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Never forget 😔✌️
I miss aaside :( where's reon greeting me every day when i collect my daily rewards where's kenta talking about how he picks out ryos clothes for him where's the option to send nayuta to the hospital :( I miss it sm
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I miss aaside :( where's reon greeting me every day when i collect my daily rewards where's kenta talking about how he picks out ryos clothes for him where's the option to send nayuta to the hospital :( I miss it sm
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LIV I was looking through fanart of my f/o and I saw one where he was putting a flower into his love interest’s hair and like damn I’ve never wanted to be his love interest so badly until now HDBDKDKS -🌊🧟‍♀️ Anon (hope you don’t mind me giving myself an anon name!)
💗 !!!!! THIS IS SO CUTE !!!!! 💗
ANON!!! you ARE his love interest!!! you already are!!! he'd put flowers in your hair, he'd make you a flower crown and place it gently on your head, he'd do it ALL!!! he adores you!!! he's head over heels!!! and i don't blame him!!! you're you !!!!! 💗💗💗
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That cliche where the kiss gets interrupted by someone... with a twist!
Ok, not my best title. But I literally can't think of anything. My creativity went into writing this so if you have a better title, I'll change it <3 I wanna do more people at some point but I always make that promise and never deliver :') Characters chosen: Arataki Itto, Gorou, Kamisato Ayato, Thoma
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Arataki Itto
“I l-like you, too.” You confessed, cheeks bright red. Itto had the goofiest look on his face but when you two made eye contact, it turned into a soft smile.
There was a force pulling you two together and you both obeyed, leaning in. The second you were about to kiss though…
“Itto!” Paimon yelled, making the two of you immediately look in her direction. Both her and Aether were walking around the corner, where you two just happened to be. “Itto! There you are! We need some help!” You let out a nervous laugh, so embarrassed about what was going to happen.
"Looks like you should go, they need your help." You said, trying to hide your disappointment.
“Nope! You can wait!” Itto yelled, partially glaring at Paimon and Aether. He immediately wrapped his arm around your waist, pulled you in, and planted the sweetest kiss on your lips.
Aether and Paimon yelped and immediately turned away, running (and flying) as fast as they could to give you two some privacy.
“Maybe w-we could go out sometime.” Gorou recommended, to which you gave him a soft smile and nod.
“I would like that. I’m free tomorrow afternoon.”
“That’s perfect!” That was a lie. “I have a free day tomorrow anyway.” No, he didn’t. “So I won’t have any problems.” Yeah, he most definitely would.
The two of you shyly looked at each other before he took a bold step towards you. You clenched your hands as his face got closer, making you lean in as well, ready for his lips to meet yours.
“General! We’ve been looking everywhere for you! Her excellency has summoned you!” A soldier called, running up to him. You immediately tensed and took a couple of steps away to not look… guilty? You looked away to hide your disappointment, instead pretending to be embarrassed.
Gorou almost growled when he heard the soldier but managed to keep his composure. He definitely wouldn’t have the courage to do this again, so…
���Close your eyes, soldier!”
“I-I’m sorry?“
“Close your eyes!”
“Yes, sir!” The second the soldier closed his eyes, Gorou turned around and pulled you close, pressing his lips to yours.
Kamisato Ayato
“We don’t have to go anywhere fancy! Even a walk works!” You said quickly, feeling your cheeks warm up. You had just accidentally confessed to your longtime crush, Kamisato Ayato, and to your surprise, he felt the same. He recommended you go on a date and you weren’t going to say no.
“That sounds lovely, (y/n). I suppose you’re right. Any time with you is special in and of itself.” You looked down, a love struck smile crossing your face. Ayato leaned in, placing a hand under your chin and lifting it up so that your eyes met his.
You weren’t sure what the hell took over you, but you found yourself leaning into him. Ayato didn’t reject your advances, instead following them. The second your lips were about to meet, his door slid open. You two immediately pulled away to look at the door, where a very confused Thoma stood.
“I-I’m interrupting something, aren’t I?” He said, uncomfortably.
“No!” You responded, hastily, taking a few steps back. “We were just-”
“Yes. Get out.” Ayato answered, pulling you towards him. He shielded your body with his as he pushed you against the wall and kissed you immediately.
