boundcd · 19 hours
* heavily triggered sentences, read & reblog with caution !!
’ The blood felt warm and sticky between my fingers. ’ ’ I’m busy digging the dry blood and fleshy skin from under my nails right now. ’ ’ Cut me open and finger my incision. ’ ’ Let’s cut his face off and wear it around the town. ’ ’ I never knew it would take this long to skin a human body. ’ ’ Hand me that drill over there, will you? ’ ’ Look at you, bleeding all over my new carpet! ’ ’ Oh, I’ll make you scream for me alright. ’ ’ There are maggots all over his face! Get them off! ’ ’ Can we fill the pool up with their blood then take a swim in it? ’ ’ You smell that? That’s the smell of decompsed bodies! ’ ’ Hang ‘em upside down, slice ‘em and watch the blood pour on me. ’ ’ You gotta drill ‘em right in the center of their forehead. ’ ’ Lick the blood from my fingers, unless you’re too chicken. ’ ’ Put the gloves on and help me remove these organs now! ’ ’ I dissect human’s in my basement for fun. ’ ’ I’m performing a surgery right now, care to join or better yet, watch? ’ ’ You ever eat a brain? No? Well, you’re eating one now. ’ ’ I have prepared brain for dinner tonight, hope you like… ’ ’ I prefer the human organs to eat over other species. ’ ’ Look, I cut if off their body for a souviner. ’ ’ I carve out their eyeballs and keep them for souviners. ’ ’ I spent all night making this mess, why would I want to clean it up? ’ ’ Fill those jars up with water, we’re going to put the organs in them. ’ ’ Alright, what organ are we taking from this one? ’ ’ You look so good with all that blood splatter on your face. ’ ’ This tub is used for fresh blood to bathe in. Cleanses the pores. ’ ’ I love to kiss those dead, cold lips! ’ ’ I’d rather kiss the dead guy than kiss you! ’ ’ Blood has such a sweet taste to it! Mmmm! Yummy! ’ ’ I’m sorry, what was that? You can’t speak clearly without your tongue? ’ ’ Ever play soccer with an eyeball before? It’s a lot easier for it to go flat… ’ ’ I will cut your heart out and eat it, just like you did to me! ’ ’ That rat bastard got me back, slipped on his brains and fell! ’ ’ I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing at the girl talking with no tongue! It’s too funny! ’ ’ Be careful in there! There’s brains and blood everywhere! ’ ’ Go on and cut me, go on! Do it! Do it already! ’ ’ I’m going to mail your feet to the floor so you don’t run away again! ’ ’ Stop screaming, i’m trying to carve our names into your skin! ’ ’ I just wanted to carve a heart in his skin but he wouldn’t stop screaming! ’ ’ Go on and scream all you want! No one can hear you down here! ’ ’ There are fifty fucking paint buckets full of blood in here! ’ ’ I love the thick flesh under my nails when I claw them to death! ’ ’ Picking chuncks of flesh and meat from your teeth again? ’ ’ Guns aren’t any fun! They’re too quick! ’ ’ Killing with a gun is like getting off in two seconds! It’s boring! ’ ’ I got a knife with your name on it, if you’re up for it. ’ ’ After I kill you, I’m going to eat every organ in your body! ’ ’ I just want to get to the spleen of the stomach before noon today. ’ ’ I will slice you right down the middle, right here in front of everybody! ’ ’ I enjoy the sounds you make when I’m strangling you. ’ ’ I strangle people because that sound is sensational to hear. ’ ’ Leave the mess, never clean up parts of your finest work. ’ ’ I dug my nails so far into their skin I drew blood, then I licked it up. ’ ’ I shoved my thumbs into his eye sockets! ’ ’ Look, how do I look? Like the new face? ’ ’ All this blood came from just one body! ’ ’ Let’s go! We’ve got to move all these bodies tonight! ’ ’ I told you to stop sleeping with the dead bodies! ’ ’ Why is there a brain in your fridge? Is it.. from a human? ’ ’ Can you believe my knife went dull on me while I was stabbing away back there? ’ ’ Where is all the knives? Did you use them all? Again? ’ ’ What is that? Oh my, oh my god, what is that? Please tell me it’s not.. ’ ’ I’ve got a human heart in a shoe box, would like to see? ’ ’ I could see his heart when they shot him with the shot gun. ’ ’ How are you still alive? I can see your ribcage! ’ ’ When we get married, we’re tying dead bodies to our bumper instead of cans! ’ ’ I always wanted to go on a killing spree with some backseat hostages! ’ ’ Can I finger the punctured hole! Just one time please! ’ ’ How are they still alive? I can see they’re ribcage! ’ ’ Wow, I can see your bone! I’m going to touch it, just once! ’ ’ No offense but I really wanted to listen to music while sawing these limbs off. ’ ’ I’m going to beat you with this sawed off limb, here I come! I’m coming, you better run! ’
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boundcd · 24 hours
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Royalty Sentences
(Sentences for royal muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"The weight of the crown is heavier than anyone can imagine."
