bowwow189 · 7 months
That's a good question. 🙋‍♀️
how do i travis kelce my way into matthew gray gubler’s life
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bowwow189 · 7 months
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Santa Claws 🐈
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (kinda more gn)
Warnings: Fluff, Spence being anti-cats
Word count: a lot of them.
Living with Spencer was easy. He loved you, and you loved him. There were hardly any fights between the two of you despite how irritated he may have been after hard cases. You lived by "absence makes the heart grow fonder," so you managed to deal with him being gone so often, though it still hurt.
The only thing the two of you couldn't seem to agree on is Sweetpea, your very lovable, very charming Scottish fold. You absolutely adored Sweetpea. She was always there for you when Spencer couldn't be. Her fur and cuddle bug personality let your mind ease to rest when your anxious thoughts led you to believe the worst. She was very well mannered and you took good care of her: brushing her, bathing her weekly, feeding her some of the best food, and gladly showering her with affection whenever she craved it. Sometimes almost too much.
Spencer couldn't despise the cat more. Sometimes Sweetpea would hog your attention almost too much. Not only that, but he didn't have much of a liking for cats in the first place. He believed them to be infested with all sorts of picked up germs, and he stood by that no matter how much you assured she was clean. He only put up with the feline because she was practically the love of your life, and you couldn't give her up.
You loved her so much so that you wanted another one of her. You worked from home when you could, but when the time came to be called into work, the thought of leaving your baby all by herself stung. Your mind was set on believing Sweetpea needed a friend. Spencer did not like that idea, but you were determined to change his mind.
You often tried your best to convince him another cat was for the best, which only led to petty arguments, and in your anger, it always ended with you throwing a tiny cat toy at him.
You'd show him photos of cats and sneak in a tiny "look how adorable" to each one. Spencer tried his best to ignore when you'd use such a weak tactic. He'd place a kiss on your lips to shut you up, which often worked because no matter how inlove you were with Sweetpea, you still loved Spencer a bit more. You'd melt instantly and you knew your time of persuasion was up.
You woke to the soft sound of purring cuddled in your arms. She was one of those cats that loved being absolutely wrapped in their owner's embrace, and her purrs happened to be a bit louder than most. Your eyes stayed closed while you adjusted to the sweet noise. One arm movement and you'd wake the precious being, which was something that wasn't needed right then.
It took a moment for you to settle awake before you realized Spencer hadn't been next to you. Not only was he gone, but he was gone on Christmas. Your eyes fluttered open and you turned enough to make sure he wasn't just further away than usual. To your dismay, your fear was confirmed. You huffed out a sigh and turned back to Sweetpea, petting her away before carefully moving out of bed.
A sense of dread filled you, which was shown on your face with a frown and a droop in all of your features. You ventured out to the living room, a slight trudge in your step. It was Christmas, you should've been excited! But, you weren't. Your mood only dampened when you looked around to find out Spencer was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't on the couch, nor in the kitchen brewing his needed coffee. Your apartment was suddenly feeling a bit too empty despite being covered in christmas decor.
You suddenly felt a warmth at your ankle: A knowing Sweetpea. It was as if she knew whenever you were missing Spencer, always there when your heart was missing a piece of yourself. A smile found it's way back onto your face and you bent over to pick up the creature for some much needed snuggles. Making your way to the couch, you held her in your arms and pet her rather roughly, just how she liked.
Whenever Sweetpea was too excited, she'd drool at the mouth a bit, a feature you found endearing. Spencer only found it gross. You continued to snuggle her until you heard the familiar sound of your front doorknob clicking. You immediately perked up, your gaze shifting towards the door just before a snow covered Spencer trudged in.
When he spotted you, a smile grew on his face. He had been carrying a suspiciously large present in his grasp. He was quick to move inside the apartment and set the box down on the counter. Sweetpea was rather intrigued, hopping out of your arms and strutting over to the box with small sniffs.
In the moment, you could care less for the gift, as Spencer was back. You squealed and hopped up yourself, running over to Spencer and nearly making him tumble.
"Hey, hey! Careful y/n, I'm all wet." He warns, unable to resist wrapping his arms around you.
"I thought you had a case or something!" You squeeked in response, ignoring his warning and jumping into his arms.
