cavbatch · 2 years
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I must say I'm proud of it đŸ€­đŸ˜‚đŸ„°
Btw I'm sorry if I didn't post for too long đŸ„șđŸ„ș soo here's my favorite consulting detective đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ’–
I hope u will like it đŸ„°
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cavbatch · 2 years
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Sherloque Wells in The Flash S05E14 “Cause and XS”
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cavbatch · 2 years
Sherloque Wells x Reader On Thin Ice With Affection
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner(s).
It’s been a couple of months since Sherloque and you started dating. Being on couples grounds meant that you and the ruggedly handsome detective have taken the opportunity to get to know one other before jumping into anything serious in the relationship. You know of Sherloque’s seven unique, yet disaster-filled marriages from the fact that he’s mentioned it a few times over the Thanksgiving season. 
Gradually, you started to open up to him about your past boyfriends; mentioning the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sherloque did his best to comfort you, feeling a sort of guilt within him because of the pain others have caused you. You had this little hope in your heart that these personal talks could be a possible building point to develop trust between you and him. At least to confide in one another if something comes up without having to worry about judgments and such.
Through some time, Sherloque had revealed bits and pieces of his past to you. How things had happened, why they worked at that moment, and why everything fell apart. Of course, Sherloque tended to keep certain specifics, which you’d respect, but he would give you the general overview of the situation. Usually the bits and pieces were about his past relationships and interactions. He had an inkling feeling and deduced from your behaviors that you’d want to do what you can to make things right in this relationship for the both of you. 
From that point on, you made sure to be yourself while also being careful and considerate of Sherloque. The dark-haired detective had gone through so much heartbreak that he’s felt like he has no one or a family to return to. Mentally, you’ve made it your mission to show him that he does indeed have a place here on Earth 1. That he has you to return to.
New Years Eve is approaching quickly, which meant the annual family gathering was taking place at your parent’s house. You had already missed Christmas, wanting to spend it with Sherloque and Team Flash. You shake your head slightly, sitting next to Sherloque on his bed-couch with your laptop on the email of the invitation. The dark-haired detective had his reading glasses on and French book in hand.
It’s too early to bring him to anything family-related. You think, playing with the chain of you necklace, a golden star on the chain. I don’t want to scare him off or make him feel uncomfortable. Or feel like I’m dragging him when he clearly wouldn’t want to go.
The atmosphere in the lounge room was overall tranquil and warm, the soft tune of cafe jazz music playing in the background. Snow drifted comfortably outside, covering the city with a thick blanket layer. Sherloque glances at you from the corner of his eye, hearing your sharp, little intake of air. He denotes that you’re feeling nervous beside him, fiddling with your necklace or your rings were always a sure sign of the emotion. But why? He tucks his hair behind his ear, mind making multiple deductions on the current situation.
After shutting your laptop off and placing it on the coffee table, you automatically lean your head on his shoulder when you sit back, letting out a small and shaky breath. The multiverse Wells turned his head slightly to look at you, a soft twinkle in his eyes before going back to his book. Being the affectionate person that you are, you always love to give and receive it. Hugs, cuddles, kisses, even just sitting or standing close to the one you love. But
 you sometimes feel like you’re bothering Sherloque with it all. He’s never voiced anything, but
 you can’t help but assume that he’ll get fed up one day and turn you away. So after a few moments you remove your head from his shoulder, guilt flourishing in your heart.
“Sherloque?” You scoot away a bit to give him some space, looking up at the scruffy man.
“Oui, mon chaton?”
“I uh
.” Sherloque sets his book down on his lap to fully look at you along with taking his glasses off. He watches you curiously with one quirked eyebrow. Yes, he’s seen you nervous before, especially with Team Flash, but not like this regarding just you and him. “I’m sorry um
” you fiddle with the tips of your fingers, avoiding his azure eyes.
“I’m sorry for always bothering you whenever I give you hugs or kisses. I haven’t been giving you the space that you deserve. So
 This is a two-person relationship and I’m sorry for being selfish in always wanting affection, I’ll be more considerate next time.”
Your words hit Sherloque’s heart so much because never has a woman or any of his wives ever apologized for something so trivial like this. They usually complain that he doesn’t give enough love or affection. Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour mĂ©riter quelqu'un d'aussi pur et prĂ©cieux que toi, ma douce? The dark-haired man muses in his mind as he pets your head and smiles gingerly. A small gesture of assurance on his part to let you know that you’re ok. That it’s ok.
“You just have a big heart, my sweet. There’s nothing wrong with sharing that with the people you love.”
“But I don’t mean to bother you or distract you from what you’re deducing or solving. I don’t want to stop you from doing what you love,” You respond with a sheepish look, inwardly restraining yourself from wanting to hold his hand or to snuggle into his warm embrace.
The detective pulls you close to him for a comforting hug, the blanket covering you both almost falling off you two from his movements. Sherloque kisses your forehead sweetly, “You’ll never bother me, please don’t change yourself unless it’s for what you think is best. To be a better version of yourself for you, not for me and not for anyone else.”
You can’t help the tear that escapes your eyes because your past boyfriends have always complained about you and your constant affection giving-recieving ‘problem’. You snuggle into his chest instantly, not wanting him to see you cry like a baby, but you had a feeling he already saw the tell-tale signs of tears. Because he’s right here murmuring comforting words in French and holding you close in his arms. What did I ever do to deserve someone as understanding and loving as you, Sherloque?
Pourquoi: For what?
Oui, mon chaton?: Yes, my kitten?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour mériter quelqu'un d'aussi pur et précieux que toi, ma douce?: What did I do to deserve someone as pure and precious as you, my sweet?
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cavbatch · 2 years
That Thing You Do - HR x Reader
a prompt from the wonderful @darlingpetao3, because I need to work on my shorter drabbles.
“How about an H.R. x Reader where he’s *trying* to give up coffee? (This one’s been in my ideas folder for awhile now lol)  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
Here’s something fluffy for you.  :)   
“I want you to know, that I blame you for this.”  Cisco didn’t even glance in your direction as you took a seat next to him in the Cortex.  He was staring across the room where HR was talking excitedly to Barry, who had a look on his face like he was watching a train wreck in slow motion.  It was horrifying and amazing, and none of you could look away.  Drumsticks flying, whirling in every direction with the motion of his hands, HR was literally bouncing on his feet and talking so fast even you were having trouble following the conversation.  Barry was trying to nod at all the right moments, not that it registered at all to your more-hyper-than-normal boyfriend.
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cavbatch · 2 years
“It doesn’t matter what they think, I just care about what you think.” With HR please? You’re writing makes my heart do flips đŸ„ș
Thank you so much, cariad! ❀
It was no secret that Harry and H.R didn't get along. They were two opposites and more often than not it led to them clashing. Though despite the insults Harry often flung his way, usually they were like water off a ducks back for H.R. Recently things had been worse though. Harry had gotten into another argument with Jesse and he had been taking his frustration out on the novelist for several days now.
The final straw snapped when Harry scolded H.R in front of the rest of the team over him getting an estimate wrong. That wasn't new, but when he proceeded, despite your warnings to cut it out, to tell H.R he had no idea what you saw him, that you could do better than a moron, you saw something inside H.R break. Instead of coming back with some cheery comment, your boyfriend just left.
By the time you were done chewing Harry out he was quieter than he'd ever been.
Satisfied, you left in search of H.R, finding him in the converted storage room he used to call home, sitting on the abandoned bed, twiddling a drumstick.
"Hey, bean," you said softly, leaning against the door as you closed it behind you.
H.R glanced up, offering a smile that didn't reach his eyes before looking back down again.
Moving over, you sat next to him. "Harry's wrong."
H.R shook his head. "No. As always, he's perfectly correct. Someone as brilliant and smart as you deserves someone as equally brilliant and smart."
"I don't want someone else. I want you."
H.R's laugh lacked the humor you were used to and it broke your heart. "Even when everyone thinks you could do so much better?"
"It doesn't matter what they think, I just care about what you think."
There was a moment of silence. "I think you could do better, that you deserve better, yet I know that I'm hopelessly in love with you, and I want to be selfish enough to never leave you go."
"Then be selfish. I love you too, bean. You're the best man I've ever met, and I don't think even a talented novelist like you could accurately capture just how much I adore you."
Finally, H.R looked up again, and this time his eyes twinkled when he smiled. "You're spectacular."
"So are you."
Leaning in, you kissed him, chuckling softly when you quickly found yourself being pushed back onto the cot, H.R hovering above you and peppering kisses along your jaw.
