cinberella · 2 months
and the last one, ongoing... 😊😊😊
"In the City of Angels"
The penthouse on the top floor of one of the highest skyscrapers in town is obscenely luxurious... Behind the piano Alec notices a well-furbished bar - he could use something strong, at the moment - but he won’t be allowed to have a drink, will he? Everything in this place speaks about money, and opulence and gives off sinful, decadent vibes. Alec wasn’t expecting anything less from the prominent man they had come to visit. The meeting is about an important matter that his master, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, needs to discuss with his counterpart ruling over the City of Angels.
Rating E - WC 45k so far
My A/B/O Canon Divergent Malec fics
Disowned by his own people, possibly deruned and exiled, just because he wants to be what he was meant to be, wholly and proudly. But the Clave won't allow Alec Lightwood to decide for himself and his daughter. Fortunately, someone unexpected, a powerful and feared Warlock, will offer him help, protection and a safe haven. Magnus Bane is an Alpha who is not afraid to defy the Clave and bring Alec and his daughter to safety.
Rating E - WC 80k
TW implied rape/non con, derogatory language, explicit sexual content, attempted sexual assault
Warlock Therapy
Magnus now expects pretty much anything from the Clave. On the other hand, he has been dealing with Shadowhunters for decades, he knows them. But finding Maryse at his door asking for help to save her son’s life wasn’t something he could have foreseen. The young Alpha who is with her seems to carry on his shoulders a pang of guilt so serious that he would be ready to die, just to atone for his sins. Apparently, the only reason Alec Lightwood wants to fight back and survive is to help his Parabatai. Magnus can’t turn his back on the boy, even if he’s Maryse’s son, when the Clave threatens to kill him just because he’s fallen in love.
Rating E - WC 50k
TW homophobic language, explicit sexual content
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cinberella · 4 months
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makin something
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cinberella · 4 months
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where the sun sails and the moon walks
Welcome, welcome to a place of magic and wonders, of glee and mischief.
Here you’ll see the best our world has to offer. So many talents in a spectacle that will blow your mind.
Bring your kids, let’s play. You’ll want to stay with us forever.
Welcome, welcome dear folks. Have fun and be who you are.
Welcome to the Circus of Morning Star.
Notes: This story was created for @malecsecretsanta, and it's a gift for @cinberella 💜
You can read Chapter 1 on AO3!
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cinberella · 4 months
The Malec Secret Santa 2023 Reveal Post 
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Ho Ho Ho!
It’s time to conclude the eight edition of the Malec Secret Santa :)
Hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and that you’ve enjoyed all the amazing gifts that were posted!
The fantastic @vaguelyrotten, @crankyfossil, & @banesapothecary deserve extra love and gratitude for being wonderful Christmas Angels this year in helping me out to create last minute gifts, making sure no one would be left empty handed this year! Thank you darlings, I really appreciate that you wanted to help me out in a pinch! <333
If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! Just poke me if you do, and I’ll add the link to the Tumblr gift post as well. You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course :)
That’s all from me in terms of service announcements, hope to see you all again next year! 
-x- Leonie (leetje)
Are you all ready to find out who your secret santas were? :D
Most of you should know the drill by now. The list is in alphabetical order. 