"Nothing lasts forever. Even the longest, most glittering reign must come to an end someday."
"Only in death does duty end."
"Everything I do, I do for my country."
"You look like you're carrying the weight of the world."
"A true leader listens to the voices of their people."
"The legacy of a monarch is measured not in wealth or power, but in the hearts of their subjects."
"Kings aren't supposed to think."
"There's all sorts of gossip in the press about you."
"Does the burden of responsibility ever ease?"
"To rule, there must be love."
"Do you dance?"
"None of us can do exactly as we please."
"Our traditions define us."
"If he thinks that being King gives him the right to say what he likes, he is a bloody fool."
"I shall, of course, give my absolute loyalty to my leader."
"There's a thin line between obligation and obsession."
"Can duty truly bring honour?"
"Everything I do, all my work, I do for the good of the country."
"The crown is my inherited burden."
"The crown is not a prize to be claimed, but a duty to be fulfilled."
"The life of royalty is a performance that is always under scrutiny."
"Power may be inherited, but it must be earned to be respected."
"Must you always sacrifice your happiness for your sense of duty?"
"To rule through fear is inefficient."
"Duty should be a choice, not an obligation."
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boundcd · 2 days
((i may be slow here right now
but rest assured
im still buying silas art))
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boundcd · 2 days
                                        There’s no use  c r y i n g  about it                                         There’s no use  c r y i n g  about it                                         There’s no use  c r y i n g  about it                                         There’s no use  c r y i n g  about it
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boundcd · 2 days
more casual memes.
"Make sure to lock up."
"What does black tie event even mean?"
"Hey. Thank you for being here."
"The cat's back again."
"Where did you even come from?"
"You'd be surprised how often this sort of thing happens."
"How many have there been?"
"I didn't hear you come in."
"Are you asleep?"
"You left the light on for me."
"This is my safe space."
"You and me. Yeah?"
"That's the last of them."
"You don't need to knock."
"I wanted to give you a key."
"You're welcome here. It's a standing invitation."
"You should know this already."
"You know that's not what I meant."
[SPACE] -> for a scenario where our muses are particularly good at sharing space around each other, e.g. ducking around each other in a crammed kitchenette, etc.
[GROCERIES] -> our muses are shopping for groceries together.
[TRINKET] -> one muse asks the other about a trinket or sentimental item they have/are wearing/etc (you may need to specify some trinkets)
[COFFEE BEANS] -> one muse notices the other is low on some everyday supply and replaces it without being asked.
[SPLASH] -> one muse is splashed by the other (by a puddle, in a pool, spilling tea, etc; some form of liquid landing!)
[RESCUE] -> one muse 'saves' the other from a conversation they are not enjoying (or prevents them from having to start the conversation, in the first place)
[INTERVENE] -> one muse is being hit on aggressively in public, and is clearly not into it. the other muse steps in to intervene.
[ELEVATOR] -> our muses happen to be in the same elevator when it jams.
[FENDER BENDER] -> our muses are in a nobody-gets-hurt car accident.