Thoma immediately slid the door shut and you could hear the rapid footsteps desperately trying to get the housekeeper to safety.
“Y-you wanna go on a date! With me?!” You exclaimed, eyes wide. Thoma nodded at your goofy surprise, trying not to melt at the sight of how cute you looked.
“Yes! You and only you.” Thoma responded, a look of fondness in his eyes, “We can go for a walk, go on a picnic, maybe get a meal at the Komore Teahouse.” You nodded vehemently, not wanting him to change his mind.
“Y-yes! I would love to! Any of those work.”
“Sounds great. Are you free the day after tomorrow?”
“I should be. What time are you looking at?”
“Hmm for a walk, it’s best for the early evening. However, we can always have dinner instead or even lunch.
“Dinner sounds good. Oh but so does the walk.” You mumbled, falling in thought, making Thoma chuckle.
“We can do both! A late-night walk!” The way your face lit up made his heart flutter. He couldn’t help but cup your cheek and lean in to get a better look. Your eyes gazed into his emerald ones and you could help but feel the sudden urge to kiss him.
Overcoming your shyness, you slowly leaned in, giving him ample time to back out. He didn’t. However, just as your lips got close enough, the door behind you opened. You squealed and immediately stepped away, eyes widening when you saw THE Kamisato Ayato. His wide eyes looked between you and Thoma as his brain tried to compute what he'd just interrupted.
“I-I’m so sorry!“ You exclaimed hastily as you backed away. “I-I’ll see you later, Thoma!” But before you could leave, he grabbed your hand and looked back at Ayato.
“Just a minute, my lord.” He said, sliding the door shut (making you almost pass out) before he took your face and kissed your lips. It was so soft and gentle and you’d almost forgotten about what had just happened. Almost.
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As Long As You Smile | Kamisato Ayato x Reader
Yep, I finally did an Ayato fic, here it is. I feel like I have to apologize for this one? It's very short because I don't really know his character at all so I couldn't come up with much! Anyway, enjoy <3 Word Count: 540 Tagging: @inky-page <333
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Somber eyes gazed out of the doorway, falling upon the flowers dancing in the wind. Though it was such a bright, sunny day, he felt a strange heaviness in his heart.
Ayato sighed, leaning against the wall behind him. His eyes flickered to the bright blue sky, littered with cotton-like clouds. It was a warm day with a cool breeze, the perfect day for some.
Though the sky was colorful… all Ayato saw was grey. There was strange loneliness that filled him, one he couldn’t describe all that well.
His days were usually busy so he often had no time to sit and think about days like these. His mind was filled with other thoughts as his job required. His focus kept him sane at times. But when he finally had a chance to think- his thoughts violently consumed him. He could only think of one person.
Ayato raised his arm at eye level, his somber gaze turned to the accessory. A delicate charm bracelet hung in front of his wrist and his eyes watched as the gemstone swung back and forth slowly.
The charm definitely didn’t suit his style, yet he wore it around anyway because it was a gift from you.
“I miss you so much, (y/n)…” he whispered, his smooth voice being carried away by the wind. A frown appeared on his face as his hand fell to his chest. It ached. It ached to be so alone… and for so long.
He was lonely. All the time. And he didn’t know how to begin healing. Ayato had lost count of how long he’d felt this way- of how long he'd been shrouded in this despair. The emptiness, the loneliness, and the void that he dealt with every single waking minute.
His hand clenched his shirt, in an attempt to lessen the burdens on his heart.
“Why did you leave me?” He whispered, shutting his eyes tightly.
“I’ll only be a minute!” You had said, with that bright smile you always had on your lips. He could still vividly remember how beautiful you looked as the wind rustled your hair. He could remember the warmth he felt in his chest and cheeks.
“Only a minute you said…”
“I’ll be back before you know it!” You had claimed excitedly before walking towards the door. He could still remember watching as your figure disappeared into the distance. So far... so far away. Ayato had even reached out to you in an attempt to catch you before you vanished completely.
“How long have you been gone?” He murmured, his voice cracking with pain.
“Five minutes. Ayato, I just went to get snacks.” You said with a laugh, making the man turn around. He tried to hide his smile, but it was almost impossible when he saw you giggle.
