bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
Money Bowl
For all your prosperity needs!
What is a money bowl?
A money bowl is a long term spell that promotes prosperity and success. It’s important to take things out and put new things in to keep up the flow, a stagnant bowl won’t give you the results you want.
First off let’s get into some prosperity associations:
Jupiter - rules prosperity, abundance, and success.
Thursdays! So you may be curious about the first bullet, how do you incorporate Jupiter into your spells. Well Jupiter rules Thursdays making it the perfect time for a prosperity working (other days work as well, and will give different benefits, I highly recommend looking into the days and the week and their associations)
Pentacle cards, the wheel of fortune, and aces
I prefer new or full moons for prosperity workings
Herbs and spices: cinnamon, coffee beans (helps with speed), thyme, mint, shells, rice, cloves, chamomile (I like to use it with the intention of acquiring the money in a peaceful way as well as its prosperity properties), mica powder and many more
Crystals: green aventurine, pyrite, citrine and tigers eye
Gold, silver and green - as well as any colour that represents money to you
What you’ll need
A cleansed bowl
A piece of paper
Writing utensil
Some string
Herbs for prosperity
Crystals for prosperity
Loose change
Gold things, or things you associate wealth with such as glitter or a trinket. I used a fancy gold button for example
A candle (optional)
An oil to dress the candle (also optional)
This spell requires a petition, which is basically your intentions and what you want from the spell written down on a paper. Think about what you want to do with your money before hand. Are you wanting to save up for something, travel or have a more successful career? How do you want this money? How will this money, and the thing you get with it make you feel? Keep all this in mind as you go through your working
Cleanse your space and materials and cast that circle. Call on your spirits to give you a hand if you wish! I drew a money sigil and a dollar sign on my altar and set the bowl on top of it for my working
Add your ingredients into that bowl, hold them close, sit with them and envision your energy and the ingredients energy mixing in together and put them in the bowl as you tell it what you want it to do for you
Put in your loose change
Write your petition. You can have as many as you please, you can write them three times, sign each one or whatever feels right to you. I write an intention three times, turn the paper to the right, write the next one three times and repeat. I then sign it and put the sigil on the paper. Write your goals like you already have them, “I can afford to live comfortably.” And be specific!
Light your candle.
Fold the paper towards you, turn it to the right and fold again, repeat until it’s small
Wrap the string around it and seal the bundle
Put the bundle in the bowl, and let the candle sit in it (use a holder) sit with your intentions as it burns
Close your working, thank the spirits and break the circle
Work it ;)
Working a Money Bowl:
This spell is all about the flow, take things out and add more things. I do this once a week usually on a Thursday. Doesn’t have to be a crazy offering each week either, throw a cinnamon stick in it, a quarter or light a dedicated candle for it.
I recommend using some ingredients that can be easily removed to keep that flow. Whether you take out, or put in something new is up to you. Do what feels right, keep a balance.
Hope this spell brings all that you wish for! Just remember it’s a slower working (you can use things to speed it up) many people work their bowls for several months to several years! Don’t be disheartened!
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
Worry Stone River Spell
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Variations of this spell probably exist, but this spell is one that I thought of to help relieve anxiety and worry. Since I live in Philly, we have lots of rivers and creeks and such that run through the city and our neighborhood, making this spell so simple and easy.
Here’s what you do:
Take a stone. Any ol’ stone will do. Could even be a chunk of concrete. It really doesn’t matter what it looks like or anything.
Worry the fuck out of your worry while holding the stone tight. Cry about it, ask the hard questions, feel it good and feel it strong. Channel all that energy into stone.
Chuck in the river, saying, “May the waters of the river wash away the worry places upon this stone.”
That’s it! Pretty simple and easy to do depending on how accessible a river is to you. But honestly, any body of water should do, so long as it’s natural (or large- on account of reservoirs and such). Even a puddle could do in a pinch.
Let me know if you try this spell and how it works for you!
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
Devotional Masterlist
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Agathos Daimon:
Coiled Comfort
A Prayer for Protection
Ancestral Prayer
Don’t Hide
O’ Golden Aphrodite
The Language of Beauty
You’re Safe Here
Love and Rebirth
Multifaceted: Beauty and Ferocity
Blossoming Mother, Grant Me Your Aid!
