chironrising · 5 years
The Pluto - Saturn Conjunction & You
Hello! I got some messages asking about their own personal placements and wondering if the conjunction will affect them. So I decided to make a post about it. Yes, it will, under certain circumstances:
If you have any planets / angles in the cardinal signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra in the vicinity of the 22nd degree (use the 4-5 orb rule) then yes, it will impact you. (It will form an opposition to the cancer placements, a conjunction to the capricorn placements, and a square to the aries & libra placements). This transit will be harsh.
If you have any planets / angles in the fixed signs of Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, or Leo, around the 22nd degree. The conjunction will form a sextile/trine to those placements, so this transit may be experienced more positively for you.
Saturn - Pluto aspects to Natal Sun: These transits may coincide with your embodiment of the empowered fear principle, either in terms of hardening one’s heart and mind to become like a villainous character serving one’s own ends, or through a monastic trial of discipline to become like a stone standing against evil and callousness. In either case, you’ll never be quite the same again after this transit.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects to Natal Moon: These transits may coincide with a particularly shattering period of depression, worry, loneliness or fear under the hard aspects. The softer aspects should promote emotional resiliency, and it may be the task of people who interact it with it more harmoniously to be of aid to those who are not.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects to Natal Mercury: These transits may coincide with being privy to secrets or other sensitive information that are difficult to talk about. This may be a time when one has to be more careful about what they say, avoiding disclosing forbidden knowledge so as to avoid causing problems which could be wide-ranging or otherwise have high stakes attached to them. This can be someone who gets ensnared in a nasty legal dispute or entrenched in solving a difficult intractable problem.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects with Natal Venus: These transits may coincide with a more morose, dark or severe aesthetic inclination. One may feel rejected and excluded from enjoying the finer delights of life, for a time. It may also be a time where you are more distant in social contexts, preoccupied or obsessed with something forbidden or salacious, something they want but they can’t have. Under the softer aspects this may stay in the realm of fantasy, but under the hard aspects things could get complicated.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects with Natal Mars: These transits may coincide with the presentation of a monumental challenge requiring a phenomenal degree of courage and effort. This can also present situations of great danger and true evil. This may leave you feeling profoundly discouraged, even scared, having trouble finding motivation to get up and take action to slay the monster.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects to Natal Jupiter: These transits may coincide with a test of your natural talents, faith and confidence. Under the hard aspects, you may be entrusted with a high-stakes responsibility that you feel is just beyond your abilities to properly handle. Under the soft aspects this may result in being able to take concrete steps to make dreams into realities.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects to Natal Saturn: These transits may coincide with confronting the possibilities of one’s greatest fears and weaknesses, especially under the hard aspects. Under the soft aspects, these confrontations will be more indirect, just a particularly dark part of the cycle preparing you for your next hard aspects from Saturn. If this is your Saturn return, this passage into maturity will be brutal for your generation. Especially if you were born in the early ’90’s, when Saturn was conjunct Uranus and Neptune, you will have come from an extraordinary wall-busting Saturn in Capricorn period coming into an inordinately fearful wall-building Saturn in Capricorn period. It will be the clash of the radical architect dreamers and the stone tyrants. The children born in late 2019-early 2020 will be implacable survivors.
Saturn-Pluto Aspects to Natal Uranus: Unless Uranus is somehow a more personal planet to you, by being on an angle or closely aspecting your Sun, Moon or Ascendant ruler, this won’t be experienced as a singular event, but a more general period characterized by a disruptive restriction or burden on their personal autonomy and freedom of expression, especially under the hard aspects. Under the soft aspects there may be novel ways to take advantage of the situation, unpleasant as it may be.
Saturn - Pluto Aspects to Natal Neptune: Unless Neptune is somehow a more personal planet to you, by being on an angle or closely aspecting your Sun, Moon or Ascendant ruler, this won’t be experienced as a singular event, but a more general period with the feeling of disillusionment or hopelessness from waking up to a horrible reality, a crushed dream. This is especially true of the harder aspects, but under the soft aspects these tragedies are witnessed indirectly and from afar.
Saturn - Pluto Aspects to Natal Pluto: Unless Pluto is somehow a more personal planet to you, by being on an angle or closely aspecting your Sun, Moon or Ascendant ruler, this won’t be experienced as a singular event, but a more general period with the feeling of a farewell, a generational juncture, the changing of the guard. Under the harder aspects there is a resistance to passing on from or accepting the new role, under the softer aspects this process is more organic and natural.