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boundcd · 3 days
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boundcd · 3 days
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"Given your status, you shouldn't be bothering with such things," He sighed, being careful as he started the untangling process. It wasn't like castles were meant to be upkept by one person anyway. As he got Lucifer mostly out he slid one of his hands around Lucifer's waist, pulling him out as he pushed the last bit of the adornments of the light out of the way.
"Hire someone else to do all of that,"
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"Why am I getting punished for wanting to fix up the place? If that's the case I won't bother fixing the damn lightbulb next time!" Oh Silas, why are you so cruel? The agitated king releases a small huff of frustration, feeling almost tempted to do anything but keep still. Luckily for Silas, he wants to get out of this as soon as possible.
"You know it's rather dusty up here as well... I should have brought a rag."
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boundcd · 3 days
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Send 🫢 (or “oops!” if you can't see the emoji) for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed !
This can become any sort of scenario ! Make it funny, make it naughty, make it uncomfortable, make it angsty ! Platonic or shippy or anything in between !
Remember to specify which muse the memes is addressed to, if sending it to a multi-muse, and to specify your muse if you are a multi-muse.
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boundcd · 4 days
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blue-banded king crow (euploea eunice) | source
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boundcd · 4 days
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"...I wonder if I should let you experience the consequences of your actions awhile longer," Simply getting stuck was one thing, it was the getting tangled that felt like he ought to let the king stew in however this happened. Of course, wonder was all he did with the silver mist like magic picking him up and to the chandelier. He placed one hand on the light, the other going to work on actually untangling him.
"Please do hold still,"
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"SILAS! SIIIIIIIIIIIIILAS! STOP STARING AND HELP ME PLEASE!" Lucifer had somehow got himself stuck up on the chandelier upon trying to fix one of the lightbulbs. While it made sense that he could simply just fly down, he was quite tangled and if he was to bring his wings out they too could get tangled or worst- managed to cause the chandelier to fall and shatter upon the floor.
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♔ - - - - @boundcd
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boundcd · 4 days
"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
when did you learn how to do that?
that was... weird.
that was you, right? you did that?
i'm imagining things, aren't i? that didn't just happen.
i'm going to pretend like i didn't see that.
who on earth taught you that?
that was a bit scary, i have to admit.
i didn't know you were capable of that.
could you always do that, or was that something you just learned?
just felt like you could spring that on me, i guess?
i have... so many questions.
so... when were you going to tell me about that?
i must be dreaming.
i guess i don't know you that well after all.
did they teach you how to do that?
where did you learn that?
so that's what you learned while you were away.
all right. start talking.
you can't just pull that out without telling me!
warn me next time!
that was... that was incredible.
was that magic?
we'll talk about whatever that was later.
a little warning next time would be great.
wait wait wait, before we go any further, i need an explanation.
don't just walk off! tell me what that was!
and here i thought i knew you well enough.
i don't like it when you keep secrets.
next time, tell me beforehand. that way i'm not freaking out the whole time wondering what's going on.
you don't see that every day.
can you do it again?
show it to me again.
i liked that a little more than i should.
give me a second to pick my jaw up off the floor.
you never told me you could do something like that.
you can't just do that stuff and expect me to be okay with it!
so that's what you've been learning.
could you teach me how to do that?
how long did that take you to learn?
i'm beyond impressed by you.
now that's more like it!
that was excellent.
you really are extraordinary.
i've never seen anyone do anything remotely as cool as that.
that must have taken you years to perfect.
show me again, and this time, let me see if i can do it, too.
when we're through with this, i'd like you to teach me how.
i never thought i'd see the day.
my heart's pounding.
you're starting to really impress me.
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boundcd · 5 days
send in "CAN I HAVE THIS DANCE" for my muse's reaction to yours asking them to dance !
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boundcd · 5 days
idk what this is my dudes, i got angsty, then spot.ify gave me a soft song, and i decided to resolve the angst briefly by writing up these! i hope y’all enjoy!
“ hey, look at me… you can do this. okay? you can. “
“ it’s gonna work out, alright? i promise.
