chixibrown · 2 years
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Stardew Valley Boys and Girls !
【Time-lapse】13hours Live drawing log 13時間お絵描き配信 まとめ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdjwNQLrGIA
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chixibrown · 2 years
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机 Francfranc 2017年
椅子 Aeron Chair 2014年
iMac 2010年モデル 21インチ
iPad 2019年購入 11インチ
Wacom Cintiq Pro 2018年購入 16インチ
ClipStudio,Illustrator,Photoshop など
液晶タブレットの横にある黒く丸い物は置くだけスマホ充電器です。 友人にもらいました(・ω・)
机 東京インテリア
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chixibrown · 2 years
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StardewValley Japanese stile
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chixibrown · 2 years
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Pokemon fanart 【2】
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chixibrown · 2 years
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Pokemon fanart 【1】
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34 notes · View notes
chixibrown · 2 years
【Time-lapse】13hours Live drawing log 13時間お絵描き配信 まとめ
I have opened a Youtube channel.
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chixibrown · 3 years
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StardewValley 5th anniversary
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chixibrown · 4 years
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その中でStardewValleyグッズを購入すると、こちらのかわいいジュニモのイラストがついてきます。 こちらのイラストを手がけたアーティスト、比間ミコトさんのご紹介です。
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ミコトさんはあたたかくユーモア溢れるイラストを描かれるアーティストです。 やわらかいタッチと明るい色彩が魅力的で、そして食べものをとてもおいしそうに描かれる方です。 miji〜比間ミコト展〜 Twitter
日本のツイッターで「Inktober (※)」を精力的に広めた方でもあります。 (※ Inktober(インクトーバー)とは10月(October)に毎日インク(Ink)でイラストを描こう!という、海外発祥の企画です)
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ジュニモはStardewValley(スターデューバレー)に登場するリンゴの精霊さんです。 廃れた公民館に住み着き、主人公に様々な贈り物をしてくれる、かわいらしい存在です。 ミコトさんの優しく淡いタッチはStardewValleyの世界観にとてもマッチしています。 そんなミコトさんの作品をアーティストカードに起用させていただき、ご家族の方々、ご協力いただいた方々、本当にありがとうございます。
経緯をお話する前に、ミコトさんのファンとご友人の方々へ一言。 アーティストカードの発表があった際、とても驚かれたと思います。今日まで何の説明もなかった事をお許しください。
きっかけはFangamerJapan様より「新しいStardewValleyのアーティストカードを作りたい、おすすめの作家はいるかい?」 という連絡からでした。(前アーティストカードは私のイラストでしたので) その際に、あの優しくて可愛らしいタッチのジュニモのイラストを思い出し、ミコトさんを推薦させていただいただきました。
ミコトさんとはTwitterで知り合い、イラスト交流を重ねて、仲良くさせて頂いておりました。 そして推薦する数ヶ月前、ご友人の皆さんが開催してくださった展示会にこっそりお邪魔しておりましたので、ご友人さんを通して依頼をさせていただきました。 (まだ私のコミックが発表される前でしたね。懐かしいです)
ご協力頂いた、そして展示会を開催してくださった、ご友人の方々、 私の不慣れな相談に優しく対応してくださった、ご家族の方々、 そして今回の推薦を快く受け入れてくださった、Fangamerの方々とStardewValleyの作者のEricさん
本来、アーティストカードの作家さんには、イラストの使用料をお支払いしているのですが、 今回はFangamerJapan様のご提案、そしてご家族やご友人のご承諾を頂いて、日本自然保護協会(NACS-J)の「自然の守り手を増やそう!」と言う活動に寄付を致しました。‬
StardewValleyというゲームの中で、ジュニモは森を守る精霊さんです。そしてゲームの中で、自然環境がよくなれば人々の繋がりもより強くなります。 この世界でも、ミコトさんが描いた絵のように、温かく優しい想いが寄付を通して、たくさんの人々に届く事祈って、この団体への寄付をする事に致しました。
改めて関係者各位の皆さん、ありがとうございます。 ややデリケートなお話でしたので、私がこの記事から経緯をお伝えさせていただきます。 重ねて申し上げますが、ミコトさんのファンやご友人の皆さんはさぞ驚いたかと思います。 なのでこのような発表が遅くなって本当にごめんなさい。
遅くなったからこそ、こっそりお伝えできる情報もあります。 実はミコトさんの絵をFangamer本社の方々が大変気に入ってくださって、先月発表された「StardewValleyコレクターズ・エディション(海外限定発売)」のセットにしないかい、というお話も来てました。当時はこのプロジェクトは超超極秘ミッションでしたので。ふふっ。
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chixibrown · 4 years
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Upon finishing the Stardew Valley comic
Since the Stardew Valley comic has been released by Fangamer, I am now able to write about what I had been doing in secret for one long year.