• I got this information from this wonderful source: https://patrickwatsonastrology.com/5-tips-for-surviving-the-2019-2020-saturn-pluto-conjunction-in-capricorn/ • The source also goes into more detail on how the conjunction will affect Jeff Bezos •
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chironrising · 5 years
Your Soulmate Based On Astrology
*Check Juno (sign + house) and 7th House* Aries / 1st House: an assertive, protective, and energetic partner who may be impulsive and may experience skin and head related ailments. They will possess Aries, Mars, or 1st House influences. Your connection to them will enhance your self-esteem and your image.
Taurus / 2nd House: a passive, sensual, and comforting partner who may be stubborn, indulgent in comforts, and creative. They will possess Taurus, Venus, or 2nd House influences. They will help you find value in yourself.
Gemini / 3rd House: a communicative, humorous, and restless partner who may be unpredictable, exciting, and fun. They will possess Gemini, Mercury, or 3rd House influences. You may meet your soulmate in your childhood, your school, or within your community.
Cancer / 4th House: a nurturing, emotional, and compassionate partner who may be clingy, home-bodied, and domestic. They will possess Cancer, Moon, or 4th house influences. Your partner will be strongly rooted to their family and their home.
Leo / 5th House: a creative, loyal, and confident partner who may be dramatic, playful, and self-centered. They will possess Leo, Sun, or 5th House influences. They will help you embrace your self-expression and creativity. You may meet them through parties, creative/artistic events or places, and through the arts field.
Virgo / 6th House: a helpful, critical, and resourceful partner who may be a tense and practical perfectionist. They will possess Virgo, Mercury, or 6th House influences. They will help you think realistically and help you improve your flaws. You may meet them through work or through school. 
Libra / 7th House: a loving, affectionate, and harmonic partner who may be clingy, passive, and superficial. They will possess Libra, Venus, or 7th House placements. They will treat you as their equal and make you feel at peace. You may meet them when you are focused on another relationship. You may not know they’re destined for you for a long time.
Scorpio / 8th House: an intense, passionate, and sultry partner who may be perceptive, obsessive, and sexual. They will possess Scorpio, Pluto, or 8th House influences. They will transform your life and your outlook on love and the connection you will have will be powerful. You will know when you meet them because your entire life will change.
Sagittarius / 9th House: a philosophical, adventurous, and jovial partner who may be freedom-loving, rebellious, and blunt. They will possess Sagittarius, Jupiter, or 9th House influences. They will open your mind and introduce you to exciting places you have never seen. They may be foreign, far away from your home, or have significantly different beliefs and values as you when you meet them.
Capricorn / 10th House: a grounded, ambitious, and supportive partner who may be demanding, hard-working, and disciplined. They will possess Capricorn, Saturn, or 10th House influences. They will improve your work ethic and your reputation, guiding you to be a better person and work hard for your success. You may meet them through work or in your adult life.
Aquarius / 11th House: a unique, intelligent, and caring partner who may be rebellious, moody, and unpredictable. They will possess Aquarius, Uranus, or 11th House influences. They will bring excitement into your life! They will be your friend before you find that they are meant for you romantically and they may be from a different religion or culture than you.
Pisces / 12th House: a sensitive, dreamy, and romantic partner who may be irritable, absent-minded, and have a specific ailment or insecurity that you will help them through. They will possess Pisces, Neptune, or 12th House influences. They will offer you support, true love, and compassion. They will be linked to you spiritually and you will have known them in a previous life. You will know they are your soulmate the second you lay eyes on them.
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chironrising · 5 years
cancer mars & mercury. i normally bite my tongue unless it’s someone i’m really close to.
rb your mercury + mars and whether you bite your tongue or you’re outspoken what agitated/annoyed.
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chironrising · 5 years
Pluto - Saturn Conjunction 2020
on January 12th 2020 there will be a conjunction between Pluto & Saturn in the 22nd degree of Capricorn
Since the conjunction will occur in Capricorn, it will impact businesses, the economy, and government.
It will change the way people view those three things, but most importantly it will impact two very important people:
US President Donald Trump. His vertex is in the 22nd degree of Capricorn. The vertex in astrology represents destiny’s gate, and when activated, it can trigger fated events.
Richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos. His birthday is January 12th. It’s easy to shrug it off as a coincidence, but the conjunction is occurring in Capricorn, the sign that symbolizes finances, and businesses, i don’t see it as a coincidence at all.
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chironrising · 5 years
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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chironrising · 5 years
I hope all of yall find $20 on the ground tomorrow.
And I mean that.
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chironrising · 5 years
If your Ascendant's Persona Chart Moon Sign is...
* you can also use the sign ruled by the Moon’s house position
Aries: You often expect to come off as assertive, bold, passionate, and an encouraging leader. You want the first impression you make on others to be exciting. You may feel comfortable in new situations when others accept you as a leader.
Taurus: You often expect to come off as relaxed, patient, reliable, and good at supporting others.  You want the first impression you make on others to be comforting. You may feel comfortable in new situations when you know what to expect.