@aceon-ice made a gift for another-random-stranger - gift here
@another-random-stranger made a gift for gloriouspomelo - gift here
@banesapothecary made a gift for insomniaccoffeebean - gift here
@banesapothecary made a gift for shipnotised - gift here
@cam-ryt made a gift for moonlight-breeze-44 - gift here
@carelessflower made a gift for banesapothecary - gift here
@cheezieball-blog made a gift for schreiberling2021 - gift here
@cinberella made a gift for thatnerdemryn - gift here
@crankyfossil made a gift for dicaculus - gift here
@crankyfossil made a gift for evadne01 - gift here
@decadentwerewolfstrawberry made a gift for nancyloumm - gift here
@dicaculus made a gift for squiggly-lines-on-a-page - gift here
@em1000 made a gift for cheezieball-blog - gift here
@evadne01 made a gift for sweetpeapod - gift here
@forensicsisabelle made a gift for crankyfossil - gift here
@gospi made a gift for i-have-not-slept - gift here
@greentealycheejelly made a gift for kohdono - gift here
@i-have-not-slept made a gift for aceon-ice - gift here
@insomniaccoffeebean made a gift for gospi - gift here
@jamessxcarstairs made a gift for skylar102 - gift here
@justawanderer made a gift for tarlos_spain - gift here
@kaijuusandkryptids made a gift for la-muerta - gift here
@kasper-tag made a gift for greentealycheejelly - gift here
@kohdono made a gift for kasper-tag - gift here
@la-muerta made a gift for carelessflower - gift here
@livinglifebehindthemask made a gift for forensicsisabelle - gift here
@maddummel made a gift for decadentwerewolfstrawberry - gift here
@magnus-the-maqnificent made a gift for vaguelyrotten - gift here
@nancyloumm made a gift for secretphilosopherwitch - gift here
@nyctophile-shadowhunters made a gift for kaijuusandkryptids - gift here
@schreiberling2021 made a gift for em1000 - gift here
@secretphilosopherwitch made a gift for maddummel - gift here
@shipnotised made a gift for nyctophile-shadowhunters - gift here
@six-of-snakes made a gift for jamessxcarstairs - gift here
@skylar102 made a gift for magnus-the-maqnificent - gift here
@squiggly-lines-on-a-page made a gift for six-of-snakes - gift here
@suchawannabe56 made a gift for cam-ryt - gift here
@tarlos_spain made a gift for suchawannabe56 - gift here
@thatnerdemryn made a gift for livinglifebehindthemask - gift here
@thelightofthebane made a gift for cinberella - gift here
@vaguelyrotten made a gift for justawanderer - gift here
@vaguelyrotten made a gift for thelightofthebane - gift here
Go forth and tacklehug your no-longer-secret santa! They definitely deserve some loving!
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cinberella · 4 months
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays ⛄🎄🎉🥂
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cinberella · 4 months
The Malec Secret Santa 2023 Posting Schedule :)
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It’s Christmas Eve!! \o/
Hope everyone is excited to see lots of Malec-themed gifts? I KNOW I AM :D
The gifts will be tagged with #malecsanta23 and the #username of whomever the gift is meant for! This way everyone hopefully should be able to “find” their gift(s) quite easily :) I attempted the @ username thingy too, but it didn’t work for everyone that’s participating.
The gift-posting is scheduled to commence at 10PM GMT (four hours from now ;) and should automatically go on until it runs out some time early Christmas Day morning, with new gifts posted every 15 minutes! :D
Thanks to some amazing Christmas Angels, everyone is actually getting gifts! *throws confetti*
HO HO HO!! *runs off*
P.S. the AO3 Archive will be published around 10PM as well, I’ve set an alarm for myself 8-)
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cinberella · 4 months
End of the Year Fic Recs!!!
thank you @echo-bleu for tagging me! <3
I adore this as a game because I love reccing fics (and really should do it more often because So. Much. Good.Fic). This is going to be all shadowhunters I'm afraid though because I am still very much in the shadowhunters brainrot stage and haven't read much of anything else. (Also, sorry to those I haven't left a comment for yet, I WILL, spoons have just been low this year...) Also, I'll try to keep it to one rec per author because there are so many wonderful authors, but definitely go check the other fics of these people (if you haven't already) they're all excellent.
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing. My forever fic spouse and the fic I reread themost this year goes to the fantastic, angsty Alec goes to live in a small village to get away from the Clave because the poor dude is traumatized fic from to-the-stars. This fic is my fics spouse (yes I got @to-the-stars-writing's permission to marry this fic) and I love, love, love it so much.
Flames to Embers by @notcrypticbutcoy: teenage!Alec is poofed into the timeline of his older self and it is lovely, sad, and heartwarming all at the same time. Also, teenage Alec is delightfully grumpy and Adult Alec is even more delightfully Done with teenage!Alec's grumpiness.
starshine and moonlight by she_who_reads (all_fandoms_reader) A three +1 fic where Alec isn't enough until he finally is. This fic is angsty and delves into Alec's (not all that great) self-worth issues and it hurts. Might or might not have cried reading it.
