boundless-ut · 3 days
❗ Character Discussion!
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While I can't talk about a large number of characters just yet, one of the people I can talk about is this little guy!
In case it wasn't too obvious, this is someone who might be a bit familiar to those who have been around since the PRA days. This is Point!
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Before the total departure from the R in PRA, Point went from the plucky and optimistic protagonist to a somewhat jaded child prodigy and assistant to Professor Quark once Page arrived to fill in as the new protagonist. He's kept this role, though his appearance has changed again.
While trying to fill in roles and species, I leaned heavily on animal based designs. I've since departed from such design choices, but decided to keep Point as a rabbit in the end.
During your adventures, he'll be on the sidelines, acting as your Wise Beyond His Years kid brother. (Though he and Page aren't actually related, it's more through association with Professor Quark!)
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boundless-ut · 4 days
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Have a little look at a new text bubble style to showcase the reintroduction of multiple bubble styles + animated graphics to the dialogue system, because I want to talk about characters but I can't because that's spoilers so this is the next best thing.
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boundless-ut · 5 days
Saturday Update!
Sorry again for a text only update this week. I've been working on a few graphical updates again, as well as adding new functions to the dialogue system to help bring characters to life more!
The dialogue system runs on a series of beeps and noises to convey character text, but there may actually be the need for VA's down the road for a few effects.
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boundless-ut · 13 days
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boundless-ut · 14 days
How many people are working on this? Is it just you?
Yup, just me! At least for now.
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boundless-ut · 18 days
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A better look at King Cackle's redesign! This self-proclaimed King of Halloween loves nothing more than tricks and treats! He's quickly built up his own army of living vegetables, terrorizing the people of Violet Village from the depths of his territory in the neighboring woods, thus called Cackle Woods. He's one of the many foes you'll face in Boundless: The Lost Scripts!
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boundless-ut · 18 days
Here again with more questions abt the lore!
For these current characters, a few dont really seem to be human... or normal paper folk anyways, are there any unique species? Or are these goof balls just unique ones? Like quark, the skull candle fella (forgot their name) and page most of all!
Is there a reason page doesnt have a face? Or will they get one in later versions of the game? How do they communicate to others? Telepathy? Sign language? Writing? Or do they just... talk anyways?
I so would love to make ocs for this already!!
Oh and a silly ask, if I gave quark a konpeito would they be offended? (Konpeito is a candy that looks like their head shape)
-paper anon
Thank you for the questions! I'll answer them as best I can! The responses get a bit lengthy, so I'll number them.
(In the future though, I'd highly recommend sending questions individually. If there's ever the case where I can't answer a question to the point where not answering would also be an answer, I'd have to scrap the entire ask even if there are other questions I can answer, and that'd be a shame!)
1. Species:
In regard to species, the Lorian Plane is a very magical place, as such, many unique and interesting species have come to exist within this reality! Quark is a part of a broad species called "Thingkin", an in-universe term for all the 'object head'-esque characters. Thingkin are created when an otherwise inanimate object becomes animated through an ancient form of magic. The less refined version of Thingkin are just called 'Things', which describes an animated object that looks more like itself than a humanoid body with the object for a head.
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Candlevera (a unique-ish name, it's Candle + Calavera! Candlevera ✨) is a different story. The same way magic can bring inanimate objects to life, there's magic to animate dead things as well! (Bones are just things after all) It's a bit rude to be woken up from your eternal slumber like that, but Candlevera is making the most of it. There are also a few others that are 'one-offs' like Diamond where you might not necessarily see more of their species in game, but there are. There will be some 'one-offs' that are actual one-offs but they're rarer cases and are going to be mostly things like (main) bosses. On the subject though, the 'normal paper folk' are actually these little fellas!
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(L➡R: Digsby Jones, Train Station Master, Plain Dotty) They're called Dotties! They're a bunch of soft little fellas with fluffy tails, named after their typical face marking which is a dot of color on their face. Though, like in the case of Digsby, that 'dot' can come in a variety of shapes.
Dotties can also have a colorful body and a white marking / tail! Or have a colorful body and colorful marking / tail, or even have the same color for both. I created them to be flexible and fun to customize :)
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2. Page:
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What Page is is a bit of a mystery! Page doesn't quite fit into any of the 'defined' species that exist in the lorian plane. The lack of face is considered strange even by lorian standards, but in a world full of oddities it's one that most can look over once they get to know Page better. Despite a lack of a face, Page is able to talk with others just fine! Those unfamiliar with Page might have a hard time gleaning what Page is feeling at the moment at a glance (considering the lack of face), but in conversation Page makes up for this with a greater emphasis on body language. Page's design is pretty set in stone for the time being, so I don't expect it to change any time soon. In terms of character design norms, it's probably a bit of a risk to have a faceless protagonist, but I think I can make it work well enough.
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3. Konpeito:
I'm glad the fact that Quark is a konpeito came through! Though I suppose it's a shape you'd recognize if you know what it is. He wouldn't be offended at all. In his case, it'd be like giving someone a gingerbread man...or...giving a magical gingerbread man a gingerbread man (since Quark is a konpeito thingkin)
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It's definitely a complicated question, but the simple answer is that he'd eat it, (he has a bit of a sweet tooth!)