Gemini: You often expect to come off as informative, social, curious, easygoing and open to new experiences.  You want the first impression you make on others to be interesting. You may feel comfortable in new situations when you’re sharing opinions or ideas.
Cancer: You often expect to come off as nurturing, compassionate, helpful, sensitive, and creative.  You want the first impression you make on others to be uplifting. You may feel comfortable in new situations when reminded of something familiar.
Leo: You often expect to come off as entertaining, kind, attention-grabbing, confident, and honest.  You want the first impression you make on others to be inspiring. You may feel comfortable in new situations when being admired or feel respected.
Virgo: You often expect to come off as helpful, intellectual, adaptable, reliable, and good at being of service to others. You want the first impression you make on others to be honest. You may feel comfortable in new situations when others come to you for help or advice.
Libra: You often expect to come off as pleasant, kind, fair, good at compromising, and even romantic at times. You want the first impression you make on others to be charming. You may feel comfortable in new situations when people admire your adaptable/compromising nature.
Scorpio: You often expect to come off as passionate, mysterious, deep, reflective, thoughtful, and complex.  You want the first impression you make on others to be intense. You may feel comfortable in new situations when people respect your privacy.
Sagittarius: You often expect to come off as easygoing, generous, passionate, and moral (even if your sense of right vs. wrong is totally unique to you). You want the first impression you make on others to be interesting. You may feel comfortable in new situations when you feel like you have something special or unique to offer.
Capricorn: You often expect to come off as ambitious, self-sufficient, driven, reliable, realistic, and self-disciplined.   You want the first impression you make on others to be controlled. You may feel comfortable in new situations when you’re able to function independently.
Aquarius: You often expect to come off as innovative, unique, open-minded, intellectual, and very original. You want the first impression you make on others to be unique. You may feel comfortable in new situations when allowed and encouraged to think outside the box.
Pisces: You often expect to come off as compassionate, open-minded, creative, helpful, wise, deep and reflective.  You want the first impression you make on others to be warm.  You may feel comfortable in new situations when people are respectful of your sensitive nature.
this is a part of a masterpost on understanding the Ascendant’s persona chart.
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chironrising · 5 years
Mercury persona chart 🧠📝
Mercury persona chart
The mercury persona chart describes your communicative personality. It goes into depth about how you talk, what you talk about, what you think about and how you think about it. It talks about how you communicate with others, how you communicate under different circumstances etc.
Ascendant: This is how your communicative process coming off initially. It’s how people see you at first glance when you talk and when you communicate to them. It’s how your voice initially sounds and can give people an idea of your intelligence and intellectual ability.
Sun: This describes your overall communication. This is your basic learning, speaking and thinking process. The ‘personality’ of your mind.
Moon: This can describe how you communicate when emotional. Or how you talk about emotions. It can describe the intellectual topics that spark emotion within you. The topics you really care about. This is how biased your thinking is. It’s the emotional influences behind your conversation.
Mercury: This is another layer of your natal mercury. It’s like a second mercury. It’s the underlying mercury. It’s a good indication of your communication style—probably the biggest indicator of how you communicate and think and learn. If you don’t relate to your natal mercury sign—LOOK AT THIS CHART. It gives you information about the depth of your natal mercury. If you’re a natal Gemini mercury but have a scorpio stellium in this chart—then you are going to be a deeper thinker. This could be you may have obsessive thoughts. (Theoretically)
Venus: This describes how you communicate your love. How you talk about love. What you think about love. Also how you flirt and how you charm people. Your agreeableness in conversations and how much people may talking to you. It’s the things you value in a conversation.
Mars: How you communicate when you’re angry. What you say when you’re angry. How you argue. How you intellectualize your arguments. How you explain your anger and motivations.
Jupiter: How you expand your mind. How you communicate about your hopes and dreams. The things that inspire you.
Saturn: The struggles of your thinking and communicative process. It’s what worries you. Whether you don’t think you’re smart enough etc. It can describe what things you need to deal with in order to be a better learner, thinker and communicator.
Uranus: This is the eccentricity and originality of your thoughts. The house placement will describe where you find your most inspiration and the most original of ideas. The things you think about in a creative and innovative way. The uniqueness of your ideas.
Neptune: How you communicate metaphysical concepts. The delusions your mind may hold. What you may find yourself confused over. The things you think about that you can never figure out.
Pluto: How you think about death, transformation, reincarnation and the afterlife as well as the metaphysical. It’s the depth of your thoughts and where your ‘mental demons’ lie. The house will show where the demons of your mental mind are most active.
Midheaven: This is how others may view you as an intellectual. Without having met you. This is what you are striving for in regards to thinking, communicating and learning.