The Warlock's Cat by @dreaming-marchling. I hesitated a while which one I should pick from Marchling, but I ended up choosing this one (that said PLEASE go read Bleed for Me as well it is so goooood). The Warlock's Cat is a delightful "Alec gets turned into a cat and ends up in Magnus's care" fic. I adore it, and while it has its angsty or whumpy spots, it's mostly a nice, feel-good read.
Magnus Bane: Menace by AceOnIce To give some reprieve from all of the angst in this list, here is a fic of pure, unabashed fluff. Starring: Warlock Alec and Shadowhunter Magnus, the latter of which writes some truly ridiculous mission reports to HOTI Ragnor's grief.
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
The river cannot go back by @lawsofchaos1. Alec being Alec and completely in love with Magnus which leads to him committing treason like it's nothing. It is a short, brilliant fic that had me screeching like any @lawsofchaos1 fic does.
I'm finding it hard to breath by Honey_Hued_Hermes This one is pretty heave, but it does have a Hopeful Ending. Alec never promised he would tell Magnus if things ever got that bad...and sadly they do. Diving into Alec's Suicidal Thoughts and his Self-Harm tendencies.
A Most Fundamental Truth by autisticalec A missing scene from 2X10 when Alec tells Magnus that he's never been as terrified as when he feared Magnus had died from the Soul Sword. This one-shot dives into the "Alec was really very not okay emotionally" in this scene, so go read it!
The Difficult Task by @dani-dabbles: Another Alec is going through it emotionally fic (there are quite a lot of these on this list I just realized, oops). Thankfully, Magnus is there to offer support when Alec needs it because Magnus is still the best boyfriend. (also the repeated "not good enough"is evil and I am suing for emotion damages, please and thank you very much)
come to me (in the night hours) by @moonlight-breeze-44 Izzy is a supportive sister and is there emotionally for Alec right before his wedding to Lydia. This fic left me feeling all sad and weepy. This fic is technically part of a series, but as no other parts have been posted yet I am posting this in the one-shot part.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
I've Always Dreamed of Meeting Someone Like You by ColorfulWarlock A non-magical Alternate Universe this time around. Single-dad, fashion designer, and CEO Magnus needs someone to draw his designs for him after a hit-and-run leaves him unable to draw for himself. Insert Alec, the wonderful babysitter, and game designer who seems to understand what Magnus envisions and draw them into reality!
Angelus ex Machina by BlueA The series starts with the sudden disappearance of demon activity and the way that lack of activity impacts the local Shadow World. I love the way the parabatai bond is portrayed in this fic (especially in the third installment).
through the fire and pain by alxndrlightwoods is another parabatai-bond deep-dive that goes deep into how a parabatai bond can change shadowhunters. It also explains why, if parabatai are so powerful, there aren't that many of them. Love this fic!
i cannot touch because they are too near by @faejilly nobody manages to write poetry without writing poetry quite like @faejilly for me, seriously the words are always so beautiful I am in awe. This fic has to be my absolute favorite though because deep-dives into the parabatai bond are interesting to begin with but the way Jilly decides to do so in this fic makes it go from interesting to absolutely brilliant.
Greater Love Hath No Man by @lawsofchaos1 Okay, I lied, here is a second Laws fic, but considering this fic led to the demise of my laptop, I felt that it deserved to be on the list. (No, that wasn't a joke). Dad!Alec is forced to send baby!Max away to a warlock orphanage when his magic grows too strong for him and leaves him injured. The pain is real and it is excruciating, tissues are advised.
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
As much as I adore reccing fics, doing self-recs is awkward, so I'm going to keep this to one rec before I combust into flames.
All Was Golden (everyone has probably read that one already because it's my most-read fic which makes this slightly less awkward than reccing any other of my fics.) Anyway, soulmate AU with a kind of ugly meet that has some angst.
Tagging, without any kind of pressure, the authors I tagged in the rec-list (if they haven't participated already) as well as @miss-mouse.