His hands moved to hold your rear as you nuzzled into his neck, pecking sweet butterfly kisses to the flesh. He chuckled and rocked you around before setting you down and tearing his coat off.
"Sorry, I had to go get your present. I had Penelope hold onto it for me so you wouldn't be spoiled too soon." He mumbled as he shuffled out of his converse and moved to hug back onto you. You instantly melted back into his actual warmth, your arms tugging him as close as humanly possible. You didn't think to much about his gift as his reasoning behind it seemed sensible enough.
"Hey, you wanna open presents now? I think you'll really like what I got you." He spoke sweetly to you, his hands moving to tug you off and instead rest at your hips. You nodded a response and ran to get your gift for him. You had it tucked away underneath the bed, knowing he wouldn't ever check there. You had him convinced that 'under the bed germs' were just as bad as 'handshake germs.' You shuffled back out into the living room, box in hand as you made your way to the couch beside him. His gift was neatly placed on the ground by his feet. You could've sworn you heard a slight shuffle from inside the box, but you concluded it was just your mind testing you.
You were quick to shove your gift into Spencer's hands, an eager smile plastered on your face. He grinned and teared away at the snowflake patterned wrapping paper. His delicate hands lifted it open to reveal a very purple, very obviously handmade sweater vest. His eyes widened at the sight before him, but you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not, which had you overthinking yourself.
"I uh, I made it. It's okay if you don't like it, it is kinda-"
"I love it." Spencer cut you off quickly, his gaze tearing away from the poorly made vest and looking to you. His words seemed genuine, his gaze showing just the same feeling. Your heart nearly fluttered. You watched as he took the fabric out of the box, which was carefully set on the ground as he rid himself of the vest he already had on. He was quick to replace the once worn vest with his brand new one, looking like a kid in a candy store with the way he seemed so enamored by it. Your cheeks flushed lightly out of embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to rip it off and throw it away.
When Spencer looked at you again, you nearly fainted. You couldn't help it when your hands reached to hold his own before you were quickly tackled back into the couch and peppered with kisses.
"I love it, I love it. It's so perfect, and it's so purple! You're amazing, y/n!" He calmed your worries with his lips touch and sweet words of praise. You giggled at the soft tickling feeling of slightly wet kisses to your face. You shoved him off playfully and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips in hopes to calm him. He smiled into your kiss before pulling away and brushing your hair behind your ears.
"Are you ready to see what I got you?" He questioned you with a small eyebrow raise.
You glanced to your present on the floor before nodding, "Yeah."
His grin grew and he picked up the present with a gentleness you admired. "Be careful, it's fragile." He whispered, which caused your own eyebrow raise. The box had a few large holes in the side of it, but they weren't exactly big enough for you to see what exactly was inside. You took a second to ponder before quickly taking the top off to find a tiny, sleeping beauty.
A baby cat, an adorable and very gorgeous kitten. Your eyes widened in shock. It was a surprise considering how insistent Spencer was being about not getting a cat. You held back another squeal as you carefully picked up the sleeping kitten. Your mouth propped open unconsciously as you held the baby close. You pet it with your thumb, looking back from the animal to Spencer with a huge smile. You nuzzled into the baby as Sweetpea rushed over to sniff the sweet thing. She patted at it with her claw lightly, earning a small laugh from both you and Spencer.
"So.. Does this mean you're a cat man?" You tease, your gaze shifting to Spencer.
"Mm, maybe." He shrugs and leans forward to pet the new kitten. You check for its gender before handing the animal to Spencer. He, to your surprise, takes her with no hesitation. You move the box off of your lap and snuggle close to Spencer, who's holding the kitty as if it's a newborn child. You don't want Sweetpea to be left out, so you pull her into your lap and begin to pet her.
"Our family is complete. Thank you, Santa Claws." You scrunch your nose to Spencer and flash him your nails before moving in to kiss his cheek.
"Anything for you, Mrs. Claws."
a/n: Hi! This is my first ever fanfic, and I haven't really finished criminal minds nor am I a very professional writer. Sorry if I'm repetitive or boring with this, I'm just trying this out! Let me know how I can do better, any improvement advice is greatly appreciated. Love you goofy gublers!
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bowwow189 · 9 months
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I'm so proud of my man 😍😪
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