Moaning, you smiled back up at him. "You're perfect for me."
"And you for me."
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cavbatch · 2 years
A Christmas Kiss
HR x Female reader
Word count: 817
Master list
A/N: This was suppose to come out on Christmas Day but due to general depression I didn’t feel like posting it. Happy very belated holiday!
The door bell ranged. Barry walked up to the door, opening it, “Hey, (y/n)! What are you doing here?” He step to the side to let you in.
You walk into the West’s house and proceed to take off your jacket, “Well, my folks wanted me to spend the holidays with you guys.”
“Awww, really?”
“Well... I might of told them about a certain person and they were like ‘Don’t worry about us, go spend it with him.’ So, here I am.”
“Well, I’m sure he will be very happy to see you here.”
“(y/n)! What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the holidays with your family?” Iris walks up to you; giving you a hug.
“Her family wanted her to spend the holidays with a certain coffee addict.” Iris gave you a look before looking to the living room to see HR staring at you. Cisco gently pushed the author forward. He stumbled a bit but managed to make his way over. Both Barry and Iris excuse themselves to give you guys some space.
Fiddling with the sleeve of you top as HR walks up to you, “Hey, (y/n/n).”
“Hey, HR. I’m loving your sweater.” You point to his red, green, and white sweater.
He looks down at it, “Oh thanks!” He smiles at you. “And you look-” He gestures towards you, “You look beautiful.”
You blush as you look down to your outfit, “Thanks, HR.” You look back up to him, both of you smiling at each other.
Then a thought came to him, “Oh! You should try Grandma Ester’s eggnog. It’s amazing!” He points to his mug.
“I’ll pass. But, out of curiosity, how many of those did you had?”
Glancing down to his mug, he tries to count how many times he refilled his mug. “2 or 3.” Looking back up as he took a sip.
“Try 7.” Cecile said as she and Joe approach. “It’s good to see you, (y/n).”
“Like wise.”
“(y/n), I got you some of that tea you like. It’s in the kitchen.” Joe tells you.
Spinning on your heels of your shoes to face the kitchen, “Oh, Joe, you know me so well!” You took off towards the kitchen with HR close behind you. Once in you spotted the bag of tea on the counter, you took out a mug from the cabinet and grabbed a tea ball filter.
“So, what’s so special about this tea?” HR ask as he watches you fill the cup up with hot water from the Kroger.
You smile as you fill the tea ball filter with the loose tea leaves, “Well, HR, when you steep the tea-” You place the ball into the hot water, “It turns the water blue.” You held the cup up to HR so he could see the color change. “And when you add lemon juice to it, that’s when the real magic happens.” Making your way over to the fridge, you receive the bottle of lemon juice. You walk back over to HR, opening the bottle, and poured some of the juice in. “The tea turns purple.” Pulling a spoon out of a drawer to mix the tea up. Once it was mixed, you took a sip of it. “It remind me of blueberry muffins.”
“While that does sound amazing, this eggnog...” He takes a sip, “taste fantastic.” HR continues to talk about the eggnogs that both Joe and Cecile had made. How each of them had different taste and strength. He even went on about how he mixed the two together. You love listening to this man talk about anything and everything. Just then, an idea popped into your head. Placing your mug down and then grabbing his mug to place down, you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dining room. You continued your way until both of you were underneath the beam where the mistletoe was hanging from.
“Woah, hey (y/n/n), what’s the matter?” He looked so concern and confuse that you couldn’t help but smile. You loved that about him; always looking out for you. You point upwards and when he looked up, he saw what was hanging there; a mistletoe. He looks down at you, he reach up to gingerly caress your face. He leans down as you stand on your toes to meet him his lips. Clapping and wooing erupted. Pulling away, you buried your face into HR’s chest, “What are they cheering for?” He whisper to you.
Gazing up to him, “They been wanting us to kiss for some time now.” You wrap your arms around his waist as he wraps his arms around you.
“Well, if that’s what they wanted then, lets give them what they want.” He place his hands on either side of your face, leaning in and give you a passionate kiss
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cavbatch · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐹𝐧𝐝𝐹𝐧 𝐄đČ𝐞
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Reader x Sherlock
Summary: Y/N has a problem; she’s in love with Sherlock Holmes. She’s decided to bury her feelings, but we all know that nothing gets past the consulting detective and his deductions. But can he be hiding something himself?
A tour of one of England’s greatest landmarks might just reveal a couple secrets
 after all, love is in the air, right?
Requested by: Anonymous
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not.”
“But Sherlock, it’s for tourists!”
“Perhaps. But the view from on high is spectacular nonetheless.”
The sky was scarlet above, and a cool breeze blew from the East as Sherlock and Y/N stood beneath the great wheel. He turned to her smiling, and offered out a gloved hand. “Care to touch the clouds with me?” he asked.
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cavbatch · 3 years
A Chemical Defect
A/N: One-shot :) Fluff with a bit of angst (ReaderxSherlock)
Warning/s: None that I could think of :/
You recently started going out on dates. Nothing serious. Just little trips to the cafĂ© here and there. Somehow though, Sherlock manages to screw things up for you. Sometimes, when you’re in a middle of one, he would call to tell you that there’s been an emergency or that he’s in urgent need of your assistance, only to come home and find that he needs help with silly little things. This time, however, your dinner date was going extremely well but then Sherlock barges in and tells off your date by deducing embarrassing things about him humiliatingly loud. Not long after, your disgraced date put a couple of bills on the table and excused himself. You glared at Sherlock before storming out of the restaurant. Sherlock ran after you.
“Y/N, please.” He pleaded right after you entered 221B. Fuming with anger, you didn’t look back at him, instead you went up the stairs as fast as you can without running. Again, he followed you. You opened the door to the flat to see John working on his laptop in his chair.
“Y/N. Wait. Please!” He exhaled. You stared at him angrily. “I’m sorry. I had no idea would be this angry.” He reasoned, not meeting your stare.
“Why? What happened?” John asked, clueless.
“Sherlock, we both know this isn’t the first time that you pulled this kind of crap! Why are you do this?!” You shouted at Sherlock.
“Aaand that’s my cue to leave. I’ll be back in a few.” John closed his laptop and went out the flat.
“I’m doing it because I don’t think you should be going out on dates!” Sherlock matched your voice.
“Well, tough! You don’t have a say in this! You’re not my dad so you don’t get to be concerned about me like that!” You yelled back. You saw his expression grow stern.
“Damn it, Y/N!” He exclaimed as he angrily ran his hand through his hair. “Can’t you see?!” He brought up his open hands. “I’m not acting out of concern, I’m acting out of bloody jealousy!” He loudly stated.
Jealousy?” You blinked a couple of times. “Sherlock, what do you mean, you’re acting out of jealousy?” You asked, softer this time.
“D-do I really have t-to spell it out?” His face red from a mix of blush and frustration.
“Uh, yeah?” You said sarcastically.
“I- Well- Hah.” He sighed and inhaled audibly. 
“Everytime you go out,” he started. “I can’t help but wonder why it couldn’t be me.” He blew air from his nose.
He looked up to see your face. “Seriously, Y/N, why couldn’t it be me?” he repeated as he advanced towards you.
“Sherlock, I-”
“Am I really that repulsive? Too much that you couldn’t see me the way I see you?” He furrowed his brows.
“You’re not repulsive, Sherlock. You never have been.” You trailed off as you walked near him.
“Prove it.” He dared to which you responded by grabbing his collar down and kissing him passionately. He put one hand at your nape and another on your back, increasing the warmth of each other’s company. After your well-deserved make-out session, you parted your lips.
“You’re driving me crazy, Y/N. I love you too much.” He breathed, both your forehead touching.
“I thought you said sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side
” You smiled as you bit your lower lip.
“In that case, I’d always lose to you.” Sherlock retorted before pulling you in for another kiss.
The door then opened to reveal a confused John Watson.
“I missed something, haven’t I?” John asked at the sight of you and Sherlock.
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(*gif isn’t mine)
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cavbatch · 3 years
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Imagine Sherlock coming home exhausted because of a case.
” He sloppily hugged you from behind.
“Rough day?” You asked, turning around to face him.
“Yeah.” He answered, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
“Want to tell me about it?” You asked and he let out a low chuckle before whispering breathily in your ear.
“Why tell you when I can just show you how rough it was?”
