cherryxblossom07 · 3 years
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Makeup doesn’t make you look beautiful, it just enhances your true beauty.
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cherryxblossom07 · 3 years
Battle against Covid
We’ve been fighting a battle against covid for more than a year now and we’ve still not won.
We were expecting to be strong and winning this battle against “the deadly disease” but now it seems like we’re on the verge of losing.
- This one’s specially for Indians...
The situation of our country is getting worse with every passing day, this year. It is worse than what it was last year. No hospital beds are available in 80% of the affected regions in India and Hospitals are running short on medical staff.
What do you think? Can the situation get any worse? Well yes, it has gotten worse because there is shortage in cremation areas. Who would’ve thought that this day would come where cremating your loved ones would become a challenge.
A lot of people tested positive at Kumbh mela and still there are people who are celebrating their Holy festivals without fearing what might happen to them in the process.
I have no intention to disrespect anyone or anyone’s beliefs, I am JUST a concerned human and I am concerned about everyone who’s not understanding the gravity of the situation and is taking things lightly.
You might not understand this now, but our future is getting compromised due to everything that’s going around. Even though the teachers are trying their best to provide us education in the best way possible, it’s not enough and it won’t be enough until and unless we don’t learn everything physically instead of virtually, which will only be possible if we fight and win this battle against Covid. So as a student whose future is at risk, it’s a request to all of you, PLEASE START TAKING PRECAUTIONS AND TRY AS LEAST AS POSSIBLE TO APPEAR IN PUBLIC PLACES.
It’s not only about education, It’s about everything that we live for. It’s time to do the right thing because It’s high time now, It’s time that we pull-up our socks and fight harder than we’ve ever fought before.
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cherryxblossom07 · 3 years
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What would you prefer, Music or No Music?
Would you prefer watching a movie that has songs or a movie that has no songs? Do you think that you can enjoy parties with no music at all? Do you think that you can avoid listening to sad music when you go through a breakup? And do you think that you can stop yourself from dancing at a rock and roll beat when you’re extremely happy? Well, I don’t think so
Imagine yourself in a world without music, no Arijit Singh songs to listen to after your breakup. I used to listen to “Humari Adhuri Kahani” after my first breakup and cry myself to sleep. Imagine yourself as a bride, making a grand entrance at your wedding without “Din Shagna Da” being played in the background, sounds awful, isn’t it?
Few days back, I saw a guy riding a scooty which didn’t make the creepy sound that the normal scooters usually make, and trust me, I couldn’t stop laughing, now imagine yourself riding that, Imagine yourself in a furious mood, with no calming tunes on youtube to relax your mind.
Many people prefer listening to music while studying because it helps them in concentrating well. There are a lot of people who are crazily addicted to music, they do not even prefer going out of their house without their headphones, this is how powerful music is.
So, now you tell me, would you prefer music or no music.
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