An Ode to Aphrodite
A Message of Love and Beauty
Be Free, My Child
My Prayer to Aphrodite
Prayer to Aphrodite
Life After Heartbreak
Hold On
Walk With Me
A Nurturing Song
By His Side
O’ Indestructible Ares
Open Your Eyes
Open Your Heart
Wage War
Facing Defeat
Unleash Your Fury
Fall Apart
The Eyes of a Fierce Protector
Strike True, Fierce Father
The Portrait of a Father
A Portrait of War
My Prayer for Ares
The Hunt Is On
Wild & Free
Long May She Reign
Hand of a Healer
Battle Armor
A Prayer to the Wise
Chin Up
Prayer for Clarity and Sound Intuition
The First Step
Set Me Free!
O’ Liberator
Drink Up
Take My Hand
Oh Liberator, Please Deliver Me From Myself!
Deliverer of Revelry
The Journey
You Can
Cherish Her Gifts
Prayer for Mother Gaia
Job Search Prayer
Where I Belong
Let Me In
I Am Here
Let It Go
To My Divine Father, Hades
Hail to the King
Grant me aid, Father Hades
My Prayer to Hades
Prayer to Hades
New Moon
A New Year
Come Home
Never Alone
You Can Always Come to Me
Magic at Nightfall
Nightly Prayer
Prayer for Guidance
Prayer for Protection
My Prayer for Hekate
Prayer to Hekate
The Forge
Answer Your Call
The Sounds of Dedication
Famed Worker, Please Hear Me!
Broken Prayer to Hephaestus
Prayer for Hephaestus
Divinely Protected
She Who Holds A Hand Above
Prayer for Our Beloved
Just Listen
Let’s Fly
Flying on Wings of Luck
My Prayer for Hermes
The Hearth Goddess
Hail to the Home and Hearth!
Prayer for Healing Sleep
Glory to Hypnos
A Prayer for Inspiration
A Beauty Unknown
Your Song
I Hear You, Orpheus
The Song of Sorrow
An Inspired Artist
Bloom Brilliantly
The Return of Spring
Hail to the Queen
The New Life of Spring
Summer’s Lament; Fall’s Embrace
Phobos & Deimos: 
Admire the Sea, Respect Its Wrath
Our Lives in Your Hands
Rest Peacefully in the Arms of Death
The Wings of Death and Grace
A Hero’s Welcome
He Who Descends in Lightning
Hailed is Your Name, Zeus!
Your Divine Light
With All My Heart
Raise Me Up
Her Embrace
To All the Divine Fathers
To All the Divine Mothers
Hail the Theoi!
A Khthonic Prayer
Their Love
Final Goodbyes
Divine Hands
A Calming Presence
The Gods
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
changing your relationship with the mirror
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I'm a begginer at this, but working on changing your relationship with the mirror can be so good for you! Glamour magick, affirmations, talking with your deity, smiling at your reflection, complimenting yourself... all these can help greatly on your feelings of self-worth. Will definitely make a long post about it :)
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
Deuses e seus epítetos - Afrodite
Continuando nossa série sobre os Deuses e seus aspectos mais conhecidos, rumamos agora em direção de Afrodite - a Deusa do amor, beleza, procriação e desejo.
Sempre representada como uma jovem e bela mulher, Afrodite figura como a mais bela entre os Deuses do Olimpo e uma das mais velhas, sendo considerada em algumas versões de seu mito de nascimento como nascida de Urano, o Céu, quando ele foi castrado e teve seus testículos arremessados ao mar.
Frequentemente adornada com seus atributos sagrados - espelho, conchas, flores - e os animais de sua preferência: gansos, cisnes e pombas. Ela figura entre os Olimpianos mais bem conhecidos e cultuados desde os tempos antigos, com numerosos santuários erguidos em seu nome na era clássica. Afrodite aparece em estátuas do século 5 AEC nua ou parcialmente despida, acompanhada das Graças (Kharites), as Horas (Horai), Persuasão (Peitho) ou de deuses do amor, os Erotes (Como Eros, o amor encarnado).
Poderosa e conhecida por coordenar toda sorte de atração, com poderes que afetam mortais e imortais igualmente, Afrodite é uma notável Deusa de amplo domínio.