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cavbatch · 3 years
The Woman (Sherlock x Reader)
Character: Sherlock Holmes
Fandom: Sherlock
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Jealous!Reader
Title: The Woman
Requested by @notommystahp asked:
Hiii!!!! If you don’t mind, can i request a sherlock imagine where sherlock and reader are dating and she’s protective of him when irene adler is around? and sherlock assured her that he has no feelings for irene and stuff? 😁 Thank you so much I love all of your works!!
As I bit my fingernails, I grew very aware of how I was nervously bouncing my leg. If Sherlock were there he would have already told me to quit it. But he wasn’t.
Neither was John, none of them were home. And it was anguishing me.
I loved those lads –especially Sherlock, since we were kind of dating –but they kept getting in trouble. Solving crimes and being involved with such dangerous people all the time.
And of course, they would never let me go with them. The two were definitely agreeing on that, and so I had to stay home while they were out.
“I have to go now, dear” Mrs. Hudson told me, putting a friendly hand on my knee. “Try not to worry too much, they’ll be alright”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hudson” I forced a smile because I honestly felt grateful for her company, even though I was quite concerned about them still.
Trying to analyze the possibilities, I thought of what I knew about that particular case. Not much, really, just that it had something to do with the woman: Irene Adler.
As I nibbled on my bottom lip, trying not to imagine the many possible outcomes of that case, I heard the door being slammed shut.
I heaved a big sigh of relief and jolted up in nervousness.
“John? Sherlock?” I called out, walking over to the door.
“Yes, here” Came out John’s voice, despite the fact that it sounded strange. Forced, mildly scared, tired, nervous.
I hurried to meet them and the image I was welcomed with took my breath away. John stood there, struggling to carry an unconscious Sherlock.
“He’ll be alright, don’t worry” He told me, looking up at me and talking in a soft and sweet voice. Dr. Watson must have realized how deeply terrified I was to see him like that.
“Bloody hell!” My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped. “What happened, John?!”
“The woman” The doctor just replied as I hurried to get to his side and help him carry Sherlock.
“I don’t like her” I said, already in a bad mood.
Maybe it was because Sherlock had shown a great interest in her. He was fascinated by such an intelligent woman, and it was driving me crazy.
On top of all, look what he had done to him! He was completely out!
With great effort, we managed to get Sherlock to his room and lie him on the bed.
I glanced at him and then at John, wondering what he would be thinking. Even though I knew, sort of.
He had a date that evening, but he definitely wanted to stay to take care of our friend. But I didn’t want to bring up the subject, knowing John.
Even though he knew I wouldn’t go anywhere, John would stay. There was no point in trying to talk him into it.
“I have to make a phone call” He cleared his throat and made a stubborn face as he stirred around a little.
“I’ll stay with him” Was all I replied as I carefully sat down next to Sherlock.
John just nodded and closed the door behind him as he left to cancel his date.
Sherlock slept for a few more hours.
I had taken a break of staying there because I needed something to eat. I barely ate anything all day, feeling so restless and queasy.
After I finished having my meal, I took a few more minutes to just sit down on the sofa and try to relax. The events of the day still had me a little shaken up, even if nothing too grave happened.
“John?!” Sherlock’s voice came from the room, alarmed. “Y/N?!”
I quickly stood up and jogged until I arrived there, but John beat me to it. He was already there with Sherlock, so I just stood there next to him.
“Where is she?” Sherlock was saying as he clumsily and groggily stumbled around the room.
I smiled and took a step forward, figuring he meant me. But John and I exchanged confused glares when Sherlock looked right at me and yet stared at us waiting for a response.
“She’s right here” John waved his hand towards me, but I remained silent.
“No, not Y/N!”
“Then who?”
“The woman”
“What woman?”
“The woman”
Feeling too hurt to stay there, I just huffed and left the room. I knew Sherlock felt something about her, he had completely ignored me. His girlfriend!
The first name he called out when he woke up wasn’t mine. It was hers.
“Oh, Irene Adler” I could hear John say before I got into my room.
Grumpy yet mad, I slammed the door closed and locked myself in.
That wasn’t the first time I knew about Irene Adler. And it wouldn’t be the last.
She was in our flat. Irene Adler was in our actual flat! And flirting with Sherlock too! John noticed too, because he made an amusing comment that I would have laughed at if it weren’t for the fact that I was so jealous that I stared at her almost with hatred.
I knew that woman had something going on with Sherlock. So I resigned to send her unfriendly glares and wait until they finished talking.
I kept telling myself that Sherlock felt nothing for her even if it was obvious he did. I tried to pretend like the reason why they were so intimate was not love. That even though she was getting so close to him and Sherlock was letting her, he really didn’t have any interest in her. That it was all a part of a case or getting information from her or something along those lines.
Because it just felt too painful to think that Sherlock was actually getting so affectionate towards Irene Adler despite the fact that I remained to be his girlfriend.
When she finally left, curiously looking at me, I stared at Sherlock in an accusatory way.
“Is something the matter, Y/N?” He calmly asked me.
I pursed my lips tightly together in an annoyed response to his question.
I felt the need to call John and ask him to be there just to have him support me. Because, unlike Sherlock, he knew human emotions. He realized how I felt about Irene and he would help me show it to my so called ‘boyfriend’. But it was something between Sherlock and me.
“You like her, don’t you?” I finally said after a few seconds of an intense glare directed angrily to him.
“What are you on about?” With as much tranquility, Sherlock sat down in his chair.
“Sometimes I question if you’re that intelligent at all, Sherlock” I was so mad, I wouldn’t normally have said something like that.
My comment, of course, hurt his pride. I could see the shift in his eyes, from completely calm to hurt and defensive.
“Will you tell me what’s the matter then?”
“That woman!” I exclaimed, knowing I was overreacting at that point but with no intention whatsoever to avoid doing so. “Do any of you realize I’m your girlfriend?”
“I understand” He nodded and motioned for me to get closer with his hands. “You’re jealous because of the way we interacted”
“Is that it?” I replied sarcastically. “Really? You think so?”
Sherlock grinned a little and stared at me. His expression changed into a more serious one.
“Y/N, you don’t have to be worried about that” He assured. “There’s nothing between us. Especially as long as you’re my girlfriend, because-”
“The problem is you don’t realize my feelings” I interrupted him, trying to acknowledge the fact that the situation happened more often than he realized. “It’s not just jealousy, Sherlock. I’m hurt to see you act like that in front of me, I feel insecure knowing there’s a woman like her trying to win you, I feel sad and scared when I think that you might replace me for her or someone and
I made a pause when I realized my anger was turning into sorrow and I was getting emotional.
Sherlock stared at me, slightly confused, when he noticed my watery eyes and my shaky voice. His glare looked sad and regretful and it felt like he was finally understanding my point of view and feeling terrible about it.
” He whispered, his voice low and sweet.
His hands were suddenly in my hips and he gently pulled me into his lap, so I sat there averting my eyes from him in embarrassment.
“She might be the woman, but for me, you are the woman” Slightly dazed, Sherlock blinked a few times.
It was endearing to see him getting flustered, because it definitely didn’t happen often. It barely even happened at all.
“Do you mean that?” I let my glance fall on his.
“Of course I mean that, love” It was the first time he ever called me that, so it made me chuckle.
I felt silly for ever doubting him. I knew I still had reasons to dislike Irene and to feel suspicious about their relationship, but he looked so genuine and so honest, he appeared to feel so guilty. So I believed him.
The corners of his lips lifted when he saw me smile and his eyes shone with a spark of happiness too.
I just hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes in content when his arms wrapped my frame. It made all my restlessness go away.
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cavbatch · 3 years
Sherlock prompt "who said I didn't like you?" "It's ok if you don't like me not everyone has good taste"
Thanks so much for requesting! :3
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I rolled my eyes at yet another witty and smartass Sherlock interruption.
“Okay, Sherlock” I replied bitterly. “You don’t like me, I already know that”
“Who said I don’t like you?” To both John and my surprise, our friend put an innocent face. Almost looking like a puppy.
“It’s okay” I shrugged with a smug smirk on my lips. “Not everyone has good taste”
John snorted in amusement to my sass, causing me to smirk even wider.
“I didn’t
” Sherlock mumbled, taken aback by my response.
He didn’t finish the sentence, he just stared at me with a puzzled expression. But there was something else in his face, something that I couldn’t quite figure out.
“I left him speechless” I was in pure awe to see he didn’t have anything sharp to say back. “That’s a first”
Sherlock just kept staring at me, pursing his lips ever so lightly. He looked bothered, almost like
 I hurt his feelings.