■ Gratitude
First of all, to the original creator Eric-san who entrusted the task in my hands, to Kari-san who helped me from early development all the way to printing, to Ryan-san, to Steven-san who did the translations, to Kari-san's mother who assisted in the creation of the envelope, to Erica-san for product photography -- And last but not least, everyone at Fangamer and FangamerJP.
It's thanks to the support of many people that I was able to finish the comic, and I wish to extend my sincerest gratitude towards everyone involved.
■ Chronology
"Chihiro! Big News! Let's create a new merch together!" was a request that I received around autumn of 2018. At first I was wondering if I was going to be asked to design a T-shirt, but turned out to be an invitation to draw a comic book!
At that time, I was posting comics on Twitter at random. Not even in my wildest dreams have I thought that my little comics would be appreciated so, and thus I immediately burst into tears.
I'm very honored and thankful for the opportunity to pen Fangamer's very first comic.
■ Contents
I'll try not to spoil anything about the story in this section.
The content requested by the original creator Eric-san for the comic was: "The story before the farmer comes to the farm" "With focus on the community center and Joja" "And the protagonist should have no set characteristics"
These were really the ONLY information that we received from Eric-san throughout the whole process (whyyy).
I was definitely worried. In reality, for around six months when I did my preliminary research, I played Stardew Valley every day, took countless pictures, and absorbed myself in collecting materials.
I I ended up taking a little over 20 thousand screenshots total (lol).
I wholeheartedly agree with Eric-san's guideline not to give the protagonist any set characteristics. I think one of the keypoints of this game is that "Anyone can be the protagonist".
The story is set from a few years before the prologue of game, so I was rather careful not to show my own personal interpretation. In principle, the actions of the characters were mostly taken from their in-game dialogue where they mention having done something in the past (For example, the reason Sam got in trouble lmao).
It took a lot of effort outlining the story, which involved things such as "Which characters would be in contact with each other?" and "Which characters may not be present at the valley at the time?". This is the reason why the preliminary research took around six months.
By the way, I was the one who proposed to include a "letter" with the comic, both as a bonus and major spoiler, in a way. But uh, many fellow Japanese may not be able to read it, so... I'll secretly tell you the what's actually written on the letter:
It's the handwritten version of THE letter you receive in the English version of the game's prologue. It's in your hands now. So in conclusion, it's probably exactly what you think it was.
I was quite adamant about how the letter needs to be handwritten. And as who wrote it... I shall keep it a secret here.
The reason why the comic had little to no dialogue is because it was the style I had back from the time I was drawing Stardew Valley fan art. Since Stardew Valley is a media not originally from Japan, that style serves to fulfill my two wishes: "I want people all over the world to be able to read my work" and "I want to cherish the feelings of each individual player" -- That sort of idea, really.
To summarize,
"I want people all over the world to be able to read my work"
"I want to preserve the unique interpretations each individual player might have"
"Anyone can become a Stardew Valley protagonist"
I drew the comic with these concepts in mind.
■ About me
I would like to talk about my experiences throughout the development of the comic.
My name is Chihiro Sakaida (a.k.a. Brown Junimo), I was already working for a game company, so I took advantage of that experience to work on game design and illustration.
Of course, while I was working on the Stardew Valley comic, I was a freelancer and had other jobs to worry about as well, so I ended up spending a lot of time working on the comic at night after work. I also studied digital art for a month for the sake of the comic, and I think it helped improved my work efficiency.
Those were truly, very fun days for me. The only thing that did bother me was the fact that even though I was working on my favorite Stardew Valley content day after day, I couldn't really share it with anyone.
I didn't want to take the risk of accidentally running my mouth on Twitter, and I no longer had the time to draw and post online like I used to -- So I had to resort to posting only low-risk tweets, so to speak, and to be honest, it was quite disheartening.
As such, I felt truly supported by the trusted individuals who knew about the comic. Tori-san, Aki-san, Kari-san, and Ryan-san, thank you so, so much.
■ Those who supported me
Tori-san is my partner, and also a person I respect as a novelist and screenwriter. She kindly and carefully reviewed and summarized my messy story.
Aki-san knew about the comic existed, but also knew next to nothing about it. Because of that, I think it was more than a handful to support me. It must've been really hard on Aki-san, who didn't know the contents of the book and thus had no way to accidentally spoiling the surprise, but whom also probably held even more feelings of shame than I did in regards to social media... I'm sorry that you've had to put up with so much. I was very proud to have you be the first reader of the finished book.
Kari-san is the illustrator of the Official Stardew Valley Guide Book, and I respect her a whole lot.
Both her work are her personality are very kind and easy-going. Together with her partner Ryan-san, she's managed to assist and encourage me many, many times.
No matter what I drew, I was sure to be greeted with her "Chihiro, you're so great!" or "Chihiro, you really did your best!" (Even my own mother have never praise me this much!) Overall, she feels just like an older sister I've always longed for, and it makes me very happy.