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boundless-ut · 24 days
💬: PR on my dash, PR on the mind...thinking about him.
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boundless-ut · 1 month
Saturday Update!
A little text only update for this week, as I am working around some updated assets that are considered a part of the Mega Update. I'll work on getting those sorted away to show off some footage next week (hopefully)
I'm working on reintroducing functionality from the old dialogue system that doesn't come standard with the EzDialogue plugin, such as multiple speech bubbles, switching speakers within one dialogue, animation triggers, and other routine manipulations through text.
The process of getting the dialogue system started was definitely expedited thanks to the EzDialogue plugin. I think it lends itself well to customization and I've had a great time using it! Would recommend.
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boundless-ut · 1 month
💬: The Mega Update will probably continue to take some time. It's quite massive and requires the development of many systems and setting up new workflows. I'll continue working on it in the background, but in the interest of getting back to regular weekly updates on progress, I've gone back to working on smaller pieces that I can showcase on their own.
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boundless-ut · 2 months
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💬 Mini Update: The Mega Update has slowly turned into the Massive Update, and while it still isn't ready to be shown yet, here's a small bit of it!
These tiny flowers are just what they look like, Star Flowers! Legends say they are made of memories and dreams, originating from the stars themselves. If you take a moment to reflect upon the events of the day near them, you're sure to remember everything you've done.
In more plain terms, these flowers act as the save points in Boundless! You'll be able to find them just about anywhere, either growing in nature, or potted indoors.
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boundless-ut · 3 months
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📢 Saturday Update!
First thing's first: The MEGA UPDATE is still a WIP. The good news is that I've more or less established a workflow and so I'm hoping things will speed up again! In the meantime, I've been looking into other things I might be able to work on in between so I can have things to update you guys on.
In other news, more character redesigns / reveals!
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DIAMOND, the icy diva! Her singing capabilities shot her straight to the top. When it comes to adoring fans and demand there's no shortage of that, but even that isn't enough for this ice queen...or perhaps it's too much? After all, when you're this big it's hard to find time to just chill out.
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PROFESSOR QUARK! A brilliant scientist and friend of Page. They met and bonded over their shared interest in all things engineering. Having friends you can talk ears off of is fun, so they stayed in touch with each other throughout the years. Whenever Page comes to visit, he's always excited to show off his latest inventions.
🔖 Twitter || BlueSky || Main Blog || Questions? (Love to hear feedback!)
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boundless-ut · 3 months
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Not me dropping everything to draw this right away.
I was bored so I did a sketchy anim of Page from @boundless-ut ! Hope its ok -w-'
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boundless-ut · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering, do you have a pile or a dump for all revealed characters so far, maybe lil rundown on them and if youre okay with fanart? Oh and, if theres any we we could support ur wonderful project!! Have a great day! -paper anon
I definitely have a pile, a very unorganized pile. The nice thing is that it's a digital pile, so I'll be able to go back and organize things later.
In terms of discussing things about characters, gosh! I really thought I had someone I could blab about but I really can't say much more than I've already said.
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There's also these three antagonists (pending redesigns) that are still on the roster (as well as "Bamwam" who has been renamed to "Byte" to match the game's theme, another antagonist pending a redesign)
Just consider every antagonist you know of and slap a "Pending redesign" sticker on them in your mind. I came up with their designs when I was 15 and I can definitely do better now...I hope.
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Like Candlevera here. I still do like the general design of each antagonist, so these redesigns will be more like design updates rather than entire do overs.
Because a lot of designs are going to be updated very, very soon, I'd say hold off on fanart. I'd hate to pull the rug from under folks after they've worked so hard on drawing something only to have it suddenly be inaccurate or out of date! But once things are more set, I'd say go for it! I'd feel so honored... :'[ ✨
In terms of support, anything's great! Liking posts, sharing them, leaving comments, or even sending asks like this one! All of the interest and interaction helps to keep me motivated, and sharing posts is a great way to help get Boundless on people's radars!
By the by, Boundless also has pages on other social media (Twitter / X, BlueSky) so if anyone has profiles there, you can keep up with things there! Though, due to post formats, the tumblr blog will probably be the best place to get info.
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boundless-ut · 3 months
Unrelated to the game, but rather the pr mention u said abt tess? Is tessliss canon?
So after I made that post, I actually went back and watched a playthrough to remind myself of how the ending went (because I don't have the time to go replay the whole game myself honestly...) I know there was something (that I felt was a bit shoehorned in, and still do...) but the actual canonical scene isn't as Tessliss confirming as I thought and actually frames them as just really good friends.
:') So it's technically not canon (or at least unconfirmed), but it was real in my heart...and that's what matters.
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boundless-ut · 3 months
💬 Small Update: Sorry for the silence! My schedule has been pretty unstable this past month, so it's thrown my entire routine out the window. I haven't had much time or energy to really work on anything for Boundless that I can show right now.
On the plus side, I have been doodling and hammering out a few concepts. It'd be fun to compile all of these into an art book in the future.
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boundless-ut · 3 months
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📢 Saturday Update!
The weekend is here! Unfortunately, I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked this week. I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions please feel free to leave them in the inbox. I know a lot of the project is still unknown, and there are some things I won't be able to discuss due to spoilers, but I'll answer what I can!
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