I quickly glanced at John, who was looking back at me. It felt like we were thinking the same thing, so I quickly went over to Sherlock.
“You do know I’m just goofying around, don’t you?” I nudged him playfully, and he got tense.
But then I kissed him in the cheek and he relaxed. In the end, he smiled.
“Of course I know, Y/N” There was the usual Sherlock. “I’m a genius, how can I not know?”
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cavbatch · 3 years
Back from the dead: Sherlock Holmes x fem! reader
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When Sherlock appears at your apartment alive and well you think you’re seeing things.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of “death.”, sadness.
My first Sherlock one shot woohoo! If you wanna request anything Sherlock please do so :) not just Sherlock but other characters too.
When Sherlock died, you felt your whole world come crashing down. The love of your life just jumped to his death in front of you and all you could do was scream in John’s arms as the ambulance took his body away.
Everyone became affected by his death:
John moved out of 221B not bearing to be in the flat he once shared with his best friend. Mrs Hudson’s normal happy demeanour slowly disappeared and she found herself locking up the flat not being able to return.
Greg found himself drinking more than usual and when anyone even brought up Sherlock’s name he would yell at them. Molly became more focused on her work not really connecting with people. Even Mycroft became affected by the death and closed himself off more so.
Then, there was you. You became the most affected, finding yourself falling into a deep depression, spending your nights screaming into your pillow until your throat hurt.
You began to smoke as a way to cope with his death because it reminded you of him, and it relaxed you which helped a lot. However you held out hope, the hope he would return through the front door pulling you in a hug and letting you just cry into his arms as he explained it was all a lie.
The hope he would return to solving crimes, to wearing his deer-stalker that he found stupid and that infamous coat which kept you warm when you were out or when he was away.
As time went on you however, you finally grappled with that fact he was truly gone, but the love you held for him didn’t disappear. You knew he would want you to keep going, so you did, but your heart hurt and you felt like just giving up all-together.
At least you would be together again.
-2 years later- You walk slowly through the graveyard, hands slipped into your pockets, and a quiet sigh slipping from your lips. It’s been 2 years and you still visit his grave every-day, but at least now compared to then you’re not a crying mess.
Your plan for the day was to go to the graveyard and then head to the police station to see Greg. He’s been your saving grace this whole time, so you love visiting him.
Arriving at the tombstone you spend an hour there before leaving. “I’ll be back tomorrow
”, placing your hand on the top of the tombstone for a moment, you leave the cemetery.
On the way to the station you admire your surroundings while also weaving between the multitude of people. Makes sense though it’s a week-day so it’s super busy.
Moving faster through the bustle you finally reach the police station. Hopefully all is good. Despite Greg drinking more than usual he’s still the same and he’s still just as sweet as when you met, and you consider him one of your closest friends.
You rub your hands together to regain some warmth, as you walk to the front door, hand gripping onto the handle, and you pull open the door. The sound of chatter instantly hits you but it doesn’t bother you much, as you find yourself now walking towards Greg’s office.
“Afternoon (y/n)
”, Anderson.
Anderson is fine but you still found it rude when he called Sherly a Psycho-path when he’s
was, a ‘high-functioning sociopath.’.
“Yeah, afternoon
”, you greet the man. He looks terrible, constantly going over and over conspiracies as to what happened on that roof but you just ignore that.
Walking over to Greg’s office you’re met with him filling out paper-work and such. The usual. His head is down but there’s concentration in his eyes, the dark circles quite evident that he’s had late nights but it’s understandable.
Greg immediately stops writing. He looks up and then his gaze falls on you, a smile almost-immediately falling on his lips.
”., Greg raises from the desk and walks over to you, soon pulling you into a hug.
I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”.
Though the hug is brief it’s still meaningful. You move back so you can see Greg and his tiredness is more evident up close.
“Aww come on Greg, I couldn’t forget about you. Visiting you is one of my favourite parts of the day.”.
The Inspector chuckles, placing a hand on your shoulder.
and seeing you always brightens my day.”. You literally love this man so much but not in a romantic way in a platonic-friends way. “Thank you Greg, really.”.
Giving your shoulder a small squeeze Greg takes his hand away, but that smile you love remains on his lips.
“You’re welcome (y/n).”.
You spend about an hour just hanging around the office while he fills out paperwork and answers a few calls.
You chat in between breaks and when he’s working you just sit there giving him your company while enjoying his.
When 3 pm rolls around you leave to head home, knowing you should probably tidy up the apartment. It’s not extremely messy but it’s still a mess and you want to tidy it up to give yourself a clear mind.
“Take care, yeah?”.
“You take care Greg, really. But thank you, that means a lot.”.
With one more hug you wave goodbye to Greg before heading out the door and towards your home.
"Finally home running a hand through your hair you lock up. Slipping off your shoes you shrug off your coat and then take off your gloves, before turning around to head to the couch.
However, you freeze. Your gut drops, your eyes now stuck on the dark figure near the bathroom. What the hell? It’s like all the air has been taken out of you to the point you’re unable to speak or even act.
Yes, you’ve been in situations like this before but never alone, usually it’s with Sherlock or John but again, never alone.
So this is terrifying cause you have no clue what their intentions are: they could murder you, kidnap you, or both. Maybe their just there to scare you shitless, or to knock you out, or something.
So you just stand there while the figure slowly begins to turn around. You expect them to be wearing a mask because that’s usually what happens when people break in, and you expect a weapon to be in their hand or both hands. A knife, or gun, or something.
However when this person turns around that’s when you feel your heart stop. No. The person you’re seeing is not some random, or someone out to kill you, it’s
”, this is the only word you can get out as you’re at a loss for words.
Sherlock Holmes. The love of you life, the man who fell to his death 2 years prior, stands in your house looking completely fine. He looks completely fine. He’s wearing a coat, his messy hair bouncing slightly as he moves, and his stance remains the same.
You realise that this can’t be real though
he’s dead.
”, his voice cuts through the silence. “i’m..”.
”, you cut him off. You feel like passing out since this
none of this seems real to you. How can this be real?
“No t-this..t-this isn’t real, I’m. fuck. i’m seeing things
“You’re not seeing things
he replies, and he slowly begins to walk towards you but you back away till your back hits the door. “I am. You’re not here, you’re deadyou died 2 years ago so I’m s-seeing things..”
he continues his long legs taking him closer and closer to you. You shake your head trying to convince yourself you’re just seeing things, you have to be. It’s just a trick your brain is playing on you, a sick trick, but a trick nonetheless. “You’re not real-.”.
“It’s me
He cuts you off, his figure close to you. “
you’re not seeing things, it’s me. I’m here-.”.
“No!”, you cut him off, your voice cracking as you scream. “You’re not here, you’re not real so just leave me alone!”.
This is real though. This is in fact, Sherlock Holmes. 2 years prior when you thought he jumped to his death he didn’t actually since he faked it. He needed to convince you and everyone that he’d died so he could spend the next 2 years bringing down Moriarty’s Network.
He did successfully bring it down but over the 2 years he missed you profusely. He wanted to tell you he’s been alive this whole time but feared you would be hurt or killed, so he stopped himself from doing so. However seeing you visiting a grave that had nothing in it, and how much hell you’ve been going through, made him want to just appear in front of you and tell you he’s really been alive.
“Sweetheart, please! It’s me, it’s really me I swear to you-.”.
“No. NO!”. You push him away, wanting to get away from who. No, what, you were seeing.
“Stay the fuck away from me-”. “(y/n)!”, he yells reaching for your hands but you cut him off with a hard slap across the face. Sherlock doesn’t even get angry, he just looks at you with pleading eyes.
“Please (y/n), I’m actually here, you’re not seeing things, it’s actually me. I know this must be hard but I’m alive, I swear to you I’m alive
No, he’s lying.
“Oh god y-you
n-no, you’re lying
“I’m not lying, I
I faked my death (y/n). I’m so sorry but I did
Sherlock moves towards you but this time you don’t even move. You don’t slap him again.
“I had to fake my death to bring down Moriarty’s network, I
god, I wanted to tell you and John and everyone but it would have put you in danger and
Tears fall down his cheeks as he continues. “I couldn’t risk doing that as much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t and I know how much hell you must have gone through and I’m so sorry for what I put you through..”.
You want to scream at him. You want to punch him or slap him or tell him how much hell he put you through
but you can’t. The love of your life is in front of you alive and god you’ve wanted this to happen for so long and now that he’s actually there it feels surreal.
But he’s there, and unlike other people they don’t get an opportunity like this, for their loved one to be alive. You can’t believe what he did but you realise it was for your safety and everyone elses and you already feel like crying.