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chironrising · 5 years
If your Ascendant’s Persona Chart has its Sun in the...
1st House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when treading unfamiliar ground, meeting new people. or reacting to the world around you.
2nd House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when evaluating worth or value, in your money making endeavors, or when the focus is on your morals/belongings.
3rd House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when communicating with others, learning new things, expressing your ideas, or otherwise surrounding your thought process.
4th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when in quiet or more intimate settings, around family or loved ones, around people from your past, or in situations that remind you of your roots.
5th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when you’re being creative, expressing your talents or passions, experiencing pleasure/luxury, or in casual (likely new) relationships.
6th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when you’re at work, carrying out your daily routines, being of service to others, or taking care of your health.
7th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when in one-on-one relationships (or in pursuit of one), when adapting or compromising with others, or in issues that regard justice or equality.
8th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when being intimate or in a private setting, when around a partner, when you’re thinking about commitment, or in your spiritual/psychological matters
9th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when traveling, thinking or talking about psychology/philosophy, when furthering your education, or seeking new experiences.
10th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when in relation to your career or reputation, working to accomplish your long-term goals, or when thinking about your personal aspirations or ideal hopes for the future.
11th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world when you’re a part of a group, when you’re networking with others, when working with others to achieve a common goal, or coming up with humanitarian goals or ideas.
12th House: You are most conscious of the image you project onto the world in your subconscious mind (or even dreams), when in relation to any past attachments or emotional hang-ups, when you’re alone, or being of service to others.
this is a part of a masterpost on understanding the Ascendant’s persona chart.
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chironrising · 5 years
Venus Persona Chart
Sun: The way you most consciously express your feminine energy, the overall way you adapt to relationships, the general expression of affection you tend to identify with
Moon: What you emotionally need from love, what makes you feel secure in relationships, how you may comfort yourself or others, the instinctive way you express love when you feel comfortable with someone
Mercury: How you intellectualize your love and romantic feelings, how you communicate and express your affection, your logical sense of how relationships should be
Venus: Your sense of beauty and comfort, the way you romanticize, the way you express pure attraction, a subtler extension of the natal Venus
Mars: The way you seek to charm those you’re attracted to, what sparks your attraction and romantic interest, the way you intimately/sexually express your affection
Jupiter: What makes you feel optimistic in relationships, where you tend to be very generous towards your partner, how love expands your perspective, 
Saturn: Where you struggle to feel comfortable in your romantic/affectionate nature, an area of tension within your dating life that may hold you back from expressing your love the way you’d like to
Uranus: Where you refuse to sacrifice your independence in love, the way you handle unexpected circumstances in relationships, what your partner sees in you that makes you stand out from the rest
Neptune: Your idealistic idea of a relationship, what you see as beautiful, your hopes and dreams in relation to relationships and affection, the part of love that makes your heart soar
Pluto: The way love may transform or change you, where you feel powerful in your dating life, the way you may express your most intense feelings surrounding relationships
Ascendant: The way you approach dating before things become serious, the way you feel initial attraction, the way you may express your love before you feel fully comfortable
*can be applied to platonic love, venus is adapting to other people in general
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chironrising · 5 years
Ascendant in the Moon’s Persona Chart
Ascendant in Aries: People may perceive your emotional side to be straightforward, confident, impulsive at times, and generally assertive. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more aggressive or stubborn than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by feeling angry or simply feeling like you need to confront the issue head on.
Ascendant in Taurus: People may perceive your emotional side to be patient, understanding, compassionate, and generally quite stable. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more narrow-minded or predictable than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by giving yourself space to think them over with a possible focus on what will maintain your emotional stability.
Ascendant in Gemini: People may perceive your emotional side to be aloof, rational, inconsistent, and generally based on your logical side. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more shallow or cold than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by talking them out with someone (or even writing them out), or thinking over the issue from an intellectual perspective.
Ascendant in Cancer: People may perceive your emotional side to be compassionate, nurturing, protective, and generally quite sympathetic. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more sensitive or guarded than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by retreating into somewhere comfortable and withdrawing from others in order to let yourself process them.
Ascendant in Leo: People may perceive your emotional side to be decisive, passionate, stubborn, and generally headstrong. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more dramatic or expressive than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by expressing them to others, in a creative or even dramatic way, or possibly feel the need for confrontation if you feel emotionally threatened.
Ascendant in Virgo: People may perceive your emotional side to be analytical, thoughtful, observant, and generally logical. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more restless or critical than you really are. You may initially react your emotions by thinking them through and trying to view them from various perspectives, or possibly over-thinking them.
Ascendant in Libra: People may perceive your emotional side to be compromising, fair, adaptable, and generally balanced and harmonious. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more superficial than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by talking them out with someone close to you, or attempting to resolve any issues with others through compromise.