“(Y/n)!” He cried dramatically, running to you and immediately engulfing you in a hug. You laughed, wrapping your arms around him as well.
“You’re so desperate.” You teased, to which Ayato nodded, kissing your neck. No, Ayato was never like this in front of anyone. But he knew... when he was all dramatic over you leaving for a few minutes, it made you laugh. It made you laugh until your stomach hurt and all he wanted to do was bring you joy.
“For you, always.” For you, he'd act like an idiot. As long as it made you smile.
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an archon’s jealousy
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pairing : zhongli x f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none! zhongli cuteness overload 
word count : 1.8k
a/n : genshin has taken over my life so enjoy my favorite peepaw 
the geo archon, once feared by all beings in teyvat, was known for his strength and abilities in battle, as well as his logical way of thinking and planning. his weakness? well, he’s definitely not great with emotions. especially jealousy.
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“Ah, this painting reminds me of when an old friend and I had been travelling together for the first time, there was-” 
Zhongli turns around, smiling as he reminisces of events from hundreds of years ago, however turning into a frown quickly. 
His golden eyes scan the dining room, sighing as they fail to identify a certain someone. Placing his cup of tea down onto the polished wooden table, he walks out to the private balcony area of Wangmin Restaurant, breathing in the familiar fresh air of the nation he’d known for as long as he existed.
It had been two days.
Two days since he’s spoken to his lover, two days since the small quarrel you both had in the exact restaurant he’s currently standing in.
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Can you do headcanons where Zhongli catches his s/o wearing his coat? *I feel very soft imaging Zhongli hugging them from behind with his coat still around them aaa*
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OHOHOHOHO THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON!! THIS IS CUTE!! >w< ((I need some fluff bc i was writing something serious lmaoo))
Oh, and if anyone else has requests for Zhongli headcanons, I’m right here!! let’s fill up the tag lmaoo just kidding;;; but i do wish i can read more;;
This is a bit long winded since I’m used to writing long-ass fics but here you go;; i hope this is ok??? ;;w;;
❥   So it all began in one cold autumn day, when the gingko leaves dotting the Liyue Harbor landscape has turned golden, and the sea breeze was becoming harsher, colder without outer protection. His s/o was probably visiting Zhongli early in the morning for a hike around Mt. Tianheng because Zhongli promised to show them the monuments around the Guizhong Ballista.
❥   He was already dressed—from his black shirt to his vest; all except his coat. However, it seemed like Zhongli had to attend to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor matters first. He promised his s/o he’ll be back in a few moments since it was a simple issue anyway. Understanding the matter, his s/o simply waited in his room for him to come back.
❥   It probably didn’t take a few minutes for them to begin to pace around the room and inspect Zhongli’s personal effects. He had a lot of books, some trinkets he must have picked up somewhere, and the gifts you had given to him over the duration of your relationship. He has treasured them well; just short of enshrining them.
❥   That was when you saw his coat hanging on a chair which instantly made his s/o curious. It had intricate patterns and designs which they traced softly with their finger. If they asked Zhongli why he chose the design, he’ll probably say something quite lengthy. Eventually, they would take it off from the chair and inspect it more closely. It was unexpectedly heavy, thinking that the material was thin and light.
❥  Soon enough, their curiosity will take over them entirely and embraced the coat tightly on their chest—the familiar scent of Zhongli made them smile silly. Several memories were triggered by the scent—some making their heart grow fonder, and some not as innocent. In a sudden urge, his s/o would put on the coat and felt Zhongli closer to them for some reason.
❥   “That suits you quite well.” His s/o would hear his voice and almost jumped if only Zhongli hadn’t had his arms wrapped around their waist snuggly; his head resting on their shoulders comfortably. It was warm, warmer than the actual coat itself. They could feel Zhongli’s broad chest at their backs as they leaned and covered his hands with theirs.
❥   His s/o would try to pull away after a few moments, considering that they do have a date to go to but Zhongli wouldn’t let go. Instead, he only made his embrace tighter and kissed the skin behind their ears, whispering: “How about we stay like this for the whole day instead?”
