. May send chills to the bone, but can be felt as pleasant moisture on skin, and is found from the depths of rainforests to the tops of mountains.
Pisces: Snow; lovely and enchanting, is adored by many people and especially children. Cold and freezing to the touch, people cannot stay in it for long unless its cold ice has melted into tears of purest renewal.
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
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FRANร‡OIS ARNAUD as Harrison in SURFACE (1.05)
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
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lady in red
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
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She made her choice. Now we have to find a way to live with that.
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cinderellc ยท 9 months
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13K FOLLOWERS CELEBRATIONย โœฉ favorite characters THE HUNGER GAMESย (forย @daisyjohnsn) โ†ณย Peeta Mellark
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