“Nothing will make up for this, I know but if you-.”.
You nearly tackle him to the ground. Holding onto him tightly you start to sob in his chest, your hands clinging onto him as you’re too afraid if you let him go he’ll disappear.
“Please don’t leave me e-ever again, please Sherly
”. Sherlock is surprised by this. He expected you to throw him out or slap him again, not for you to hug him. Plus it seems so weird hearing you call him ‘Sherly’ but it makes him happy.
He snaps out of his shock, his arms wrapping tightly around you as you put most of your weight against him.
“I won’t leave you ever again, I swear to you I won’t.”. You blink tears away but more just fall.
“I nearly died without you here. I felt like I-I died without you here. Fuck.”
You cling onto him tighter as your sobs grow louder. “I’m sorry
”, he replies, the tears falling faster down his cheeks. “Fuck i’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you like this.”.
He can feel you shaking so he brings his coat closer to you, letting you still cling to his body like it’s a lifeline.
“..and I swear to you that I will never leave you again. I love you so much”.
You don’t even look at him, you’re too focused on crying into his chest. His shirt and coat are wet but that’s the least of his worries, you’re his number one priority in that moment. You close your eyes, but the words “I love you.”, fill his ears and soon he’s holding you tighter.
“I love you so much.”. ———-
Sorry this was so long but I really liked writing it. This would be how I’d react honestly and i’m sorry for the sadness but I honestly know Sherlock would act this way in comforting his loved one.
41 notes · View notes
cavbatch · 3 years
Missed you - Sherlock x gender neutral!reader
If you see any typos, please tell me.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 370
Request:  I was hoping you could do a Sherlock X Reader fanfic in which, Sherlock has just solved a really hard case and is on a sort of high and totally wants you or something?
You jump when you hear the door to the flat being slammed shut. It’s then followed by Sherlock shouting your name. 
“In here!” You shout back at him. Here is yours and Sherlock’s bedroom. You hear something that sounds like Sherlock dumping his coat on a chair, and then shoes falling on the floor. The door opens and you look up from your laptop. 
“What are you doing?” Sherlock ask as he sets himself down cross-legged next to you.
Keep reading
68 notes · View notes
cavbatch · 3 years
| something to lose |
WHATIF!stephen strange x apprentice!reader
as his world fell, stephen did not stop. he had nothing to lose and so he traveled searching for a way to reunite with the woman he loves. he didn’t plan on taking on an apprentice but here he was, sharing his plans with another.
requested by the sweet: @harlekin6
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After the universe fell around Stephen and The Watcher left, he was left cold and alone. He screamed, cried, begged but for nothing it would seem, as he stayed alone in the prison of his own making.
For a long time, he was uselessly doing nothing and slowly going mad. Or rather madder.
When finally the madness brought him thoughts. Ideas.
What if
 he thought to himself.
In another universe a young woman was training to become a sorceress.
Or she rather stumbled through the path leading to becoming a sorceress, as her shyness and clumsiness were not helping.
She mostly spent her time in the library, reading books and gathering knowledge as her practical magic was a bit of a joke. At least that’s what the others are would call it.
“Miss Y/L/N” the librarian said, walking over to her table “Please return tomorrow, you’ll learn nothing useful at this hour”
Looking up she blushed, realising that it was way past the time she anticipated to finish.
“Oh! Sorry! I-I’ll just finish this chapter and I’ll go. I promise” she uttered, embarrassment causing her cheeks to turn even darker.
The librarian nodded and returned to their desk, to silently watch over the library.
She awkwardly smiled at the librarian before returning to her book, wishing that her knowledge would finally help her master the practical spells. Help her stop being so useless

Halfway through the chapter, something happened. As she was reading about warnings resulting from using the spell, there was a quite sudden and loud bang that echoed through the library.
She jumped in her chair and turned to look towards the librarian only to see them be sucked in by someone.
Her blood went cold and hot in a matter of seconds as she stood up, bumping into the chair and table she was using. She created shields in front of her hands, which were flickering in and out of existence as she trembled in fear watching the man now look at her.
The man was tall. Ridiculously so. His black hair tainted with silver strands on his sides, revealing his mature age. His intense blue eyes blood shot and boring their way into her soul as the dark circles underneath them made them pop out more. The dark robes he wore made his sickly white skin stand out along with the purple cloak that swayed gently as he moved.
To summarise. The man looked dangerous.
Snapping out of her dazed state, she took a step back saying “S-Stay back! Or I’ll—“
The man cut her off as if he was bored of her, rolling his eyes “Or you’ll what? You can’t even keep your shield steady. You’re nothing but a bug in my way, so step aside or I’ll crush you like one”
In honesty she knew that the man was right. She was only an apprentice, what could she do to him? Kick him in his shin?
A bit resigned she lowered her hands, causing her shields to crumble miserably.
Right away the man walked past her, saying to himself “Finally someone with a half working brain
She stared after him “I—“
“It wasn’t an invitation to a conversation, so do please shut up” he said in boredom as he searched through the books in the library.
Biting her lip she did as the man asked, only watching as he opened some books and ripped some pages from them. Each time she cringed, she never liked whenever someone caused damage to the books. Finally she spoke up about it.
“Do you need to rip the pages out? You could take the whole book, instead”
He stopped short and raised his brow at her “I just killed the librarian. And you’re crying over couple of pages ripped from some old book?”
She blushed and looked slightly away in embarrassment, trying to explain “Well
 well I just. It’s unnecessary damage which could be prevented”
“Huh” the man uttered, before closing the book his was holding and walking towards the woman in front of him. She glanced at him nervously, the redness on her cheeks spreading all the way up to her ears. He offered her the book, holding it towards her, saying “Take it then. You’ll carry it if you care for it so much”
Silently she gently took the book from his hands and as he turned to go back to searching she slowly followed after.
That was the beginning of their story.
Years later she was still following the man, she now knew was Stephen Strange. Well Master Strange to her. A man who’s universe crumbled so that he could hold his lover one more time, before she too faded away.
Master Strange survived by creating a crystal shields which he expanded later on and build himself a sanctuary in. A sanctuary which became her home after she followed the dark man out of her universe. Why? She wasn’t sure even now
 but after years with the heartbroken man she did find a reason to stay.
Her sorcery skills certainly improved under Master Strange guidance. Although her specially was still the theoretical knowledge, which came in handy for Master Strange.
“Y/N, will you bring the book I asked for today? Or will I be standing here and waiting?”
Snapping out of her thoughts she scanned the big bookshelf once more and frowned, saying.
“Master Strange, I’m afraid that we don’t have that book. Did you check if the spell was on some ripped page instead?”
Strange slammed his hand on the table he was standing in front of in frustration “Yes! Yes I did several times! It has to be in a book, so do please check again!”
Although she have grown used to his irritated and explosive moods, it never got easier to stop herself from flinching and feeling the heaviness in her heart.
“Yes, Master Strange
” she said quietly and went around the library to check every shelf from top to bottom.
There was a heavy and tense silence filling the room, until she heard Strange let out a deep sigh and move away from the table. She didn’t stop looking at the bookshelves as he stepped next to her and looked as well, his fingers gently brushing hers as he finally walked past her to look at another bookshelf.
Her heart skipped a beat at the action, as she held her hand on her heart staring after the man. Master Strange never said sorry. Instead he found ways to show his regret to her. A new plant from some strange universe, a new recipe or ingredient for her cooking, a new book to improve her sorcery, completely useless to him but useful to him
 or a simple brush of his fingers.
These little things and his history are what made her fall for him. Of course his handsome yet dark features also played their role in it.
With a soft sigh she bit her lip and walked to the section, where all the ripped pages were from before she joined Master Strange and nagged him about not destroying the books. She read paper by paper, being sure that it had to be there. There was no other way.
“Ah-ha! Y/N I’ve got it, it was on the third— what are you doing?”
She jumped and with wide eyes turned to stare at Master Strange who didn’t look happy, all of the sudden.
“Master Strange, I—“
“You’re checking the pages. Which I told you that I searched through” he said glaring at his apprentice, his voice becoming deeper and a bit distorted in his anger “Yet you still decided to try and prove me wrong?”
She put away the pages and shook her head “No, no I’m sorry Master Strange! I was just trying to help and—“
He strode towards her, growling in his monstrous tone “You’d help by doing what I asked you to do! Not to do the opposite! What? Do you think that you’re superior to me?!”