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eyeliner. [xiao & zhongli]
prompt: “i saw that ask about the liyue characters and their eye makeup and it just made me think… what would xiao and zhongli’s reactions be if their s/o asked them to help apply it on themselves ;-; it seems to be an adepti or just really old liyuean tradition which is so cool” as requested by anon pairing: xiao x gn!reader, zhongli x gn!reader word count: 1.1k a/n: haven’t written for zhongli in 20 trillion years,,, uhhhh,,,, thank u for the request though !! was fun to write even if this took me a… strangely long time to complete
“xiao,” you singsong, leaning over to your lover and bumping shoulders with him gently. “remember our deal?”
upon your words, xiao’s amber irises move to look at you out of the corner of his eye, typical stoic expression dropping into an unamused frown.
“i remember no such agreement,” the adeptus says, folding his arms over his chest and turning to look at you, his gaze piercing into yours. “i do not see why you are so insistent on partaking in an adepti tradition.” his viridescent hair ruffles slightly in presence of the breeze of the open window in your shared room at wangshu inn.
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His english dub is something huh 
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*cracks knuckles* okay so!!
as i’ve said before, i think he overall has a pretty soft body. tummy, thighs and butt, all pretty soft and great pillows
his worst period eating-wise was during college; he was way too busy to even think about eating healthy and you can see some of the vestiges of that time in some little stretch marks around his hips
after he started working and especially after he moved to the dorms, he started to eat better; but he’s too much of a fan of snacks and late night gaming sessions + he won’t get off his ass unless he really has to, so while he’s a lot healthier right now, he still doesn’t really a lot of muscle to speak of
as we know, itaru has opened up a lot over the course of time and while i don’t think the way his body looks is really one of his concerns, i do think that i could become a bit of a point of insecurity 
especially if you were to come into the dorms a lot and were to come into contact with a lot of the other more athletic guys there
also i headcanon that itaru is not a very touchy person; at the beginning, at least. so like, high-fives, head pats, ruffling your hair and flicking your forehead are all safe for him, but going for big hugs is something he has to work up to
add that to a possible insecurity and it might make him a bit for reticent to initiate contact
but it’s easy to combat all that! just show him how much you love all of him in different ways
like i said, the best way to start is by hugging him yourself. he might freeze a little at first but after some time he starts to melt against you when he feels your arms wrap around him and rest your hands on his stomach 
rest your head on his thighs and stomach, even on his butt!! he will complain at first but you just have to uno reverse at him and point out that he does the same to you all the time! you find him just as comfortable as he does you!! so suck it up, my dude. if his heart grows in size by looking at you resting happy on top of him, you didn’t hear it from me
he’s ticklish!! ticklish and squishy!! particularly on the side of his neck and on his sides! he cursed the day you learned this information but if you use this to your advantage, you’ll be rewarded but some of the greatest unbridled giggles you’ll ever hear from this prim and proper office worker
if you blow raspberries on his stomach, he will judge the shit out of you. you know that unamused look he has sometimes? like that, but it’s really amusing because he tries to control his expression while trying not to laugh at the same time
and finally: kiss his tummy!! show him love!! he’ll feel a bit embarrassed when you do it (one of the times when his rare blush appears on his face) but he really does appreciate it deep down
that ended up longer than i anticipated but i hope you enjoy my ramblings, @endermoonstone​ !
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Requested by @catboysamatokiaohitsugi~
Thanks once again for requesting, the King samatoki himself <3
Requests are welcomed~~
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Aroace spectrum flag color picked from Samatoki Aohitsugi!
Requested by anonymous
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Requested by anon and last img for @catboysamatokiaohitsugi~!
Samatoki is looking prettier each day he exists I swear to god-
Requests are welcomed~~ everything sent will get done someday/soon I swear- ◇
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XuvATXXPzcGzcb5EzrWLOiC-BavrFpCMi3lb-XPxhmQ very sexy of past me to have actually written this doc before
 i love toki a lot lot with my heart n soul !!!!! he means so much to me that words cant even explain it n hes like the light that dragged me outta the darkness n one day i will write a doc n it will be game over for everyone
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Hypnosis Mic - Division Rap Battle - Side B. B & M. T. C + - Chapter 6, Part 4
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 i love toki a lot lot with my heart n soul !!!!! he means so much to me that words cant even explain it n hes like the light that dragged me outta the darkness n one day i will write a doc n it will be game over for everyone
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