Ascendant in Scorpio: People may perceive your emotional side to be intense, powerful, deep, and generally secretive. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more emotionally intimidating or controlling than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by retreating into solitude or by distancing yourself from others.
Ascendant in Sagittarius: People may perceive your emotional side to be impulsive, enthusiastic, detached at times, and generally moral. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more carefree or optimistic than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by running away or possibly attempting to ignore them.
Ascendant in Capricorn: People may perceive your emotional side to be disciplined, reliable, trustworthy, and generally rational. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more controlled or aloof than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by attempting to rationalize them and do what you think will be best for you.
Ascendant in Aquarius: People may perceive your emotional side to be creative, independent, humanitarian, and generally quite intellectual. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more unattached or colder than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by distancing yourself from others and attempting to view them objectively.
Ascendant in Pisces: People may perceive your emotional side to be compassionate, open-minded, idealistic, and generally empathetic. Sometimes you may feel people assume you are more sensitive or emotional than you really are. You may initially react to your emotions by reflecting and contemplating them, or possibly desiring to escape and avoid them in some way.
♡ feel free to click here and check out my blog for more astrology ♡
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chironrising · 5 years
Analyzing Persona Charts: The Ascendant ~ Master Post
Examining the Persona Chart of our Ascendant can offer a much more clear view of the image we project to their world. Please understand that much of the available research Persona charts is largely theoretical and my analyses are simply a reflection of my own personal understanding. Here are a few of the most relevant parts of your Ascendant’s Persona Chart.
The Ascendant’s Sun: This is your Ascendant/Rising sign, A.K.A. the sign on the cusp of your 1st house. This is where you are most conscious of the image you project onto others. It’s how you generally assume you come off. This will feel very natural and you are most likely aware of it without giving it much conscious thought. The Ascendant’s Sun is basically the summary of the image you project onto the world around you. For example, if you are a Virgo rising, the sun in your Ascendant’s persona chart will be Virgo. Here is a post that goes into greater detail of each rising sign’s characteristics.
The Ascendant’s Sun House Position: This is the area of life where you are most conscious of the image you project onto others. So if your Ascendant’s Sun is in the 11th house, you may be very conscious of your projected self-image when you’re a part of a group or working with others towards a common goal. Here is a post that goes into greater detail of each house position and their characteristics.
The Ascendant’s Moon Sign (Or House Position): This is how you feel you are projecting yourself to the world…. even if it may not be entirely accurate. This is how you believe you are making first impressions, and it can also indicate an image of ourselves that we are emotionally attached to. The Ascendant’s Moon may reveal how we feel about entering new situations and our level of comfort, confidence, or adaptability. Or even our instincts when we meet new people or enter unfamiliar situations. It can also shed light on the role we feel we serve in the world, and the way we expect to be treated because of it. The house containing the Moon can be an extension of this, simply giving it another dimension. For example, if your Ascendant’s persona chart has a Leo Moon, you may expect to be noticed when you walk in the room or expect admiration in new situations in some way. If that Moon happened to be in the 8th house, one may also feel the need to be withdrawn about their emotions in new situations, could feel more comfortable in new situations with less people around, or feel like they have a very intense presence. Here is a post that goes into greater detail of each Moon sign and their characteristics.
The Ascendant’s Ascendant: This can be an indicator of your first impression of the world and the environment you were born into, thus affecting how you approach the world. This is like, the ultimate Ascendant, so naturally it’s an extremely strong indicator of how you would immediately react upon being thrust into a new situation.This placement tends to add on to the traits of the Ascendant’s sun in more gentle or subtle ways. It’s sort of like an extension of your Ascendant, except typically less direct. This can indicate parts of the image you project onto others that you don’t have any explanation for since it could be in a totally different sign from your Ascendant! For example. someone with a Capricorn Rising could project a reserved, self-disciplined, ambitious self-image, while also projecting subtle traits like seeming very affectionate or calming when entering new situations. They could have a sign like Cancer as their Ascendant’s rising sign! (There’s no post on this part of the chart because it’s not very complicated to interpret and is a bit redundant!)
The Ascendant’s Midheaven: This is the projected self-image you strive for. This is your most ideal image of yourself, you may idealize the traits possessed by your Ascendant’s Midheaven than any other part of the persona chart. While the Moon often indicates how we expect others to see us, the Midheaven is how we want other to see us. It’s a perfect indicator of the traits we seek to develop in order to make better first impressions with others. If you strive for others to see you as charming, fair, and smart, and don’t know why, you could have Libra as your Ascendant’s Midheaven! Here is a post that goes into greater detail of how the Ascendant’s Midheaven can manifest through the signs.
