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Olives. Is that the best I could do? Well, actually, yes.
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Erasmus still has a reputation for knowing a lot about a lot and using that knowledge well. He fits well here.
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I only like good fish - what kind do you like?
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Be a good seed. Don't be a thistle. Thistles are toast.
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Barley bread might be 'proper' Scottish.
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I'm afraid profiling can be a bad thing, but I think I'd know he was an enemy by looking at him. It's the feet.
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I don't think that this is the best interpretation, but; anyone else got thistles in their life?
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Are these radishes or potatoes? I'm calling them Russets, but they are really red. I know; potatoes were unknown in the Mediterranean area until the Spanish brought them home from Peru (I think). But those potatoes look really good. And, over the last two thousand years, the church has occasionally gotten way too much starch in her habits.
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This text at least gets the picture of a too-dry field. So God is like a farmer?
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I love this passage: Who hasn't said, 'The people are blockheads!?' (present reader excepted.)
I don't know for sure, but surely this abstract background is here because this felt like another passage without the perfect art object to illustrate the text. The other interpretation is less flattering and reads like this: "Give a boy a hammer, and everything looks like a nail."
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Cartoon by Dan Lietha - Cartoonist/Illustrator
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"Why do you tell stories?"
Any suggestions for a background illustration from old masters or frescos from southern European churches? At least an abstract background lets my mind run with the words.
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The two halves facing each other is an excellent way to illustrate the Parable of the Sower. Of course, you are welcome to tell me whether or not you agree.
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Is it a challenge for anyone to name this image? I spread it over facing pages. The following post has the attribution.
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This boat was discovered poking out of the water one year when the level of the Sea of Galilee dropped due to a severe drought. It was identified as a likely fishing boat of the first century AD. The thought of creating a replica is quite exciting! Observing how it navigates would be absolutely fascinating.
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When the chapter lays out in an odd number of pages, I use a reproduction of an illuminated manuscript page. This looks pretty good for over a thousand years old.
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