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Cultuada majoritariamente em Corinto, Citera, Lesbos e em Chipre, Afrodite tem muitos aspectos explorados em seus epítetos.
Kytherea/Kypria (Κυθερεια/Κυπρια) - "Citeréia/[do] Chipre" Afrodite é aqui descrita em relação a dois locais onde se dizia que Ela havia nascido. Muitas vezes, principalmente na poesia de Safo e Anacreonte, os poetas utilizam estes epítetos como substitutos para seu nome.
Antheia - a florescente, a amante das flores. Epíteto de Cnossos, possivelmente fazendo relação com aspectos de fertilidade na vegetação ou mesmo beleza natural.
Areia - epíteto espartano, significando "como Ares/ a da guerra". Neste epíteto, a deusa aparece armada.
Gameli - a do casamento, fazendo referência à importância da deusa e seu secto em ritos nupciais.
Morpho - epíteto espartano significando "a da bela forma". Não se sabe muito a respeito de seu culto, mas a estátua representava a deusa coberta e com correntes.
Ourania - a celestial, possivelmente se referindo ao seu nascimento de Urano.
Pandemos - "a de todas as pessoas". Platão, no Banquete, irá opor essa Afrodite como sendo filha de Zeus e presente nos praseres carnais, ao contrário da Afrodite Ourania. Importante dizer que ambos epítetos possuíam cultos concomitantes e é importante não tomar a palavra do filósofo por verdade universal.
Anadyomene - a erguida do mar/da espuma, fazendo referência ao seu mito de nascimento conforme Hesíodo.
Kyprogenea - nascida em Chipre, um dos locais mais importantes de seu culto.
Philomeides - a amante da risada/que ama sorrisos. É utilizado várias vezes ao longo da Ilíada.
Pothon Meter - "Mãe do Desejo", indicando seu domínio sobre a atração e afeto.
Khryseé - "Dourada" epíteto também presente na Ilíada.
Os epítetos amáveis de Afrodite nos mostram seu domínio amplo e beleza inefável. Atestando seu nascimento desde a castração de Urano com membros atirados ao mar, como também seu apreço pelo afeto, beleza e capacidade de vincular os mortais através de diversos tipos de união recheadas de amor. Seus dias sagrados são chamados de Tetrasdistai (O quarto dia lunar, dividido com Hermes e seu ermou tetras), sendo honrada com seu filho, Eros, como descrito por Ateneu.
Afrodite é muito louvada também até a era atual com homenagens artísticas que fazem jus a sua beleza, desde a antiguidade, como descrita na poesia da sua antiga sacerdotisa, Safo de Lesbos. Uma poderosa Deusa com apreço com os mortais, Afrodite tem muito a nos mostrar sobre o poder do amor que enlaça todos os aspectos da Realidade e nos liga com os próprios Imortais.
Que Ela seja sempre lembrada e honrada!
Encerramos o post com o Ode a Afrodite, de Safo:
No trono Afrodite imortal/Filha de Zeus, que tece ardis,/Não me dê tristes desejos, senhora do coração./Mas, antes, vem para perto agora/S'alguma vez ouviste minha voz de longe,/Me atendeste e deixaste o teu pai /no lar dourado./Em tua carruagem de belas aves,/Sobre a terra negra os pardais/Voam rápido pelo céu nebuloso,/no meio do ar./Eles chegam e tu, ó abençoada,/Me sorris com teu rosto imortal,/Me perguntas por que de novo sofro/E por que a chamo./E o qu'eu mais quero que me aconteça/Neste coração, 'a quem persuadir/novamente, Safo, e a ti conduzir?/Quem te injustiça?'/'Pois se ela foge, logo te segue/Se recusa algo, logo te dá/Se não ama, logo ela amará/Mesmo sem querer.'/Vem me libertar da dificuldade/E aquilo que o meu coração anseia/Realizar, deusa, realiza./Sê minh'aliada.
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
Hi if you don't mind i would like to know if you know of any beauty physical spells if you can't recommend one? Thank you
Hi darling 🥰
Thank you for your question 💕
Here's a simple spell I like to use that incorporates both physical and inner beauty:
You'll need:
💖 (Small) mirror
💖 A pink or red candle - Pink resembles self-love and beauty, whereas red symbolises a more passionate love as well as quick action. You can also use a white (pure) candle charged with your intention.