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cinberella · 5 months
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febuwhump doesn't just come up with its yearly prompts! they're suggested by you! the masses! the people!
so take your chance and suggest your favourite prompts and ideas, from single words to concepts and tropes and dialogue lines! then, in a few weeks, vote for your favourites to fill out the month!!
get involved! suggest things! the window closes on december 14 probably or maybe sooner if i get bored! go go go!
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cinberella · 5 months
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Welcome to Whumpuary 2024!
Whumpuary is a whump themed mixed-media creation event/challenge taking place in January.
This year the prompts came together through a community submission form and then a poll, where I picked the 53 most voted prompts! There are 15 numbers with 3 prompts each, plus 8 alt prompts. The dates are just meant to be a general guideline for those who want/need some structure in a challenge (e.g post every other day), but you don't actually have to create/post on those dates. You can combine prompts any way you want or just pick one of each number, do every single one or even all of them combined into one big creation (or just use one single prompt. That's already an achievement!) If you don't like any prompts of a number you can also replace or combine them with an alt prompt. The main or alt prompts don't have to be done in order.
Go here for more information, rules and the tagging system Go here for FAQs
The inbox is open for any questions!
Text version of all the prompts is under the cut
Whumpuary 2024 Main Prompts 1. (Jan 01-02) Captivity / Snow / Secret Revealed 2. (Jan 03-04) "Get away from me" / Collapse / Choking 3. (Jan 05-06) Used as bait / Stumbling / "This is gonna hurt" 4. (Jan 07-08) "Help me" / Lightheaded / Kneeling 5. (Jan 09-10) Can't move / "Stay. Please" / Kidnapped 6. (Jan 11-12) Exhaustion / Blindfolded / Old Injuries 7. (Jan 13-14) "I didn't know where else to go" / Bruises / Drugged 8. (Jan 15-16) Muffled Screams / Hostage / "You look awful" 9. (Jan 17-18) "Make it stop" / Restraints / Hair Grabbing 10. (Jan 19-20) Desperation / Gunpoint / Can't stay awake 11. (Jan 21-22) Blood / "Just get is over with" / Memories 12. (Jan 23-24) "You're awake" / Rescue / Unfair Fight 13. (Jan 25-26) Left to die / Barely Conscious / "I'm Fine" 14. (Jan 27-28) Flinching / Breakdown / Sleep Deprivation 15. (Jan 29-31) You're safe / Aftermath / Touch starved
Alt Prompts 1. Stabbed 2. "Let me see" 3. Recapture 4. Forced to watch 5. Headache 6. Gagged 7. "Do you trust me?" 8. Blood Loss
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cinberella · 6 months
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Happy birthday to AO3 🎂🎉
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cinberella · 6 months
Prompt List #1001-1050
Prompt #1001
Prompt #1002
Prompt #1003
Prompt #1004
Prompt #1005
Prompt #1006
Prompt #1007
Prompt #1008
Prompt #1009
Prompt #1010
Prompt #1011
Prompt #1012
Prompt #1013
Prompt #1014
Prompt #1015
Prompt #1016
Prompt #1017
Prompt #1018
Prompt #1019
Prompt #1020
Prompt #1021
Prompt #1022
Prompt #1023
Prompt #1024
Prompt #1025
Prompt #1026
Prompt #1027
Prompt #1028
Prompt #1029
Prompt #1030
Prompt #1031
Prompt #1032
Prompt #1033
Prompt #1034
Prompt #1035
Prompt #1036
Prompt #1037
Prompt #1038
Prompt #1039
Prompt #1040
Prompt #1041
Prompt #1042
Prompt #1043
Prompt #1044
Prompt #1045
Prompt #1046
Prompt #1047
Prompt #1048
Prompt #1049
Prompt #1050
Here you can find all the prompts!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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cinberella · 6 months
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Wishing my amazing friend Lu @lecrit  the happiest of birthdays, I’m so glad you came into my life 😘 Here’s an illustration of her fic, one of my all time favourites, Bright Lights, Small Town. Je t’aime mon croissant ♥
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cinberella · 6 months
Chapter 27 of 'The Law is the law. Maybe...' is out on AO3
"I can't cook, but I make great pancakes. I can't pay too much for the rent, but I'm an excellent handyman. And I'm supposed to be good in bed. So I can pay you in kind... Alec said, then slowly brushed his fingertips on the soft lips of the man sitting next to him…I love you Magnus Bane. 