“No! Master Strange, I’m—“
He cut her off once more by pinning her against the closet where the pages were neatly stored by her.
“What you are is a useless little bug that can’t follow through a simple request” he growled into her ear, before turning and walking back to his table “I don’t know why I keep you here with me. You can’t do anything right”
His words hit her hard. Tears gathering in her eyes as she closed the closet and made her way out of the library, only hearing his shouts after her.
“Y/N! I did not excuse you! Y/N—!”
She didn’t stop, instead she walked up the stairs of the huge grand entrance hall and continued to her room. She heard him following her, so just to make her point across she slammed the heavy doors letting the sound echo through the whole palace.
Wiping the tears away she stormed to the window-seat to stare away at the red and purple crystal barrier.
Why must his words cut her so deeply?
More tears came, but she was quick to wipe them away. For years Master Strange has been like this and yet she could never stop herself from crying in the end.
In the end Strange did not follow her all the way and returned to his studies, like he always did.
Hours later she finally left her room and headed down to the kitchen, but as she passed by the library she stopped hearing some noise from the inside.
As she quietly walked up to the doors she pushed them slightly open to see a heartbreaking image.
Master Strange was sitting in his armchair, as a red illusion of a woman smiling was in front of him. A woman that Y/N knew quite well, as it was her that she was helping her Master to bring back.
“Oh Christine
 I don’t know what I’m doing anymore
 I’m trying and trying to find a way to be with you again but nothing works” Strange whispered to the illusion, his voice tired and broken “All this power, I can feel it change me
 and nothing good has come out of if. Well
 maybe one thing
” he chuckled softly, his tone loosing it’s heaviness for at least a moment.
She smiled a bit and quietly closed the doors, before going to the kitchen. There she put the kettle on and started preparing dinner.
Once she was done, she walked back to the library and knocked gently on the doors.
“Come in”
She opened the doors and walked towards the armchair where Master Strange was sitting, but now without the illusion. Slowly she stepped in front of him, causing him to look at her right away. Their gaze met for a brief moment before she glanced away, blushing.
“Master Strange, I made some tea and dinner do you want me to bri—“
“No” he said, cutting her off as he stood up towering over her “I’ll go with you”
Her blush deepened as she nodded “Okay” with that she went ahead knowing that he was following her.
Through out the dinner the tension between them disappeared, as they both calmed down. In the end it became enjoyable as they talked about the spells and their lives before sorcery.
The next day they were both back in the library, researching other possibilities for bringing Christine back, when suddenly they felt a shift in the space around them.
She gasped lightly, before looking up at Master Strange who’s face turned serious, as he spread out his hands feeling for whatever cause this shift.
“Master Strange?”
He frowned before opening his eyes and looking out the window in wonder.
“The multiverse
 it’s open”
She frowned “Master Strange what does that mean?”
He grinned “It means that we’re no longer limited in our travels between universes”
“But how could that happen?” she asked, as they walked closer to the window, where the branches of the multiverse started spreading beyond the crystal barrier.
“A Nexus Being caused all of this, there’s no other way” Master Strange said, before turning to look at his apprentice with hope shining in his eyes “You know what this means? Christine! There’s a Christine out there!”
Her heart squeezed in her chest as he said that. But still she smiled through her pain and jealousy “You’re right, Master Strange”
For the next months they jumped around the multiverse, no longer having to waste much resources and energy. Some of them were pure wastelands and others were far more evolved than they’re used to. But unfortunately they couldn’t find Christine anywhere, which brought Master Strange a lot of frustration and pain.
“WHY CAN’T I FIND HER?!” Master Strange yelled, while throwing everything off of the table.
She jumped slightly at his outburst and watched silently until he stopped throwing stuff and screaming. Slowly she approached him as he leaned over the table, one arm keeping him up while another stayed buried in his black and white hair.
With slight hesitation she reached out to him and placed her hand on his back. For a moment he tensed but then closed his eyes and relaxed against her gentle touch.
The two of them stayed like this, simply existing in the same space and time. Somewhere during their little moment, Strange’s hand left his hair and instead reached out to grab Y/N’s other free hand.
She blushed and smiled, squeezing his hand a bit, her heart leaping in her chest as he squeezed back.
For the next few days they stayed home, not even entering the library to find another universe. Instead they stayed together doing more mundane things, like reading poetry together, cooking and walking around simply enjoying the comfortable silence.
Today for example they were skating. Well she was.
Master Strange cast a spell, turning the whole grand dining room into a winter paradise. She was truly delighted as she skated around and even danced a bit, while Master Strange sat in the corner with a normal book and cup of steaming tea. His eyes would stray away from the page every now and then to focus on Y/N, as she laughed while trying to do a pirouette.
But this time it wasn’t a laugh that caught his attention but a startled yelp she let out and the feeling of his purple cloak leaving his shoulders. As he looked up he watched as she was about to hit the cold ice, only for his cloak to catch her and wrap itself tightly around her.
She huffed and giggled a bit, before patting the sentient cloak “Thank you! Aren’t you a heroic piece of out wear!”
The cloak ruffled as if annoyed, to be called heroic. It made her laugh and pat it’s sharp and golden edges “Sorry, sorry of course you’re not heroic my mistake”
Right away it relaxed on her, swaying gently with her movements.
She skated closer to Master Strange who didn’t stop staring at her. With a blush she touched the cloak, ready to take it off and return it, but he stopped her.
“No. Leave it on, it’ll keep you from breaking something. It would be impractical to have you on bed rest” he said, acting as if his reasoning was practical and true. But she knew different.
He could heal any broken bone with a flick of his wrist, so she’d be back on her feet in a matter of minutes. But it would seem that he simply didn’t want her to get hurt. Even if for just a moment.
Her cheeks hurt from how big and happy her smile got as she nodded “Of course, Master Strange!”
She watched as he nodded and waved his hand towards the middle of the room “Now go back to skating and let me have some peace”
Still smiling she skated away, the cloak fluttering in a beautiful way as she gracefully moved on the ice. Strange’s eyes glued to her as he observed every inch of her, feeling as if he was seeing her for the first time.
Unfortunately their blissful moments were short lived, as the next morning Y/N woke up and found the doors to the library wide open and Master Strange hovering over the map of the multiverse.
Her heart was crushed as everything went back to how it was before. She stood on the sidelines, watching the man she loves obsess over another woman while killing anyone who stood in his way.
They visited yet another universe which looked very familiar to both hers and Strange’s. Landing in New York went smoothly but when they made their way to the Sanctum there, things got harder.
The two of them, walked into a trap as apparently this universe’s Strange and Wong have heard about two of them and knew that they would eventually show up.
She watched as they somehow restrained her Master, while she was held back by some sorcerer.
“Master!” she screamed as she watched him shout in pain as the magical bounds holding him burned his skin. In panic and horror she looked at the other Strange, begging with tears in her eyes “Please, stop! You’re hurting him!”
The sorcerer stared at her in surprise, as he pointed towards her Master saying “He killed countless beings across the multiverse. He stole knowledge and relics from them. He even brought an end to his own universe. Why would I stop?”
Deep down she knew that all she helped her Master accomplish was bad. Even beyond bad. But she did it out of love for him.
“Because you’re not like him! You think yourself a better man. A better sorcerer. So please stop hurting him” she said, hoping that this would convince the alternative Strange.
He stared at her blankly for a bit, before sighing and stopping the burning of the bounds holding her Master.
Master Strange immediately took a deep breath and glared at his double with pure hatred.
“You think that you can stop me? Contain me?” he demanded, his voice taking a monstrous tone “I already dealt with three of my variants! In the end the fell and I only grew more powerful. So tell me, what makes you think that your ending will be different?”
The other Strange stared coldly at the dark man in front of him and while saying “Because you’re not the only one who can travel between universes anymore” then he turned towards her, saying “For one, I know that your apprentice is rather attached to you. Has been for a century now. I do wonder what she knows—“
“She won’t tell you a thing!” Master Strange growled, his eyes turning yellow and red for a second much like in his monstrous form.
“There are spells for that” the other Strange said, as he nodded at the sorcerer who was holding now terrified and trashing Y/N.
She was dragged away, her eyes glued to her Master as he tried to break free. As the doors started closing behind her, their gaze met and in that one moment she screamed.
But that was it. The doors closed and they were separated. Century of working together, ending suddenly and unexpectedly.
The weight of the situation barely started to fall upon her, when suddenly the doors that just separated her from Stephen were broken down.