“ you’re not alone, okay? not anymore. i’m right here with you. “
“ you good? “
“ here. hold my hand. you get scared again, squeeze tight, and i’ll help you. got it? “
“ shh… it’s okay… breathe with me, okay? in… and out… good job. “
“ we’re gonna figure all this out together, i promise. “
“ that’s it… there we go, good job… let it all out. “
“ of course i came. you called me. what’s wrong? “
“ hey, why don’t we get out of here? would that be better? “
“ you wanna get out of here? i know a great coffee shop a few blocks away. “
“ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “
“ you don’t have to be so strong all the time. it’s okay. cry. i’ll be strong for both of us. “
“ hey, i got you some water. drink it all, you’ll feel better. “
“ it’s been a long day. why don’t you stay here tonight? i can take the sofa. “
“ c’mon, you gotta eat something. and i can’t cook, so take-out it is. eat up. “
“ let’s go for a walk. staying here is the worst thing we can do, right? “
“ don’t you pay any heed to those morons. they don’t know you. not like i do. “
“ it’s okay. i got you… “
“ we don’t need to talk unless you want to. i’m happy to just sit with you for a while. “
“ it’s alright. you take your time… i’m gonna be right here whenever you want to talk, okay? “
[ KNEE ]:          sender gently rests a hand on the receiver’s knee to stop them from shaking it.
[ MOUTH ]:          sender notices the receiver’s distress from across a crowded room, and silently mouths “are you okay?” to them.
[ SIT ]:          sender guides the receiver into a seat after noticing them becoming upset.
[ BESIDE ]:          sender sits next to the troubled receiver at a social event so that they don’t have to feel alone.
[ BACK ]:          sender rests a gentle hand against the receiver’s back, silently checking in on them.
[ HAND ]:          sender takes a gentle hold of the receiver’s hand, as a form of emotional support and reassurance.
[ JOIN ]:          sender follows the emotionally unsettled receiver out of a crowded party and into a secluded space to check on their well-being.
[ BREATHE ]:          sender begins to take slow, deliberately even breaths, encouraging the receiver to copy their motions until their own breathing is back to normal.
[ SPOON ]:          sender lies beside the receiver and becomes the big spoon to comfort them.
[ GLANCE ]:          sender glances at the receiver while in a public setting to assure them they aren’t alone, and ground them in doing so.
[ BLOCK ]:          sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to prevent them from seeing something that may upset them further.
[ SHIELD ]:          sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to protect them from a targeted attack (verbal or physical).
[ DISTRACT ]:          sender, noticing receiver’s distress, provides a distraction for them (by conversation, a mobile game, a detour, etc.).
[ ARRIVE ]:          sender shows up at the receiver’s door after receiving a troubled phone call from the receiver.
[ CIRCLE ]:          sender rubs slow circles on the receiver’s back while hugging them in an effort to calm them down.
[ FOREHEAD ]:          sender lowers their head to press their forehead against the receiver’s, trying to comfort them in the process.
[ ANCHOR ]:          sender places a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck and pulls them close in an effort to physically and emotionally ground them.
[ HOLD ]:          sender holds out their hands to the receiver, either to hold hands or to hold them.
[ AROUND ]:          while sitting together, the sender quietly wraps an arm around the receiver’s shoulders as a support.
[ SHOULDER ]:          sender reaches out and places a hand on the receiver’s shoulder, both to catch their attention and silently ask if they’re okay.
[ JACKET ]:          sender notices the receiver beginning to shake after an immensely distressing incident, and removes their own jacket to wrap it around the receiver’s shoulders.
[ CATCH ]:          sender, noticing the receiver’s legs beginning to give out beneath them, rushes over to them and catches them before they collapse to the ground.
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boundcd · 6 days
My muse has been sick for days but has been trying to hide it… send me  ‘ why didn’t you tell me? ‘  for my muse’s reaction to yours finding out and confronting them
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boundcd · 6 days
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((ofc I had to redraw- I def tried to move away from tracing this time but….shading is also hard…))
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boundcd · 7 days
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boundcd · 7 days
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