💖 Rose petals or rose oil - symbolising self-love.
💖 Your favorite moisturiser or face cream.
💖 (Optional) Rose Quartz - symbolising beauty and self-love.
Begin by lighting the candle and placing it next to the mirror. Take a few deep breaths and focus on positive thoughts about yourself and your inner beauty. Then, using the rose petals or rose oil, anoint the mirror with the symbol of a heart. While you do this, visualize the love and positivity you have for yourself radiating outwards. Finally, use your moisturizer or face cream to gently massage your face, focusing on the parts you love most about yourself. As you do this, say a positive affirmation about your inner and outer beauty. Use this affirmation or make your own:
"As I feel my skin,
I call upon my beauty and my power.
With the (rose quartz) as my guide,
I radiate confidence and love.
May my inner beauty shine through,
And my outer beauty reflect my truth.
So mote it be."
After you do this, you can also sit for a few minutes holding the item of relevance to you such as a rose quartz crystal in your hand and focus on your intention to enhance your beauty and feel confident in your own skin.
I would always recommend leaving the candle to burn all the way (this consolidates your spell to completion). However, if it is a very large candle or you cannot leave it out to burn safely, that’s alright - when you're ready, pinch out the candle (this pauses your spell until you want to relight the candle and ‘continue’ it, as opposed to blowing out candles which effectively cancels it out).
You can additionally carry the rose quartz (or other item used) with you throughout the day as a reminder of your beauty and power 🌹✨
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Remember, true beauty comes from within, and it's important to practice self-love and acceptance. Use this spell as a way to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence, but always remember that you are beautiful just the way you are.
I hope this helps, and remember to always love and appreciate yourself for who you are 💕
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
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┊ ➶ 。˚ "mighty aphrodite rising out of the sea foam" henry courtney selous (1803-1890)°
happy april 3, this is dedicated to aphrodite !! blessed be ♡
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
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October 30th 2023. Aphrodite sketch referenced off an ancient Marble Statue of Aphrodite Kallipygos. Link
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bruxodeafrodite · 6 months
✨🫧Reza para Afrodite 28/10/23🫧✨
Afrodite, minha Musa, minha Deusa, minha mãe.
Que a senhora sinta todo o amor que flui pelo meu sangue, que sinta a emoção batendo no meu coração.
Lhe ofereço toda a minha paixão, leve o que quiser dessa sensação.
Minhas mágoas, que elas se vão, lágrimas enxugadas pela suave espuma do mar no razo da praia.
Afrodite, Senhora perfeita, possuidora de todas as belezas e rainha de todo o amor: paixão, carinho e dor. Sua luz resplandescente me orienta. Quero seguir Seu caminho, que me parece rosa e com um agradável calor.
Com a Senhora, caminho pela água. Tudo o que me causa mal é sentido, entendido, e expelido. Sua magnitude se manifesta assim em mim.
Meu amor é seu, e minha dor também. Tire o que nos faz mal, e leve o que nos faz bem.
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bruxodeafrodite · 8 months
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🌸✨Glamour Magic✨🌸
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Lets dive into some ✨glamour magic✨ Glamour magic is the act of enchanting items you commonly wear such as makeup, skincare, hygiene products, accessories, ect. Often its used for illusion magic, protection drawing someone in, bring in abundance, self love and other forms of spell work. The exciting thing with glamour magic is the huge range and its often undetectable. Perfect for any closeted witches. You can enchant your toothpaste, skincare, soap, makeup, perfume, pretty much anything and have it serve you. 🌸✨Ideas for Enchantments + Tips✨🌸 These are just some basic ideas to help you get started. You can truly do anything with glamours so get creative and go wild.
Enchant your glasses, mascara or eye creams to help with clarity.
Use items you physical cleanse with, to spiritually cleanse like toothpaste, makeup remover, soap and facial cleansers.
Draw sigils on your face with moisturizer, foundation or concealer.