She was dropped on the floor, hitting her head as the sorcerer who tried to get her away ran towards the doors. Towards the monstrous form of her Master who left carnage behind him, as the rage inside him won.
The sorcerer was quickly ripped apart, with blood painting the hallway in the same way that the room behind her Master looked like. She could faintly hear little drops of blood from the ceiling.
Master Strange, huffed as rage still was inside him but as his multiple eyes focused on her. And only her. He was immediately at peace.
With each step he took toward her, the more human he became and when his hand cupped her bruised cheek he was completely human. Not only in looks. But in his very soul.
“Oh, my buttercup
” he whispered, while healing her cheek “I’m sorry that I didn’t stop it sooner”
She placed her hand over his, saying “It’s okay Master Strange, I’m fine”
He shook his head and picked her up, holding her closely against his chest “Let’s go home”
Her heart fluttered as he called the palace his home. Master Strange never truly expressed that he saw that place as more than a tool or a prison of sorts.
Hours later, she sat in the library staring out the window thinking about what happened, when she heard him enter the room and stand next to the armchair she occupied.
She glanced up at him and blushed as she noticed him looking at her with a small smile.
“Oh, Master Strange! I apologise, it’s your armchair—“
He placed his hand gently on her shoulder, keeping her seated as he said “Stephen. Please call me Stephen”
“O-Okay, M— Stephen” she said a bit shyly, the only other time that she called him by his name, was today when she was sure she’ll never see him again.
“Y/N” he said, before looking out the window causing the red and purple light of the crystal barrier to reflect on his regal features “For centuries I looked for a way to save Christine. Then again for centuries we looked for a way to bring her back or find her. And before today I stopped at nothing just to feel love again. I had nothing to lose after all
 until today” he glanced at the woman who stood by him for all this time and couldn’t help but smile “Today I realised that I do have something to lose. And that for some time now, I started feeling love again. Just not for who I expect to feel it for”
” she whispered not believing in what she was hearing, slowly she stood up and face him their eyes meeting as she asked “Do you love me?”
He smiled and put his hand against her cheek “I do, my buttercup. With my whole heart and mind”
Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded and said “I love you too, Stephen. I did for a long long time”
Stephen smile grew as he moved his hand from her cheek into her hair, asking quietly “Would you mind if I kissed you?”
She giggled and shook her head “Not at all. I’ll never mind”
Gently like two flower petals touching as the wind passes by, their lips connected.
There was no rush for them, as they remained in a place where time didn’t exist outside of their minds.
The two of them never ventured out of their home in search for Christine. Instead they traveled to see and learn, no longer to destroy and steal.
Finally peace settled within Stephen’s heart. While he loved Christine, he now understood that she also deserved her peace. Both in death and the other universes where she existed. And so he laid her to rest within his heart. Loving the memory of her, rather than the idea of her.
All because of a book loving woman, who he fell in love with.
Hello!!! I hope that you enjoyed it!! Once again I am not saying that the relationship presented in this work is healthy, it’s a work of fiction and is to be treated as such!!!!
Sorry for any mistakes in the work, English is not my first language.
Love y’all!!!
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cavbatch · 3 years
A question · Sherlock x reader
A/N This one was requested by our dear and beautiful anon. I really hope you like it, my dear.
Summary: You and Sherlock have been dating in secret for two years and as John asks you to babysit his little daughter, Rosie, questions start to surface about your future with the detective but one important question lingers in the conversation, what will you answer?
"Thank you again so much, (y/n). I promise I won't ask something as urgent as this again."
John said as he handed you his little baby girl. Rosie smiled at you as you had taken care of her before so she was now very fond of you.
"It's alright John, really. I don't mind watching this cute princess for a couple of hours."
You made a funny face to the little girl making her giggle at you. The ex-army doctor smiled at the two of you before he entered the flat of 221B Baker Street only to notice his best friend sitting in his chair with his hands in their usual prayer position.
"How long has he been like this?"
John asked you as he placed a bag with Rosie's thing on the coffee table. You closed the door behind you, still carrying Rosamund in your arms.
"Couple of hours. He's still so engrossed with that case of the three brothers."
John hummed at you as he checked his phone. He placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead before he said to you.
"Thanks again (y/n). I'll be back at eight."
You smiled at him sweetly before he left the flat. When you heard the front door close, you finally turned your whole attention to Rosie.
"Let's prepare you a bottle of warm formula, shall we?"
The little girl looked up at you with doe, blue eyes and you couldn't help the smile that painted on your face at the sight of her. You picked one of her formula bottles that was in the bag John brought with himself and walked to the kitchen to warm it up a little.
"You do know she can't understand you, right?"
Sherlock's deep voice said from behind you. Turning around you glanced at him as you were standing near the window holding Rosie with you as you talked to the little girl about the city.
You rolled your eyes playfully before walking towards the couch and sitting down with Rosie on your lap as you started to tickle her, making her laugh loudly at you.
"Can you believe we've been together for two years?"
Glancing up at your boyfriend, you saw how he was looking at you as his gaze now showed all the love he held for you. Smiling softly at him, you replied.
"Yes, time's gone pretty fast, hasn't it? I still remember when John presented us both."
Sherlock showed you one of his rare smiles before you returned your attention to Rosie. You continued to play with her, making funny faces and tickling her slightly.
Your (e/c) eyes lifted from the infant to meet Sherlock's blue ones. They were swarming with many different emotions that it was difficult for you to tell what he was really thinking.
"Have you ever thought about... about our future?"
His question surprised you. You'd never expected for Sherlock to ask something like this, let alone something this important as the future of your relationship with him.
True you loved him and you wanted to spend every single minute of your life next to him but, did he want the same? You would be lying if you said you've never thought about marrying the detective but you knew that perhaps he would never pop up the question.
You were fine with it though, as long as there was love between you both, you were going to stay by his side forever. You sat Rosie on the couch and gave her toy so she'd distract herself, something that, thankfully, worked before you stood up and walked towards John's old chair and sat down in it.
"Of course. That thought has crossed my mind several times. Why do you ask, Sherlock?"
His now gray eyes pierced into your (e/c) ones. Your loving gaze melted his heart every time he looked into your eyes.
"I just wanted to know."
You raised an eyebrow at him, not quite believing your boyfriend as you had known him for many years now. First as friends and then in a romantic way.
"Oh please, you always want to know things for a reason, Sherlock. Why do you ask?"
He stayed silent for a whole minute but you never broke eye contact as you had learned to be patient with him in every way. But just as he was about to answer your question, the sound of something falling on the floor caught your attention, followed by Rosie's cries.
You looked towards her only to notice she had dropped her toy and was now crying. Standing up from John's old chair, you walked towards the couch and picked up Rosie, trying to shush her as you swayed her slightly.
Sherlock watched you as you paced slowly around the living room, trying to calm Rosie's cries as you rubbed her back and whispered sweet words to her. Slowly, she was only sniffling in your arms before you glanced down at her to wipe her rosy and round cheeks.
"That's it, there's no need to cry, sweetie. Shh shh, it's okay."
The detective noted how much you loved Rosie, how careful you were when John asked you to babysit her, how you always made the little girl in your arms smile or to calm her, as it was the case now.
"Would you like to have a baby?"
Sherlock's direct question made you stop in your tracks fully, turning to look at your boyfriend with wide eyes and parted lips. You swallowed hard, still bouncing Rosie on your hip as you stared at him
You asked, making him stand up from his chair. Normally, Sherlock would have just rolled his eyes and repeated his question in an annoyed tone but it surprised you when that didn't happen. Instead, he stood in front of you, his blue eyes piercing into your (e/c) ones as you looked up at him.
"You heard me clearly, dear. Would you like to have a baby?"
He repeated the question but you still didn't know why he was asking you this so to not leave him unanswered, you nodded at him slowly. Sherlock let out a sigh though you didn't know if it was of relief or disappointment.
The sleuth took something from one of his inside pockets of his jacket, as his eyes never left yours before he said.
"I'm not sure how to do this kind of stuff but... I've wanted to ask you this for a couple of months now, (y/n) and seeing as we are -technically- alone..."
He glanced at Rosie, who was still in your arms as she played with a strand of your hair, before he opened what he had retrieved from his pocket. Your eyes grew wide at the sight of him opening a rather curious box yet your heart felt like it exploded on the spot.
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The box displayed a beautiful ring, and as you were too caught up with what was really happening, Sherlock said.
"What if we get married?"
You couldn't fight the smile that graced your lips at his words, you set down Rosie on Sherlock's chair without taking your eyes off of the detective that owned your heart. Tears of happiness pooled in your eyes as your brain registered what was actually happening.
