casinilloelaizah · 4 months
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Blossoming:My Memoir of Self-Acceptance
I remember when I was young, growing up was what thrills me. I always end up thinking of things that I want to do when I grow up. All I could think of is to have fun, buy the things I want, travel from different places and more. I was a child that was hoping to have a life I have been dreaming of. But is growing up as easy as we think it is? Well, growing up is exciting and interesting, yet it is also complicated. Life is hard, and it depends on how you respond to it. It is full of unexpected circumstances that challenge you as a person. I was young and clueless of how my life worked. Thinking of how my life went?
Reminiscing when I was younger, I was on an easy street. My childhood was the best time of my existence. Playing and having fun outside with friends and getting scolded by my parents afterward was the silliest yet memorable thing.
I was cheerful and carefree when I was a kid. I always explored things and looked for ways to amuse myself. I loved to dance and sing when I was younger. I even took an interest in photography since I loved to take pictures of random things I saw at home, but I just kind of lost my interest in it growing up. I even dreamed of being a teacher someday, though, I realized it is stressful. My dreams just randomly change overtime.
My curiosity blossomed like a delicate bud as I ventured into the life of education. New learning and knowledge filled me, and I've met such amazing people that turned into friendships. I even remember when I was in kindergarten that I usually cried when my mother left me in school. I was so terrified because I was not used to being away from my mama. Growing up wasn't that hard for me, since my parents were always there for me. I don't brood at all because I depend on them. My father was the one hustling to provide for our needs. They always support us in everything we do. They always try their best just to make us happy. I was lucky to have my parents; that's why I always try my best to make them proud, so I tried my best to excel in school. My parents didn't force me to get high grades, I am the one who wants to do it for myself, for the reason that I want to be proud of. All they just wanted for me was to finish school.
I've lived my life smoothly and hustle-free, and I thought it would always be, though it was not.
When I was 10 years old, I was picked on a lot by my classmates. I didn't get easily intimidated by it, not until I turned 12 years old. In high school, I easily get affected and sensitive by everything people talk about and say about me. I am not usually the type of person who gets easily irritated just because of teasing, but maybe it is a part of me growing up and being an adolescent. After experiencing being picked on by my own friends, I just kind of lost my will to interact. I became more insecure about myself and was more cautious in my actions. The whispers of doubt echoed louder than the cheers of encouragement. But I chose to listen to the remaining encouragement that is left which came from my family. I still try to build relationships, but I chose to keep fewer trustworthy people around me.
As I entered Senior High School, life became more complex. I have experienced diverse situations and responsibilities, struggling to balance my personal life and my studies, and I can say it has never been easy. Life is difficult, making me realize that I should strive harder. Throughout high school, I was focused on studying to divert myself, though I don't regret it because, in that way, I can make my family proud. I was also proud of myself, overwhelmed by my achievements. Adulthood gave me enlightenment that even through thick and thin, I should always look on the bright side. Experiencing everything I go through warmed my heart. I can't believe I went through all of it. It fostered a deeper understanding of the reason why everything is happening.
Life's getting harder, yet making me stronger. I was glad I got to experience such a variety of emotions growing up. Like a delicate plant in need of care, I began nurturing resilience. Through setbacks and challenges, I discovered the strength within to weather the storms of self-doubt. Each trial I faced makes me want to give up. Among those challenges, I found lessons. Gaining insights from other people and learning from them makes me understand life a little more and deeper. Being at school also helped me to boost my confidence and face my fear, which is being in front of many people. Right now I feel encouraged, knowing that I can overcome life's fears and challenges. Though I know I still have a lot to learn and I am willing to take risks. As I peeled away the layers of doubt, the light of self-discovery began to shine through.Reminding myself to always accept myself for who I am and never compare myself to anyone. Building my confidence was not easy for me but I will surely work on iy to improve. Each disappointment is a guide for me. It is okay to cry at night, but I always reminds myself that I shouldn't stop there. Though my journey is full of self-doubt, I still embrace the little things that make me happy. My family, friends, and taking care of myself are the ones I am giving attention to right now. Tired of everything, but will never be discouraged nor be moved by anyone anymore. No matter what will happen in my journey, I will only focus on myself and make myself proud every day. I am my own and not anyone else.
Each chapter is a movement, and contributes to the evolving strength of my existence, echoing the beauty of my journey. 
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