No matter what merch was in the process of being created, she would say "Let's make a brown one!!", solely because it's my signature color. It makes me very happy, although probably a tiny bit embarrassed as well to have her value my one schtick this much. She's even came to Japan many times, and listened to me talk all day long. After all, I wouldn't have been able to get this job to begin with if it wasn't for Kari-san, so she's a real lifesaver.
I didn't get to talk directly with Eric-san, the original creator and developer of Stardew Valley. Obviously I received some feedback via Fangamer, but I was refraining from being in contact with him as much as possible. I didn't think I could convey my full sincerity towards him before the comic was completed. I strived to be able to earnestly understand the feelings he wanted to convey via his own words -- Whether it was the game dialogues, his words on the developer blog and interviews, etc.
There was, by the way, no revision whatsoever to the comic. Eric-san did, however, carefully check all of my ideas and always provided words of appreciation; which made me happier than anything else. Those words became my motivation to live, in a sense, which in turn allowed me to freely and happily work on the comic.
■ Going Forward
While I've been talking about how proud I am to have finished the comic, I also would like to talk about what's coming next. While I certainly plan to continue working with Fangamer for the foreseeable future, at the same time, I have also decided to work for another game development company, and I plan to devote my time working on game development for at least the next year.
It has been my dream for the past 15 years to work for this particular company, and I'm elated to see it come true.
However, as a result I think I will have less exposure to social media. I don't think it's going to be easy to recreate that warm and wondrous time where I could interact with people regularly, but my memory of that time is something I will treasure for the rest of my life.
I'm really sorry that I have absolutely nothing to give back, but I sincerely hope the comic has brought a smile to everyone who's read or even merely noticed it.
■ Finally
I'm such a fortunate person -- I've come this far due to everyone's support, and for that, I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude. Thank you so much, for everything, always.
It would delight me if all of you could stay with me from this point on.
As I try to polish my skills and improve myself as a whole.
PS: Thanks to my best friend Ryou-chan for translating this!
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chixibrown · 4 years
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Fangamer様よりStardewValleyのコミックが無事発売されました。 1年間という長い期間にあった事や感想をこっそり書かせていただきます。 (I'm sorry only in Japanese.)
2018年の秋頃、「Chihiro!ビッグニュース ! 新グッズの制作を一緒にしよう!」とFangamer様から依頼が来ました。「Tシャツのデザイン?」 「いいやコミックを作ろう!」 「ふぁ!?」
原作者のEricさんから依頼された内容は以下の通りです。 「牧場主が農場にやってくる前の話」 「コミュニティセンターとJojaに焦点を当てて欲しい」 「主人公は固定しないでくれ」
だいぶ悩みましたとも。日数にすると実に6ヶ月。(コミックを描く時間ではないですよ、下調べをする時間です) 毎日ゲームを遊んでは撮影して、資料集めにも没頭しました。スクリーンショットは軽く20,000枚は超えていましたね(笑)
因みに、本作で「おまけ」でもあり、「重要なネタバレ」でもある例の「手紙」は、私から提案しました。日本人の方々は「読めないw 」と思っていらっしゃると思うので、こっそりお伝えします。
私、さかいだちひろ(茶色のジュニモ)はフリーランスで活動しています。 元々ゲーム会社で働いていたので、その経験を活かし、ゲームのデザインやイラストなどの仕事をしています。
ですので、コミックの事を知っていた信頼できる人達は心の支えでした。 とりさん、あきさん、Kariさん、Ryanさん、本当にありがとう。
御本人の人柄も絵柄も大変のびのびと優しく、素敵な方です。 パートナーのRyanさんと一緒に、何度も助けて頂いたり励まして頂きました。
何を描いても「Chihiroえらい!」 「Chihiroよくがんばりました!」 と、ニコニコと応援してくれました。(私は母親にもこんなに褒められた事ない!)  まるで私に憧れのお姉さんができたようで嬉しかったです。
何を作っても「茶色にしよう!!」と私のテーマカラーを大事にしてくれたのには嬉しくて恥ずかしかったです/// 日本にも何度も来てくださり、その度に1日中私の話を熱心に聞いてくださりました。 そもそもKariさんに見つけてもらわなければ、私はこの仕事も頂けなかったので、本当に命の恩人です。
原作者のEricさんと直接お話する事はありませんでした。 もちろん、Fangamer様を挟んでフィードバックは頂いておりましたが、それ以外はなるべく控えておりました。 私はコミックが完成しない限り、あの方に何一つ誠意を伝える事はできないと思い、ひたすらゲームの台詞やブログの言葉、インタビュー記事など、御本人の気持ちが読み取れるものを読み込んで、理解しようと努めました。
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chixibrown · 4 years
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StardewValley 4year anniversary
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chixibrown · 4 years
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【Work】 Comic
「StardewValley Before the Farmer」 (Fangamer)
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chixibrown · 5 years
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chixibrown · 5 years
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What is your favorite?
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chixibrown · 5 years
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Smartphone case
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chixibrown · 6 years
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chixibrown · 6 years
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Undertale fan art
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