The Ascendant’s Saturn: This can be an indicator of what in your early environment held you back and where you may be hesitant to project your self-image due to feeling restricted, uncomfortable, or some other kind of tension you may not be able to verbalize You may feel awkward about this aspect of life and not feel like you know how to appropriately express it. Here is a post that goes into greater detail of how Saturn through the signs/houses of your Ascendant’s persona can show up in your personality.
The Ascendant’s North Node: Since your North Node is most likely going to be in the same sign in all of your persona charts, think of that sign as your general karmic guide for life, while the house containing the Ascendant’s Persona North Node can show where we need to grow specifically in order to fully develop our projected self image or feel comfortable with our self-expression. Here is a post that goes into greater detail of each North Node house for your Ascendant’s persona chart.
that’s all for now! please feel free to let me know whether or not you found this post useful, and click here if you’d like to check out my blog ♡
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chironrising · 5 years
Midheaven persona chart 💸🌠✈️💪🏾
Ascendant- How you come off to the general public. This is how you seem to people who know of you. This is how you will appear I formal situations and also in your line of work. This is how you will approach your future and goals.
Sun- This is the normal way you will go about setting and reaching goals for your future. This is the your natal Midheaven. It shows how you will approach your future. The house it’s in may show the overall theme of your career and where your career mostly operates at.
Moon- This is what you need to be emotionally fulfilled in your career. This is the emotional and personal ties you have to your goals. This will also show the level of compassion and creativity that is shown in your career. This is how you will sympathize with the public.
Mercury- This is how you will approach larger situations—like crowds. This is how you communicate your goals.
Venus- This represents the Venusian and attractive qualities you present in your career. This is how you harmonize your career and work environment. This is the you that you may use when going in for a job interview. This is the attractive you in regard to your career. It’s how you will charm your way to success. May also show how you dress in a professional environment.
Mars- This is how you chase your goals. This is your motivation and determination when it comes to your goals. Why you’re doing it and how you’re accomplishing it.
Jupiter- This is where you will experience the most growth and success in your career. The house shows where you’ll be the most optimistic and ‘lucky’ when it comes to your success. Where you will find the most luck and happiness in your career.
Saturn- These are the struggles that represent your career path. This is where and how you will struggle in attaining your goals. It’s where you’ll learn lessons. Where you experience setbacks while trying to reach your goals.
Uranus- The ups and downs when it come to your future. Where you’ll be the most radical in your career. How you will make your career and goals unique.
Neptune- Where you’ll experience the most compassion in your career.
Pluto- Where and how you will transform on the path to success. How success and reaching your goals will change you. The power struggles that will come along with reaching your goals. What you’re willing to sacrifice and let go of in the pursuit of your goals. What will inspire great fear in you in regard to your future.
Midheaven- The you that you’re ultimate trying to be. How you would like to be remembered. Your legacy. What your career will be centered around. Your reputation. Who you are striving to be even though you mighty not realize it.
Descendant- This represents the business partnerships and relationships you will attract on your path to success. This represents the kind of people you will be surrounded by in your future and how your relationship with them might look like.
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chironrising · 5 years
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pluto persona chart
previously, I asked you guys to choose one of the planets here for me to show you how to interpret. after procasting a lot, I finally finished! and before I start, the disclamer:
I am not a professional astrologer, and this is simply MY method of interpretation.
Choose which planet you want to interpret, it doesn’t have to be Pluto. I advise you to choose your dominant planet, or if your ascendant or mc is strong, see these.
What is a Persona Chart? Here I talked very briefly about it
Look where Pluto falls in your birth chart and its strength, because that will change on how visible the features below are for you and the others. Someone with Pluto dominant will feel more their Pluto Persona’s chart.
The house where it falls and actually the entire chart will point to how we deal with transformation. Being the sun, there’s where our transformation will shed light the most. For example, someone with Sun in 9th house on the Pluto persona Sun, will often renew their beliefs, or travel, or even relocated to complety transform who they are. Someone with Sun in 10th house on the Pluto persona Sun, will often change their profession or how they appear to be in the world (since 10th house has the midheaven). Someone with Pluto persona Sun in 7th house can use new relationships as a form of transformation and rebirth.
If in the Chart the Sun makes hard aspects to other planets (highlight conjunction and opposition) can show a lot of struggle to transform and change. Especially if Pluto and Saturn is conjunct!
The moon in the Pluto persona chart shows our hidden fears, emotions and how we relase them. For example, someone with the Moon in the 5th House can release those fears and use to help on their transformation art, dance, activities related to the use of the body (exercises, gym, sports, yoga, running…), poetry, acting, even sex and etc.
The aspects shows hidden emotions, for example The moon opposite Neptune show’s a hidden emotional state, the person is extremely sensitive and a dreamer, they lack practicality and realism leading to fantasize excessively and being easily deceive by themselves and others. They may not even realize this, since we are talking about Pluto here. That can be a blockage for the person to complety transform and actually change. 
