burneraccounty · 4 years
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The Fire fades, and Vordt of the Boreal Valley stands in your way as you try to make it to the Undead Settlement.
A very cool fight, one that didn’t take a long time (I play Pyro!) but it was still a nice way for the game to introduce a lot of new lore and questions into the narrative. I took a few … artistic liberties with this one, haha (had to rep that Lothric Knight set, though!)
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burneraccounty · 6 years
I can’t believe I found this little gem tuck away so far, Thank you for the art trade once again
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look at the art trade… it is transparent  from this pic HERE
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burneraccounty · 6 years
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Sanji wanted some revenge after the gang teased him about his breakup (viola left him at a mc donalds lol) so he put sleeping pills to their dinner. And soooooo, when everyone fell asleep…this happened
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burneraccounty · 6 years
This is the best Christmas gift anyone could ask for, Thanks Kieth, Anh yeu em
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painting of my boyfriend <3
love ya @vutiendung912 hehe, ur just more than this boy could ever ask for. em yeu anh
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burneraccounty · 6 years
I don’t have many fans or followers but maybe tumblr miracle might be upon me and allow me to help my boyfriend through this tough time
please help me
i’m 19 years old, and a transgender individual (ftm). I recently had a bilateral mastectomy with Dr. Beverly Fischer to treat adult onset gender dysphoria. I was billed $8650 on a care credit credit card that i opened specifically for this procedure.
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i saved up around 2000 dollars, as i am a 19 year old working part time at minimum wage jobs and am responsible for certain bills (phone bills, car bills, medical bills, essentials, etc). i gathered all the paperwork, received a letter from a licensed therapist, requested an itemized receipt, called my insurance ahead of time to confirm the procedure was covered- and it was. i printed out a page from my benefits statement highlighting the codes that were covered and matched the procedures with the same codes. i had received a diagnoses from a licensed medical professional at chase brexton in Columbia Maryland months ahead of my surgery date and had been undergoing hormone replacement therapy, which is not required for this particular procedure but is mentioned in other procedures as a requirement. i prepared in every way i could think of. however, a month after my procedure, my insurance submitted an eob that stated my coverage was denied because modifier code 50 is not eligible for reimbursement.
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after some research, and asking my doctor, it was revealed that modifier code 50 means Bilateral and it is indeed covered under my plan. i called my insurance, they hung up on me. i called again and they agreed to review my claim. a month later, we receive an email about an updated eob. they reviewed my claim and came to the conclusion that modifier code 50 is indeed eligible, and will be processed on 2 lines instead of one (essentially changing it to 2 single mastectomys). however, coverage is still denied. this time, there is no indicated reason as to why my coverage was denied, other than it simply is.
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i will be making the request as to why my claim was denied, but at the moment i fear my insurance will continue leading me in circles and is determined not to reimburse me.
i’m very scared
my position at work is part time seasonal associate, and i may be laid off once the season is over. i’m 19 years old, i have no degree, my family is unable to help me with my bills.
please share this around, to anyone you know.
i am in desperate need of help and support. if you can, please make a donation to my kofi https://ko-fi.com/craziefuzi , every single bit counts and is immensely appreciated. i also work as a freelance digital artist, my commissions are not very frequent, and buying art from me is another way to support me.
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thank you so much for your time, and please, spread this around. give me advice, support, anything you think could help, i greatly appreciate it.
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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The Grandmasters
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burneraccounty · 7 years
Big Ol’ Honkin’ OC Question List-- Long Post Ahead!
  Alright, here we go– I put together a list of questions about OCs that you can reblog and have people send in asks for you! I set it up so you can be like, “A3″, “D2″, et cetera… Keep checking in here to the original post in case I add some more to the list! In the meantime, I hope y’all have some fun with this and maybe use it to learn a little bit more about your OCs or get to share things about them!! A. Psychology
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
What alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera…
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it? 
Are they a pessimist or an optimist? 
Are they good at handling change in their life?
Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
Is your OC confident in their reactions to life in general, or do they get embarrassed or easily shamed for it? I.e., if something startles them, do they insist it WAS scary? When they cry, do they feel like they overreacted?
Is your OC a martyr?
Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others? 
Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves? 
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
Is your character empathetic?
Is your character observant?
Does your OC have to go through their own trials to learn a lesson, or do they listen and learn from observation and lecture? I.e., does your OC listen when someone tries to tell them the importance of budgeting, or do they have to go experience what happens if you don’t budget first?
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
Are they harsh on themselves?
Do they make excuses often?
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
What are some of your OC’s biggest personal obstacles? This could be emotional, physical, social… Are they aware of it? Are they trying to overcome it?
B. Social
Do they believe you have to give respect to get it, or get respect to give it?
Do they get frustrated when lines at places like pharmacies, check-outs, delis, banks, et cetera, are moving slowly?
Under what situations would they get angry at servers, staff, customer service, et cetera?
Do they tip well? How easily can they be moved to not leave a tip?
Do they hold doors open for people?
Would your OC let someone ahead of them in line if your OC had a big cart and the person behind them had very few items?
How do they respond to babies crying in public?
Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
Your OC is running late to meeting someone: Do they let the other person know? Do they lie about why they’re late?
Your OC orders something to eat and gets their order done in a pretty wrong way, something they can’t just pick off or whatnot to correct, or something major is missing. What do they do?
Do they have a large or small group of friends?
Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
C. Morality
Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
Would your OC feel bad if they acted against their morals? If not, would they find a way to excuse themselves for it?
Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own?
Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser?
Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
What do they do when they see someone asking for money or food? If they ignore them, why? If they help, how so?
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort? 
Is your OC more practical or ideal morally? I.e., do they hold people to high expectations of behavior even if it’s not realistic for the situation, or do they have a more realistic approach and adapt their morality to be more practical?
D. Religion and Life and Death
How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
Do they believe in an afterlife?
How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be?
Do they believe in ghosts? If not, why? If so, do they think they’re magical/tie into their religion, or are they scientifically plausible?
E. Education and Intelligence
Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
Which of the nine types of intelligence is your OC strongest in? Weakest? (Linguistic, existential, naturalist, et cetera)
How many languages do they speak?
Did they enjoy school if they went to it?
What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education?
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
Are they a good note-taker? Are they a good test-taker? Do exams make them nervous?
What’s one of your OC’s biggest regrets?
F. Domestic Habits, Work, and Hobbies
What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
How clean are they overall with home upkeep?
How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera?
How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it?
What’s their “dream career” or job situation?
How often are they home?
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home?
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
Would they enjoy a theme park?
G. Family and Growing Up
Is your OC close to their family?
Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them?
Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
Do they have any childhood memories they’d rather forget or be less affected by?
H. Romance and Intimacy
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right?
Does your OC believe in love in first sight?
Does your OC believe in marriage (or their culture’s equivalent)?
Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on?
What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners?
I. Food
What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
Do they have any eating requirements or preferences? Allergies, vegetarian, organic-only, religious restrictions…
Are they vegan/vegetarian (if their overall culture/species generally aren’t)? If so, why? Do they think animal products are wrong in all circumstances?
How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot?
Are they a good cook?
Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly?
J. Politics, Current Events, Environmental Aspects
Where does your OC stand most politically? What would they align with most?
How politically aware are they?
How politically active are they?
Is your OC the sort to fall for fake news? If not, do they ignore it or make a point to clarify that it’s wrong?
Are they or would they protest for a cause they’re passionate about?
How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
How much interest in environmental health do they have?
In reality-based or applicable worlds, do they believe in global warming? Do they recycle?
K. For OCs in Reality-Based Worlds Who Are Unusual in Paranormal Ways (such as magical abilities, being another species, having a curse like lycanthropy, sci-fi abilities, being from another time, et cetera)– Also for OCs where the scenario is similar even if their universe isn’t based on reality
Does your OC have to keep their paranormal aspect (PA) a secret from general society? If so, how? I.e., they can’t discuss their abilities, they have to hide a tail, they have an alter-ego, et cetera. What would happen if society found out about it?
Are there others in their universe with the same or a similar PA as your OC? I.e., others from different dimensions, others of their same species. Do they know about it?
Does your OC have any friends who know about their PA? Any enemies?
Does your OC ever use their PA to get an advantage? I.e., use their ability to be invisible to steal or get out of things, compete in track while their species is a naturally superior runner, use their invulnerability in careers like police work… If so, do they have any hang-ups about it?
Does your OC feel isolated or unrelatable due to the experience their PA brings with it? If so, how do they deal with it?
Does their PA cause issues in daily life? I.e., if they’re inhuman in a human universe and they can’t go to a doctor or risk the doctor realizing they are not human, super abilities with physical drawbacks, they don’t have control of their abilities and must keep to themselves, et cetera… If so, how do they feel about it?
Does your OC’s PA affect their dietary habits so that they are unusual or problematic by their society’s standards?
What are some routines, if any, of self-care that your OC must engage in that are not typical of their society? I.e., having to file their teeth, maintaining magical rituals, drinking blood…
Does your OC have knowledge that they can’t share with the rest of their world that could improve it if it didn’t cause chaos? I.e., a character from the future knowing about technology not yet invented, but they can’t reveal themselves by sharing it?
Would your OC give up their PA if they could? Why or why not?
L. For the Writer/Owner
How have your characters changed since you created them?
What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
Would you hang out with your OC if you could?
Which OC do you think is the most decent morally or behaviorally?  AKA, which is supposed to a “good guy”?
Which OC do you think is the worst morally or behaviorally? AKA, which is supposed to be a “bad guy”?
Which OC do you think is the most attractive?
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for?
How did you come up with your OC?
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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Lynny "Volcanix" Mengele - The Dragon mad scientist 
OC concept for upcoming webcomic
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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@charmfan’s commission for his doll character’s monster form 
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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Padparadscha: I will get fanart 
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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All of Padparadscha’s Predictions 
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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Pillar Week Day 2 - Alternative Ending
In which Kars finds the small joys of life, people bond over emotions and horses, and shit works out pretty okay all things considered.
Bonus, in case the Caesar implication is too dark:
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Everyone is happy.
I considered doing something serious for this but in the end I had to give in and go the ridiculous route as always.  I can’t believe JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure of all things gave me the opportunity to make a fucking Gstaad joke, you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this chance.
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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sketches of DA SAMURAAAI
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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An art trade with @secretlycanon
Here is their oc, Charah the smug
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burneraccounty · 7 years
Xemi look so good, thanks a bunch
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an art trade with @vutiendung912 of their moth OC, go check this guy out
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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Art Trade - The sea witch
Another art trade for a wonderful artist The-fun-p0lice follow him if you love some bbw
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burneraccounty · 7 years
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Art Trade: Vibeke the cyborg girl
a quick sketch trade for my lovely friend, Fractavius
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