chieftech · 4 years
(via Inventing Virtual Meetings of Tomorrow with NVIDIA AI Research - YouTube)
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chieftech · 4 years
(via Infinite Office - YouTube)
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chieftech · 4 years
(via The whole working-from-home thing — Apple - YouTube)
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chieftech · 4 years
Digital: balanced strategy The tools that in lockdown we are now using daily didn’t just suddenly appear when the instruction came to remain in our homes. I don’t just mean the inevitable Zoom or Teams but enterprise social networks and collaboration applications too. They were in general use already. Yet the lockdown has shown that the wider workplace sector understands no more about the digital workplace than anyone, in many respects far less than those organisations who had already embraced them. The digital workplace works differently from the physical. This may sound obvious, but it isn’t always seen this way. Behaviours we observe as commonplace in the digital – such as serendipitous encounters, open conversations, network building, knowledge sharing and the operation of the ‘gift economy’ – can’t simply be ‘pulled down’ to the physical and expected to work. Workplace strategy has for the most part seen two spaces and one behaviour. Yet it’s not about simply understanding how the tools work, but their cultural impact. There are some clear beneficial differences in the digital workplace. Network creation is far quicker and easier due to access, easy validation and reduced sensory interaction. Our reach is immediately global, not just the exterior façade of our building. Sharing is less conditional. Access to knowledge and support is significantly enhanced. Without doubt it lacks the benefits of face-to-face interaction for some specific tasks – but it works as well or better for many others. Workplace strategy isn’t about trying to make all that happen in physical space. The social workplace is the effective mesh of the two – digital and physical. Two interrelated spaces, with differing behaviours. Even when we return to our physical spaces, the digital workplace will be a major feature of our working lives. In future, workplace strategy can’t just do half of the job. It has to understand both, or its irrelevance will be assured.
The (fantastic) future of workplace strategy | LinkedIn
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chieftech · 4 years
(via VROOM: Virtual Robot Overlay for Online Meetings - YouTube)
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chieftech · 4 years
(via Roombots – BioRob)
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chieftech · 4 years
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(via Design Thinking Continues When Imagination Workers Work Remotely)
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chieftech · 4 years
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chieftech · 4 years
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(via Car of 2050 will be a hub for meetings on the go - Workplace Insight)
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chieftech · 4 years
MIT Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces Group
(via MIT researchers engineer cyborg plants for motion-tracking and sending notifications)
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chieftech · 4 years
(via Meet the Prompt – an Anti-watch that can tell you the time without you looking at it | Yanko Design)
Early iterations of the tactile timepiece went to lengths to tell you the precise time, right down to the hour and minute. But since most meetings start at the top of the hour or halfway past the hour, the design team ultimately realized that staying prompt only required a timepiece to convey “four moments in time” – right before or after the top of hour, and right before or after the half-hour.
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chieftech · 4 years
when you enter Sister City in New York City, you will hear recombined snippets of various arrangements written by Björk... This is a living and evolving soundscape, thanks to Microsoft AI. Similar to the earlier iteration, the images in the installation are powered by a camera perched on the roof of Sister City. However, the AI in this version is more advanced; it’s continuously being trained and learning to identify more objects in the sky above the hotel. It can find and understand with better accuracy a wider range of objects, in much higher detail. So it doesn’t just find clouds, but denotes the density and type of cloud, whether cumulus or nimbus. And it won’t just find a bird, but will also distinguish an entire flock of birds. All that accuracy and evolution means that the choral arrangements you hear will change over time as well, as the AI learns to identify new objects.
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chieftech · 4 years
(via NEON artificial humans at CES behave, converse, and sympathize just like real people)
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chieftech · 4 years
Careers in the future workplace
(via Careers in the future workplace - YouTube)
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chieftech · 5 years
(via Intel Opens PTK1 Development Center in Israel - YouTube)
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chieftech · 5 years
(via Dexus Brainwaves Activation - YouTube)
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chieftech · 5 years
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(via Don Norman – Can HCD Help with Complex Sociotechnical Systems?)
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