The Moon sign shows how will you deal it, for example someone with a fixed moon sign may have hard time transforming and releasing emotions. Someone with a Leo Moon would have a dramatic transformation, while someone with a Capricorn moon would have a quiet transformation, while a Pisces Moon could have a very confusing transformation of emotions.
The house and sign where Mercury falls on the Pluto persona chart can show where our minds get stuck and obsessed over a matter, but also where we guard our biggest mind potencial for transformation. For example someone with Mercury in the 2nd House can be obsessed with the idea of gaing money, obsessed when it comes to financial matters and issues, possessions, can get their head stuck on work, can fear getting unemployed, but also someone with Mercury on 2nd House may have such skills and powerful intuition (since we are talking about pluto here) about when to buy and when to sell, they are able to transform and change the world of the business communications. Someone with Mercury in 2nd House can also have a great memory, making it more  difficult to forget traumas. 
The Mercury sign shows how we communicate with the world about our transformation, someone with a Virgo Mercury would keep it for themselves but use them to teach others about the transformation and what they passed, someone with Pisces Mercury may choose to use art or inspiration words to show their change of mind.
The aspects show how it can aggravate, someone with Mercury Opposite Saturn can enhance a obsessive and restricted mind.
Here with Venus, it talks about how we transform the meaning of love and beauty, what we are obsessed with on the love field. For example, someone with a Venus in the 9th House can be obsessed over the ideia of freedom within a relationship, can escape transformations in relation to love (by trying to avoid complety the situation), someone with Venus in the 1st can be obsessed over their looks and how their partner sees them, it can also trigger fear of changing their appearance.
In the good side, someone with Venus in 9th house can transform their view on what love is in the world. Venus in the 1st can be bold and use their appearance as a transformation protest.
Here mars shows our sexual desires, the ones buried inside, the ones that we usually don’t talk about. Someone with Mars in Aquarius may secretly want to try some crazy stuff in sex, want to try everything possible, they can be super kinky but they hide it very well (Is Mars inside Pluto’s chart, is a buried desire). Someone with Mars in 12th house can be secretly drawn to secret affairs, and submission fantasies.
Depending on where Pluto is on your chart and its strength (dominance) will change how hidden those desires are.
How far can you go to transform yourself? How much you limit yourself with fear? Jupiter here shows. Someone with hard Jupiter aspects can have trouble growing into the idea of change, someone with Jupiter in Cancer can extented their past having more trouble working with change.
Saturn inside Pluto’s persona chart, is that big ass red sign that stops you from doing what you want. Is the one that makes traumas and fears run over someone’s soul. Someone with Saturn in 3rd House can think everything through very carefully, and if in hard aspects, can make someone paranoid, even scared of talking, the person could have traumas related to school and learning.
Someone with Pluto opposite Saturn, feels that the external world demands they to change when they do not want to change, or that it forces they to stay where they are, when they do want to change.
The Pluto inside the Pluto’s persona chart, is our true somehow. Is where it gets pitch black, but also where the light raise. Pluto here is like a papercut, seems superficial but isn’t.
Look for the conjunctions and others aspects, those will be of great importance.
Here is where the chart becames a whole, its the ultimate hidden part of yourself. From fears to the most beautiful art work of your heart. For example someone with Pluto in the 9th house can hide their spirituality, their knowledge about the world, all their beliefs, even their intelegence, their healing powers, and feel like others are not allowed to see that part of them. They can be scared of the world, they can be scared of sadness (9th house ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius tends to avoid negativity), they can be scared of getting out and actually knowing things, scared that if they change and transform they will lose their sense of presence in the world. While someone with Pluto in 5th house may hide every single talent they have, they can be scared of rejection, of not being good enough for the public, that they will not get the attention they want, they can fear not having any talent/hobbie at all. Not knowing how to have fun and lose it.
The potencial of healing and transforming resides in the Pluto house and sign, and the more aspects it makes, higher the chance for change and healing but also bigger are the fears!
I didn’t include Uranus and Neptune because the post was getting longer and longer, but if you are curious: Uranus shows where we suddenly have a desire to change, someone with Uranus on 11th House can have a constant desire to change their friends or group of friends, someone with Uranus in the 1st house can change their appearance several times and out of the blue. While Neptune can show fears and confusing in relation to the house it falls (don’t forget we are talking about Pluto’s Persona Chart), someone with Neptune in 11th house may have a hard time trusting their friends, afraid of disappointment and abandonment.
Looks for voids in the chart, for example, a void on earth means that the person has 0 planets in earth signs. Most of their fears are not related to the material world, when I say material world I don’t mean money and objects, I mean here, earth. The fears and obsessions are related to everything they can not see or achieve, to spirituality, to imaginations that do not make sense and can’t happen.