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cinberella · 6 months
Hi hiiii /o/~ Your Secret Santa here again!
'Kay, I got you! A kid fic with sprinkles of fluff, angst and hurt/comfort ^_~ I can't wait for you to read the madness that will be this plot hehe~
Another question!
Do you have any preference for Malec? As in, do you prefer show Malec, book Malec or is either good? I know some people prefer one than another, and I'd like to use the one you like the most 🖤
I can't wait ❤️❤️❤️ as for Malec, I usually write show!Malec, but I like reading both, so really either is good 🥰 I mean taller Magnus and blue-eyed Alec work fine for me. Thank you for asking, that's so nice of you 😘
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cinberella · 6 months
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cinberella · 6 months
My "rom-com" AU Malec fics
One tenant too many
StrangersToLovers, Forced Cohabitation
Alec has just moved into the house that once belonged to his grandmother. He is ready to start his new life, but when he wakes up after spending the first night in his new home something unexpected shows up at his door. Someone, actually. Someone who, apparently, has no intention of leaving anytime soon.
Rating E - WC 35k
Boss/Employee, Misunderstanding, Fluff&Smut
Alec is about to have an interview, hoping to be hired for his first job after finishing his studies. As he crosses the street, he is hit by a car. Sitting on the ground, with a bleeding cut on his forehead, he doesn't know it yet, but his life is about to change. For the best, of course.
Rating E - WC 25k
The groom fallen from Heaven
Alec has not yet told him his first name, and he already imagines them holding hands, romantically strolling in the park at sunset. And he can even picture matching rings on their left ring fingers.
Rating M - WC 40k
Fluff&Humor, Meet Cute
Alec is single and Isabelle just wants to help him. So, she invites her new coworker to her party, a dancing night at Pandemonium. Still, Alec should learn to let himself go on the dance floor... He is truly hopeless, isn't he? Who might help him move with more confidence and dance in a sexy and smooth way? But a hot and gorgeous dance teacher, of course!
Rating T - WC 15k
Double Fake Date
Fake relationship, StrangersToLovers
Magnus had been the victim of infamous rumors, Alec of unwanted and too insistent advances. They are still hurting and trying to move on. They are meant to meet soon for the first time. Magnus is afraid Alec won't trust him, Alec fears that the gossip about Magnus are true. They both need a shield, someone to protect them. So they have the same brilliant idea, pretending to be in a committed relationship with another person. 
Rating E - WC 32k
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cinberella · 6 months
My A/B/O Canon Divergent Malec fics
Disowned by his own people, possibly deruned and exiled, just because he wants to be what he was meant to be, wholly and proudly. But the Clave won't allow Alec Lightwood to decide for himself and his daughter. Fortunately, someone unexpected, a powerful and feared Warlock, will offer him help, protection and a safe haven. Magnus Bane is an Alpha who is not afraid to defy the Clave and bring Alec and his daughter to safety.
Rating E - WC 80k
TW implied rape/non con, derogatory language, explicit sexual content, attempted sexual assault
Warlock Therapy
Magnus now expects pretty much anything from the Clave. On the other hand, he has been dealing with Shadowhunters for decades, he knows them. But finding Maryse at his door asking for help to save her son’s life wasn’t something he could have foreseen. The young Alpha who is with her seems to carry on his shoulders a pang of guilt so serious that he would be ready to die, just to atone for his sins. Apparently, the only reason Alec Lightwood wants to fight back and survive is to help his Parabatai. Magnus can’t turn his back on the boy, even if he’s Maryse’s son, when the Clave threatens to kill him just because he’s fallen in love.
Rating E - WC 50k
TW homophobic language, explicit sexual content
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