Enchant your shoes with a road opener spell
Enchant your mirrors for self-love, confidence and happiness
Match your perfume with herbal correspondences or moods. Or enchant a daily perfume with a certain spell like cleansing, allure or confidence.
Use concealer to invoke invisibility
Say affirmations while you get ready for the day
Ask the element water to cleanse you when you wash your face, shower or take a bath
Use color magic for eyeshadow, nail polish or your outfit
Enchant lipsticks, chapstick or lip gloss for people to be enchanted by your words, unable to forget them, believe them even if you lie, ect.
Spray your bed with spellcrafted sprays or herbal correspondences you want to use. i.e: chamomile spray for more restful sleep/peace
Add Florida water to your washing machine to cleanse clothing/bedding
Wear spellcrafted oils or balms to bring that energy into your day
Enchant sunscreen to help with protection and shielding. Wear ya damn sunscreen.
Put money spell oil in your hair before work or enchant jewelry for abundance (especially if you get tipped at your job)
Assign different spiritual hygiene steps to your skincare routine.
Happy Spellcrafting ⚰️
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bruxodeafrodite · 8 months
Getting Back Into Your Practice
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Sometimes life is shitty and your spiritual practice doesn't take priority. Thats okay. Here are some tips for how to get back into your practice once you're feeling up for it.
Cleanse and Clean Your Space This is defiantly the first think you should focus your energy on. This can take as long as needed and as intensive as you want or feel is needed. Spiritual and physically cleanse your space. Pick up items, open windows and start your cleansing method of choice.
Redo Wards and Protections Once you've cleansed its important to redo your protection. Cleanse to get rid of, protect to keep it away. Even if nothing has *hit* your protections and wards, its important to keep up to date on them being energized.
Keep Actives Low on Spoons Now that you've done the basics, stick to low spoon actives and slowly build from there. Even if you feel super energized and ready to get into it- you want to take things slow. This'll help you from losing steam..
Slowly Add Back In Your Daily Practice This is totally unique person to person, but dont expect to be back into your multi step daily routine right away. Add in each step one at a time, or slowly so you wont feel overwhelmed.
Come Up with a Ritual Youre EXCITED About You want to focus on the parts of witchcraft you love. Do something you've always wanted to try, something you always love doing, or anything that will make you excited for the working.
Pick a New Topic, Not an Older One Getting into your practice and going to an older topic might feel disheartening. Pick a new topic like astrology, plants, or an aspect of witchcraft you havent gotten too into before. Then go back to the older topic you left on.
Do Some Divination on What You Need Right Now Spend time with your spirit team, deities or ancestors and figure out what you should be focusing in on right now. Maybe you need more rest, maybe theres a ritual they want you to work on.
Remember You Dont Have To Do Magic Daily Dont put too much stress into doing something every single day. Take breaks. Youre still a witch.
I hope these helped. Remember to take things slow and dont let the pressure of getting back into it weigh you down. Magic is suppose to help not hinder.
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bruxodeafrodite · 9 months
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⭑˖‎𐦍˖☽𖤓𓊈 Pandora Bardott 𓊉𖤓☾˖‎𐦍˖⭑
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bruxodeafrodite · 10 months
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🔮 Witchy Shop 🔮
Use code "TUMBLR" for a discount
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bruxodeafrodite · 10 months
It is important to understand that when working with correspondences in witchcraft, those correspondences come from somewhere.
Why are roses associated with love?
Why is nightshade associated with death?
Why do crystals, metals, plants, animals etc have those associations?
From stories, from myths, from legends, from practical uses, from the way they look, from their natural properties and their histories.
It does no good to have a huge list of associations and correspondences if you're not at least vaguely aware of where those associations come from.
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bruxodeafrodite · 10 months
We exist 💖 If you just joined the witch community, don’t be discouraged by TERFs!!!
hey hi hello can you reblog this if you’re a trans-inclusive witchcraft or paganism blog i am fighting for my LIFE out here
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bruxodeafrodite · 11 months
My wounds have shaped me
But they do not define me
My past has molded me
But I exist in the present
My sorrows weigh on me
But they do not stop my momentum
My emotions guide me
But they do not control me
I am whole, always have been
Always shall be
The dark, the light
Everything in between
I am whole, complete
Every last piece of me
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bruxodeafrodite · 11 months
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