Look for stelliums, for example, someone with a Stellium in 9th House can become obsessed or fanatical for just one belief, religion, someone with a stellium in 10th house can be obsessed with their public image and getting the recognition of their dreams.
I’m sorry if I repeated the word “transformation” a thousand times during the post, I couldn’t avoid not using it lmao.
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chironrising · 5 years
How to read persona charts
Persona Charts: A How to
As those who follow the stars, we have many tools available to us to gain insight into facets of our being, and the archetypal energy present within not only our psyche, but very souls. One of these tools is know as the persona chart.  The persona chart is the chart cast by using the time the sun passed over a particular planet or other celestial body/point in your natal chart.
For those of you into dominance, I would say persona charts should be you best friend as they provide intimate knowledge, on the behavior of a certain planet in regards to you as a person.
How do we read these arcane little doo-dads? Is it just like any other chart?  The answer to that is, yes and no.
Each chart is like a person, a person within the theater that is the human mind.
Keep reading
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chironrising · 5 years
Persona Chart and Mercury
Mercury in any Persona chart placement can be how you communicate this placements of yours and also how you may express it on the daily.
The Ascendant and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Ascendant sign is simply how you communicate with others upon first meeting.  It is how you interact with others one on one for the first time. This may also be how you approach strangers as well.
The Descendant and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Descendant is the kind of communicator you would like. It can show you the kind of communicator you do best with or may be attracted to.
The Midheaven and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Midheaven is how you may communicate to a larger audience or how others may see you as a communicator. Perhaps those with a Mercury retrograde for their Persona chart can be quick speakers or stumble on their words when communicating to a larger group or crowd.
The Moon and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Moon sign is how you may communicate with someone when having a heart to heart. Maybe you’re someone who can be too outspoken when normally communicating, but when you’re really having a heart to heart with someone close to you can be much more soft-spoken and lighthearted.
Mercury and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Mercury is really how you communicate and process things in your everyday life and your everyday interactions with others. It’s the purest part of how you are as a communicator.
Venus and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Venus is how you may communicate with your partner and those closest to you, normally. It’s communication that comes from the heart and to those who are closest to you. It’s not necessarily a heart to heart, but it is your everyday communication to those you are familiar with.
Mars and its Mercury
The Mercury of your Mars sign is how you may argue or go about confronting others. This can show how we communicate our anger or also how we go about dirty talking in bed.
Important Notice All interpretations, observations and assumptions were made by me. I may or may not be right about it, but these are my viewpoints and my opinion. Feel free to respectfully share some opinions or interpretations.
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chironrising · 5 years
Juno persona chart 💍💫
Juno persona will describe your ideal partner. Your spouse in marriage. Your wife/husband. The romantic relationship you’re destined for.
Ascendant: This can describe the physical features of your future partner. This can describe how they come off. What you’ll first notice about them. How your marriage will look at first glance.
Sun: This describes the basic personality of your marriage partner. The basic “personality” of your marriage.
Moon: This describes the emotional disposition of your future partner. This describes the emotional undercurrents and emotional dynamics of your marriage. It can give indications about the needs of your future marriage partner as well as the needs of your marriage in general. For example, a Scorpio moon would bring the need for close bonding and a lot of privacy within the marriage. This is the kind of marriage that is almost unbreakable and very focused on loyalty and intimacy. Anything that threatens either of those—also threatens your marriage and your partner.
Mercury: This can describe how you and your destined marriage partner communicate.
Venus: This tells you about the romantic dynamics in your marriage as well as the romantic qualities and love style of your destined partner. This also describes what you are attracted to in a potential marriage partner. These qualities are the ones you will look for in a marriage.
Mars: This tells you about how your partner might deal with arguments and disputes. It can describe the dynamics between you and your partner when anger arises. It also tells you about the sexual dynamics between you and them and also the sexuality of your partner.
Jupiter: This can show you how your marriage will grow and the lessons you need to learn in order to find this destined partner. It can show the lessons the marriage will teach you and what the partner will bring to the table in regards to development and growth of the relationship.
Saturn: This can describe the hard lesson you’ll have to deal with in your marriage. The lessons this partner will bring to you. This can tell you more about the hardships and struggles your marriage will face.
Uranus: This is the eccentricity of your marriage. How you will approach new things. Your beliefs, your lifestyle.
Neptune: This can show the delusions you or your partner may hold about your marriage. The secrets neither of you talk about but are both aware of.
Pluto: This is all about transformation. How you both will transform together. How you will approach life or death situations or really intense situations.
Midheaven: This can show where your marriage is headed. How others see your marriage. This may also be the occupation of your partner.
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