Your family sounds wonderful, not that mine isn’t I just mean... having a big family and getting to do that with everyone... Well the Anderson's sound perfect.
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Thank you Sir. You really are too sweet.
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are pretty similar. Sometimes Mama’ll make a ham though for Christmas – to go with the turkey, obviously – so we end up having way more food than we can ever eat…. but, y’know, I do my best to pretty much eat everything. I’m pretty sure I gain like 15lbs every holiday. Oops? I’m not even sorry.
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You’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll bring ‘em over as soon as I can muster up enough energy to roll on out of bed and down the hall.
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Not much really now. In parts of England you have Morris dancing and the crowning of the May Queen but I don’t particularly celebrate it.
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I take it you won’t be spending it with your family then? I don’t know what I am doing this Christmas but I thought I would definitely spend New Years here. I am sure a big deal will be made out of it in New York even if I do end up squashed. 
I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of May day. I can’t say that it sounds overly eventful, however… what does one even have to celebrate in May? 
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Judging from how vocal he’s been about how good it is, I have a feeling that you won’t be disappointed with the leftovers. Personally, I think the best way to spend the holidays is by drinking enough alcohol in order to not remember them the next day. It’s how I fully intend on spending my Christmas… possibly even the New Year. We’ll see. I hear Cabo is nice this time of year.
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Well I probably would have been the same but I think my favorite bit was the atmosphere at the parade and just that wine I drank when I got back home.
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I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had people to share the feast with, but alas, it was still good. What was your favorite part of your first Thanksgiving? 
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James: It started with me still being pissy with him, then there was a puppy and then I sort of told him how I felt. Looks like I'm no longer single. You're right, there is very little because you just pull this face and I can't say no to it.
Isabelle: Yes, well I recall you doing that particular emotion well, I wouldn't have bought you a puppy for it though. I'm glad it worked out for you James.
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James: I know that hm far too well now, but yes he gave him to me and well. Yesterday was very... eventful. So generous.
Isabelle: Really? Care to elaborate James Berry? And I know I am. I also know there is very little that you can deny me.
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@jamesberry: I did, well kind of. It's a bit of a long story. But Ell got him for me. You can come over whenever you want because I know standing in the way of you and a puppy probably isn't a good idea, but yeah sure. Auntie away.
@british_belle: Sir Elliott got him for you hm? And no, not a good idea. I'll give you another day and come over tomorrow.
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@jamesberry: When, yesterday. Who, he's called Dexter. And he's mine, I'm not going round dog napping. He's the new member to my little family.
@british_belle: You got a dog? And Important question; when do I get to puppysit and do I get to be an aunty because you adore me so much?
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@britishbelle: OMG! WHEN AND WHO! MY GOSH HE IS SO CUTE! Who’s is he?
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↳INSTAGRAM: @jamesberry: uploaded a new video
So this is a thing now, Dexter- People… People- Dexter. #notaduck #butstillcute
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Sir! I’ve missed you but no, there is no British equivalent that I can think of. We have May Day but it is nothing special any more. I think back in older times it probably was but now it is just a day we get off.
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It’s perfectly fine to create your own traditions if you don’t enjoy ones that have been created. Personally a traditional Thanksgiving sounds pretty amazing to me. I did my own small version of it by having Turkey sandwiches and enjoying a bottle of wine with some good music. Nothing like what some people seemed to be doing though. Sir Everett is offering me some of his mothers cooking though so I am excited about that.
It’s not really our most interesting of customs but it probably looks rather interesting to someone who’s never experienced it. Do tell me, though – is there a British equivalent? Or rather, a holiday that we don’t have here in the states that you celebrate at a different point of the year instead.
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Forgoing the traditional form of Thanksgiving, I ordered in sushi and watched half a season of The Walking Dead to catch up on what’s been going on. Not exactly the norm, I suppose. 
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No, we don’t. That sounds more like our Christmas to me than anything. Those kind of foods are present during a Christmas meal. Still, it must be nice to be able to get together with your family and give thanks.
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If you are sure then I would love that Sir. Honestly, there is nothing like home made food and I keep hearing wonderful things about the Anderson get together’s. How could I ever say no.
Woah, woah, woah. Hold the phone.
You guys don’t have Thanksgiving? So you’ve never gone all out on the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and all that jazz? Oh man, oh man… you’ve been missing out. Thanksgiving is right up there with Halloween and Christmas for me when it comes to bomb ass holidays. Mostly ‘cuz of the food, and one year I got a new laptop on Black Friday for like… I dunno, 200 bucks or something. That was pretty sweet.
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I’ve got some extra stuffing leftover from Mama’s house if you wanna try some real, authentic, turkey leftovers. Trust me, I’ve got enough to last like… oh man, I dunno, at least a week. But a dude can only eat so much turkey, y’know? Even when it’s awesome.
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I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving. I’ve never experienced one before so just seeing it in America was wonderful. I didn’t do much of anything myself but I still enjoyed it. What did everyone else get up to?
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Private: When I said gentlemanly, I meant more holding doors open and such, not paying for my cake. Still, I’m looking forward to seeing you. Don’t be surprised when our hug lasts for a while. I miss having someone around to hug.
I could go without speaking to you and I would if I had to but I don’t want to.
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PRIVATE: But it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me if I didn’t. 
Yeah, I do. But I have been proven wrong many times before. We’ll see. 
Like you could ever go without speaking to me. 
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I just happen to like the sweetness of the pineapple against the other flavours. It isn’t for everyone though.
I doubt you are going to scare them off Miss. I don’t know what you plan on doing but they are fairly hard nuts to crack. I’ll admit that your outfit did look a little on the chilly side  but if you were alright and you enjoyed it then that was all that mattered.
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Really? Huh. I can’t say that I’ve thought about beef and fruit together. But, hey, I’m down to try anything at least once, so I’ll give it a go and see what’s goin’ on. If it sucks, then I’ll just chase it with some pizza. No big deal.
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I’d be okay with that! I know I’m a lot to handle all at once, so bringing me in as like, the closer is probably the best idea. That way, you don’t scare ‘em off with this eccentric lady. – I did, yeah! I love cosplay. Like, for real. I was kind cold, and kinda sick, but I made it work. I didn’t order that costume a month in advance to not wear it, after all.
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Private: You don’t have to pay for me James. I can do that myself.
As I said, I suppose you know best.
Refuse to speak to you.
PRIVATE: I’ll let you come and pick me up from my room, but then I’ll be the gentleman, I’ll even pay for you. 
I’m pretty sure, we’ve slept together, multiple times. We’ve done scenes as a Dom and a sub. it would be awkward. 
What will you do if I did?
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Private: Oh, maybe. Or maybe you can be a gentleman on our coffee date to remind me.
Are you sure it would though? I suppose you know better than me though.
Never call me Mom again.
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PRIVATE: There are so many lies right here, need I remind you of some of the dates I took you on. 
I didn’t mean he would kick me out, more like it would get so awkward that I would leave because of that. But thanks, I might have to take you up on that offer. Who knows. 
Yes, Mom. I’ll be sure they’re all real. 
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Private: Forgotten? I don’t think I ever knew.
I really doubt that would happen James but worst comes to worst you can come stay here if you needed to.
I don’t want fake smiles, only sincere ones so don’t force it.
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PRIVATE: I’m plenty gentleman thank you very much, or have you forgotten that. 
It’s not an excuse, I don’t want to make things awkward between us because he see’s me only as a friend. I’ve got to live with him, I don’t want to be broke and homeless. 
Well I’ll be sure to smile a little more around you then, despite my mood. 
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