"You have to ask the question."
You said, your smile never leaving your face as you looked up at your boyfriend. He frowned at you, his eyes moved around the room as if recalling something from his mind palace before he sighed and bent down on one knee in front of you.
A chuckle escaped your lips as you felt your heart was going to explode at all the love you held for Sherlock Holmes.
"I saw this on one of Mrs. Hudson's shows so I hope it's alright."
You nodded, indicating to him to continue as you smiled so widely your cheeks hurt a little.
"(y/n) (l/n)... we've been together for two years despite of us being friends for longer than that and -I'm only going to say this as we are alone- you've made me the happiest man alive and I can't imagine a single day without you by my side."
A tear escaped your eye as you heard Sherlock speak such lovely words about you and how you had changed him for the better as well as he had changed you too.
"So... will you marry me?"
You couldn't contain your excitement for a moment more that you smashed your lips with his, kneeling yourself in front of him so you could reach his soft and kissable lips.
"Yes, yes I'll marry you. a million times yes, Sherlock!"
He chuckled at you, showing the side that you and only you got to see of him, his emotional side, the part of his heart he tried to hide but that he revealed to you with trust and love.
You felt how Sherlock slided the ring on your left finger before, this time, he kissed you. He let go of the box that once contained the ring as he cupped your face with his large hands as you melted in his embrace. The two of you just knelt there, on the floor as you poured all your love and adoration for the clever detective you grew to love wholeheartedly in a passionate kiss.
"We'll have to tell the others."
You murmured against his lips, still processing the fact that you were now engaged.
"They are not going to believe it."
You chuckled at him before kissing him. The rest of your friends were going to be surprised, maybe will receive the surprise of their lives but now, the only thing that was on your mind was Sherlock and the not-so-far future you had with your soon-to-be husband.
Taglist: @starryeddie @demented-potions-master @uncoordinated-house-cat
A/N Thanks for reading, please stay safe my sweet sugar cubes!!! Love you all:* Remember that if you want to be add on my taglist, you just have to say so. :D
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cavbatch · 3 years
Dating Sherlock Holmes Would Include
Requested by anon:
Hi I’m new to your blog which is amazing btw and I saw you write for sherlock could you maybe do a dating sherlock would involve but also being disabled and being insecure about it would involve thing 
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At first it was a complete mess
You weren’t even sure if you were dating or not
There was no physical contact at all
Even if you did spend almost every second of the day together
Yet you mostly just
You don’t know, but this is because he finds you interesting
You’re one of the few people he actually enjoys talking to
Or being around, for that matter
In the beginning you just accompanied him when he was investigating
Keeping him company and many times being silent
You didn’t want to make him lose his focus
Sometimes you’d help him when you realized something
A clue that might lead him to solve the case
But that was about it at first
Even though you became more intimate with time
And before you knew it you were dating
Or Sherlock’s version of dating
You prefer to not use labels as much as possible
It’s confusing even for you to think of what you are
There’s little PDA
At least in public
And when there is, it’s kind of awkward
In private he does love to kiss you
Mostly forehead kisses
But also quick peck on the lips
He likes to have you in his arms
Surprisingly, he also likes it when you sit on his lap
Putting up with him when he gets too
Like when he doesn’t have any cases and he’s bored or frustrated
Or when he gets slightly rude
Or he start doing those strange experiments for his cases
It’s definitely not easy sometimes
Also looking after him when he doesn’t do it himself
As he gets so immersed in cases sometimes that he doesn’t eat
Nor sleep
Meeting Mycroft
Who secretly asks you to look after his brother
Defending Sherlock when people dismiss him
Sherlock loves to show off to impress you
Deducing stuff to remind you how smart he is
He gets so cocky sometimes
But you sass him back
And try to keep him grounded
Teasing each other
And having witty conversations
Lots of brain exercises
You love playing chess together
Helping him with cases
In fact, when you give him a clue he missed he’s flustered
He doesn’t know how to react!
At first he’s jealous because it’s him who usually solves everything
Especially since he loves impressing you
But when he realizes how brilliant you are he smiles
And he just kisses you in celebration
He’s so proud of how smart you are and how you can keep up with him
Complimenting you and basically saying you’re the best
He’s so protective of you
Often asks John to take care of you while he’s away
Sherlock worries so much about you because he knows he has enemies
He’s secretly terrified that Moriarty might hurt you to get to him
But poor of whoever hurts you in any way
Very interesting conversations
Sherlock playing the violin for you
Perhaps even teaching you how to play it
Or letting you sing with him
A surprising amount of texts
Sort of playful as well
Slow dancing together
Rare moments in which he tells you the most beautiful things
But again, they are extremely rare
Sherlock has a hard time expressing himself
Especially letting you know how he feels about you
He often gets on your nerves
Which is when you friendship with John comes most in handy
Basically siding with him against Sherlock
To shove some sense into him
Needing to be extremely obvious and bold with him
Because he doesn’t get things sometimes
So oyu have to be very clear about what you think or want
“Why are you holding my hand, Y/N?”
“Because it’s what couples do”
Just having lots of patience about these kind of things
He cares deeply about you even if he won’t admit it openly
You share a unique connection
And you’re one of the few people that understands him
And that he actually enjoys being around with
And being disabled:
He doesn’t really mind it, to be honest
Sherlock is with you for who you are as a person
And he’s fascinated by you
By your intelligence and uniqueness
He does realize you’re insecure
Because he knows you really well
And because he deduced it very soon
There were many signs that helped him realize so
Like the fact that you would isolate yourself
Or purposely distance yourself during cases
He knew you thought you wouldn’t be useful
Which was why he was determined to show how useful you were
One day he adressed the subject out of nowhere
It was surprising how mature he was about it
But Sherlock used the perfect words to tell you there was no need to feel insecure
And that him and John and everyone who loved you did for a good reason
And they would look after you when needed
It was astonishing how well he could express himself to address important subjects like this
When he realized what really mattered
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cavbatch · 3 years
Pride headcanon request 🌈 being in an asexual relationship with Sherlock đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ’œ
Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it! Just so you know it, I kind of headcanon Sherlock as aromantic too (as well as asexual) so I felt inclined to write this with that in mind. I also have headcanons for dating Sherlock here if you want to check them out ;)
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Your relationship with Sherlock is unlike any other you had before
He is asexual too, just like you, but he’s also arromantic
Sherlock just feels love in a different way that most people do
He doesn’t have romantic attraction, but he feels drawn to people
And he has a very unique way of showing his affection
Although you’re dating, it doesn’t always feel like it
Of course, there’s the fact that you’re both asexual
So there is no sex or anything of the sort at all
But there aren’t any romantic things proper of the usual couples
You had felt a bit strange about it at first, but it felt right for both
Sometimes you even worry that Sherlock may not love you, though
Since he’s a bit distant and cold at times, even to you
But John is always there to reassure you that he obviously does
Maybe you’re too close to notice, but Sherlock does many things for you
You’re always the first person he worries about during a dangerous case
And you’re the one he feels most protective of, always caring for you
John also says Sherlock lets some things you say go he normally wouldn’t
For example, when you call him out when he does something wrong
Not even John can do that since Sherlock is so proud and stubborn
But you can talk to Sherlock almost with no barriers, despite his walls
Your relationship with Sherlock is mostly intellectual, too
You manage to keep up with him and he admires your intelligence
He loves that he can bounce ideas off of you and have conversations
But that isn’t the only thing that made him feel drawn to you
Sherlock feels safe with you, knowing you’ll accept his peculiarities
He may not always be open and emotional with you at first
But you’re still the person he’s more honest and transparent with
Despite your unique relationship, there is also small displays of affection
Sherlock does have mildly playful nicknames for you, like ‘sweetheart’
And he does hold your hand a lot and play with your finger
Especially when he’s thinking about a case and he absently touches you
There are some caressess here and there too, even if they feel platonic
But for Sherlock it’s a big deal that he’s even touching you, just you
It took some time and some trial and error to date Sherlock
But with time you grew used to each other and to the relationship
Reaching a perfect balance that resulted in a happy relationship
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Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @fortheloveofbenyandtom / @of-stardust-and-dreams / @caswinchester2000 / @lookinsidemyhead / @andreasworlsboring101 / @its-just-kit / @fanfictionsilove / @okay-j-hannah / @winterxisxcomingx / @hhmmmmmmmm / @zoeyserpentluck​ // Send an ask if you want to be added to the tag list for these fandoms or characters!
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